P V P insperations




So i was in rv a few days ago doing evil things on mm and along comes a scrapper , scrapper wallops me a little realises im not a complete noob and am in bg mode , by which time i have applyed all my debuffs and about ready to start wailing myself and his heavy gets into fight abd takes my hp down to nothing , so i pop a couple of greens , at which point scrapper starts calling me all sorts noob this noob that and said i am rubbish pvp because i used inspers
imo inspers are in the game for all to use, there fore its fair if you wanna have a go at me im fine with you using inspers when yer hp is low same as i can do same till im dead
my question is am i a player wuth lower pvp skill lvl becuase i used inspers i dont believe so , i would say i was better player for being prepared, oh btw i killed the scrapper once more after aswell using no inspers



No you are not a bad pvp´r for using insp´s, they aint there to make the screen look pretty. Like u said, u are the better one coming prepared with a load of insp´s i always bring insp´s to a zone, well, IF i can remember to lol.



[sarcasm]no insps, no travel powers, no heals, no pets, no temps, no accolades. any of these things make a noob! [/sarcasm]
You are the better pvper imo for coming prepared to the zone, if u ahve um use um



so i pop a couple of greens

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"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



I <3 non insp arena fights with my troller.



I <3 non insp arena fights with my troller.

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which troller?



I <3 non insp arena fights with my troller.

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which troller?

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fire/rad, you usually need a degree in maths to count the kills



well.. i think i wouldve retorted with the fact he needed a heavy to damage you, but thats besides the point. Coming to a zone prepared imo makes you the better PvPer.

Once was in sirens and laughed hard at an ill/storm troller there challenging people to duels with the rule "no insps, no temps, no running". Of course he beats a fair bit of characters. I challenge him on my MM and then get told he wouldnt fight me cause im too good (while i just entered the zone on him, was on heroes the whole time before that). In other words "I wont fight you, I only fight people i can easily beat". Think most people on Union know who im talking about >.>

But yea, load up on insps, get all those temps into gear.. PvP is bout giving what you got, including insp overdosing. Now, constantly hiding in water of safe zone in WB to buff and heal your fighting teammates without risk, thats a whole different story..

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



Yeah I use Insps all the time, T3 Blues are awesome on my Regen.



So i was in rv a few days ago doing evil things on mm and along comes a scrapper , scrapper wallops me a little realises im not a complete noob and am in bg mode , by which time i have applyed all my debuffs and about ready to start wailing myself and his heavy gets into fight abd takes my hp down to nothing , so i pop a couple of greens , at which point scrapper starts calling me all sorts noob this noob that and said i am rubbish pvp because i used inspers
imo inspers are in the game for all to use, there fore its fair if you wanna have a go at me im fine with you using inspers when yer hp is low same as i can do same till im dead
my question is am i a player wuth lower pvp skill lvl becuase i used inspers i dont believe so , i would say i was better player for being prepared, oh btw i killed the scrapper once more after aswell using no inspers

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Don't listen to a word he says. He's the noob and was just whinging since he didn't get a kill. Best to /ignore him and get on with it.



so i pop a couple of greens

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Don't follow your post at all, Rooks. What do you mean by this?



PvP inspiration moaning is old, as old as empath ruin pvp. I usually now ignore anyone who moans about these things and kill them again and again to annoy them.



so i pop a couple of greens

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Don't follow your post at all, Rooks. What do you mean by this?

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It's a pvp joke...



Let me guess.Was this scrapper like a Sash that Mutated?



Let me guess.Was this scrapper like a Sash that Mutated?

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omg that sash dude pwnz faces.



I haven't been in RV in ages.



