War experiences





Fusebox has been reading to orphaned children in Unity Tower.

There are rumours that the Unity Vigil will be holding a concert in Unity Tower, and are looking for muscians, singers and variety acts as well.




Stygian Minx of the Militia was dismembered by a horde of Rikti troops yesterday while fighting outside of her favourite nightclub, The Pit. Although Styx's regeneration powers saved her from death, the radiation from the Rikti bombs has slowed her rate of recovery. Her missing limbs are growing back at a steady pace although she expresses distress at losing some of her favourite body jewelry to the 'Slapnecked retroworked nutball spacefreaks'. Currently resting in Chiron Medical Centre.


Scorpio Rose , lieutenant in the Terra Liberation Front died due to a gas explosion on one of the docks in Nerva Archepeligo this morning. No comment has been made about the TLF's fallen comrade.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



EventsThere are rumours that the Unity Vigil will be holding a concert in Unity Tower, and are looking for muscians, singers and variety acts as well.

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((Aargh! And just when I'm about to go away on hols. Would have made a great comeback for Amber. Next time. ))

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



((Heck, we can discuss it and if you want, you can write a piece that I'll post up when the concert happens. Looking to post it on the forums seeing as it's a bit too much work to do in day. End offtopicness. ))



Miss Ellie has recovered from her ordeal and is getting used to being stuck in a 12 year old body. She's spent the last few days at home on Rolando Island in the south pacific, but has now returned to Unity Tower and is helping Jessica Kade out in the canteen and keeping the various kids occupied.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




It is now public news that on Thursday, July 26th Alicia Barzini (better known as the notorious Pistol, leader of the criminal syndicate, the Gang) committed treason against her country and made dealings with the Rikti aboard their damaged Mothership. Following a tip-off, the Dark Watcher assigned a Militia team which included Mer'de, Pious Hunter, Dragonfly and Barbwire to breach the ventilation docks and investigate on Pistol's dealings. It has been reported that Pistol escaped capture, killing the Militia commander, Mer'de as she fled.

Furthermore, on Wednesday August 1st, the War Council dispatched a team to investigate the Sewer Network where batches of Rikti Weaponry were being stashed. Led by Zortel, the team successfully neutralized the weapons before being ambushed by hoards of Rikti. It is believed that Pistol's Intel helped the aliens plan this ambush. Fortunately, the team completed their mission with no casualties.



Echo Campbel supposidly done a good deed, saving a Mother and Baby, and is inline to be honoured if the war ends. Instead of fighting the war in the Etoile Isles, she has headed home (London) to meet her Sister and hopefully find out who her parents are.



Deaths: Robin Da Hood and his Merry Gang Bangers were vaporised when a Rikti bomb crashed into their crib.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Frolic lost her powers and was killed by Rikti. Inago is on a revenge killing spree of Rikti atm. Frolic was his favorite.



Project Rebirth has been officially declared MIA during the first action of the war he fought in, that being a defense of Kings Row.



The Dunelm Group's current status.

Due to the invasion, the group has suspended its operations to secure its own plot and build its own base of operations. To this end, the University campus in Steel Canyon has renewed its ties with the Groups Director, Dr Brian Roberts and as before, is organising the groups tasks from the campus.

Most tasks sent out are of course alerts of Rikti Invasion squads.

Dr Brian K. Roberts: As usual, Dr Roberts does not take a physical role in the groups undertakings.

Brigadier Leon Tasker: The Brig is not currently injured, but having seen the extent of how far the Rikti are prepared to go during the invasion, he has been orderd to remain away from physical duty as the invasion seems that it is beyond what he is physically capable of handling. Is instead using his knowledge and leadership to help co-ordinate defense teams during Rikti strikes. Has however made it clear that he will ignore orders to remain from physcially getting involved if matters get too out of hand.

Warshade Eleven: WS Eleven is actively assisting any teams defending against Rikti invasion squads, and has also helped out Vanguard with some missions. However he seems to becoming increasingly distressed at the war and has on a number of occasions been inactive for hours needing hospital treatment for injuries sustained in battles where he is making mistakes that he would not normally make.

Eleven: The most active member of the group. As expected, is prepared to take invasion squads head on, fists first. Willing to assist any teams in defending against invading squads, but has also been seen taking on squads alone and defeating them in a rather brutal fashion.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



A letter of petition requesting that certain heroes be confined to base or removed from the war-zone was publicaly submitted by the Vanir hero Spurr, requesting that the two young heroes known as Faultline and Fussionette be removed from the warzone and restricted to defending other areas.

The letter was sent to Vanguard command, Longbow command, and the united nations.
It comments that their lack of training and common sense has led them to become a major drain on resources, their ability to get themselves captured makes them a major security risk and endangers the lives of other heroes who must be re-tasked to rescue them.

Their continues presence in the war-zone will lead to more fatalities.




A letter of petition requesting that certain heroes be confined to base or removed from the war-zone was publicaly submitted by the Vanir hero Spurr, requesting that the two young heroes known as Faultline and Fussionette be removed from the warzone and restricted to defending other areas.

The letter was sent to Vanguard command, Longbow command, and the united nations.
It comments that their lack of training and common sense has led them to become a major drain on resources, their ability to get themselves captured makes them a major security risk and endangers the lives of other heroes who must be re-tasked to rescue them.

Their continues presence in the war-zone will lead to more fatalities.




A letter of petition requesting that certain heroes be confined to base or removed from the war-zone was publicaly submitted by the Vanir hero Spurr, requesting that the two young heroes known as Faultline and Fussionette be removed from the warzone and restricted to defending other areas.

The letter was sent to Vanguard command, Longbow command, and the united nations.
It comments that their lack of training and common sense has led them to become a major drain on resources, their ability to get themselves captured makes them a major security risk and endangers the lives of other heroes who must be re-tasked to rescue them.

Their continues presence in the war-zone will lead to more fatalities.




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Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Deaths Khytin.

Larger than life half alien half man-mountain. Following his recent hiatus from active duty on the streets of Paragon due to injuries sustained from Rogue Knights attacking the The Paragon Knights HQ, Khytin couldn't sit idly by knowing the Rikti were due to invade.

When the Rikti attacked the Crowne Memorial district in King's Row, nearby heroes fought them off damaging one of the Drop Ships. The Drop Ship made a crash course for the Crowne Memorial Hospital, Khytin was seen to leap aboard and force the engines to face another direction and 'steering' it by bending parts of the ship. The metal around the engines ruptured and fell apart releasing the full energy and instantly obliterating all those on board.

A small SG service is due to be held in Bloody Bay, a common 'playground' for Khytin and seems fitting for him to rest there.

"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad

Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights

Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights

Defiant - Supreme Hero




The battle of bread: Saturday the 4th of August.
One thousand walking toasters took to the defence of the Galaxy area of Paragon city due to a lack of heroes because of the timing of the attack. Heroes arrived later in the attack to help out said toasters.

One toaster survived. He will be granted the greatest gift Paragon City can grant to a sentient walking cooking appliance...citizenship, owned by no-one...he has taken the name Terrance.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



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((Doh! I blame Vista...And stalkers :P))



Stone Crow remains on life support after sustaining critical wounds when he attacked a Rikti dropship that was in a bombing run that endangered the hospital he is now a patient of.

He was seen to launch himself at the Dropsip waving a bit of torn paper while shouting
"Am Rock, against Rikti!"

It is known that Stone Crow was unable to read or write due to the horrible injuries he suffered in the accident that granted him his powers, and though we cannot confirm this it is believed that he had mis-understood a flyer advertising the ""Rock against Rikti"" concert being organised the Unity Vigil group.

Though a pety criminal, Stone Crow was an honest and loyal individual who fled to the Rogue isles after suffering his accident and being shunned by those who knew him.

Oddly for a villain he was fascinated with Paragon city and its hero population, even going as far as to call himself a hero and trying to organise community events.



Cogs - Left the base under Dark Astoria's Moth Cemetary one evening to fight the Rikti and hasn't been seen since.

Lyn-Legend (The Clockwork Queen) - Flew at a Drop Ship and managed to land a good few blows before being blasted out of the air and landing hard on Atlas concreat.

Lost Vahzilok - Lost an arm due to the Rikti, is currently digging up grave yards to find a new right arm.

Birkin - Was about to blast a Rikti when his void powers dragged him off and dropped him from a great height on another Rikti.

Dr Westminster - Lost his powers before the war thus has spent most of the war healing villains.