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  1. Great work, Dr! I can't wait to see how this will turn out! Love the stylisation so far!

    Fave Line: "Right, let's try that again, shall we."
  2. Thanks for the replies ^_^ It's good to see people taking an intrest
  3. Hey there!

    Wow, it's een a long time since I've even logged on to the forum! But I'm here, humbly showing of my work as one of those arty types.

    So here she is, Scarlet Monstero, the Alien Nightwidow.

    The Scarlet Widow

    And yes, she's suposed to be full figured. Working in an arachnos office, sat next to an arachnos vending machine you'd be rather...proportioned aswell. Why?

    The vending machine is Arachnos, therefore evil. It has been surgested that I make her in to a short three/four panel comic about trials and tribulations in Arachnos' offices.

    Please tell me your opinions, and offer advice in places where I can improve and such.


  4. The_Jediand

    War experiences

    Cogs - Left the base under Dark Astoria's Moth Cemetary one evening to fight the Rikti and hasn't been seen since.

    Lyn-Legend (The Clockwork Queen) - Flew at a Drop Ship and managed to land a good few blows before being blasted out of the air and landing hard on Atlas concreat.

    Lost Vahzilok - Lost an arm due to the Rikti, is currently digging up grave yards to find a new right arm.

    Birkin - Was about to blast a Rikti when his void powers dragged him off and dropped him from a great height on another Rikti.

    Dr Westminster - Lost his powers before the war thus has spent most of the war healing villains.
  5. A.... A clockwork seemed to stand up, wearing a fedora hat with a slip of paper sat in the band stating 'press'. He had a tie also, along side a pen and a pad which had rough notes.

    "Clocky Clocker, Robotic Times. What about technological young offenders. Will you reprogram them or introduce the chip in to their systems? And do THEY come under the sentient being rights?"
  6. Lost Vahzilok is a bartender at Pocket D, or at least was... they may have fired her for being, ya know, a Vahzilok....
  7. So this is really a character update forum?
  8. Return of Tick-tock!

    Are the Longbow still about?
  9. I will tell you a tale of a man

    This man was a man who had many things on his plate, a man whome...

    Screw it. Listen, my PC has had a blow out, it's lost the use of ALL the USB ports. I'm going to have to take it apart or take it away to find the problem, I'm also not 100% so tonight is a miss. I should be 100% and the PC should be working by about... tuesday, maybe monday.

    But I warn you, when I arrive at the clocktower....



  10. Lyn
    1. Are you male or female? Snow white Queen
    2. Describe yourself? Weight of the world
    3. Describe how you live? Even in Death
    4. Describe your boy/girlfriend? Field of Innocence
    5. How do you feel about yourself? Everybody's fool
    6. Where would you rather be? Farther Away
    7. Describe what you want to be? Like you
    8. Describe how you love? Imagenary
    9. How do some people feel about you? Sweet Sacrifice
    10. Share a few words of wisdom? Calll me when you're sober

    1. Are you male or female? Pacman
    2. Describe yourself? Why does this always happen to me?
    3. Describe how you live? Dare to be Stupid
    4. Describe your boy/girlfriend? The Saga begins
    5. How do you feel about yourself? Hardwear store
    6. Where would you rather be? Smells like Nirvana
    7. Describe what you want to be? King of Suade
    8. Describe how you love? Wanna B Ur Lovr
    9. How do some people feel about you? Ode to a Superhero
    10. Share a few words of wisdom? Good enough for now

    Next... villains!
  11. ((Could you make a series for everyone who has involved themselfs? The Tempest, the workers, The Fletched, The Cirque, the GoD, the Clocks, The Council and anyone who I have missed? Post soon))
  12. I have a Vahzilok I oculd build up, she's a Rad/Rad Sci defender but I think I can get to about level 12.... soonish?

    As I said, Morgue is a Blaster who will be a Warshade when my main hits 50 some time next century.
  13. Hey there. Room for a little 'un? I have several possible alts to build up, though I did 'audition' a toon by the name of Morgue a week or so ago, though I may not use that toon due to the fact I'm saving the name for a warshade.

    Either way, mind if I join the madness?
  14. Cogs would not take the punishment the Council were giving no longer.

    Mortars continued to fall and crash at the entrance to the base and on the graveyard above with some painful repercussions. The walls shook as dust, rubble and more fell. A metallic slab came down and damaged several cogs while a rock fell from the ceiling and collided with a Paladin, bowling him over before he crashed to the floor, narrowly missing Commander Beet.

    Ulfsark looked up for a moment, the police robot hearing a cracking from above as another Mortar crashed above.

    ”MOVE!” He shouted, a moment too late as another boulder came down, landing hard and destroying the head of the Police Droid, forcing the blue and white ‘Honorary Clockwork’ do fall.

    Rusty ran over to try and help out, but when he got there he had found something he didn’t expect. Ulfarks brain was actually part organic, and with the helmet smashed it bled out to the ground bellow. Cogs ran over and stared at his friend, the same friend who had helped defend him from Major Stone of the PPD and his black suited comrades. The brain suddenly turned grey, before disintegrating in a mass of metallic clicks, the grey over coating falling the retreating back in to the downed body. Nano-tech was amazing, but so terribly sad; another life that was lost to Requiem.

