Veteran's Roll Call
Guess I'll add my bit here
Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
Xtream Justice 50, Lethalblade 39, Angelic Agent 30, Silver Saviour 36, Elven Protector 35, Vanguard Phoenix 27 & loads more lowbies in 20's
The Balance: I'm a SG leader now, but was invited with my main early in my game life & worked my way up. I'm also base designer (great fun to move TPers around to confuse ppl)
Account Created:
09 Feb 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
2 years, 8 months
What Are You Doing Now?:
When in game trying to get my Blaster from 30-32 Nova & my 2nd Troller from 27-32 Imps
What would make you return to CoH?:
Never left, but I would like to see more end game content & more power sets or even better more archetypes. How about an Epic Epic for when you get a PB/WS to 50
Edit: Oh & how about lots & lots of free stuff like money! or maybe just in game stuff.
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
Original Hero:
Tainted Greek
Most Notable Alias(es):
TG,Talin Le Thaed
The Contingency,Insanity/Sanity Inc,Exciter,Vindicate/Fatality
Account Created:
Hmmm my Original account was made at beta EU but this was made around February 5th-8th 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
2 years in 1 month (had a lot WoW breaks )
What Are You Doing Now?:
Moved out of Greece,back in Uni again as well,spending time between CoX,my gf and various other activities as work Gaming Distractions: Currently World in Conflict and preparing for Age of Conan.
What would make you return to CoH?:
New AT's,lagfix,more endgame content and proper PvP support
I'm far too lazy to post in this thread.
"I know 653 ways to kill a man. Fist to the face is #56."
I guess I will give this go
Original Hero:
Mr. Apollo
Most Notable Alias(es):
Golden Wing, Mrs Apollo, Captian Arrow and Response
Destiny's Hand and The Order Of The Cruciform Swords
Account Created:14 Aug 2005
Veteran Rewards Time: 2 years, 2 months
What Are You Doing Now?:Trying to get CoX to load
What would make you return to CoH?: Haven't left, if I were to leave like others have said lagfix a new PvP zone.
Well I dont know if I'm classed as a veteran, nearing 2 years here but what the hell...
Original Hero:
Vabre Cortez
Most Notable Alias(es):
Captain Alpha 01, Cleansing Light, Sirius Cortez
UNIT ALPHA 01, Order of the Crucified Swords and the Doomsayer Cult
Account Created: December 25th 2005
Veteran Rewards Time: 1 Year 7 months (yeah thanks WoW and LotRO )
What are you doing now?:
Just got back after a brief break, playing whenever I can inbetween studying, gigs etc
What would make you return to CoH?:
Well I have returned, but if I was going to demand something it would be to perhaps consider knocking down the war-walls and giving us some nice open spaces to speed around.. Perhaps a new, metropolis like city zone with more new interesting story arcs and absolutely huge skyscrapers. Oh and more buildings lying around the city which have windows which we can see through properly, and crazy collateral damage to every surface in the game would be awesome. Hmmm yeah I'll stop there
Not quite a Beta Veteran, but here goes, non the less:-
Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
Busty Boo / Electrum / Paula Paw / Arrelius
The Echelon and previously, Unity and Galactia Senshi.
Account Created:
May 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
2 years, 2 months (had a break last year when moving house)
What Are You Doing Now?:
Not a great deal. Watxhing Hollyoaks currently.
What would make you return to CoH?:
Haven't left. Not really anything I would change, in order to come back, had I left. Won't put down new powersets or ATs, as I still haven't played all that are available.
Nice one Solaris for creating this thread, will be nice to see what everyone has been up to etc. Similar to Capt. A I suppose I'm not a long time veteran but I've just returned from a break so here it goes
Original Hero:
Black Mage
Most Notable Alias(es):
Black Mage, Rhapsody, Brother Psyche
UNIT ALPHA 01, Legion Supreme, Order of the Cruciform Swords, Elfling Liberty Force, Liberty Legion, The Supernation, The Ladykillers... yeah I get around a lot lol
Account Created: December 25th 2005
Veteran Rewards Time: 1 Year 9 months
What are you doing now?:
A-levels, socialising (PARRRRRRTY!!!!!)
What would make you return to CoH?:
Well I'm back now but I guess I'd like to see a big update on the current powers we have. I'm not too bothered about getting new powersets because there is plenty to choose from but maybe some updates in terms of looks and how they work
Just too busy to fully complete this, so i'll awnser the important one,
What would make you return to CoH?:
Being kept upto date without looking at the USA Forums,
More DXP events (they help attract more players and keep us regulars playing, surely a good thing!),
More AT's
More Powersets (just look at Tankers, STILL only 4 Primaries),
Better PVP System-Support.
At the moment Guild Wars / Wii Sports and XB360 Live are just sooo much better.
Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
Twilight Sin / Vamos / Infernus / Navi
Super Cools , Dark Defenders , Dark Zone , Scoobies , The Echelon
Account Created:
07 July 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
2 years, 2 months
What Are You Doing Now?:
At Uni at the moment which takes up a large portion of my life!
What would make you return to CoH?:
What should i leave !?!?! i still very much playing CoX on both Union and Defiant at the moment as i have no more defiant slots left
Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
Dark Patriot (L50 PB ) & Stranger ( L38 Controller )
Awfully Nice Chaps
Account Created:
About Feb 3, 2005
Went from Mid Beta and signed on the day of release.
Veteran Rewards Time:
2 Years, 7 Months.. I let my Subs slide for a short while
What Are You Doing Now?: / What would make you return to CoH?:
Stopped playing WOW, was playing with a load of ex-COH players. Played console games for a while. X-box 360 & DS
I'm back now and have been for a week or so. Did a few missions with a bunch of Vets last night... was real fun.
Sorry If you are online and I dont say hello. My Global friends list got wiped.
When Dimension is back you know the World is ending around you! Wb mate!!! Add me in globals again @Tainted Greek
Original Hero:
Golden Girl
Most Notable Alias(es):
"." (That really is the name too - just a "." )
Account Created:
Not sure - it was given to me (but it's almost 2 yeas old, I think.)
Veteran Rewards Time:
21 months.
What Are You Doing Now?:
Farming Inf for badges and new players, farming prestige for my SG
What would make you return to CoH?:
Never left - never will leave
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
MaceX, Mika., Encore, SinesterX
Order of the Crucified/form swords
Account Created:
15th feb 2005 and 31st march 2005 (US july 2004 i think). And another feb 2006 and sep 2006.
Veteran Rewards Time:
2 years 6month and nearly 2 yr 9month i think
What Are You Doing Now?:
Going to bed in a bit? Oh wait, Errr... Random MMO's, Cabal, Maple, Rose, GW, bit of RB6:LS, some CS
What would make you return to CoH?:
My toons arent all 50 yet. Played few months US, bad period. Took minor break, working towards 50 again.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Original Hero:
Carnifax (Ill/Storm)
Most Notable Alias(es):
Quantum Arrow (44 Grav/TA), Maloth (40 Fire/Rad), Soloth (30 Kin/Elec)
The Forgotten Warriors, E.V.I.L. (Union)
Account Created:
9 Mar 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
2 years, 4 months
What Are You Doing Now?:
Slave to the Tiny Dictator, playing Bioshock, C&C3 trying various alts on Union
What would make you return to CoH?:
Haven't really left. Would like more co-op zones & mishes though
hey guyz im xanthus i've been around a bit, lead a few hami raids, did some of that pvp thing. I pretty much play EvE most of the time now, although I'm getting into TF2 as well (get me on steam if you're rad, my ID is pirate_vision) so I'll probably play that quite a bit.
Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
Extremus, Elerith, Frozen Electrum, Artemesia
The Paragon Defenders
Account Created:
Lurked around Beta, actually created my Live account late April. Picked up a second account coming up on a year ago.
Veteran Rewards Time:
27 Months, coming up on 30. Coming up on 12 on my second account.
What Are You Doing Now?:
Hittin' [censored], mainly. We concentrate on the [censored] hitting these days.
What would make you return to CoH?:
I never left, though I've taken a quick trip to the US for a few months, more people, more idiots, horribly Hamidon raids. Also played WoW for a bit, but kept my account active for the aforementioned [censored] hitting.
I'm not quite a beta veteran, but I did register not long after EU public release. COH was my first MMO.
Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
Captain Skyfire
The Goonies - still here and active, only ~2 months younger than my account.
Account Created:
15 Feb 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
30 months (27 months in 4th october on my second account)
What Are You Doing Now?:
Same things I did before starting.. Work and Uni in real life, dividing time between several games. Mainly MMOs, and Virtua Fighter 5 with Irl friends.
I have too many friends in COH to completely walk away, and I still enjoy exploring all the infinite character concepts. PVP is still interesting as well, although not the sole reason im still here. The content Ive mostly played through but not all of it. Thing that annoys me the most is the PvE game which functions around the same mechanics as it has always done, and this is what bores me the most and takes focus away from the PvE 'content'. However, every time I have proposed QoL improvements in the game mechanics other people complain that devs should concentrate on 'content' instead. Bah.
Good to see the old boys I used to team with regularly! I've also had the Global friend bug affect me too.
Typical least you've made you're prescence known!
Blizz...will have to beat you at Wii sports bowling sometime. I have a mean left handed spin and 160 points average (is that good?! not sure)!
