Are Scrappers really like this???




I'm intrigued. Whats the 5 second rule?

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Denotes that a Scrapper has recieved specialist training, and is now capable of waiting a full five seconds before diving headlong into the nearest mob after anyone on their team says "Ready!".

[/ QUOTE ]Quoted from the 'Player Notes' thread here

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Oh yes.

As noted in the topic it's a derivative of the unofficial '6 second rule' whereby the team as a full six seconds before the scrapper runs off and dives into a spawn.

Also have you head the phrase 'scrapperlock' it's a common occurance on Scrappers whereby the stopped focusing on anything but enemies, including their health bar.

Even on a Regen when I've gone full blown scrapper lock, it's merely involved clicking reconstruction when it's up and then carrying on the fight. Paragonwiki describes it as a 'state akin to beserking' which is very true.

There is an old scrapper mantra "Scrapper kills, we're killed or their killed, it does not matter which, merely a kill matters".

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



/raises hand

So true, if in a team I will wait. But only the 5/6 seconds, to be sure everyone knows.



Hmmm that's an interesting rule, is there anything similar for trollers and blasters? If not full 5 seconds, at least blasters could wait till everyone in the team says "ready" before using their AoE. Trollers would be a bit more complicated, their countdown should start after the tanker taunts or something



I could go from always patiently allowing for certain things first; to either setting up the next group; or taking one for the team or planting for the sheer hell of it.

If you see some idiot do something that could compromise you stand back and watch. If you can offer buffs without compromising yourself or others please do. On some scrappers I have whats called a taunt aura and yes whilst the Tank can be seen concentrating on their priorities I might go set the next group up and still be leading in dps.

I tend to overly die a lot on self res toons, its unphasing as its all part of their concept. Given a choice between saving me and someone else, I hope the one who can't self res is saved.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Nice guide referal Maelwys,

I have 2 active scrappers and 1 placeholder one atm.

Coolio Wolfus - Claws/Regeneration - Domestic with Wild tendencies. (Scrapperlock)
A Werewolf and my hero SG leader, he is generally domesticated with occasional feral and wild tendencies,
especially when badly hurt, well he is a werewolf after all.

Lady Victoria Starr - Martial Arts/Super Reflexes - Domestic.
My (posh) and obviously domesticated scrapper.

Neutronia Starr - Claws/Super Reflexes - Wild.
My wild-cat Kheldian Warshade HEAT placeholder.
However I like this set so much on this cat character, that once I get a spare slot I will be re-making it.

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Err is there any other way to play a scrapper? Juest treat teams like solo, but with more bystanders....

The only time I have ever played vaguely sensibly is when on MoSTF. Other than that my role as the scrapper is to either:
a) bash (DM) or
b) hack (BS).

I do pay attention to my health bar purely because clicking dark regen is quicker than carking it and having to use ST. There must be atleast 5secs difference and 5 seconds is a lot of SMASH time.
But then most well built and slotted scrappers @ lvl 50 should be able to atleast survive for a long period in the middle of an 8 man spawn (some exceptions obviously, INV psi cw etc etc).

I find my blaster worse, some one even suggested to me last night that just because nova is recharged doesn'y mean you have to lay it on the biggest +5 lvl mob you can find. All I can say is pffff.



i "rarely" use the 6 second rule unless theres no tank then i just pop mog and jump in.



Playing a scrapper really doesn't require science, you run in the mob and click buttenz.



Playing a scrapper really doesn't require science, you run in the mob and click buttenz.

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Playing a scrapper really doesn't require science, you run in the mob and click buttenz.

[/ QUOTE ]

And thus the joy of the Scrapper was realised. It does make a whole different ballgame to playing a Defender (I do have a level 40 Rad/Rad fender).

There is also one inherent problem I have encountered.

If your first character or the one character you've played the longest is a scrapper (or Brute...they suffer from these problems too but it's simply called SMASH!), you have to fight mighty hard to supress said scrapper tendencies when playing on toons that aren't a scrapper.