    A scream was heard out back as some of the expectant mothers trying to get off world ran and even dived out the way as a huge slab of metal came crashing down across the portal, shutting it off mid-transfer. Soldiers ran over to tend to the wounded, mothers with no spouses being helped by friends like they should. Cogs made his way back over to the portal he built, there was no way he could repair it, not in time.

    Another scream was heard, this time in the generator room as a sharp rock slashed down and collided with the Psyconics generator he and Sockette built in what seemed like an eternity ago. The generator spluttered for a moment before collapsing completely shutting down, dropping all the Clocks who were bound to it. Cog-girl, Scraps, Monoreceptor, Lightning, everyone who required it to power them.

    Except Cogs however; if he didn’t reach out and grab Lyn’s mind, which was tired but conscious, he too would have fallen.

    ”Without the portal we can’t get back!” One offworlder called.

    ”How will we recharge?! Without the generator we can’t….” Another started.

    ”ENOUGH!” Cogs Bellowed, jumping up and taking his place at the edge of his throne. “The emergency rations will go to mothers as priority! Teams will work on generator, then gate. Boris the Computer has all information you need.” He paused and looked over the fear filled faces of his followers, his people. He was the one who brought them here to win a war for the humans. He could have gone off world and survived or joined the Council, but instead he joined the side of the humans. He just hopes his people will be looked after when he’s gone.

    ”Is there no way to get out apart from the doors?” A mother enquired.

    ”The entrances to the Labs of Temporis were sealed.” Gustaf spoke, one arm missing and the other holding his head. This was one council who didn’t like to see his fellows.

    ”Send a detail down there and try to open it up. If you get it open, make sure you can seal it afterwards so you can lock it as you go.” Cogs spoke before jumping down. Gustaf, a Jumpbot and a few other Clocks rushed with him.

    He had a plan, though it was somewhat risky for him. He continued to calm people down before calling Rusty-Bandage over. “What I ask of you now will like madness, and I need this done so plan can succeed. If you wish, you say no.”

    ”My king…” He started. “I would go to the ends of the furnace Sir, for the clockworks I would go in to the very fires of the Forge.”

    Moments later, the gates opened. Mechmen stood outside; their guns trained on the door while teams worked with mortars, shelling the stronghold until it was no more than a pile of corpse ridden dust. The command to prepare weapons came as the Mechmen raised their arms to fire.

    A white flag.

    ”HOLD!” Shouted the lead Warcry as Rusty game out, waving it still. He paused, waved it a little more, and then placed it on his back in a space just on the Backpack energy pack he wore. “SPEAK YOUR SURRENDER TOY!” He shouted, his voice amplified so he could lead.

    ”You killed our king!” He yelled back. “We don’t want to fight! We have women, and children here!” He called again. “If I bring you his body as proof, will you let us go?”

    ”OF COURSE.” The Warcry barked. “BRING HIM TO ME.” With a nod Rusty popped back inside and took up a body covered in a sheet. He marched slowly across the foggy mists of Astoria, the whole battleground once again silent, the entirety of Astoria quiet again for the first time in days. An uneasy air as if the madness will grab you from behind. “When he signals for the others to come out, if they’re Metal, shoot them.” The Warcry spoke sharply. His troops nodded and watched the approaching white cloth.

    Rusty placed the body on the ground, his whole outer aperance was depressed and lazy, as if he’d given up the ghost.

    ”The clockworks… serve you.” He spoke joylessly, head bowed.

    The Warcry reached for the cloth.

    ”Wait, I got that wrong.” Rusty looked up, his turquoise visor shining a refreshed new. “The meatbag expression is; you got served!” Ripping the cloth off himself he reached down and pulled off a red tag. The Warcrys had been so busy watching him they didn’t realise what he left.

    They never learn.

    The Bomb bleeped one last time, and it wasn’t a small C4 charge, it was a big bomb. How big was undecided, but it was a concussion blast with roughly the same strength of the smallest of nuclear warheads, but minus the radiation. The Warcrys and Mechmen were so tightly packed together that all of them suffered. All of them, even Rusty, the brave knight from another planet defending the world in a way he felt he could.

    I lie. One survived.

    The giant Warcry, the monster of the battle endured with his roar of anger apparent as he shook off the parts that had embedded in to him like shrapnel, but then again the largest bit of shrapnel to this monster was like the tiniest bite from an ant. The battle was far from over, and for once the king would have to agree with the monster.

    Cogs stepped outside of his base, but he was alone and not wearing his cape, he had a different back ornament in mind. Wired up completely to the inside of his base, the charge started. Clenched fists would bring about the end of this war, clenched fists and all the power Astoria could spare.

    The lights drained from the area, streetlights and store-lights died. The old cinema and the hardware store, Magician’s the comic shop and the Hotels, all gave up their illumination for the Clockwork King as he crackled with energy. Soon it was pitch black, the glow of the eyes to the Goliath lit up his white head.

