Are Scrappers really like this???




Actually, it does get loads easier without all these annoying powers that make them run away and such... or worse, the group teleport thing coming up on the screen because we're apparently getting in over our heads

One thing I will never do again is team with a bunch of blasters, what, am I a SERVANT? There just to mop everyone up?!?



I would sort of agree with the post about blasters.

After 3yrs of being a scrapper, I'm finding I'm enjoying being a blaster more. The problem is now scrapper is just SO easy, easpecailly with IOs. Playing a blaster adds a lot more insta-faceplant spice to the mix.
Plus once you've hit a 6 slotted AIM + BU + FC'd nova, there's nothing on a scrapper to compare.

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I agree with this. Now I've gotten a scrapper (and lovely as she was, especially during the 'Tank taunts, controllers and defenders lock, blasters and scrappers do their thing' Praetorian arc) to 50, I find her quite dull. I think it's why I respec'd into Dark Mastery - as you can actually hold and immobilise foes, and use some tactics.

Having said that, my fire/fire scrapper is an absolute scream. She tears through mobs a lot. Okay, all she can do is burn things (at the moment, but even then not much else , if I'm honest, after level 26 or so) but it's fun to BURN!

Oh and 'Scrapperlock' applies to anyone, not just scrappers. I've done it before and seen it before on defenders, controllers, stalkers, dominators...

It's funny the first time when you faceplant (or the team wipes) - after that, not so much



The OP might also want to read the classic "On the Care and Feeding of Your Scrapper"...

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Wow, that had escaped my attentions. This...

.... and many regard themselves as a form of tank, or, more often, as a living blender.

[/ QUOTE ] the single most elegant description of a scrapper I have ever heard.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



even though your Scrapper would survive and kill most of the spawn anyway...

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Short of an spines scrapper, the time a fire/fire blaster takes to obliterate an 8 man spawn is a tiny fraction that a crude scrapper takes to cycle his attacks through a spawn.

Its called balance. And Blasters (particularly with defiance 2.0) simply leave scrappers trailing at a mighty distance in terms of damage, particularly in teams.

They just simply have more class and complexity. Im not saying they are more powerful, just they need more judgement, positioning and teamwork.

The Devs have always maintained that they designed some ATs to work well solo (and thus poorly in teams), noting scrappers for this role, and some to work very well in teams (and poorly solo) noting Defenders for this role. I imagine they consider Blasters, Tanks, and Controllers somewhere in thie middle.

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Scrappers are fine for teams, they lead in damage per second *not* in damage per second for all of 10 secs and then weaze/die.

Scrappers can also be used for tanking single hard targets channeling damage away from the team in an effort to keep damage and secondary effects off of the more vulnerable.

They're not useless in teams, nor good for nothing but they're not the most reliable in terms of support. They are the most solo-able but then somit has to be.

Blasters do alright with certain buffs, put those buffs on a scrapper and they should do even better over a longer period...on average.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I have a scrapperlock even worse i have other locks as well; with defenders i usually look for team but me so i go down without noticing it, with controllers i look for my holds, sleeps or other stuffs status so i go down again. I think i only check my health with tankers as team is mostly depends on me.

Scrappers are good for teams as any other hero AT. To be honest when i try to gather a team my priority of ATs goes like this (mostly depend on my sets/AT tho) Tankers, Controllers, Scrappers, Defenders and Blasters. First two are my favorite ATs. I prefer Scrappers over Blasters because they are more sturdy and have less annoying effects on their powers than Blasters. Also if tank goes down scrappers can continue keeping mobs at bay in that case of emergency. Don't get me wrong, a team full of blasters are also fine and they do pretty well without a Tanker but having a scrapper is a big plus for a team.



The OP might also want to read the classic "On the Care and Feeding of Your Scrapper"...

[/ QUOTE ]Nice Link!

It appears that I am 95% Feral 5% Domesticated. Regrettably I have controlled my "scrapperlock" to such an extent that if I was ever released back into the wild, I'd be torn to pieces in minutes!!!

Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body

Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Defender Nilus Scrapper
Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker




Oh and 'Scrapperlock' applies to anyone, not just scrappers. I've done it before and seen it before on defenders, controllers, stalkers, dominators...

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Yes except that if anything Doms are even more prone to it - domination up tends to make you think you are invulnerable

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



i have noticed this as well I might wait for a tank, when he(she) is not available i will consider my scrapper as the tank. After the Tanks goes i go, no matter what else is in the team and I do go after the biggest baddie of the mob be it AV, EB, boss or less. If all are equal level i will focus on one and got to the other when he is defeated.



I have noticed this as well I might wait for a tank, when s/he) is not available I will consider my scrapper as the tank. After the Tanks goes I go, no matter what else is in the team and I do go after the biggest baddie of the mob be it AV, EB, boss or less. If all are equal level I will focus on one and got to the other when he is defeated.

[/ QUOTE ]Standard scrapper tactics dictate, Tank tankes Alpha, Scrapper rushes in and tries to wipe the mob before the Blaster nukes them... we get angry if the Blaster doesn't tell us when he is nuking...!

Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body

Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Defender Nilus Scrapper
Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker