Incarnate archetype




now i think they should bring the incarnates in during issue 14 with a choice of have a scrapper style or tanker style for heroes and MM or brute for villians. and epic for heroes should be liek power of zeus, apollo, ares, athena or sometyihng like that and villians get power of taterus, gia etc. you know like heroes get gods and villians get titans. if ya don't get what i mean look it up on wikipeadia or sometihng



Incarnete Archetypes have been suggested before many times, however I like your idea of (what I assume) is a kind of Patron re: chosing among Gods or Titans. That would give more variety. They may have to retcon a little of the Well of the Furies lore regarding the Gods, but your idea sounds fun.



i just got the idea from looking at states and recluse seeing as they get their powers from zeus and tartarus and yes the power of god and titans will be epic for heroes and patron for villians



Incarnete Archetypes have been suggested before many times

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At one point by Cryptic, as I recall. Incarnates were a suggested epic archetype long, long ago. I get the feeling they got shelved in favour of Inventions being the progression mechanism.

I always got the feeling that the only reason the villain epics were introduced was for fairness. They took a way long time to do, I think maybe they aren't terribly popular and got put back and back because of this.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I don't think Incarnates will be an epic archetype, but a pool for an existing character to unlock, and get powers from.



Apparently on the paragonwiki, it states that Recluse, Statesman, Trapdoor and Imperious are all incarnates who drunk from the well of the furies at the fountain of zeus. It also states thet they are of another origin rather than the ones players have, so I doubt that theyde have millions of people quing up to drink from a fountain then parade around with super powers, It would sap the uniqueness of the above characters, but its still a good Idea

A total of 14 of my nerves have been harmed in the making of this post...



but htey could make it a level 50 solo mission (one mission for each patron deity that suits his/her nature) that you can only do once per lvl 50 character. once completed, you "unlock" the incarnate AT by drinking the water from the well and having your hero reborn . level 50 gets archived and you are given a level one toon again but with the AT you did the mission for and a whole new set of powers (along with certain godly inherents) and a whole new set of missions to accomplish. hero and villain get dropped in favour of true Good and Evil with the entire process being made up of "opposed" missions and realms. Each time a goal is achieved, there is some effect in the real world of Paragon/Rogue (all CoT gain +1 level etc limited to once per hour after which time they revert to their normal state).

this way, those that want to continue having adventures beyond level 50 get a whole new set of 50 levels to play while those who are content at the top of mortal ability can continue doing what they do.

it also adds a whole legendary status to names.



Maybe Incarnation could be a new Epic/Patron power pool? the Incarnates only have a few powers to do with the godly natures, so you can keep a character, and make him an incarnate.

A total of 14 of my nerves have been harmed in the making of this post...



ohhh i like your idea mate basicly like the patron power mission. and you get it off a new contact or something



well no not really have a mission arc to unlock the archetype and pick what type of powersets you have be it regen, invun or fire armour and attack powers like MA or super strength etc. but the thing where you can alter the way the game goes doesn't really work would means the devs would have to do some massive changes to the game but still would be fun to have a massivly powerful hero/villian on par with states and recluse



As things stand, no-One will be be drinking from the well as it was destroyed in the events following Marcus and Stephans' encounter with it in 'The Web of Arachnos' book.

There is always time-travel to get around that, but its not a good idea to have a City of Incarnates as powerful as Statesman and Lord Recluse, The CoX universe has to maintain a sense of focus after all.

In that vein of thinking, The best way in my opinion would be the process of drinking 'tainted Nectar' via a very small pool left surviving and cut off from the source - (or if time-travel is involved) not being allowed to drink from the Well, but a small amount of tainted nectar awarded from The Furies to open up what I hope becomes an Incarnates patron powerpool.



yeah i get that but you could put that the power was relised and went into certain artifacts of certain gods or titans so people could get it ya see what i mean



As things stand, no-One will be be drinking from the well as it was destroyed in the events following Marcus and Stephans' encounter with it in 'The Web of Arachnos' book.

There is always time-travel to get around that, but its not a good idea to have a City of Incarnates as powerful as Statesman and Lord Recluse, The CoX universe has to maintain a sense of focus after all.

In that vein of thinking, The best way in my opinion would be the process of drinking 'tainted Nectar' via a very small pool left surviving and cut off from the source - (or if time-travel is involved) not being allowed to drink from the Well, but a small amount of tainted nectar awarded from The Furies to open up what I hope becomes an Incarnates patron powerpool.

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There is some inside the MAGI vault, seriously, next time your in Atlas Park examine the plaques behind the artifacts in the back of the MAGI office.



If its Nectar, If its removed from the source spring - Its tainted, and therefore less powerful than the wellspring waters.



It's only a drop so it remains untainted

that said, no one's tried to examine it.



Uh I want to be like statesman so I can stand on a boat all day and do nothing but send other heroes to the almost certain demise... that'll be fun.