    The crack of electricity.

    ”Welcome to my kingdom, for I am the King, I am the sun, the moon, the stars and earth. I protect and serve my people. I am Thor, and more.”

    Another crack of electricity occurred.

    ”You can not win.” The goliath spoke.

    ”I’ll win, because I raise a glass to fallen friends, instead of these comedians. I do this for Ulfsark, I do this for Big Ben, I do this for Rusty-Bandage, I do this for my lost Son Gears, I do this for my living son Tick-tock and I do this for my wife, comatose as she is. I do this for the Clockworks.”

    ”I do this for my God.” He replied.

    ”And that is why you’ll fail.”

    ”DESTROY ME IF YOU CAN!” Goliath shouted one last time.

    ”FOR TACHO-PIZZA!” Cogs screamed as he let fourth the charged bolts of lightning, and unlike before this was literally a bolt of lightning; thick, powerful, devastatingly quick and horrendously noisy.

    The lights came back, illuminating the area as if nothing had happened, as if it had always been with that same silence. The giant monster stood there for a moment.

    ”I meet thee brothers…” He spoke quietly, a clawed hand feeling the hole in his chest, roughly the size of a house. The end had come quickly for this monster; it had come at a cost of thousands to both sides.

    The cost of war, the price of ‘peace’.

    Cogs lowered his arm, now melted from the efforts as the Clockworks came out to see the damage, or to lend aid. They had one, they were victorious. The clockworks cheers, mothers reuniting with their spouses if they survived and androids patting themselves on the back for a job well done. They had survived. They had won.

    Cogs fell backwards, the cables disconnecting from his frame.

    The Armies rushed to their lord. He had fallen.

    In the end, Two thousand, four hundred and thirty seven point five Clockworks met their end; One hundred of the Androids and Robot alliance met their end also. All of the Council Mechmen, Warcry and the Goliath died by their hands. Cogs was deified, his body was placed on his throne, HIS throne and his queen next to him like statues as the remaining clockworks, a meagre two hundred tried to repair the damage as mothers scavenged for ‘food’, the fathers gave up their powerpacks and stood as the terracotta army, defending their lord in the hope that the women could one day reactivate them, the generator and the portal.

    And amidst it all two things happened.

    Lyn-Lyn Richards, the Heroic Legend screamed in the night.

    And a very confused and slightly damaged group of Nano-bots clambered on to the thrones trying to find something to repair... Anything.
  15. The battle had not gone well.

    And the winner of the Understatement of the year award goes to the Clockworks of Dark Astoria!

    Clockwork after clockwork fell to the rattling machinegun fire of the council, the shots raging through their small metallic bodies as more and more collapsed in to a dis-functioning mess. The more complex forms from off world held up as well as the few survivors of the Astoria strike force against Striga isle. The robots, androids, droids, drones and any other form of mechanical life form was destroyed against the onslaught, and the two big guns from the Vindicators and Phalanx left in order to take care of their business with their groups.

    Things were getting desperate.

    ”FOR THE KING!” Shouted a clockwork as he ran at the council mechman before getting blown away by a thick energy blast.

    ”You will be destroyed!” A booming voice came out across Astoria as the reason their attack had been so effective reared up again. A giant monster of a mech, something with Buckholder has been working on personally. The experimental giant that many had thwarted in Striga time and time again, but now it looks as if their attempts to stop this creature were for nothing. Requiem gave him power; Requiem gave him time and resources to build this monster, and no one would survive if the Clockworks didn’t take him down and take him down now.

    Unfortunately, that’s what they have been trying to do for three days.

    As more Mechmen and Clockworks poured out of their respective portals the fighting intensified. Paladins were cut down in seconds, Babbage wouldn’t stand much chance but he managed to get one or two hits in before being brought down to earth. Scrap piled up as more and more clocks threw themselves at the mechmen.

    ”Retreat! PULL BACK! PULL BACK TO THE HALLS!” Off world Knight Rusty-Bandage shouted, waving them over to the entrance to Lyn’s old base, now the Halls of Moth Cemetery, the Halls of King Cogs the first. What Clockworks chose to heed his words ran, and even those who did were cut down as they sprinted, dived, ducked, bobbed, weaved and generally scrabbled for the huge rusted doors.

    Monoreceptor, the intellectual Clockwork jumped over the bodies of a Sprocket before ducking under a red blast before joining up with Scraps the Knight as the pair ran for the entrance.

    ”This seems to be quite the predicament, wouldn’t you say?” He asked Scraps before he jumped up and fired off an energy balst in to the following Mechs, a system stolen from the very people they were fighting I’m sure. “I even lost my notebook somewhere out there!”

    ”You find it later! Me sure!” Scraps called, throwing back a few Taser darts to the fray, hoping to slow his pursuers down.

    ”I hope so; one would scarcely like to think of what was made of it out there.” The matte grey Clock replied.