Such as remembering your actually playing your fire/fire blaster and as such, not able to survive the attention your getting from Fireball...even though your Scrapper would survive and kill most of the spawn anyway...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



even though your Scrapper would survive and kill most of the spawn anyway...

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Short of an spines scrapper, the time a fire/fire blaster takes to obliterate an 8 man spawn is a tiny fraction that a crude scrapper takes to cycle his attacks through a spawn.

Its called balance. And Blasters (particularly with defiance 2.0) simply leave scrappers trailing at a mighty distance in terms of damage, particularly in teams.

They just simply have more class and complexity. Im not saying they are more powerful, just they need more judgement, positioning and teamwork.

The Devs have always maintained that they designed some ATs to work well solo (and thus poorly in teams), noting scrappers for this role, and some to work very well in teams (and poorly solo) noting Defenders for this role. I imagine they consider Blasters, Tanks, and Controllers somewhere in thie middle.



This is at the level 16 range...

yeah playing my level 16 fire/fire blaster like my level 50 scrapper is a no-no. I'm use to there being MoG or IH available to fire off, or even Recon and DP, with my Blaster its very much kill it before it kills you, I'm not entirely use to being that squishy, even on my Rad/Rad offender (don't worry, I did take all the 'required' powers from my primary).

Though I am loving the 8 man team (with tank using taunt) BU + Fireball + Fire Breath, I imagine later on it does become a monster for damage on a wide scale.

I always imagined Defenders as a mixed bunch, Rad/* solos quite well thanks to the debuffs but then having only played a Rad/Rad I can't speak for the rest of the powersets though obviously a pure Empath would be hell to solo I imagine.

Always assumed Controllers would preform worse solo than a Defender but sadly I'm nay as experience as you guys, so feel free to correct me where wrong.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



In my experience, Controllers solo better than defenders. /Rad is one of the more "soloable" sets, for both Controllers and Defenders.



I would sort of agree with the post about blasters.

After 3yrs of being a scrapper, I'm finding I'm enjoying being a blaster more. The problem is now scrapper is just SO easy, easpecailly with IOs. Playing a blaster adds a lot more insta-faceplant spice to the mix.
Plus once you've hit a 6 slotted AIM + BU + FC'd nova, there's nothing on a scrapper to compare.



I obey the 5sec rule on my scrappers... mainly.
The 3sec (like 5sec rule but shorter) rule on my blasters... sometimes.
However my controllers don't obey any rules.



Yeah 5 seconds sounds about right. That's about how long it takes my blaster to fire off BU + Aim + Rain Of Arrows. On an ITF recently our Spines/Regen often went charging into a fresh spawn of Cimerorans just as I hit BU... and was dead from their alpha strike before my arrows fell

Funnily enough 5 seconds was also how long it usually took the granite tanker to catch up to us and TP into the spawn to take aggro. And that poor spiney hadn't even taken his self-rez. If only he'd known how to wait 5 seconds...

Though I guess he could have been working on his debt badges.

Admittedly I've been guilty of failing the 5 second rule too, but only on my brutes and usually they survive (oh and on my blaster and warshade too, but then the spawn doesn't usually survive). Besides I've taken taunt on my brutes, mainly so I have an excuse for my impulsive behaviour



Did you spines/Regen not have MoG? Was he still stuck in the way of thinking that it was terribad and thus should not be specced into?

MoG pretty much null and voids virtually any alpha except the mighty Rularuu eyeballs (I swear the Rularuu are the toughest enemies in the game...EVER! I actually hate the Watchers/Observers/Overseers more than Malta Sappers) and of course Hamidon himself (but for such enemies we have IH instead).

Both my Regens have become emergency AV/GM tanks (all except Lusca...being hit by four tentacles at once is going to kill anybody except an eluded up SR scrapper or a Granite tank) by firing off MoG and then IH afterwards, though once IH switches off...well he's going to be going down no matter what but he hopefully bought the teams enough time to regroup.

