Willpower: with or without Fighting and Fitness?
Id say Fitness yes fighting no, the small amount of extra bonus you will get from it imo is wasted on WP
I have a Wil/SS tanker which seems like a good choice for a secondary. Footstomped mobs give you plenty of time to enjoy RttC's regeneration without incoming damage and the set is reasonably hard-hitting on top of that.
Stamina (level 26), Tough (level 35) and Weave (level 41) are all part of my build (and especially the defense bonus from Weave is very noticeable since it pushes you over the "magic threshold", i.e. floors most enemies' ToHit). At the end of the day it all depends on what you consider a must-have at a given level. My sacrifice was a late Taunt (level 44) and no ancillary pool. (Skipping Punch and Hand Clap was not so much of a sacrifice. )

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Took both on my WP/Ice although stamina was very late and was running 8 toggles on just quick recovery until lvl 35 - I would probably have been better with it about 32 but didn't really need it before that - it was late 20s before I even took fitness pool which was probably too late - health would have been better earlier.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
Willpower benefits from Health in the fitness pool, and after getting kick or boxing to get it then its silly to leave out stamina due to its benefits and only being 1 more power to access it. So i would say take Both.
Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........
I have Fighting but not fitness on my level 40. Fighting really helps survivability, with both Tough and Weave helping out.
I've not found endurance a problem but then I don't have Hasten either as Willpower has nothing defensive that really benefits from it. I have slotted end reducer in my attacks though.
Willpower is one of the cheaper of the tanker sets ( only Invulnerability is cheaper ) so Quick Recovery must have been put there as the token 'offensive' power ( like Invincibility for Invulnerability and the Damage Auras for everyone else ).
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Why do people still roll WP scr... errr... "tanks" at all?
Why do people still roll WP scr... errr... "tanks" at all?
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Cause it's one of the strongest tanker sets?
If not the strongest.
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For survivability it is, for agro holding its the weakest by a long long way
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Just means you need to use Taunt more. Not a reason not to play the set. If it was only aggro holding that was important eveyone would play Ice.
Anyway, GA is worse at aggro holding unless they pick up an extra taunt from the presence pool.
I really should do something about this signature.
Indeed - my DM/WP tank may be only 29ish but has trouble keeping aggro until I get to slot Taunt more effectively. If she can ride the alphas and get stuck in, RttC, Siphon Life and some handy green insps will see her through most things so far. The hairy stuff is just around the corner, so I've yet to see how she copes with a truckload of Ringmistresses or whatever.
Now my two penneth - I like Dark Melee with my WP: I don't know about the reduced capacity for hard-hitting mentioned by the OP, but the damage output from Smite and Shadow Maul is pretty good, plus Shadow Punch is fast and all of them debuff the mobs' To Hit. Add the AoEs later and aggro + survivability + smashing power should (in theory ) all improve quite nicely.
Still, I know DM has never really been the most popular melee set and not for everyone.
Just means you need to use Taunt more. Not a reason not to play the set. If it was only aggro holding that was important eveyone would play Ice.
Anyway, GA is worse at aggro holding unless they pick up an extra taunt from the presence pool.
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Having a level 50 WP/Fire tank I agree its certainly no reason not to play the set. I find it different to the other tanks I tried because I dont have to worry about survival in the slightest just agro. My 6 slotted taunt and fire's AoEs just about take care of it
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Willpower benefits from Health in the fitness pool, and after getting kick or boxing to get it then its silly to leave out stamina due to its benefits and only being 1 more power to access it. So i would say take Both.
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lol Donna, since when do you have to take Kick or Boxing to get Health?
Why do people still roll WP scr... errr... "tanks" at all?
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Cause it's one of the strongest tanker sets?
If not the strongest.
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I still have to see a WP tank.. All I have come across so far is plenbutherol fed scrappers that hit with pillows on their punches
Anyway, GA is worse at aggro holding unless they pick up an extra taunt from the presence pool.
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That's not true. Any AoE toon would outaggro any of them unless they are spamming taunt, granted, but GA aggro aura is way wider than WP's one.
The radius is the same. However the taunt duration on Mud Pots is 13.5 s, but RttC is only 1.25 seconds. Mud Pots also generates more aggro because it does damage.
Edit: The reason GA tends not to be so good at aggro holding is the -recharge makes them taunt slower, and the -speed means they can't move around as much to taunt mobs with thier aura. A well played Stone Tank can overcome both these issues, but there are a few duff ones around
A WP tanker can hold aggro, but they have to do it by spamming taunt.
I really should do something about this signature.
The radius is the same. However the taunt duration on Mud Pots is 13.5 s, but RttC is only 1.25 seconds. Mud Pots also generates more aggro because it does damage.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, or not long enough in simple terms, it really is a dire agro aura that doesn't compare at all well to any other tanks
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
The radius is the same.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mud pots radius grows when in granite form tho
A WP tanker can hold aggro, but they have to do it by spamming taunt.
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Which would be somehow a patch if taunt wasn't capped at 5 foes max
The radius is the same.
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Mud pots radius grows when in granite form tho
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The animation grows but I'm pretty sure the actual radius doesn't. Same with Dispersion Bubble / Sonic Dispersion.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
The radius is the same.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mud pots radius grows when in granite form tho
[/ QUOTE ]It doesn't, nor is that even possible in the engine. (OK, it might be, kinda, but it'd be quite complicated).
The radius is the same.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mud pots radius grows when in granite form tho
[/ QUOTE ]
The animation grows but I'm pretty sure the actual radius doesn't. Same with Dispersion Bubble / Sonic Dispersion.
[/ QUOTE ]
So... the animation grows but radius stays the same. Is the animation thingie yet another graphical glitch then?
It's just one of these animation size scaling with the size of your toon. Just like larger characters have larger weapons if they use weapon powersets.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
A tanker has a secondary set too???
There is more than just taunt and aura to aggro control. Dont tell me a wp/fire couldnt hold aggro. And dont tell me a wp/ss couldnt easily hold aggro post footstomp.
I tell you
I want to start a new tanker and I am set to use Willpower as a primary. I really want to have Quick Recovery at 12 and a good balanced set against all different kinds of damage.
I am having a trouble with my build though:
Tough + Weave would be great additions for survivality but then I would need Stamina to fuel all the toggles. But then, 6 powers... don't know how to fit them until level 41-44 (too high, I would lose interest before that).
I think if I do not include Tough+Weave I would not need Stamina but... probably my tank would not be very survivable.
I am not decided into one secondary or other, except I know I do not want Dual Blades (dislike), Energy Melee (already have), Axe (dislike) or Fire (already have to 50).
Of all the others I like Super Strenght (already have on a Brute but it is so cool...) and Mace (conceptual reasons for a Thor wannabe)...
I have absolutely no idea how Dark Melee, Ice Melee and Stone Melee are.
I know Dark Melee provides a +End power that could help in making Stamina not needed but the set does not seem very hard hitting.
Any insight for a good secondary and the trouble with Fighting and Fitness pool would be very much apreciated.