    Cog-Girl, a sprokette unit (named after their Queen), also joined the running. Notable for being Pink as she was made out of a student’s VW Beetle she stood out against the grey background more than the bronze and rusty-red men and as such she had a hard time escaping the blasts. She flipped and jumped and dived and made her way, slashing as a Mechman with a retractable sword on her arm before continuing her elegant and graceful flips, though something caught her lone view finder, Clocks running…

    The wrong way.

    They weren’t falling back like the rest of the armies, they were continuing forward towards the foes they had been told to escape, and the fact they had no heads on. She soon found out why.

    With desperation, comes desperation, nothing good can be brought out from being pushed to your limits. The mother of invention had arrived and it had facilitated this need.

    The Headless clocks ran up towards the Mechmen, using sensors and secondary visual processors to make sure they didn’t hit anything before they reached their targets. The Mechmen paused and laughed at their little counterparts.

    ”HA! How do they intend to fight with no heads?” One asked as a malice filled clawed hand reached down and lifted up the Sprocket that had rushed to him. His Red eyes pondered for a moment before realising that their usual empty cavity on these cheep little Clocks had wasn’t so empty. It had a small brown packet in wired like there was no tomorrow. It seemed rather soft to the touch.

    He read it.


    Explosions rang out as the Clockwork Suicide bombers exploded in a rush forward hoping to set themselves in to the minds of their enemy. Shrapnel was thrown everywhere, Zenith bots now had bits of Clockworks imbedded in to their armour, some had entire limbs in them, arms sticking out of their heads and twisted legs protruding out of damaged arms.

    Necessity can be a bad mother.

    As three of the battle Clocks reached the Halls, the entrance hall was filled with Clockworks removing their heads and being wired up with bombs, their heads were so in the hopes that a little of them could survive to get a new body after all this had happened.

    Someone once asked why they defended Dark Astoria, it had no people; it was nothing more than a waste, a dead land that had no purpose. The fact of the matter is that they fought for it because it was their home, they were safe there. They enjoyed it there, no one came to bother them, no one wished to.

    They had Freedom, and they would fight for that with their lives.

    Big Ben ran towards the door, one of two survivors to the original Babbage Team, his light shields and superior armour protecting him from the blasts, though not enough. The giant Warcry fired again, blasting Ben in the back and throwing him forward, forcing the Duke to hit the ground and slide a little, stopping short just of the door. As the last Suicide bomber ran out with the last block of C4 they could spare, the clockwork teams grabbed the leader of the Babbage Units and was dragged in, allowing two more to come in also; Lightning MKII, Babbage’s arm and Tick-Tock the Soul surviving prince of Cogs the First and next in line for the throne.

    Teams worked together to close the four foot thick doors on their enemies, a few blasts making their way in as the last of the explosions rang out. Tick-tock sat next to Big Ben with a sad posture, both were dented.

    ”Me thought me was stealthy enough.” He simply stated, before his optics dimmed. Functional, barely if at all. Tick-tock was too small to move such a giant as Big Ben, so he patted his shoulder and ran off to the Throne room, a huge hall that encompassed the seats of the King and Queen, where all the armies now stood anxiously. An army of thousands reduced in a few days to an army of no more than two hundred, Clockwork and Misc robots.

    ”FORM RANKS!” Scraps called to the survivors and new Clockworks. “We have to defend the halls!” The clockworks stumbled a little but formed ranks while the other Robots did so as best they could. “Get ready!” He shouted again. The huge doors to the entrance hall crashed a little, as heavy blasts continued to hit them harder and harder, but they did not budge, they didn’t break, they didn’t move.

    Silence followed. An apprehensive air filled the halls as all the Clockworks ranging from the ranks in the halls to the expectant sprokettes lining up to leave earth for another world through the portal. After so many explosions, crashes and general booms and bangs hearing silence was strange. The Scientists in the Halls of the Grave-diggers whirred as they tilted their heads up.

    ”Are we…” One asked.

    ”Don’t say it.” Another replied.

    The silence didn’t stay for long though as soon the blasts returned, but his time it wasn’t on the gate, as the entire halls shook. Stayed on but dirt fell from the ceiling. They were using Mortars! They were trying to burry them!

    Cogs won’t stand for that…

    Lost was her name, and lost seemed to be what she was.

    Once again, or rather for the first time, we have joined the enigmatic, rather schizophrenic woman with Dissociative identity disorder. Standing in at 5ft tall she ran down the street, avoiding those who would do her harm and those who could catch her and made a route to the nearest base of operations.

    For those of you who don’t know her, Lost is a Vahzilok or rather was. Dressed up in the classic black that the more advanced creations wore she was cast out of the order due to the fact she inadvertently irradiated the soup and a large chunk of the reapers became very sick. So when the reapers and the others left without her, Lost became just that. Unable to cope without being given orders, it was theorised that the more dominant ‘Found’ personality came in to being.

