Incarnate archetype




cos look at states and recluse states=tank and recluse=mastermind

[/ QUOTE ]

Umm, no. Recluse is not anything like a mastermind.




Lord Recluse

Summon Bane Spiders Summons Bane Spiders
Summons Bane Spiders to fight for you.

Channelgun Ranged, High Damage, Energy, Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your backpack has a built-in energy Channelgun which fires bolts of energy.

Supression (Ranged) Heavy Damage, Energy
The Suppressive Fire from Lord Recluse is all around you.

Arm Lash Melee, Cone, Heavy Damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
Your Defenses have been lowered.

Slice Melee, Heavy Damage (lehtal), DoT (Toxic)
You have been poisoned.

Spider Strike PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Knockback
The Foot Stomp has damaged you.

Energy Smash Melee, Smash, Foe Knockup
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.

Energy Punch Disorient
You have been Disoriented.

[/ QUOTE ]

These days LR is probably closest to a Crab Spider VEAT, but he has been officially said to be an MM in the past. His ability to summon Bane Spider Executors is probably his most formidable ability.

I really should do something about this signature.



yes he is but cos he agained the power of one of the titans he has different power and the MM power i'm talking about is the one he summons those bane spiders. he is classed as a mastermind look on paragonwiki it says he is a incarnate/mastermind



Paragon Wiki is not written by NCSoft, to my knowledge, and can be wrong. He certainly was classified as an Incarnate/Mastermind at one point, but I think some ideas of what an Incarnate is have shifted over time. I don't believe the signature characters really have a proper AT. They can do what they can do, and that's it.

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Ok, here’s what I thought of for this idea =]
It’s only a rough idea so feel free to change it if you want. Sorry, if it isn’t well thought out =P

[u]Incarnate Patron Pool[u]

[u]Villain Story Arc[u]
Contact: Follower of Kronos
Location: Midnighter Club
Level Range: 50

Greetings, Champion-to-be of the Titan Lord. I know what you are here for, The Fates foresaw it. You are here to prove yourself to the Titan Lord Kronos. I have some tasks for you. These will decide whether or not you are worthy of the Titans blessing.

[u]Mission 1- Destroy the Cyclops Forges of the Present[u]
This is your first task, a descendant of Hephaestus, Lord of the Forges, is creating and supplying new, state-of-the-art weaponry for those accursed heroes. My task for you is simple, kill him and destroy his Forges. They are located in a place known as Perigrin Isle in the Rhode Islands. There is a boat in Cap Au Diable waiting for you to bring you there.

Objectives-Defeat Prof. Colchise (Boss/EB/AV), defeat Talos (Boss/EB/AV), 5 bombs to plant.
Map-Tech map.
NPC Groups-Longbow

Well done, Champion, you have defeated a descendant of Hephaestus. What?! Talos was there?! Curse Hephaestus.. Anyway, good job.

[u]Mission 2-Retreive the Fleece[u]
This is your next quest, Champion. You must retrieve the Golden Fleece. It has been taken by a cult known as the Circle of Thorns. Oh, you’ve heard of them, very well then. You probably know their motives better than I do but it’s properties are necessary for our plan. I will tell you the plan once we retrieve the Fleece! Now hurry before those cultist ruin our plan!

Objective-Retrieve the Golden Fleece.
NPC Groups-Circle of Thorns

Well done! Now for the next phase of our plan. We will use the powers of the Fleece to resurrect the Titan Lord Kronos!!! Now.. For your next task..

[u]Mission 3-Resurrect Kronos[u]
This next task will be more dangerous than the others but I’m sure you can handle it. You must venture into the Underworld and use the Fleece to bring back the Titan Lord and his followers from the depths of Tartarus! Hurry on now, we have no time to lose, surely those Olympians and their heroes will be on their way.

Objective-Resurrect Kronos.

Excellent.. Now, come back to me when your ready to prove yourself to the newly resurrected Titan Lord.

[u]Mission 4-Attack Olympus[u]
This task is simple, you must destroy Olympus I have sent out some other Champions to keep the Gods distracted, all but one. Zeus. You must defeat Zeus and gain revenge for Kronos. I would advise getting some help for this.

Objective-Defeat Zeus.
NPC Groups-Olypmians

Well done! Now for your reward, you may receive a blessing from one of four Titans. Make your choice.

Badge- Bane of Olympus
Patron Power pool- Kronos, Gaea, Uranus or Atlas.

