5th Column Invasion!




Came about through random chatting last night so here goes the the idea of a 5th Column Invasion in the same sense as a Rikti Zone Invasion.

[Arachnos]Warning 5th Column troops inbound for X (Replace X with whichever zone is being invaded).

For Heroes they get a slightly different version.

[Freedom Corps] Warning 5th Column troops attacked War Wall Power Grid, system shut down for X. 5th Column troops inbound.

Now as usual the Air raid siren sounds (and in Paragon the war walls go down) but instead of Rikti Dropships coming in, armoured zepplins (retooled Atlas Park blimps, coloured black with the 5th Column logo on the sides and armoured cockpict underneath) begin hovering into the zone. Unlike the Rikti Dropships these are designed to be attacked by large groups of heroes/villains and brought down.

The Zepplins are the same toughness as Rikti dropships but move fairly slowly (Zepplins aren't quick) and don't exit the zone, instead continuing to circle it, when one is defeated, another one enters the zone (that way there's a good supply).

Badge name: Up in Flames.
Badge Description: You've managed to send the 5th Column invasion plans up in flames.

Now for non-flying heroes/villains a Longbow/Arachnos officer will spawn and much like the Fire Chief in Steel canyon will give out a temporary power and will continue to replenish it if you've used up all your shots.

Power name: Rocket Launcher.
Power info: a Long ranged multi-shot rocket launcher designed to help grounded defenders to attack the high flying blimps and very powerful ground targets. 20 shots.
Recharge: slow (40 seconds).
Range: 200ft.
Damage: Massive (3% of total HP of target in damage).
Effects: -15% regen debuff unresistable (meaning GM resistences don't count for anything against it). lasts 40 seconds.

This deals quite a hefty bit of damage to the Zepplins and has a massive range on it however it can only be used on Zepplins and something to come later...

While the blimps are flying around, 5th Column troops of all kinds will be parachuting in (using the MM Commando Parachute animation) around heroes much like the Rikti teleport in. The greater the number of heroes, the more 5th Column parachute in around them and the more bosses/elite bosses turn up.

Elite boss names:
Mark III wolfpack.
Warwolf Beserker.
Vampyri Supreme.
Raserei Ubermenschen.

Unlike invasions elite bosses have no badge but instead are included in the defeat X badge of the invasion.

Badge name: Broken Column
Badge description: You've beaten back three hundred invading 5th Column troops of all kinds, you've truly broken the Column's will to fight against you.

several waves of 5th Column troops continue to parachute in until there's suddenly a dead stop, the blimps continue flying overhead (to indicate the invasion is still ongoing) when another warning pops up.

[Freedom corps/Arachnos] 5th Column ground forces retreating, massive Unidentified Flying Object inbound to zone X.

At which point a truly massive [Hess TF sized] 5th Column mech-man (using the Assault bot summon animation) drops into the zone. This again has a massive level of health and is of the same health/power level as U'kon Gr'ai. The Rocket Launchers help by dealing large amounts of damage and the regeneration rate debuff (this gives small teams a chance of taking out the Mech-man and large gatherings the chance to see the nifty sight of a massive salvo of missiles firing off all at once).

Defeating the giant Mech-Man also awards a badge.

Badge name: Held the Breach
Badge description You held off against the 5th Columns mightiest war machine.

Getting all these badges grants an accolade.
Badge name: Requiems Bane.
Badge description: You've foiled every single invasion plot Requiem has, your the bane of any 5th Column invasion.

The power to go with this is the Rocket Launcher temp power on a 30 minute timer per shot but can be used against anything.

There we have it...took a lot longer to get it all down than I thought it would.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




They do say the 5th column will make a comeback, this could be a good way to start it.



My only comment is why 5th Column? To my understanding they have been completely wiped out by the Council and there appearance in the game now is due to time travel into the past (I wont say anything more!)

I like idea of the blimp/zeplin with troops parachuting off it though. Although for non-flying toons, instead of giving them a temp power that essentially just allows you to spam it with rockets why not just give out a raptor pack that lasts up to 2mins after the invasion has finished. So people can fly up to it themselves and have plenty of time to land after the invasion has finished.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



My only comment is why 5th Column?

[/ QUOTE ]Why the bloody hell not? Not like there's any cooler factions in the entire game. And they -are- going to make a comeback sometime in the future.

