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  1. PlatinumGuardian

    Multi - Builds

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    How did you come to the conclusion that having more than one build would allow you to swop powersets?
    To a limited extent you will be able to in that you can have different pool and epic powers sets on the two builds.

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    Never played Guildwars? In guildwars you can change builds or if you like you have "multi-builds" and effectively change every singel power your character has in thousands of different combinations as long as you are not in a mission. So really, not quite as ridiculous as you seem to all think....

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    Noticed that your not playing guild wars here? in fact it is an utterly differnt game that has nothing in common mechanics wise?

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    Noticed that not once did I refer to the mechanics of the game nor request that they be changed? All I said was that the multi-build feature would have been netter if you could've specced your new build to use different Primary and Secondary powersets. I never said anything about AT changes, wanting more than one Primary at once or anything else for that matter. I just said I was dissapointed with how the multi-build is beinf implemented. Tragically though this forum/community is geared up to try and crush any form of opinion that doesn't fit in with the majority. Sorry, i don't conform because you try and "prove me wrong" or "make me appear stupid". I voiced an opinion, deal with it.
  2. PlatinumGuardian

    Multi - Builds

    [ QUOTE ]
    How did you come to the conclusion that having more than one build would allow you to swop powersets?
    To a limited extent you will be able to in that you can have different pool and epic powers sets on the two builds.

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    Never played Guildwars? In guildwars you can change builds or if you like you have "multi-builds" and effectively change every singel power your character has in thousands of different combinations as long as you are not in a mission. So really, not quite as ridiculous as you seem to all think....
  3. PlatinumGuardian

    Multi - Builds

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    It would be quite stupid and OP if you could change powersets. Similarly, if the system could be used to stick all your unwanted powers in a second build, and swap them out to do missions, as Boy_Wonder wants, it would also entirely OP.

    This system has been asked for to help promote PvP practically since PvP came out. And now we have it, all we get is people moaning about it not making them into uber-gods. Sheesh.

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    Did I ask to be an "uber-god" no, in fact I didn't. The reason I would have liked to change my Primary and Secondary is so that powers/abilities that a character may have which at the present they can only roleplay could be backed by other powersets. But then, almost all of the posts I see from you seem to be aimed at "putting down" or "proving wrong" another member so I won't take it personally, I'm sure trolling is a huge part of your day so I'll let you have your fun. EIther way, this new "issue" seems a bit crappy to me, sorry if that offends all of you "if it's in CoX it must be the greatest thing ever!!!" fanatics, but that's how I feel. Also, if you can only change once every 15 minutes, where's the overpowering? You still only have 1 Primary or Secondary depending on which build you are on, so I guess that part of your post was a little stupid eh? I wasn't asking to have more than one Primary in teh same build, just different ones in different builds...tool.
  4. PlatinumGuardian

    Multi - Builds

    I'm actually completely dissapointed with the "multi-build" idea. It'd be worthwhile if you could change primary and secondary powersets, but as you can't it's an over-hyped pointless addition to me, my build is great, I don't need to change it.
  5. Personally, game/story cannon is way more important than player canon, to the point where player canon should be built WITHIN it. I also hate over-powered heroes. As soon as somebody makes a claim of power beyond what you SHOULD be able to do as a level 50 toon I IC assume mental instability. If you're strong enough to single handedly destroy the world (or say you are) My chars assume you're nuts. If you have the power to affect my powers against my wish (or claim to) you're nuts. If you claim to be so powerful that you could wipe out scores of Rikti in a thought, I'll invite you to the warzone in an 8 man group and watch you solo it, then why you die, I'll KNOW you're nuts. Simply put, make a character with powers WITHIN the constraints of the actual game. (Passive/none-huge game affecting powers notwithstanding as the odd bit of mind-reading etc isn't NECCESSARILY out of question.) To all of those who create uber/godly/way-over-the-top-just-designed-to-take-the-limelight-because-you-aren't-creative-enough-to-be-equal heroes who then add "limitations" to explain them, I'll ask this question. "Why bother with all that when you could just create a toon without the powers or the limitations, and you'd have what you have now without all the nonsense fluff that makes my toon think you need psychiatric help?"
  6. /signed I'd love to be able to make a toon with the goldbricker pack as a cossie detail rather than a temporary power
  7. Great event guys, thanks for the inf and BIG congrats to the 3 winners, awesome cossies!
  8. What I never understood was how the cyborg pack seems to be more like an android pack. I mean, most people seem to think it means "make a robot" when a cyborg is part human...
  9. To be honest i'm against the whole Incarnate thing as player-content at all. I think it really should be left as NPCs and lore. But then, I'm not too fussed, as I'll probably have switched to CO by the time this gets implemented (if it ever does) anyway...
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    MA and claws are lame, and i don't want to be limited to 2 lame powers, they are also not really fit for a mutant or magician.

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    *cough*Wolverine*cough* /fail
  11. ^You do realise that the Golden Age was pretty much teh dawn of "spandex heroes" right? Ie Superman debut in Action Comics, Original Flash + Green Lantern, Aquaman etc etc
  12. New character page for "The Scorching Comet"
  13. Group Name: The Liberators

    Server/Game: Union/City of Heroes

    Theme: Golden/Silver Age WW2 SG thrown forward in time.

    Contacts: Currently not recruiting but feel free to contact @Platinum Guardian for more info/RP events (looking for a suitable "enemy")

    Usual Activities: Cleaning up the future and it's lack of morals!

    Background & Structure:

    Admission Notes/Requirements: TBA when the group is actively recruiting.
  14. New page up for new Golden/Silver Age themed RP SG "The Liberators"
  15. Beastman Pack

    Various animal costume pieces ie more variants for monstrous and more animal heads (bird-heads, webbed feet and gloves etc)

    Power: Beastial Rage - universal "build up" power
  16. PlatinumGuardian

    Tanker powersets

    I never asked for tru einvulnerability, I asked for the powersets to better reflect the names. Especially in the sense of stone tankers being more invulnerable than invuln tankers. I never asked for literal invulnerability, just for the powersets to make better sense. I've already pointed out that I love my invuln tanker (my first and only 50) more than any of my other toons, this isn't a self-serving suggestion, it's a suggestion made from something i've noticed, that invulnerable tankers are in fact MORE vulnerable than certain other sets, which makes no sense. Cass seems to be of a similar way of thinking to me, an invuln tanker is not as "tough" as they should be. Perhaps the tweaks only need to be small, I don't know, but the fact that to get the sort of resistance ability implied by "invulnerability" you have to be surrounded by mobs is a little hard to stomach when all a stone tanker has to do is hit a toggle and they can out-tank almost anyone on mechanics alone (again don't get me wrong, i've been standing when two other tanks - both stone - in teh team have faceplanted, but that's more through playing ability than the powerset.) I fully nderstand the weakness to psionics, that's fine, what I don't understand is the dependence on enemies to give you the best resistance you can get without clicking "god mode." Invinc is possibly the power i'd like to see revised most of all because of this fact.
  17. PlatinumGuardian

    Tanker powersets

    Which my main point was, unless you are surrounded by mobs, you aren't even close to invulnerable. Now if in fact this changes in i13 with a revised Invincibility, I'll happily withdraw my statement on the gimped-ness of the set. But as it stands, it should be could "pretty tough" not "invulnverability."
  18. PlatinumGuardian

    Tanker powersets

    Actually, I haven't skipped a single invuln power on my tank, and the fact remains it is still overall a less effective powerset for tanking than the ones i've mentioned earlier. And i'm sorry but the person who said "have you ever tried smashing a block of granite" tell me when granite was "IMPOSSIBLE TO HARM INJURE OR WOUND" because that's teh lteral definition of invulnerable. WHich granite, isn't.
  19. The thing I'd love the most would be Rikti costume parts
  20. PlatinumGuardian

    Tanker powersets

    I never said that Invuln wasn't useable, my main toon (as I already said) is an invuln tanker and I love that toon more than any of my others. The discussion is about the set actually reflecting it's name, which it doesn't. A set called "Invulnerability" should have a lot more of a sense of being invulnerable than it currently does. And it certainly shouldn't be weaker than a set based around stone!
  21. PlatinumGuardian

    Tanker powersets

    So an AV who's fairly easy to defeat is your justification for a powerset that doesn't come close to living up to it's name? Ok then...
  22. PlatinumGuardian

    Tanker powersets

    So what you're saying is the 1 power that gets the least amount of use by almost every Invuln tanker I know (unstoppable) is the reason why Invuln isn't a weak set? Please, at least TRY and be realistic with it. Granite armour is a toggle, and gets more use than unstoppable no questions act, so I'm supposed to believe that STONE makes you more resistant than being Invulnerable? Perhaps the set should just be renamed to "Invulnerability for 3 minutes then facecplant. The rest of the time half-decent resistance and weak defence (unless of course you're surrounded by mobs in which case invincibility will make you less vulnerable)?"
  23. PlatinumGuardian

    Tanker powersets

    I'm an avid tanker, I love everything about the style of playing and that'll never change. But I find that my favourite AT seems to have a few inconsistencies in powerset strengths. Why is invulnerability so gimped compared to other sets? (Don't get me wrong here, my main toon is Invul, chosen for concept as a RPer, but I have played all of the other sets.)

    It doesn't make sense that other sets make you less vulnerable, than invulnerability. Let's have a look at this.

    1.Immune to attack; impregnable.
    2.Impossible to damage, injure, or wound.
    (American Heritage Dictionary)

    This implies something much stronger than what we have in game. For example a stone tank is far more resistant than an invuln tank. Now let's look at this in another context, if somebody was about to drop a big bomb on you. Would you rather be sat in a stone box (building) or would you rather be "Impossible to damage, injure or wound?" I know where my choice would be. Similarly, Willpower is another powerset which handles damage far easier than Invulnerable. So if somebody levelled a gun at you, would you rather have the strength of will to carry on going, after being shot OR would you rather be "impossible to damage, injure or wound?"

    All i'm asking is that Invulnerability reflect it's LITERAL MEANING, at least a little bit. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that changes are being made to the powerset. Unfortunately, the changes I've read about on forums really don't seem like they're going to make a huge difference on the powerset in general, especially when you compare them to the strength of other powersets and the fact that by definition, Invulnerability should be easily able to keep up with those sets in term of defense and damage resistance, WITH EASE.
  24. Yeah I agree, it also comes down to character concept. Alot of people just simply don't play the type of person who runs around in multicoloured tights. Others do, haha (i'm well known in my supergroup as an 8foot tall spandexed giant )