[u]Hero Story Arc[u]
Contact: Olympian
Location: Midnighter Club
Level Range: 50

Greetings, Champion. I have heard much about you. You are destined for great things, one of these things is saving Olympus. Zeus needs you to prevent the resurrection of the Titan Lord. In return for this he will let you drink from the Well of Furies and gain the power of one of four of the Gods.

[u]Mission 1-Retreive the Golden Fleece[u]
Your first task is to retrieve the Golden Fleece. It was stolen by a cult named the Circle of Thorns, you’ve heard of them, yes? Good. We have a suspicion that those Villains will be trying to take it from them to resurrect Kronos, we can’t let this happen. You must take this from the Circle before the Villains do.

Objective-Retrieve the Golden Fleece.
NPC Groups-Circle of Thorns

Well done! We’ve got the Fleece, now for the next step.

[u]Mission 2-Retrieve Medusa’s head[u]
We’ve slowed down the Resurrection of the Titan Lord. Before the Villains can do much more you need to get yourself something that no one can stand against. The head of Medusa. There is a cave were her descendants are preparing for her arrival. If you can get there before she leaves then must take her head.

Objective-Defeat Medusa and guards.
NPC Groups-Snakes

Well done, just, make sure to keep that thing cover until you need it.

Rewards-Temporary power-Medusa’s head (Foe hold) 15 Uses.

[u]Mission 3-Stop Kronos’ resurrection[u]
This is it, you must travel to the Underworld and bargain with Hades to not let anyone near Tartarus. If you can somehow bargain with him to do this the Villains won’t get a chance to resurrect Kronos no matter what artifacts they have.

Objectives-Defeat Hades
NPC Groups-Ghosts

I can’t believe you actually did it! You bargained with Hades!.. Well, sort of. No matter! You’ve stopped them. You may go to the Well of Furies.

[u]Mission 4-Find the Well of Furies[u]
You are allowed to go to the Well of Furies. But there’s a catch, you must make your own way there and navigate through whatever dangers there are. If you really want this then you should have no problem making your way there

Objective-Find the Well of Furies

Badge-Champion of the Gods
Patron Pool- Aries, Athena, Apollo, Artemis.



You got your patron Gods ill distributed... I can't see how Gaea would be a a patron for villains and Aries a patron for heroes... Apart from that, if you defeat a God, what the heck is the point of being an Incarnate?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



also, the only manifestation of Zeus on earth is Statesman...



Hmm something puzzles me about Incarnates - Statesman is the Incarnate of Zeus, with lightning bolts to hurl. His daughter, Miss Liberty, 'inherited' the powers (see the Villain Ourobouros Flashback TF - she unleashes a number of lightning bolts - the comics also showed this with her daughter, Ms Liberty, doing the same: "This is something I learned from my grandfather" (paraphrased, natch)).

I like the idea of playing an Incarnate, but quite how they'd be different from 'regular' heroes I am unsure.
The VEATs have provided more of a team focus to balance out the solo-happy nature of the majority of Villain ATs. I personally feel that Hero ATs are already balanced and that Kheldians should be (but aren't always) the cannons that give that extra firepower.

So, Incarnates would probably need to be for both sides. I do like the idea of Incarnate Power Pools, perhaps based on Archetype? (including VEATs and HEATs). Quite what powers they would contain that aren't already available (especially with Power Proliferation in play) is beyond me.

Herculean Strength
Zeus's Lightning Bolts
Hera's transmogriphying powers
Aphrodite's mind-altering powers
Hephaestus's ability to craft pretty much anything.

They are available.

Still, I'm not averse to a time-travel/modern-day Well of the Furies TF - co-op of course and with the condition that it should be 8-person with 4 of each side. It won't stop the Corruptor*2, Brute *2, Blaster*2, Controller*2 only mentality but it could be a lot of fun.



also, the only manifestation of Zeus on earth is Statesman...

[/ QUOTE ]
Doesn't need to stay that way... and we don't need the Well of Furies to create incarnates.

With incarnates we're dealing with heroes/villains gaining the powers of gods and the funny thing about gods is that they can do pretty much anything. In fact it's pretty fair to say that their power is godlike.

If Zeus suddenly decides that anyone who eats a strawberry on the 3rd Thursday of June will become an incarnate who exactly is going to argue with him???

Better to stick close to established canon for game continuity, but gods provide an ultimate 'a wizard did it' excuse for any events.

