PPD code giveaway !!!
Have I told you lately how much I love you?
Looking forwards to seeing what people come up with. I have one question though, is there a minimum level requrement to enter or are level one chars with outfits copied from Villain chars permitted?
Edit: To explain asking it here, I reasoned others would ask the same question, so thought to prevent you getting spammed in pm's.
is there a minimum level requrement to enter
[/ QUOTE ]
OP said:
(minimum lvl ten to enter)
[/ QUOTE ]
or I didn't understood correctly...
*smacks self* I should learn to read better when excited.
I'll do what I can to be there
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
lol take slow deep breaths Hairiness
but as Saxtus said the min lvl to enter is 10
Co-Leader of the Art Of War
Have been advertising on BC in atlas lately and the response seems good, but Hairy mate although we are running this the big thanks has to go to Ghostraptor, not for giving the codes.....but for not blocking me after multiple repeated pm's begging for them as prizes, they all fold eventually
"contemplates quittin the sg just to enter for the code"
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
Ok peeps this is your last chance to get involved with this :-)
Hope to see you all there
Co-Leader of the Art Of War
Great event guys, thanks for the inf and BIG congrats to the 3 winners, awesome cossies!
Gratulations to the winners. Would love to see pictures as I did a little miscalculation... And joined Atlas park after one hour had passed. Oh well another time.
But Pictures please
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
Would love to see pictures as I did a little miscalculation... And joined Atlas park after one hour had passed. Oh well another time.
[/ QUOTE ]Not your fault, the OP mistakenly advertised that the event was starting at 7pm GMT which is 8pm UK time (BST), but instead the event started at 6pm GMT (7pm BST).
Holy cow you're right - it's a fix! I turned up about 9pm. At the time I thought I was an idiot but now I see that it was the original poster's fault and I was an innocent in all of this. It seems only fair that they give a Hardsuit code to everyone who complains about it in this thread.
*gets in line*
Big thanks to everyone who turned up and make it what it was, you really have no idea how hard it was to pick the winner with so many great costumes.
Big Gratz to the 3 winners, Purple Heart, Positron Star and Fireballe
Hope we can do another one soon
Co-Leader of the Art Of War
Holy cow you're right - it's a fix! I turned up about 9pm. At the time I thought I was an idiot but now I see that it was the original poster's fault and I was an innocent in all of this. It seems only fair that they give a Hardsuit code to everyone who complains about it in this thread.
*gets in line*
[/ QUOTE ]Really?
I didn't saw anyone complaining so I guess you're going to be served fast!
Those who were unhappy released all their anger by activating [Self Destruct]
It was quite funny really... you could almost make an musical with it...
"Farah O." Stalker: Street/Energy
"Aoi" Scrapper : Kat/SR
"Supa Troll" Tanker: WP/SS
"Milkman Bill" Brute: Staff/Fire
It was a great event and i thank all who turned up, many was a bickering between us as to who was best, some really great cossies, as for the timing mix up i can only apologise to those who were misled, but all in all a good event next one i hope to get an even bigger prize fund and maybe try and crash atlas totally
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
Ok guys its coming up to halloween, summer is over and with the onset of issue 13, we at the Art of War decided to run our Bi Annual costume competition, we hope to make it as big an event as the last one early in the year.
(minimum lvl ten to enter)

Will be hosting it on Saturday the 11th at 7pm (GMT) in Atlas under the globe with a raft of prizes (along with a generous donation from Ghostraptor who I must thank whole heartedly for his help)
We have decided to run with the "most heroic" theme this time, so bring your best "classic comic book" inspired toon...so dig out your dusty old comics and think of a most original look from the old age of spandex to turn up in
We will run the main event in atlas, then whittle it down to 10 finalists, then pick the winners from them.
3rd prize is 10 mil
2nd prize is 30 mil
1st prize is 50 mil
All three finalists will also recieve an exclusive PPD hardsuit costume code generously donated by ghostraptor - yes people this is real!!
for those of you unsure as to what the PPD hardsuits looks like its this
PPD Hardsuit
The remaining seven runners up will recieve a 2 mil prize each and there is also a seperate 15 day time card for the most "humerous cossie"
(i must stress that we are completely impartial we will judge as a group as to what we feel is a striking, original look, no outside influences will be considered, we want this to be an open fun event, plus as a note from GR i must add under no circumstances will any "copyrighted" looks be included)
Plus will be running a Sister Psyche TF at 8pm straight after for those who wish to join.
Any questions pm me or message me ingame @Stryke or @Eros
we are mostly on in the evenings from 6pm onwards
Hope to see you all decked out in your finest
Co-Leader of the Art Of War