Time to Rework the HEAT.





If we're talking popularity then do dominators and stalkers also need revamps because they're not as popular as brutes, scrappers, etc?

[/ QUOTE ]

uhhhh yes? did you miss the constant buffing of doms since i6 to the permadom gods they can be today? or the plethora of changes to stalkers? See how thats working? They make the unpopular more attractive.

[/ QUOTE ]
I guess I deserved that for not being specific - I meant from now onwards, seeing as the revamps to both ATs don't seem to have swung the popularity balance that much (I still see few doms and stalkers around compared to brutes/corrs/MMs). And no I certainly didn't miss the buffs - it's why I'm playing my highest level stalker and dom as my main characters again and have both near 50 at last (since abandoning both in I7/8 in the L30s).

I wouldn't get too attached to perma-dom though, not going by what Castle has said recently on the US forums (though I'd be glad if his ideas for putting the dom damage onto dominators outside of domination goes through - perma-dom isn't something that most people can reach before the high/top levels anyway).



being less dependant on the inherant would also be a good thing

[/ QUOTE ]

Easier said than done. You havn't worked through all the implications.

1) You reduce the damage bonus from the inherent.

2) You increase base damage to compensate.

3) Nova form now does massive damage, since it is base damage +45% bonus

4) You reduce the damage bonus for nova form, since it can't be allowed to outdamage a blaster.

5) Congradulations, you have just rendered nova form obsolete, since you can do just as much damage in human form running Leadership: Assault, and still have shields.

Increase dwarf damage

Increase nova resistence/HPs

[/ QUOTE ]

Tank mage. You have just rendered blasters and tankers obsolete by creating an AT that can dish out high levels of damage in almost total safety (since PBs can already dish out medium damage with a good degree of saftey it wouldn't take mch buffing to reach this level).

I really should do something about this signature.



Increase dwarf damage

Increase nova resistence/HPs

[/ QUOTE ]

Tank mage. You have just rendered blasters and tankers obsolete by creating an AT that can dish out high levels of damage in almost total safety (since PBs can already dish out medium damage with a good degree of saftey it wouldn't take mch buffing to reach this level).

[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. And increasing Nova resistance helps PBs more than WSs (maybe that's necessary, I couldn't say), because a WS can cap resistance at 85% to everything with Eclipse off 5 mobs anyway, and that's not exactly tough to get perma or close to it. Decent ranged def is easy to get too with IOs (my WS nova has 20% to ranged without even trying and floating up high he doesn't need melee/area def much).

Tbh an eclipsed Warshade nova is already a tankmage (and a flying tankmage at that!) - but then so is a Crab Spider in some ways.



Having played a crab spider, I can tell you they are far from tankmage levels of suvivability. To an extent the suffer from the resistance-is-futile-on-a-low-hp-stalker issue. PBs are a lot tougher.

I really should do something about this signature.



Sorry, this post annoyed me quite a bit, so once again I'm stepping into the fray...

A small buff, maybe, but no rework. They're a hard AT to master, and they could use a little love, but just because the VEAT is out doesn't suddenly make them useless.

[/ QUOTE ]

This man has got it right.

actually they need a SIGNIFICANT rework to make them commercially viable in game which is what the bottom line is.

[/ QUOTE ]

This man hasn't.

You may be happy where they are now but the vast majority of players are not.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? You asked EVERYONE? I commend you!
Seriously, you don't count as the majority. I find, personally, that the balance is prettymuch even. There are those who were expecting oneshotting everything and whine about it, and there are those who went in expecting a complex AT with a good reward at the end who enjoy it.

The old "not everyone has a lvl 50" is true but the majority of people do but the mahority of people do not play khelds, they are the least played AT in the game, this is fact and verified by the devs.

[/ QUOTE ]

As you said, not everyone is 50, and people don't necessarily find kheldians to their tastes. I'd be curious to see where Soldiers are in a month or three with regards to numbers, I sincerely doubt they'll be the single most played AT in the game...

If people dont play them then they are a waste of code, its lunacy to have a "niche" AT in any MMO, they all need to appeal to a certain amount or they will get changed.

[/ QUOTE ]

They do? As far as I can tell most games have "Niche" content somewhere in them, and this game has more than it's share of "niche" content. As for a "waste of code", I think a bigger waste of time would be changing it when most of the people who play them like it as it is.