OK - by definition the power of a god isn't godlike it's godly...

OK2 - I guess it's possible that Hera or any of the other entities of the Greek pantheon might argue with the big Zee over the strawberry thing... but hey it was meant to be rhetorical.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



A lot depends what you mean by a "god". Maybe in the CoX universe "Zeus" was some guy who drank from the fountain, in the same way as Statesman did. Thus, by inheriting the power/mantle of Zeus Statesman is mearly inheriting the power of an Incarnate origin hero from an earlier age.

I really should do something about this signature.



I do like the idea of a Incarnate Patron pool though - like choosing a god as your patron and gaining new powers from them - Zeus' thunder, for example



i go with your idea but this post was just a suggestion so i didn't really think it through



You should always think through suggestions before posting them. They'll make more sense and we'll have less clutter.



Has it not been stated before that Incarnet is not an archtype, but an origin?

Eg- Incarnet are people who got their power from the Well of Furies, therefore, that is their Origin?

If anything, surely that would just grant an inherent power, like any other AT.

Maybe in the extreme case of Recluse and Statesman, it grants + Resist to Everything by 40%, +health by 50% and damage + accuracy 50%, regen 50%.

Azmodan - 50 - Storm/Energy Blast Defender
Baaleos - 50 - Gravity/Power Blast Dominator
Orici - 50 - Fortunata
Psi'on - 44 - Kinetics/Psionic Defender
Azazeel - 40 - Warshade
Bloody-Ice - 31 - Ice/Cold Domination Corruptor



though i've been hearing for various ppl the Devs are making a legend system to get a incarnate tanker/scrapper dunno if it's true yet and if it is what issue is it coming in



The Legend system was, IIRC, scrapped in favour of Inventions.

I think PRAF thinks that the Incarnate origin might be 'coming back.' Something to do with the Midnighters and Orobouros (or however you spell it).

When? I'd hazard a guess at I15 at the absolute earliest.

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Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



If they do incorperate something like the Incarnates, I really doubt that they will be anything on par with Recluse or States. Simply because that then wrecks most of the flavour of the background. If all heroes/villains were that powerful, the world would be reduced to rubble simply by the two sides duking it out.
Much better to leave the Incarnates where they belong, with one at the head of each side, and the odd one doing their own thing (the two that get mentioned in arcs, IIRC)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




I have no idea what they plan to do with it and I'm certainly not going to defend the idea of allowing PCs Statesman-level powers since I've said it was a stupid idea in the past - and been roundly flamed for it, actually.

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To be honest i'm against the whole Incarnate thing as player-content at all. I think it really should be left as NPCs and lore. But then, I'm not too fussed, as I'll probably have switched to CO by the time this gets implemented (if it ever does) anyway...



Although I would love to introduce Incarnates into the mix in CoX as a new origin that granted access to a special power pool (poss a travel one and a power one) it would break the feel of the game as Incarnates seem very rare/powerful things. I know it would suit a couple of my toons better than a magic origin.

It would be cool if they could build on it a lot more as well. I love the lore behind CoX and it seems that the whole incarnate thing is just at the tip of the ice berg. What if there was a Egyptian Well of Furies. Imagine a new hero turning up with the power of Ra!

Anyway thats my 2 inf on the subject

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



it would break the feel of the game as Incarnates seem very rare/powerful things.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, currently they are, but they were once very common. In fact, that was probably how most heroes were formed back in days long past (the way I read it anyway).

If you go through some of the Midnighter arcs, especially Origins of Power, you start realising that the Origins are far from static (in theory anyway) and have changed over time. It's unlikely that the Science or Technology origins even existed back in the Age of Heroes, and the Mutant origin has only existed since the 60s, which means that the origins can change even within a "heroic cycle." Incarnates could come back...

I'm not saying whether that's good or bad, because it depends entirely on how they justify it through plot, and what mechanics it actually introduces into the game. None of which we've seen. There's some chance, however, that if we're going to see it, I15 could well be a prime target, since the dev team are muttering things about that one being a great big huge plot Issue... and I15 could well coincide with CO launching.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



yeah i get that but would be fun to know what it like to play a toon with that kinda "power"



though here a idea for a incarnate to get it u have to go through a special TF and when u complte it u gain it



It would be fun, yes...but not for all the poor watsits that couldnt get it. And, if it made the game too easy, then it would just end up being boring. Which kinda defeats the point =3

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



well they add new harder content to the game when/if they put a incarnate in so it more challening