    She gave Lost a tough streak and allowed her to survive on the streets without being abused, using her powers where and when she needed to. Though Found seemed to be tougher, Lost always kept her reigned in to prevent her attacking the general populous or holding up a restaurant for food. Eventually Found got her chance to be nasty and took revenge on a Vahzilok Reaper and Cadaver. When this was seen by a Hero, he approached her and Lost took over. Taking her to Freedom Court, she was thus absolved from blame of her kind being a lowly chef and given a heroes licence and a bed in a nearby apartment building. Greeted in to the community with little trust she was surprised when heroes of the GG statue welcomed her and thus did her best to do the job that was asked of her, Found becoming more than apparent every so often.

    But now she needed to go back to her roots. She needed to return to the world in which bore her in to this life. Opening the sewer cover she jumped in, her light frame worming it’s way around the entrances and covers that lay before her. Soon she was back in Vahzilok territory.

    Back ‘home’.

    ”Come, we must hurry! The carnage up top is giving us an opotunity we can not help but collect upon! Free corpses for the taking!” Dr Vahzilok, now a monstrous being in a bio-mechanical suit much like his monsters the Abominations, ordered. His huge hand thrust out demanding things to be done as Reapers and Mortificator closed up around Cadavers and Eidolons of both genders. The destruction had served him well, the more that died the more that would soon join his army and then he could take over Paragon for himself and preach his teaching to the rest of Rhode Isle, then the entire United States and perhaps… perhaps the world?

    “Father….” He said lightly to himself. “You’d be proud of me.”

    Vahzilok’s quiet contemplation and nostalgia was washed away as a sudden yell was heard from behind him, added to a heat and glow familiar to most as a radiation blast. “DOCTORS! WE’RE UNDER….” He didn’t finish his sentence as he turned around and saw an Eidolon behind him. “…. Why the hell have you betrayed your creator?”

    ”Well Sugar! I ain’t sure you’re gonna be likin’ the answer.” Found spoke, her voice solid and strong as she walked with intention and meaning, what hips the small black clad Gestalt had swaying with each step. Found walked up a little more and stopped, resting a hand on her hip standing in a bold and open pose. “I’m here to talk some sense in to ya”

    A hail of vomit, crossbow bolts, dark energy and Radiation streaked across to the short Eidolon, a literal rain of shots. She let out and eep of surprise before running, though she didn’t run forward or backwards, she just ran around in circles for a moment.

    ”Cease fire!” The doctor shouted, the arms of the many men and women there lowered.

    Standing amongst a graveyard of bolts, scorch marks, vomit puddles and so on, was Lost. There she stood on one foot gracefully balanced without a scratch on her. Not even a sick stain.

    ”Prepare to fire.” Vahzilok said somewhat surprised none of their attacks worked.

    ”WAIT! I-I CAME TO TALK!” She shouted, her voice having returned to Lost. The large arm of the Doctor came down, lowing the arms of his subordinates. “I.. Well I would like you to come and fight the council with me.”

    Laughter came rolling through the crowd from anything with a conscious mind. Lost returned her foot to the ground and relaxed a little, somewhat embarrassed. She placed one hand in another behind her back and stood in a timid pose, knees slightly bent inwards.


    ”Well… er… Yeah, you got to help.”

    Round of laughter take two.

    ”Help? Why should we help?” He asked in a definitive term.

    ”Well… Well if you don’t Council will take over!” Lost shouted, or at least attempted. This wasn’t too well received as you can tell.

    ”The heroes have a tendancy to win out in these situations, as such they will win and then I’ll use my army of Council and Hero made creations to go fourth and rule.” Vahzilok shrugged half-heartedly, his eyes somewhat languid and bored. He once more raised his hand.

    ”HEY! I just went Super-speed on your rear Doc!” Found shouted. “You’re just wastin’ ammo! Let her finish!” Again, the hand lowers and Lost spoke up. “Well what if they loose?”


    ”What if the heroes loose? What if you walk out of here and you find there are council insignia all over? How do you plan to take care of a city of council rather than a city of heroes? Plus what if they come after you?”


    ”If you fight or at least lend me your forces I’ll let you find my super speed trick.” Lost coerced.


    Lets see if she can ‘suade him to join the Rebirth alliance.

    Here’s hoping.

    ((This is how DA is cleared out, please be paitient for posts!))
  16. Rouge Isle - Cap Au Diable - 0300 (3am)


    That is what they were, they were nothing more than villains fighting the wrong way, doing what they wanted to do and nothing else.

    This time they had been drawn in to the battle for good, againts their will. It would apear that the forces of the Council have tried to infiltrate the ranks of Arachnos and disrupt any major counter-attack they had planned. Fortunatas fought against Wolf-spider defectors while Arbiters guarded feircely the Lords and Ladys of the island collections.

    Wolf Spider Rika, or rather Fortunata Rika blasted at a Council member with a telekenetic blast, throwing him backwards while her own private taskforce of thugs and ex-mercs went to work, filling him with more holes than a wire fence.

    "Rika! We can't keep this up!" Shouted one of her thugs, the weakminded Dan.

    "We have to! We have to find the rest of the crew! If we find Shadow-girl, Greenbuck, Darkanimator, anyone we'll be able to actually do something!" She took up one of the council's fallen weapons. While she looked odd, a Fortunata with a weapon, she had spent the better part of half a year carrying a weapon to defend herself when her powers died. Now they had come back, there was no stopping her.

    In theory.

    "Get back to the base! We'll stock up on weapons and Wake Loraine there!"

    And with that, they ran.

    Rouge Isle - Port Oaks - 0349 hours (3:49 AM)

    Over by the entrance to the nightclub, Pocket D, a man in green Fatiges stood, tending to the wounds of others. His mind was a sharp one and his attatude towards work was increasingly so.

    "Get this one inside!" Dr Westminster shouted, over the body of a wounded villain.

    "Then this one! Stat!" Kold Fusion shouted. He didn't know as much medicien as Doctor Wesminster, but he knew enough for triage.

    "Arcthia!" Dr Westminster shouted to a plant girl in a green leather straps and spines protruding every so often, her eyes closed lightly, but never opening. "Tell Dr Macavity or whatever his name is and Dr Apokolypse they're on! If they don't show up we'll start loosing villains!" She nodded and ran off. "LETS MOVE PEOPLE! WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WASTE!"

    ((Sorry about the spelling. A random insight in to the villains side of things))
  17. Dark Astoria 2200 hours

    The Clockworks continued their atempts to push back the resilliant Council, but their numbers matched the Clocks, and they were stronger in general though something was up...

    As they waded through the Clocks, smashing, grabbing, blasting, their numbers didn't seem to thin. Well they were, but they wern't doing so at any great speed. Their caculations were that they wiped out the Clockworks who attacked Striga Isle, all of them.

    But theres were not ordinary clocks, the Requiem forces had seen them before. They were not made out of rusted metal, they were made from solid sheets, and they happened to be powerful. Very powerful. They had a terquoise glow to their eyes rather than a green one, and each had a backpack to them that seemed to store some form of energy.

    The BOW Clocks had arrived on earth to replace the Earth's clocks until more could be manufactured, which they were. Clockworks continued to pour out of the makeshift backup portal in Dark Astoria, under Moth Cemetary while what few clockworks had managed to escape from the assult on Striga now worked hard to build new Earth bound Clocks.

    "FOR THE KING!" They shouted as the continued to rush out.

    A Paladin crashed against a giant warcry, the pair fighting for control over the battlefield, their blows ringing out as shards of metal were scratched off the Paladin, and a lightning encased mace delivered a devistating hook.

    Clockworks were blasted and destroyed, but new ones took their place as groups oof seven all ganged up and dogpiled Mechmen before stripping them of parts and repairing their fallen comrades.

    "It would seem this will take a while." A mechman spoke, watching the battle calmly. He wasn't of the council though, he too bore the mark of the Free Clockworks of Dark Astoria.

    "Don't worry Gustaf, what could they posssibly do to them?" A Skyraider jumpbot indicated too the armies. Indeed, things seem to be going well... seemed to be...

    A red blast shot across the sky, as wide as a building with enouh cracling energy that Clocks near it were fried. It was a beam from some sort of energy weapon, and it was aimed straight at Paladin.

    Paladin MK II stumbled back a bit with the sheer force of the blasst, before lighting crackled around him. Paladin bust in to two Babbages, then ten princes and collapsed to the ground, a rain of Clockworks just falling. Falling.


    The Giant Warcry went about his business and started to lay seige to the forces of the Clockworks, as drones of them attempted to repair the damage done to Paladin, sometimes sacraficing their own arms, legs, heads to do it.

    "Okay, Now we worry." The Jumpbot comented.

    "Lets do it!" Reignforcements poured out of the buildings around the battlefield. Every kind of android, robot, machniation, machine, any form of free artifical life had come to the Clockwork's aid. Former servants of vile masters, such as Gustaf the Mechman, Jump bots, Arachnos Spiders, two Malta Hercules Titans, a Nemesis suit reprogramed and any other robots I may have missed. Even the gardians of Talos; Lummerai and Citidel. The quicker this fight could be fought, the sooner the Clocks could move on to other areas.

    A battle for the ages indeed... Lets just hope the heads of the city doesn't decide to let off a huge EMP device in Dark Astoria, it would be effective, but catastrophic.
  18. I'm just registering to your site. I'd like to enter the race if that is okay with you guys.