A small buff WONT get them being played which is the developers aim, they DONT want a "elitist" AT.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Elitist AT"? It merely requires forethought, and, shock horror, intellegent playing to get a HEAT to work. There are a great many powersets that have this "problem", and I don't see you moaning about them.

The reason they have not been changed so far is a catch 22, not that many people play them so we can work on things for the majority but not that many people play them because of how they are set up, and with the exception of the lunatic -30% res that khelds had solo back in i3 they havent changed while the whole game, and all other ATs, has changed around them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most every AT and set has had "the game change around them". Most enemies had no ranged attacks at the game's inception, now EVERY enemy has at least a moderate ranged attack. Keeping away used to be a decent plan for blasters, hover was a must have. And "no changes"? We've had changes, most notably, Photon Seekers are no longer estupid.

They herald from the days when unyeilding rooted you and teletanking was considered an exploit, armours being mutually exclusive so you had to chose which on you would use before moving in, elude being a weak form of phase shift and so on. All Ats were "advanced" back then but the game has changed and so are khelds going to....just very late.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. Most ATs had needless caps that hindered fun gameplay. Having to pick your armors wasn't "advanced", it was just stupid.

The investment in time and delvelopment of khelds has been made, time has been allocated to their redevelopment (see here ) and I have no doubt they will be made into a more commecially viable entity (ie a better proportion of people will play them)

[/ QUOTE ]

So only dumbing down the AT will make it "commercially viable?" Seriously, if you WANT to play godmode, go in one of the Soldier teams you love so much. We're more than happy having to think over here. Anyway, what in that post said he was redeveloping them? They might just get a normal buff, like every other AT's been getting recently.

My guess, a reduction in the resistences of the human sheilds,

[/ QUOTE ]

Which very few people take, so can't be a problem.

a small amount of defence added,

[/ QUOTE ]


mez protection split across the sheilds ala fire armour,

[/ QUOTE ]

It's far more likely to go in the inherant, probably as an extension of cosmic balance.

base damage increase

[/ QUOTE ]

Might be useful.

and cosmic balance altered to reduce self buffs and start to grant team mates some.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? Unlike CoV, we have defenders over here, a whole AT devoted to buffing. This aspect of the rework is totally pointless. If you want team buffs take Leadership.

Fact is kheld changes are a-coming and Im looking forward to them

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm looking forward to the Kheldian buffs. I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing a massive amount of changes.

(and yes I know people do play them, like them as is and can do a great job but its a waste of an AT if its enjoyed by the few and not the many)

[/ QUOTE ]

You're not forced to play a kheldian. There are no men with guns, screaming at you to play them. If you don't like the HEAT, you can play something else. Don't like it's tanking flaws? Play a Tank. Don't like Nova? Play a Blaster. Don't like how you're not "epic"? Go play a damn Soldier. HEATs are fine, all they need is a small amount of buffage to the right areas, and they'll be fine. A "rework" isn't going to help anyway, people who don't like Khelds will still not like Khelds.




If you can't stand the HEAT - get out of the Kheldian...

Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?




If you can't stand the HEAT - get out of the Kheldian...

[/ QUOTE ]


Here's your coat. Take it and go!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




If you can't stand the HEAT - get out of the Kheldian...

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't give up your day job!

EDIT: Bah, I see FFM beat me to it... Curse these forums and their issues :P



I'm perfectly happy with both Warshade and Peacebringer. And I don't even have an optimal build! Heck, I don't have Hasten -or- Stamina, am Tri-Form with Human form slotted mostly, and -still- don't have a problem playing my Peacebringer.

I don't even have the bind to change power trays on form, and don't have a problem with it.



Having played a crab spider, I can tell you they are far from tankmage levels of suvivability. To an extent the suffer from the resistance-is-futile-on-a-low-hp-stalker issue. PBs are a lot tougher.

[/ QUOTE ]
My L50 Crab is certainly way more squishy than my L50 Warshade - tbh my L44 Stalker is probably squishier, but then he is /EA. But compared to my blaster when FoN isn't up (when it is he has tanked a Horseman Heavy Suit for 2 minutes on the LGTF, so that's quite tankmage-ish) or my other blasters and corruptors/dominators/controller my Crab is close to being a tankmage, being both ranged and able to take the alpha of a fairly large spawn (my Crab did ok taking the alpha occasionally on an 8-person ITF I did, when necessary - just not as confortably as my Warshade can all day long).

With a Crab I generally felt quite solid at range compared to most squishies - the only times I really died fast was against psi damage (Fortunata Mistresses especially - ouch) or when/if I got swamped in melee - tbh having played a mainly-ranged archery blaster, and having CJ+hurdle, I found jumping around to avoid melee (and re-position for cones) was a great help - especially against tough targets like EBs (I duelled Statesman for a while like that after my duo partner was defeated, while I waited for her to get back from the hospital, because I couldn't toe-to-toe and didn't have the dps to kill him when he was in Unstoppable so much).

Excluding melee ATs (because a tankmage has to be ranged really) the Crab Spider is probably the most tankmage-ish combo outside of Kheldians.

Admittedly my perception may be skewed by never having really soloed my Crab - 100% of the time I played him my friend's Fortunata was by my side (and her toggles capped my ranged def and almost capped melee/area, and did with Mind Link up) - but then ranged def on him is 40%ish even without her help - backed by Serum and 30%ish resists to most things that's pretty damn solid for a ranged character.



I can't speak for Kheldians, personally the only reason I haven't played one is that they never appealed

What a lot of people forget is that solo, in the early levels, before you get all that nice +def from various sources, Widows are incredibly squishy and mahoosive endurance hogs. They're stalkers without Hide.

Yes my Widow can now decide to ignore Elude because Mind-link softcaps her defenses to melee/range/AoE (and for Psi I've got 45%ish resists, not great but it does) yes it only lasts 1 minute 30 seconds but there's no crash to it and it's on an under 4 minute recharge.

With such high defenses the only reason I can think of why I'd possibly need Elude is against an AV and since the SG I'm in is primarily designed around the VEATs (with a few MMs, Brutes and Corruptors here and there) the only time I'll face an AV I'll either be a in PuG group (where i doubt I'd be tanking him, though I have yet to test out how well I'd tank an AV, with Mind Link up an +2 EB rated BaB (this was without Insps) never actually hit me once, even without it, he still only hit me twice (in a row, damn luck rolls, which was enough to down me to be honest)) or have other Soldiers/Widows to boost my defense to the hardcap level.

Yes this is awesomesauce BUT way back when she was level 5 her attacks drained her endurance so quickly she had to rest after almost every fight and got twatted about like a hanging kipper.

This lasted all the way until 24 when I could FINALLY pick up the Night Widow power trees.

Yes in teams the VEATs are awesome but during that first level twenty four slog they're so damn squishy it's untrue.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Solo crab = mass bundle to melee range = frantic manouvering/rapid defeat

What really sets crabs apart from keldians is the lack of a panic button power.

I really should do something about this signature.



Solo crab = mass bundle to melee range = frantic manouvering/rapid defeat

What really sets crabs apart from keldians is the lack of a panic button power.

[/ QUOTE ]Like Serum or Omega maneuver?



Serum hardly counts, since PBs get an equilvelent power (with a shorter activation time), plus they get get light form and dwarf form as well.

Omega Manuver is pretty useless as a panic button since it won't kill or stun bosses or higher. The best it can do is distract them for 5 seconds.

I really should do something about this signature.



I get the impression from the forums these days that the "World of Warcraft" community have come to this game. Basicly, you have dps, tank, buff, and control types, and neither one wants competion in getting teams.

A PB is a hybrid, so tankers dont want it to have as good a agro as them or damage mitigation, blasters and scrappers dont want them to do the same damage output, and they defo dont want a reason to invite them into teams (only if desperate). People want and will argue they want "pure classes". Again, less competion so people with come up with any argument that any buff to a pb will make them overpowered.



Increase dwarf damage

Increase nova resistence/HPs

[/ QUOTE ]

Tank mage. You have just rendered blasters and tankers obsolete by creating an AT that can dish out high levels of damage in almost total safety (since PBs can already dish out medium damage with a good degree of saftey it wouldn't take mch buffing to reach this level).

[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. And increasing Nova resistance helps PBs more than WSs (maybe that's necessary, I couldn't say), because a WS can cap resistance at 85% to everything with Eclipse off 5 mobs anyway, and that's not exactly tough to get perma or close to it. Decent ranged def is easy to get too with IOs (my WS nova has 20% to ranged without even trying and floating up high he doesn't need melee/area def much).

Tbh an eclipsed Warshade nova is already a tankmage (and a flying tankmage at that!) - but then so is a Crab Spider in some ways.

[/ QUOTE ]


values were not discused, the damage to dwarf mode would merely serve not to malign the beast with mez protection filtering down to human mode, the increase in nova res/HPs needs not be game breaking, look at blaster HPs as a prime example, they have huge HPs and yet are still quite firmly glass cannons.

A WS with eclipse is a tankmage only with inspirations, ie break fress, and if they need bfs to reach tank mage status then blasters can just pop purples to do the same.




If we're talking popularity then do dominators and stalkers also need revamps because they're not as popular as brutes, scrappers, etc?

[/ QUOTE ]

uhhhh yes? did you miss the constant buffing of doms since i6 to the permadom gods they can be today? or the plethora of changes to stalkers? See how thats working? They make the unpopular more attractive.

[/ QUOTE ]
I guess I deserved that for not being specific - I meant from now onwards, seeing as the revamps to both ATs don't seem to have swung the popularity balance that much (I still see few doms and stalkers around compared to brutes/corrs/MMs). And no I certainly didn't miss the buffs - it's why I'm playing my highest level stalker and dom as my main characters again and have both near 50 at last (since abandoning both in I7/8 in the L30s).

I wouldn't get too attached to perma-dom though, not going by what Castle has said recently on the US forums (though I'd be glad if his ideas for putting the dom damage onto dominators outside of domination goes through - perma-dom isn't something that most people can reach before the high/top levels anyway).

[/ QUOTE ]

perma dom will remain viable as it wont be a nerf per se, it will be a significant buff to non domination damage if castles current train of thought is followed through. More damage in normal mode and mez protection and double mag mez in domination sounds like a great idea and trade off to me and I have perma doms.

As for the ATs you see roaming around the empty EU servers, well they are not exactly indicative of the playing populace at all (hell grandville in the US is stuffed with powerleveling /psi dominators, they are certainly amongst the top high lvl ATs) there are huge numbers of dominators and stalkers on the US servers these days because they are worth it, the changes made to these ATs have reinvigorated badly designed ATs (deliberately weak as didnt want to run the constant nerf batage heroes suffered)

You cant judge AT popularity on your own opinions, I dont like MMs, I dont have a lvl 50 MM but have over 30 lvl 50s from the other ATs but I appreciate its a very popular AT to play.

Funny thing about "popular" ATs, since I started my human form PB again, in perhaps forlorn hope of human mez protection, for pvp PB and finding tanks has been a bit of a rarity in the mid 20s, more often than not Im having to do the alpha.



Solo crab = mass bundle to melee range = frantic manouvering/rapid defeat

What really sets crabs apart from keldians is the lack of a panic button power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Its funny, but I cant help feeling the serum used to be a panic button/god mode, from the gfx and name i just feel it was more of a mini unstoppable (like the MM power of the same name) before it reached closed beta



Sorry, this post annoyed me quite a bit, so once again I'm stepping into the fray...

A small buff, maybe, but no rework. They're a hard AT to master, and they could use a little love, but just because the VEAT is out doesn't suddenly make them useless.

[/ QUOTE ]

This man has got it right.

actually they need a SIGNIFICANT rework to make them commercially viable in game which is what the bottom line is.

[/ QUOTE ]

This man hasn't.

You may be happy where they are now but the vast majority of players are not.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? You asked EVERYONE? I commend you!
Seriously, you don't count as the majority. I find, personally, that the balance is prettymuch even. There are those who were expecting oneshotting everything and whine about it, and there are those who went in expecting a complex AT with a good reward at the end who enjoy it.

The old "not everyone has a lvl 50" is true but the majority of people do but the mahority of people do not play khelds, they are the least played AT in the game, this is fact and verified by the devs.

[/ QUOTE ]

As you said, not everyone is 50, and people don't necessarily find kheldians to their tastes. I'd be curious to see where Soldiers are in a month or three with regards to numbers, I sincerely doubt they'll be the single most played AT in the game...

If people dont play them then they are a waste of code, its lunacy to have a "niche" AT in any MMO, they all need to appeal to a certain amount or they will get changed.