So i was in rv a few days ago doing evil things on mm and along comes a scrapper , scrapper wallops me a little realises im not a complete noob and am in bg mode , by which time i have applyed all my debuffs and about ready to start wailing myself and his heavy gets into fight abd takes my hp down to nothing , so i pop a couple of greens , at which point scrapper starts calling me all sorts noob this noob that and said i am rubbish pvp because i used inspers
imo inspers are in the game for all to use, there fore its fair if you wanna have a go at me im fine with you using inspers when yer hp is low same as i can do same till im dead
my question is am i a player wuth lower pvp skill lvl becuase i used inspers i dont believe so , i would say i was better player for being prepared, oh btw i killed the scrapper once more after aswell using no inspers

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Like others said, you did the right thing coming prepared to a fight with insps. Im just mentioning that this "no insps" thing is getting so old you may find regular pvpers post sarcastic and joke responses about it. Like in this thread lol.



Insps imo are ok in zonal PvP but i personally think they are unbalanced in 1 vs 1 arena that said i in now way expect you not to pop an insp if i hold you bit silly really and if a level 50 scrapper cant take a MM theres summat wrong anyway



If any1 would give me a cent each time I do pvp and eats a BF i would be rich... That statement is usually used by high defense and health toons users, they feel like goods with their mez protection and their dmg mitigation set (healths, resistance, defense)...

But then they usually are inconsistent when a dominator comes in play and mezzes them, they eat BFs like water when i fight them...

So just dont hear them, or if u feel a lil 'childish', scream in broadcast: "U, learn to loose... come here a die" and then use ur inps again hehe

Be aware that this last option would start a lot of chatting time that im not interested to explain, almost all of us know it...




Oh, got to love people's ideas of what's fair in a fight. I rarely use insps in zonal pvp (unless fighting multiple opponents (or getting teleganked, in which case ruggeds are in order)), as I sort of like the idea of beating up people without them. But now and then when playing my domi, I run into a blastery type carrying a full tray of BFs or something, just waiting to pick a fight against a domi or a corr using mezzes. For these situs I usually have a bunch of Lucks stashed in my inventory, which I sometimes pop when the BFs start to stack and there is the threat of actual high-magnitude burst damage.

After dealing with them with the relative safety of +200% defense, there is usually no end to the lip on the broadcast how "lol, u popped insps, u r teh suxx in pvp. lucks r suxx, nutin liek bfs, go back to ur mums basement, u haev no lif."

An insp is an insp is an insp.

And all is fair in love and pvp.

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



Insps imo are ok in zonal PvP but i personally think they are unbalanced in 1 vs 1 arena that said i in now way expect you not to pop an insp if i hold you bit silly really and if a level 50 scrapper cant take a MM theres summat wrong anyway

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Oh my, please tell me that was a joke post



inspirations are cheating, plain and simple. If you can't beat someone without using inspirations, you're a terrible player and you should just stay away from PVP altogether.



Insps imo are ok in zonal PvP but i personally think they are unbalanced in 1 vs 1 arena that said i in now way expect you not to pop an insp if i hold you bit silly really and if a level 50 scrapper cant take a MM theres summat wrong anyway

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Oh my, please tell me that was a joke post

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Insps imo are ok in zonal PvP but i personally think they are unbalanced in 1 vs 1 arena that said i in now way expect you not to pop an insp if i hold you bit silly really and if a level 50 scrapper cant take a MM theres summat wrong anyway

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Oh my, please tell me that was a joke post

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i dont know what you mean by this. and i dont know why globey keeps quoting and saying nothing. but let me clarify if you think i was complaining about PvP insps i was NOT

i'll explain using a scenario

a regen scrapper (infact any scrapper) vs an ill/kin troller (i have an ill/kin but never fought a regen in arena this has NOT happened to me)

a regen scrapper with break frees vs an illusion troller will simply never be held never have much damage taken off him (except when decoys are out but with instant healing its not gunna kill him) this makes the scrapper pretty much invincible and any primary for scrappers can take out the troller

illusion troller will need to take bfs too but will have to pop alot more. but all the red inps under the sun would not increase damage enough to take out said scrapper the only thing the troller can do is stay alive easily done i admit (as long as bfs dont run out)

this is what i mean by balanced bfs pretty much render trollers primary usless (untill they have ran out of BFs) and with no damage in troller secondary i think trollers come off bad... (not saying rad or bubbles wouldent change things alot but not everyone PvPs with the bestest best AT/powersets