Armored zeppelins with paratroopers... *drools*

And why no EB badges?

Warwolf Berserkers - Alpha badge or Pack Leader badge
Vampyri Supremes - Parasite badge or Impaler badge
Raserei - Ubermensch badge or Super Soldier badge

All merely examples, of course



To my understanding they have been completely wiped out by the Council

[/ QUOTE ]

No, they haven't.

there appearance in the game now is due to time travel into the past (I wont say anything more!)

[/ QUOTE ]

How far into the past are you thinking of here? Maybe you need to tavel back a bit further?

I really should do something about this signature.



I think this is a great idea, but I think it should be done differently the Rikti ones slightly as I do know it annoys a lot of people. Instead make the invasions last longer in that zone - say 30 mins, but of a slightly lower frequency. I also think that a jetpack instead of the rocket launcher to fight the zepplins would be just a better balance. Otherwise 20-30 people could go get them and just blast the cack out of the zepps. Although the 5th column rocket launcher as an accolade power is utter genius and I for one would enjoy taking a crack at the giant mech man.

As an extension to this, they could add one into the RWZ when this is going down so could even have another badge and making it in a coop zone means its again content for both sides, and gives an opportunity to have another crazy thing in RWZ. Imagine after completing a rikti raid then everyone going to gank the cack out of a mechman on behalf of vanguard! New content for a coop zone AND can go with the existing vanguard story arcs!



I would be more interested freak riots.



Unusual first post but that idea is just too awesome ...




I also think that a jetpack instead of the rocket launcher to fight the zepplins would be just a better balance. Otherwise 20-30 people could go get them and just blast the cack out of the zepps.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty sure that the only reason rockets were suggested is that Pointless has a rocket fixation at the moment.

Problem with the jetpack, assuming you can't land on the zeppelin, is that melee characters are going to be about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.

Personally, I think if they did this I'd just give up on the game until they stopped. Another heaving great invasion? It's stretching credibility to the point where I can't see why anyone would bother living in the city. It's certainly stretching the credibility of there being any intact buildings in the city.

And I like the way the 5th Column is at the moment. Yeah, they are likely to emerge as a stronger force in the future, but personally I'd prefer it if it was more of a hidden, Shadow War style thing than war zeppelins over Galaxy City.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.




Raserei - Super Soldier badge

[/ QUOTE ]

I want this badge

But other than that fantastic idea, wouldn't mind handing Requiem his backside on a silver platter again




Oh, and there totally needs to be a huge yellow "OH THE HUMANITY!" message on everyone's screen in the zone (similar to "SHIELDS DOWN!" in the RWZ) whenever a Zeppelin is taken down.



To my understanding they have been completely wiped out by the Council

[/ QUOTE ]

No, they haven't.

there appearance in the game now is due to time travel into the past (I wont say anything more!)

[/ QUOTE ]

How far into the past are you thinking of here? Maybe you need to tavel back a bit further?

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't realise they were still about in present day CoH, thats my mistake

And how far back am I thinking? As far back as ancient rome and the imperius task force as well more recent past with one of the Orbourous task forces.

And thinking about it if 5th Column is still about and they are making a comeback then why not introduce it as a war between them and the council. Still have the zepplin idea (as thats cool) but the warnings could be:

"Council and 5ht Column fighting in Atlas, Heroes report to keep the peace"

You could have council spawning out of doorways (ie their bases) and have 5th Column parachuting down.

It would be a good way to re-introduce them into the game as well.

As for Melee fighting the zepplin, if the jet packs dont run out until after the threat has finished and the zeplins are moving slowly then it shouldn't be a problem.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Spoiler, from the ITF:

The 5th column where not wiped out by the Coucil coup. They retreated to a number of temporal fortressess scattered thoughout space and time, of which Cimerora was just one, ready to strike back when the time was right (quite possibly involving the coming storm)

I really should do something about this signature.



Ahhh! That explains it PRA!

Thank you - I didn't know that. Ive run the ITF but never actually read the text.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Anyone else remember the mass street battles of 5th vs Council after Issue 3? Good times...

Oh and good suggestion btw

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.



ohhh... Controversial.
Chat supports this.



As long as batallions have some moronic goose-steeping march animation as they enter civilian zones en masse - I thoroughly approve.



