P V P insperations




Gaes a new accolade? :P

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Yeah, you get it from doing the Croatia Respect Trail. :P

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



thanks to all that replyed .
ice/em blasters are awsome if they dont get held , but a good troller dom only needs to put 2 holds on , one to go over acro the other to hold and its all over from there

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Troller dom? They need to apply one hold to go over acro, as they are of a high mag. Defenders/Blasters/Tankers with holds are weaker mag so they require 2.



Gaes a new accolade? :P

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Pfft geas [censored]

thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



ban all inspis popper, bicox inspis are nut frum devs demself yo but dey are H4X from players. and i can name philosophar use dem so much, datz y ppl say he pwnz bicox he h4x.



I would love to give u a run for your money with my ill/rad

The only 2 things a troller should be scared of in a duel is a rad/spi and an em/ stalker

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this isnt true
any gud build a troller should scared of really.
my spine/sr barely ever loses to trollers ...

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I would love to give u a run for your money with my ill/rad

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hate ill
but if u want sure
Im on Onion but have test installed ..



if someone uses inspirations after loosing . . . . beat them again!!!
If your a controller and they use a couple of breakfrees . . . . screw it!!! beat them anyway with raw power!!!!
correct me if im wrong but breafrees dont help against fear??? If so . . . . use fear!!!! ^_^ If not . . . . . ummmm then death isnt as bad as people make out to be

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



if someone uses inspirations after loosing . . . . beat them again!!!
If your a controller and they use a couple of breakfrees . . . . screw it!!! beat them anyway with raw power!!!!
correct me if im wrong but breafrees dont help against fear??? If so . . . . use fear!!!! ^_^ If not . . . . . ummmm then death isnt as bad as people make out to be

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It protects against fear, but it aint hard surviving against a spines sr.

controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr



It protects against fear, but it aint hard surviving against a spines sr.

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But... but... my ice/rad is so squishy



You can turn on shields, put ef up and set healing aura on auto and go afk. Unless he has brought stun granades there is no way he is gonna hurt you. Unless he gets really lucky with crits.

controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr



I would love to hear some of these outcomes of the challenges made in this topic - will make very interesting reading. And maybe some NONE flametery remarks/analysis on the battle.

I myself are still a NOOB PvPer.




Another dumb idea I have is that, as you have a degree of miss hits why do dev not have a degree of insp "miss fire". But this must only be in PvP zone pls :-)

Would this not be a good compromise?



No - I don't want to waste things like Break Frees.



My internet is down atm (has been for 3 weeks now, sitting at mums house atm)just bought a new apartment. Will shout as soon as my connection is back and we can have go in arena

I would love to give u a run for your money with my ill/rad

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hate ill
but if u want sure
Im on Onion but have test installed ..

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I would love to hear some of these outcomes of the challenges made in this topic - will make very interesting reading. And maybe some NONE flametery remarks/analysis on the battle.

I myself are still a NOOB PvPer.


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perhaps we should start a thread just for such challenges



Inspirations is probably the last bit of balance we have. You pop 10 yellows to get through my tier 9? Fine, I'll pop 10 reds when I'll AS your tank :P



I personally hate people that use inspirations in pvp.
I understand the argument for + against, and I dont ever shout at someone for using them, however imagine a situation.

You are going Toe to Toe with a brute, strauggling away pipping your wit, powers and finely tuned build right down to the last ounce of percentage that you have squeezed outta your very expensive IO's... You are within site of the finishing line and about to take him out, when suddenlly.....


3 Greens
2 Yellows
4 Reds
a Partridge in a pear tree and
your f*cked!

How frustrating.

The point is that inspers are not against any pvp rules but they are frowned upon for making a balanced fight, imbalanced.

The only way I think they should be allowed is if you are only allowed to use the ones you earn in zone. (SC example)

This going to contact to buy 20 lucks is what is generally known as

"Ripping the Pish"

ty 4 listening, x

Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........



I would love to hear some of these outcomes of the challenges made in this topic - will make very interesting reading. And maybe some NONE flametery remarks/analysis on the battle.

I myself are still a NOOB PvPer.


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perhaps we should start a thread just for such challenges

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Well, cant speak for the ill/rad, but I guess that srm will agree with me that my troller won with ease. And i bet illu would win way easier with its untyped hold



The point is that inspers are not against any pvp rules but they are frowned upon for making a balanced fight, imbalanced.

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And there was me thinking they put a little bit of balance in imbalanced fights
What is against balance is when only one uses them, but not using them is a decision the other guy makes...



I personally hate people that use inspirations in pvp.
I understand the argument for + against, and I dont ever shout at someone for using them, however imagine a situation.

You are going Toe to Toe with a brute, strauggling away pipping your wit, powers and finely tuned build right down to the last ounce of percentage that you have squeezed outta your very expensive IO's... You are within site of the finishing line and about to take him out, when suddenlly.....


3 Greens
2 Yellows
4 Reds
a Partridge in a pear tree and
your f*cked!

How frustrating.

The point is that inspers are not against any pvp rules but they are frowned upon for making a balanced fight, imbalanced.

The only way I think they should be allowed is if you are only allowed to use the ones you earn in zone. (SC example)

This going to contact to buy 20 lucks is what is generally known as

"Ripping the Pish"

ty 4 listening, x

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How about the brute is energy melee and total focuses you, and you can't use a BF so you will die in the following hits.



I personally hate people that use inspirations in pvp.
I understand the argument for + against, and I dont ever shout at someone for using them, however imagine a situation.

You are going Toe to Toe with a brute, strauggling away pipping your wit, powers and finely tuned build right down to the last ounce of percentage that you have squeezed outta your very expensive IO's... You are within site of the finishing line and about to take him out, when suddenlly.....


3 Greens
2 Yellows
4 Reds
a Partridge in a pear tree and
your f*cked!

How frustrating.

The point is that inspers are not against any pvp rules but they are frowned upon for making a balanced fight, imbalanced.

The only way I think they should be allowed is if you are only allowed to use the ones you earn in zone. (SC example)

This going to contact to buy 20 lucks is what is generally known as

"Ripping the Pish"

ty 4 listening, x

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No that's dumb. Inspirations balance fights 99% of the time.

Also if he pops those, that's half his Insp tray in one go, so it shouldn't be that hard for you to beat him.



The point is that inspers are not against any pvp rules but they are frowned upon for making a balanced fight, imbalanced.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but what is frowned uppon is nubcakes that scream no insps in pvp zones.Noob duelists in WB and RV (hello prince) that dont know jack about PvP and because they know that insps even out the fight and the rock paper scissors pvp of this game are seriously frowned uppon and they are laughing stock.Usually veteran PvPers rip these jokers with a 1-2-3 boom and send them packing.Takes reall skill to plan your insps out and use them efficiently in combination with your build.In zone or in Arena.



I am really not going to read through this whole thread, as these are always the same.

However, I must agree with TG on this one.
In my opinion, anything goes, including inspirations. However, this also means that people disagreeing with the use of them is OK. What else is the ignore option for?

PVP on COH should be amazing, but the immaturity of most of the players amazes me. TBH, I reckon it has even gone far enough for the Devs to take a page out of WoW's book, and stop all communication between enemies in PVP Zones. Stops the endless rants that go on whenever you're inside.



I dont think that is what should be done. I can't understand pvp without a bit of banter -mind me, i said a bit-. Nevertheless, in the zones things go too far way too often, but that wouldn't happen if a cm was there from time to time, or checked logs to punish what should be punished. Sadly, that is not the case