    RPer in the race!
  19. May I surgest this evening at 10? This thursday through saterday I don't get to play as I have to do some traveling but maybe if we try something this evening as a 'test run' or have the first big meet next monday?
  20. Name: Immortal
    Alias: Ryan.
    Age: Unknown
    Date of Birth: Unknown
    Job: Guardener, Historian
    Ethnicity: Unknown
    Height: 14ft Weight: 600lbs
    Eye Colour: Dark Hair Colourark, dark brown perhaps black
    Apperance: A very tall, seemingly normal indevidual however she has no skin pigmentation and is compleatly wite. Obviously inhuman, she doesn't try to hide her aperance but more over embracess her size. Bottom heavy with wider hips and only a subpar bust for someone of her size. Lazy in build, she has no real tone to her form.
    Known Powers: Weather control, flight and a small, if neglable amount of advanced strength.
    Known Information: Found having a nap in Croatoa, Rain was relativly quiet about her origins, but decided to be friendly rather than violent. Deciding to embrace her new home, without mentioning her previous one, she decided to register herself as a heroine so that people couldn't shoot her on sight. Rain is relativkly lazy and carefree but will raise a giant hand if needs be.
    Costumes: Her costume generally consists of robes and a tatty old cloak that wraps around her shoulders. She uses it also as a blanket. Vambraces cover her arms as thick gloves cover her hands. Dispite this, she also has a pair of Atlas hand-me-down jeans and T-shirt.
    Other: If she's a help or a hinderance is unknown, but she does have a nack with the bagonias and Tudor england.

    ((Maybea little too diffrent. Sorry))
  21. Location: Dimension Kappa-Omega-381-Q
    The BOW

    Lyn came back through the portal, her walk disrupted by a slight, but still noticeable limp. As soon as she made it through, she was met by a group of Clockworks who took her helmet and sword and then by the Zenith, Gustaf.

    “I take it, you were successful?” Lynda looked at him with a tired, slightly saddened expression. “Er…”

    ”Our target was smooshed by a walking rock giant named Gilad.” Her voice was tired, heavy as if alls he wanted to do now was sleep.


    ”Smooshed.” She repeated to clarify. “Did you get the clockworks?”

    “Yes, those who were tagged and those found are being repaired. There’s still a handful missing though, we can only assume that they were so completely smashed that they couldn’t be found.” He explained, searching through a few lists.

    ”Give me their names tonight please.” She spoke, walking through the access door and down to her room. “Also, I’m thinking of inviting Red Commissar to visit so that he can have a proper off world experience. Make sure you set up a Russian Flag.” A shower, a doze and twice her weight in cake would be grand at this point in time. Gustaf was about to turn and leave, unfortunately something; a thought came in to his head.

    ”Er.. Ma’am? What if the Council manage to locate the BOW using the frequency of the clocks?”

    Lyn paused, her hand on the doorframe of her room. She paused and pondered a moment. That was a big question, what if?

    ”Get the assemblers to speed it up a little. See if you can’t get them to make two clocks every time rather than one.” She asked before walking in to her dimly lit room, the door closing behind her with a clang.

    And with that, Lyn slept though the idea that the Council could find her ever present in her mind, the grey cells racing with possibilities. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that, but with things the way they are… who knows…
  22. Location: Dimension Kappa-Omega-381-Q
    Base of Off World operations (BOW)

    You'd expect a high-tech facility to be filled with futuristic mechmen and android women who were surprisingly formed in the most 'appealing' yes impractical way.

    Instead, an army ran around the base, not one in green fatigues, not one armed with guns and USA badges but of small rusty metal men and women whom had giant keys sticking out of their backs.

    Clockworks, armed with a strange backpack looking device and a turquoise glow in their eyes ran around, carrying boxes of supplies, pieces, other clockworks, metal, a painting of queen Victoria, detective comics issue one, a cowboy hat and matching (working) revolver stolen from a Malta operative, a Zenith Mech Man (despite his protests), A DVD on Lacrosse and a Female clockwork (Despite her protests also).

    In one of the many rooms sat a woman, hugely tall and overtly athletically built the colossus saw at a work station, parts placed out to build another Clockwork; to add to the insanity. Or at least they would have been, but the raven haired lady was one thing the others were not.


    Asleep at the switch, down on the job, sleeping on duty or any other variations of asleep while you're meant to be working you can think of.

    Her body moved slightly, the black and purple dress she usually wore replaced by a suit of Armour that made her look as if she was one with the minions she created, a tattered cape flowing lightly, it's shards reaching the floor.

    A paper white face however seemed to contrast this, despite the deep gashes in her skin forcing it to be scared she seemed more in piece asleep than her Armour or Clockworks. Long-ish hair fell over her face as she continued to slumber on her own arms.

    A small, highly advanced Sprocket unit wandered in to her workshop. His parts, and the parts of all the clockworks on in the BOW, were far more refined then that of Cogs and the free Clockworks of Dark Astoria. Armed with the same backpack like object and turquoise glow in his bunker style visor he held up a box to the slumbering giant.

    “Miss Lyn?” He asked lightly. “The Doctor sends his compliments and he also sends you these.” The giant awoke; very dark blue eyes a contrast to her pale skin shone as she looked down to the small unit. A smile came on her, surprisingly natural, dark lips, the edges curling lightly, deforming the soft cheek that it was attached to but not in a bad way.

    “Thank-you Rusty.” She spoke. Rusty Bandage (A name he didn’t much like) saluted the ‘deity’ of the clockworks as she opened the box. It was full of cake. In a very unladylike display she wolfed the box down, the thick gloves on her Armour adding nothing to her image. RB stood there confused for a moment and worried when she actually ate the box as well.