[/ QUOTE ]

They do? As far as I can tell most games have "Niche" content somewhere in them, and this game has more than it's share of "niche" content. As for a "waste of code", I think a bigger waste of time would be changing it when most of the people who play them like it as it is.

A small buff WONT get them being played which is the developers aim, they DONT want a "elitist" AT.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Elitist AT"? It merely requires forethought, and, shock horror, intellegent playing to get a HEAT to work. There are a great many powersets that have this "problem", and I don't see you moaning about them.

The reason they have not been changed so far is a catch 22, not that many people play them so we can work on things for the majority but not that many people play them because of how they are set up, and with the exception of the lunatic -30% res that khelds had solo back in i3 they havent changed while the whole game, and all other ATs, has changed around them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most every AT and set has had "the game change around them". Most enemies had no ranged attacks at the game's inception, now EVERY enemy has at least a moderate ranged attack. Keeping away used to be a decent plan for blasters, hover was a must have. And "no changes"? We've had changes, most notably, Photon Seekers are no longer estupid.

They herald from the days when unyeilding rooted you and teletanking was considered an exploit, armours being mutually exclusive so you had to chose which on you would use before moving in, elude being a weak form of phase shift and so on. All Ats were "advanced" back then but the game has changed and so are khelds going to....just very late.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. Most ATs had needless caps that hindered fun gameplay. Having to pick your armors wasn't "advanced", it was just stupid.

The investment in time and delvelopment of khelds has been made, time has been allocated to their redevelopment (see here ) and I have no doubt they will be made into a more commecially viable entity (ie a better proportion of people will play them)

[/ QUOTE ]

So only dumbing down the AT will make it "commercially viable?" Seriously, if you WANT to play godmode, go in one of the Soldier teams you love so much. We're more than happy having to think over here. Anyway, what in that post said he was redeveloping them? They might just get a normal buff, like every other AT's been getting recently.

My guess, a reduction in the resistences of the human sheilds,

[/ QUOTE ]

Which very few people take, so can't be a problem.

a small amount of defence added,

[/ QUOTE ]


mez protection split across the sheilds ala fire armour,

[/ QUOTE ]

It's far more likely to go in the inherant, probably as an extension of cosmic balance.

base damage increase

[/ QUOTE ]

Might be useful.

and cosmic balance altered to reduce self buffs and start to grant team mates some.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? Unlike CoV, we have defenders over here, a whole AT devoted to buffing. This aspect of the rework is totally pointless. If you want team buffs take Leadership.

Fact is kheld changes are a-coming and Im looking forward to them

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm looking forward to the Kheldian buffs. I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing a massive amount of changes.

(and yes I know people do play them, like them as is and can do a great job but its a waste of an AT if its enjoyed by the few and not the many)

[/ QUOTE ]

You're not forced to play a kheldian. There are no men with guns, screaming at you to play them. If you don't like the HEAT, you can play something else. Don't like it's tanking flaws? Play a Tank. Don't like Nova? Play a Blaster. Don't like how you're not "epic"? Go play a damn Soldier. HEATs are fine, all they need is a small amount of buffage to the right areas, and they'll be fine. A "rework" isn't going to help anyway, people who don't like Khelds will still not like Khelds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Way to post like a complete jackass, Im sorry my post annoyed you but just because my opinion differs from yours doesnt mean you should "lose it" and go into your tedious nit picking pyramid mode.

You read my post but you infered your own judgement on what was intended and for the most part you are wrong, Im looking at things objectively from my time as quite an analytical person.

Im not going to be an [censored] and pick your whole post apart which is quite easy when you separate specific quotes from their context but heres a couple

Really? You asked EVERYONE? I commend you!
Seriously, you don't count as the majority. I find, personally, that the balance is prettymuch even. There are those who were expecting oneshotting everything and whine about it, and there are those who went in expecting a complex AT with a good reward at the end who enjoy it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The VAST majority of players are CASUAL, not hardcore, not "dedicated", my mum plays this game and I base my opinions around her needs as she is MUCH closer to the average player than I am. A dedicated AT built to my specifications would suit me and no one else and I dont want that in the game, I want balance, I want equality, its why I put in an extensive amount of work into the closed betas, so much so I had 4 lvl 50 veats on test and took a LONG time before I played one on live because I had burned myself out testing. Seeing that the VAST majority are more casual players and COHs wonderful pick up and play interactivity a supremely complex AT is NOT a commercially viable thing and is NOT desired in playNCs current model. they WANT the AT to be enjoyed by the majority and that is not happening in their current state, thats a fact, confirmed by the US devs.