Question - how would this invasion spawn? Rikti invasion spawns when a certain point in the LGTF is reached. Would the idea be to create a similar spawning point in a tf? Would you use an existing TF? (Hess or Citadel are the closest choice but they involve the council) or make up a new tf all together?

Life is one big practical joke that we as the human race have yet to see the punchline to. Once you work that out the rest is easy.



The Introduction could just be like the Rikti Invasion with Zepplins landing and unloading lots of troops, afterwards... yes I suppose Hess (a popular TF) or maybe something entirely new good be used to trigger an Invasion.



Well good Idea and while they would do that, they could change the terrible google translation of the 5th Column Names to either proper German or proper English.



One other idea for making the zepplins at tad more attackable for melee/non-flying characters is by being the same as the Arachnos flier in that they hover around the zone for a while following a set flight path, spawning parachuting troops before landing and spawning guards around it. Remaning grounded for the rest of the 'invasion' so people get a crack at them and once the invasion enters it's final phase (with the giant Mech-man) the guard despawn and the Zepplin takes off heading out of the zone.

The main reason for the rocket temp power is it allows smaller teams to take on the big things (such as the Zepplins or the Mech-man).

While you, ravenswing, don't like the invasions, people do enjoy them though even I will admit it's getting a bit old with the Rikti invasions now, they're brought out whenever there's a 'lapse' in new shiny stuff coming out to keep people satisfied. However the fact is, invasion days are needed simply so that the Watchman/Watchwoman accolade is able to be gotten with ease on our much quieter EU servers by newer players.

Unlike the mass invasions of the Rikti which are designed to simply cause chaos, I envisioned the 5th column attack as a strategic strike, one of the other suggestions brought up was that the troops parachute in all over the map, Players near them or not and once landed head for an objective (so for Atlas, City hall, Galaxy, Freedom Corps building).

Once there they would set fortified position up just outside of Drone range complete with spawning Sand bags and loudspeakers spewing propaganda but I simply couldn't think of an objective for every zone.

Though having them do this around the Zepplins as they land would be kind of awesome.

Also it makes very little sense to have 'rolling invasions' with the 5th Column so this would be a one zone strike every (random time) say 4 hours but once the hero/villain side finished, the 5th would attack a zone on the other side.

As for why no Elite boss badges, they are a pain to get in the Rikti invasions since it requires big groups of people to spawn enough (though I have had Assault Suits spawn for a single team because they were butchering the invading Rikti fast enough).

Saying that I like the idea of 1 badge for each of the elite bosses but it's for a single defeat rather than 10.

This is designed for the 5th Columns big comeback and as always, is just a crazy late night idea...but why not ahey.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ahey indeed sir. I may go as far as 'jocularity!'



I'd like to see regular dynamic invasions by most of the main factions - this week 5th Column, next week Rikti, the week after The Circle of Thorns, the week after that Freakshow, etc etc. Each invasion could have it's own badges, and instead of despawning the outdoor mobs in a zone how about having other factions fight against the invaders too, to protect their turf?

Each invasion force could have their own quirks, e.g.
- Rikti have their dropship/bombers and teleport in,
- 5th Column could march into the zone in parade formation from normal zone entrances, with tank columns (each tank would be an EB) spawning out of highway tunnels,
- Sky Raiders could drop from the skies and have air patrols by their skiffs,
- CoT could spawn from cave doorways constantly and start rituals to summon huge demon GMs
- Banished Pantheon could crawl out of the ground like the zombie invasions for Halloween and start summoning avatars of their gods (GMs)
- Devouring Earth could come out of caves and the ground,
- Praetorian minions could spawn from portals that appear in the streets and if players get near the portal a Praetorian AV could spawn from it,
- Rularuu could descend from rifts torn open in the air and drop down onto players,
- Shivans could emerge around meteorites that fall from the sky (like Rikti bombs) and crack open on impact,
- Malta and Knives of Artemis could spawn from black helicopters that land near wherever loads of players gather, or otherwise parachute in,
- Freakshow could exit building doorways and sewer entrances and just riot in the streets,

You could even have Longbow assaulting Rogue Isles zones (from their red/white helicopters) in the same week as Arachnos troops attack Paragon zones (from their Arachnos helis).



- Malta and Knives of Artemis could spawn from black helicopters that land near wherever loads of players gather, or otherwise parachute in,

[/ QUOTE ]Doesn't quite seem their style.