The lore goes like this BlueDarky;

"I want to take a sample so I can analyse it," said Stephan. "If we can break it down, maybe we could mass produce it. Bring health and happiness to everyone in the world-for a reasonable price of course"
"I'm not concerned about the money", said Marcus.
"Not after regaining my health. But I'm willing to help. What's the problem?".
"I dip the test tube in the water, holding it by a pair of metal tongs. I should be drawing a perfect sample, clear and golden. But, when I remove the tube from the stream and cap it, there's always a tiny black spot, some little impurity. Try as I might, I can't get it out. And, no matter how many times I try, even corking the tube in the stream itself, that damned impurity always appears."
"Let me try," said Marcus. Bottle after bottle, tube after tube, he immersed in the water. Each time he did, the liquid he captured appeared perfectly pure. Yet, within a minute, a black blotch had somehow appeared in the sample.
"'One drop remains pure,'" said Marcus. "Thats what the three sisters said. I suspect that's what we're witnessing here, Stephan. Remove more than a drop from the fountain and the water seems to decay."
"Thats Insane," said Stephan, his face flushing crimson.
"A drop? How can you measure a single drop? Scientifically, that makes no sense. Water isn't sentient. Its not alive. How can a stream know if I take a drop or a gallon?".
"Perhaps," said Marcus, "science doesn't have all the answers."

[/ QUOTE ]

So it seems we are both right, The drop in the Magi offices, If pure, is just a curiosity. It is far too small to affect anyone, (Marcus and Stephan drank handfuls of the pure source Nectar to affect their transformations), It cannot be replicated and the Wellspring is destroyed.

It seems finding a small amount of tainted water in a surviving crack or pool on Praxidae or time-travelling back for a gift of tainted water from The Furies would be the only way to fit Incarnates into the existing lore in my opinion.

Or they could just retcon.



but htey could make it a level 50 solo mission (one mission for each patron deity that suits his/her nature) that you can only do once per lvl 50 character.

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So my Empath, low dmg Tankers, un-soloably squishy Blasters and pure Buffers are bound to be mortal?





The lore goes like this BlueDarky;

"I want to take a sample so I can analyse it," said Stephan. "If we can break it down, maybe we could mass produce it. Bring health and happiness to everyone in the world-for a reasonable price of course"
"I'm not concerned about the money", said Marcus.
"Not after regaining my health. But I'm willing to help. What's the problem?".
"I dip the test tube in the water, holding it by a pair of metal tongs. I should be drawing a perfect sample, clear and golden. But, when I remove the tube from the stream and cap it, there's always a tiny black spot, some little impurity. Try as I might, I can't get it out. And, no matter how many times I try, even corking the tube in the stream itself, that damned impurity always appears."
"Let me try," said Marcus. Bottle after bottle, tube after tube, he immersed in the water. Each time he did, the liquid he captured appeared perfectly pure. Yet, within a minute, a black blotch had somehow appeared in the sample.
"'One drop remains pure,'" said Marcus. "Thats what the three sisters said. I suspect that's what we're witnessing here, Stephan. Remove more than a drop from the fountain and the water seems to decay."
"Thats Insane," said Stephan, his face flushing crimson.
"A drop? How can you measure a single drop? Scientifically, that makes no sense. Water isn't sentient. Its not alive. How can a stream know if I take a drop or a gallon?".
"Perhaps," said Marcus, "science doesn't have all the answers."

[/ QUOTE ]

So it seems we are both right, The drop in the Magi offices, If pure, is just a curiosity. It is far too small to affect anyone, (Marcus and Stephan drank handfuls of the pure source Nectar to affect their transformations), It cannot be replicated and the Wellspring is destroyed.

It seems finding a small amount of tainted water in a surviving crack or pool on Praxidae or time-travelling back for a gift of tainted water from The Furies would be the only way to fit Incarnates into the existing lore in my opinion.

Or they could just retcon.

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Yup, baring the tainted samples Stephan used to fund his entry into Arachnos there's two drops left that we know of, Statesman's Amulet and the one in MAGI's vault, there is of course the possibility that they are one and the same. From Web of Arachnos we can assume that the varying effects of the water are as follows:-

Drop - Extends life, Marcus used a single drop to extend his life long enough to find the fountain after almost falling to mustard gas in the first world war. However he was kept in agony and nearly died several times during the search.

Tainted Sample - Enhanced Strength and longevity, Stephan sold the tainted samples he took which granted enhanced strength and longer life to whoever drank them although nowhere near the levels of Statesman and Recluse.

Pure - Godlike power, cures all diseases, also seems to grant immortality. (not saying it does or doesn't, it's known that Statesman and Lord Recluse have been around since the 1920s and that Statesman certainly hasn't aged a day whether he will or not is another matter).

So unless the Furies found how to take a large pure sample they'll have to find another way to introduce Incarnates.



but think about it having a incarnate archetype would be fun. would be a chance to see what it's like to be states or recluse. plus it won't be much different from being a tank/scrapper or mastermind/brute



How do you work that one out?



The clues are pointing to Incarnate being an epic (i.e. unlockable) Origin, not AT.

I really should do something about this signature.



As things stand, no-One will be be drinking from the well as it was destroyed in the events following Marcus and Stephans' encounter with it in 'The Web of Arachnos' book.

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A friend of mine picked up two of the 'novels' - I tried reading a few pages at random but was defeated by my eyeballs trying to claw their ways out of their sockets.

Occasionally when I'm round their flat I pick it up and read a paragraph or two aloud if they've been talking about CoD4 a lot. "Hah, bleeding ears again eh? That'll learn you to talk about cooking grenades and 'shotgun' classes for hours at a time!"



cos look at states and recluse states=tank and recluse=mastermind



Incarnate is an origin. That means that they should be any AT plus an Incarnate.
Another question: All incarnates have attained their power through the Well of the Furies? Maybe there are other Wells or another way to become Incarnate

We have the battalion incoming, maybe the Incarnates are our hope?