Playing my BS/Regen I must admit I did enter a scrapperlock state, 8 man team spawns but designed for -2 to my level on invincible (team leader was 37, I was 39) about eight -1 Nemesis footsoldiers, a smattering of even con lts and 2 +1 Warhulk bosses in each spawn in a 'prevent the jailbreak' side mission.

Most of this was solo as well though, the rest of the team were elsewhere, so until the granite tanker turned up just as I got to 'Shock Treatment' (oooh I hate mobs with their own tier 9s, she lasts ages just because of it and nothing else).

Even then the granite tanker kept getting detoggled thanks to Shock Treatments end drain effects. This is where running both Stamina and Quick Recovery become a godsend.

Sure it's not the eight man invincible spawn but then, smashing your way through these hordes of minions, constantly smashing things, swiftly moving from fight to fight was just joyous.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



isnt 5 Sekonds the Time the Team needs to realise that they have to search for an new Mobgroup because the Scrapper was faster again ?

I never cant resist to go Scrapperlock if i play him.
Its like an Curse or an Attomatic Power who is activating if i log on with my Scrapper, and with my Troller



Even then the granite tanker kept getting detoggled thanks to Shock Treatments end drain effects. This is where running both Stamina and Quick Recovery become a godsend.

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He forgets to put on Rooted? (rooted gives a great resist against draai, even sappers shouldnt be a problem).

I still love my scrappers, they are more 'avarage' then blasters. Each set of scrappers can perform very lovely, where blasters are very 'unbalanced' to get a decent and save attack chain going.

Most of them are sub-tanks, picking up the pieces the tank left behind and smash them to pieces without worrying u might die (wich quite some blasters can do also with enough holds in their set though).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Personally I'm more prone to brutelock (if that even exists) than scrapperlock. Playing my scrappers always seems quite relaxing, unhurried and therapeutic by comparison with my 4 brutes - probably because on a scrapper I don't have that fury bar decaying slowly for every second I'm not hitting (or being hit) - consequently I don't feel as pressured to keep charging into more trouble as soon as the last fight ends, so I'm a bit less reckless. And stalkerlock definitely doesn't exist - playing mine I feel so laidback I'm almost horizontal

Did you spines/Regen not have MoG? Was he still stuck in the way of thinking that it was terribad and thus should not be specced into?

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I'm fairly certain he didn't have MoG - I don't recall seeing the animation for it at all - and when I'm firing BU+Aim+RoA I can spend at least 5 seconds just watching whats going on without paying much attention to my UI (I trigger BU & Aim from my mouse side-buttons, then Rain has that looooong animation and the pause at the end). As for why, I couldn't say - he certainly needed both MoG and Revive with his playstyle - and probably a team full of Emps in his back pocket too (even then they'd probably still have found a use for Vengeance).



even though your Scrapper would survive and kill most of the spawn anyway...

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Short of an spines scrapper, the time a fire/fire blaster takes to obliterate an 8 man spawn is a tiny fraction that a crude scrapper takes to cycle his attacks through a spawn.

Its called balance. And Blasters (particularly with defiance 2.0) simply leave scrappers trailing at a mighty distance in terms of damage, particularly in teams.

They just simply have more class and complexity. Im not saying they are more powerful, just they need more judgement, positioning and teamwork.

The Devs have always maintained that they designed some ATs to work well solo (and thus poorly in teams), noting scrappers for this role, and some to work very well in teams (and poorly solo) noting Defenders for this role. I imagine they consider Blasters, Tanks, and Controllers somewhere in thie middle.

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yeah but after agroing the first few your blaster would surely be face down when the scrapper would be chugging on



I never thought I suffered from scrapperlock until the day I realised too late the team had wiped and it was just me and a whole lotta cicle of thorns.



You must have found it getting easier when everyone else was keeping out of the way then. ;P