So only dumbing down the AT will make it "commercially viable?" Seriously, if you WANT to play godmode, go in one of the Soldier teams you love so much. We're more than happy having to think over here. Anyway, what in that post said he was redeveloping them? They might just get a normal buff, like every other AT's been getting recently.

[/ QUOTE ]

sorry? when did i say i loved soldier teams? I would strongly advise you to get your facts straight before talking [censored].

You're not forced to play a kheldian. There are no men with guns, screaming at you to play them. If you don't like the HEAT, you can play something else. Don't like it's tanking flaws? Play a Tank. Don't like Nova? Play a Blaster. Don't like how you're not "epic"? Go play a damn Soldier. HEATs are fine, all they need is a small amount of buffage to the right areas, and they'll be fine. A "rework" isn't going to help anyway, people who don't like Khelds will still not like Khelds.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, so narrow minded, so selfish, you may as well just say "I like them as they are WAHHH WAHH WAHHH, i dont want to discuss things, if anyone says something I dont agree with I will lie about them and spread misinformation based on nothing but my own BS"

Reporting your post to mods



Reporting your post to mods

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, this is no less going "Waah waah waah", than what you accuse Spectral_Ent of doing.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Indeed, and since Spectral_Ent is right and you are wrong, you just make yourself look even more hypocritical.

Minor ajustmants to keldians are possible, a damage buff (up to about 12.5%), changes to the inherent it include some mez protect etc.

What is never going to happen are fundamental changes to any powers, forms or the J-o-T concept, which is the main reason for its lack of popularity with casual players: what they want is an AT that can do blaster levels of damage with tanker levels of suvivability, and that aint ever going to happen.

Yes, keldians where ill concieved from the start - they where designed for "elite" players, not casual gamers: In those days it was not expected that casual players would get to 50 anyway (or by the time you got to 50 you would know longer be "casual", you would have learned how to handle basic ATs and be after something more complex). Hence they where designed with an inherent intended to force them to team with "less experienced" players. The idea was, keldians would be teachers and mentors.

If Positron had a time machine he would simply prevent keldians being made in the first place. What he isn't going to do now is throw significant development time into trying to fix the unfixable.

I really should do something about this signature.



Way to post like a complete jackass
Reporting your post to mods

[/ QUOTE ]
Congratulations, you win the "Coffee Stained Monitor Seal of Approval". I tell you something, strong Monsoon Malabar blasted out of your nostrils doesn't half chafe. I have a few tips I've learned the hard way from also posting with poor judgement in the past:

1. Don't post a quote of someone else's post that scrolls several pages and then accuse them of questionable posting,

2. Don't post in anger.

3. Never post in rage.

I'd also caution against telling people not to 'lose it' then posting,

Wow, so narrow minded, so selfish, you may as well just say "I like them as they are WAHHH WAHH WAHHH, i dont want to discuss things, if anyone says something I dont agree with I will lie about them and spread misinformation based on nothing but my own BS"

[/ QUOTE ]
You get kudos for making the most believable impression of the 'Wahmbulance' I've seen to date, however.



I've decided to make this a public post, given that I've made enough generic warnings about this sort of thing in the last few months. In this specific case...

1. Spectral_Ent's post includes a few comments that could be interpreted as personal, and the post having been reported to me I would normally follow up with nothing more than a reminder about keeping things non-personal.

2. On the other hand:

Way to post like a complete jackass, Im sorry my post annoyed you but just because my opinion differs from yours doesnt mean you should "lose it" and go into your tedious nit picking pyramid mode.

[/ QUOTE ]

Responding by launching your own personal attack is both uncalled for and against the forum rules. I'm not going to take any action against the posts in this thread beyond this post, however to be clear for future:

In cases such as this, if you respond to a perceived attack by escalating with a blatant personal attack, it is the respondent who has escalated who should expect more severe repercussions (such as a formal warning or even a temporary ban).

DO NOT ever, for any reason, respond to a post you find objectionable by launching you own attacks.

Reporting your post to mods

[/ QUOTE ]

I consider these sorts of comments to be harassment. Report the post and then move on, do not post to say that you've reported it.