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Original Hero:
Most Notable Alias(es):
StreetStalker who got renamed StreetHunter after being away too long
Zero Meridian, Foxbase Alpha and now 47 Ties
Account Created:
Pre US beta
Veteran Rewards Time:
Steadfast, however long that is. Got distracted by WoW, EvE and Battlefield 2/2142
What Are You Doing Now?:Trying to level up my RL char
Wii sports Bowling aey, hows about 5 strikes in a row - 200 points average with a perfected *left curve overspin technique!
*play in RL a lot
Original Hero:
Nightguard, then Blizzaria
Most Notable Alias(es):
BiZ-X / Guild of Extreme Heroes
Account Created:
20 Jan 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
30 Months
What Are You Doing Now?:
Guild Wars / Halo 3 / Wii, in between writing.
What would make you return to CoH?:
Havent really left, just on "pause" while we wait for somthing new and exciting to happen!
I'm here, Miss Chief, created 2 days after launch and was in the beta.
Known alts: Qinetiq, Miss Chief, Cupid's Sister, Boudicea, Lion Rampant, Darkest Knight, Mae Hemme, Anne Teeter, miss Chevious, Union alts Powertek, Angel Terra and Bubbleglum.
Supergroup: Forgotten Warriors/Warriors Forgotten and Fallen Femmes
vet Reward tbh not sure, only been unsubbed for about 1 month total.
Doing now? Waiting for halo 3 tomorrow (PAY DAY!) and that's about it really. XBox 360 on Rainbow 6 Vegas Realistic terrorist hunt trying to clear all the maps and Lego Star Wars II. oh yeah, sometimes dabble into the CoD4 MP beta.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Original Hero:
The Daring Nightbringer
Most Notable Alias(es):
Columna (Spines scrapper), Novocaine (long time Hamidon tank)
The Paragon Defenders
Account Created:
About a week after launch.
Veteran Rewards Time:
30 months or so.
What Are You Doing Now?:
Right now Im posting in this thread :P
What would make you return to CoH?:
Never left. My account has always been active.
I have been playing wow and other MMO's along the road.
A Paragon Defender
Original Hero:
Jumping Diddler
Most Notable Alias(es):
Wai / Familiar / Jumping Wilder / Dr. Vindictor (villain)
Well, I never really got into playing a long time in a single SG, but I've been around ^^
Account Created:
7 Feb 2005. I was in beta, and tried to buy EU CoH 1 day before release, and ended up playing on US servers while talking to GM's about my mistake. They were kind enough to ban me from US and give me an EU account
Veteran Rewards Time:
15 months, Been on and off the game since release.
What Are You Doing Now?:
Right now I'm unemployed. Play games like Eve Online, CoX and various others to kill free time.
What would make you return to CoH?:
I can't exactly remember what has kept me coming back. I like the CoH ease of gameplay over other games. It has one of the best interfaces as far as I'm concerned.
But the main concern now is LAGFIX <-The game USED to play well, I haven't upgraded my PC, but the game keeps running worse 'n worse. |
And more SF's for villains, I think they need some more.
Original Hero:
Bad Sector
Most Notable Alias(es):
Arch Nemesis, Arch Glacier, Arch Sector, Arch Ned, Chav etc.
Supergroup(s): Inner Monkey. Played around for a while trying different SGs and where never happy with any of them and thus created Inner Monkey with friends. Will always be a Monkey (even though some will try and say I'm really a Paragon Defender!)
Account Created:
Was in the beta and account got created about 3 weeks after launch since took ages in sending me a copy of the game.
Veteran Rewards Time:
Coming up on 33 months.
What Are You Doing Now?:
Apart from work mostly hanging around on the PD teamspeak blaming Xanthus for all that is wrong in the world.
"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"
With the recent Defiant empty for a reason? post, it made me wonder who has endured from EU release to this day? How long have you had the account for now? Do you still play as much? If not, what you doing now?
Would be great to hear from some of the old boys!
Guess I'll start off...
Original Hero:
Captain Solaris
Most Notable Alias(es):
Earth / Terrax
Order of the Wolf (think that was the name...was invited to it just a couple seconds of creating Captain Solaris!) / Guild of Extreme Heroes
Account Created:
05 Feb 2005
Veteran Rewards Time:
2 years, 7 months
What Are You Doing Now?:
Working (or on Facebook avoiding work)! There was a time whilst at Uni when you couldn't get me off this game! Gaming distractions include Guild Wars; playing on the Wii; imminent arrival of Halo 3 on the Xbox360.
What would make you return to CoH?:
New powers; Lag fix; More end game content (storyline/things to do after reaching lvl50); More gaming time.
Come on guys...I want to see you start coming out of the woodwork!
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"