    Somewhat content she licked her lips and wiped her face with a napkin.

    ”Just what the doctor ordered, if I may get away with such a pun.” Wiping her hands lightly she went back to work, but instead of working on the clockwork that was in front of her she decided to stroll the base, maybe getting an idea what was happening. “Thank-you for that. Report back to the Doctor saying thanks, but send more next time, after which go join Sara’s team as their medic. You’ll do fine, trust me.” He saluted again and ran off ahead of her to get all the necessary equipment ready as more Clockworks seemed to mill around, ranging from gears, to couples, to a Paladin Unit, whom had been built for off world heavy support.

    She made her way up to the portal control room and looked down at the team that had just arrived back on base.

    ”Report.” She called as she walked in the room. A Duke, large and in charge bowed out to her and grabbed the checklist from the wall.

    ”We have sent teams 1, 2 and 4 off world to recon and place bacons on the worlds, Delta-Delta-Bravo34, Alpha Rho Epsilon 18 and Charlie-Zulu-Omega 12. Teams Six through Twelve are off world also aiding them while teams three, five and thirteen through fourteen are being prepared, repaired and re-equipped. The mess hall, for pack replenishing, is operational, so is the medilab and construction bay. Clockworks are also repairing any damage done to the defenses and also manning more defenses so we can’t be overrun. Babbage team two is being built and will make up team Omega.”

    “Very good Duke, carry on. I’ll be reporting to the doctor soon, so all this information will help and…” She was cut off by shouting and screaming down on the gangplank towards the portal. Taking up a microphone she called down to the portal entrance. “What’s wrong down there?”

    On the gangplank a Zenith Mechman, branded with the Black and White Cogs of the Astoria Clockworks, waved his arms around in a frantic manner.

    ”They keep brining back the wrong information!” He turned to a group of Cog Units, armed with helmets and guns they stole from council members and all sorts of pieces of paper and data-files (Team Four). “No, no! Not Vandal, we don’t want to know about him, we need information on Requiem.”

    ”We need all the information we can. Get someone to look at that.” She reassured him.


    ”Now Gustaf!”

    ”Yes Miss Lyn.” He sighed dejectedly and forced them out of the door to get more information. Lyn knew this was going to give her an aneurysm, but there was nothing she could do about it. She had to do this, and her mild sacrifice now meant that several teams of Clockworks were off world and doing what they could. Armed with portable generators and data-pads they could achieve in weeks what it could take months to do.

    Lets hope it’s enough.

    ”Incoming traveler!” A voice called from a station. Lyn’s face hardened as her head snapped back down to the portal.

    Here’s hoping it’s a friendly.


    Meanwhile in Dark Astoria, Cogs sat on his throne, his court empty as everyone had been preparing for this day, perhaps the last march of the earth Clockworks, but still a march indeed.

    Standing he addressed the men and women of Dark Astoria.

    ”Brothers, sister, sons and daughters. We have come to a day where we are needed.” He stepped down and walked down the steps to his crowd, his subjects. Sprockets, Gears, Dukes, Cogs, Knights, Oscillators, Paladin and Babbage… “We are to go to Striga Isles and take on the council. I know we do not have the might to take them on, but we have the numbers! We also have something they don’t. We are Clockworks, and we can cause CHAOS!” He roared, the crowd joining him. “We are to disrupt their work, not to stop it. I’ve bribed the boat in Talos to take us there, no questions asked. We get there, we cause trouble. Nothing else to it! Are you with me?”

    A roar came again as the clockworks started to march; thuds, thunks, clunks and clangs echoed as Cogs himself wrapped his cape around his shoulders and followed on the shoulders of Paladin.

    It’s time.
  23. A small clockwork started to run through Dark Astoria with some speed, a crown on his head dictated that he was not the grunts of his court, but rather the ruler, the kind. A deep red cape fluttered in the fog and the wind as he ducked, dived, and bobbed through the audience of zombies, his speed far outstreching their reaction time.

    Soon enough he reached his kingdom, a huge expance under the graveyard, the land of the dead, moth cemetary. Things had been going bad, Cogs' army was being ripped asunder by the forces of the council, one of his strongest sub-groups, the Babage team had been nearly put out of commission and even his wife, Sockette, has been harmed and was now in a critical condition.

    It was left for him to do what needed to be done.

    "Squad Alpha, report." He called up to the scafold that had been errected near the winch. Inside stood a huge clockwork, his hands though not capable of shooting electricity, but of slashing and smashing with a sword and mace respectively.

    "Paladin MK II is nearly ready!" A sproket called before continuing to work hard. This was a choice he didn't want to make, but he would have to and as such he will.

    "As soon as he's done, get him and DA teams 4-7 to Straga. The council will regret messing with the free clockworks of Dark Astoria." With a florish of movement he turned to a consol and started to make a few anouncements.

    "All clockworks! This is it, the fight against the council willk comence. Teams 1 and 8 through 10 will search for infomation, I'm going to go see Doctor Temporis with Miss Lyn, we're going to try and stop them from using us as play things for target practice."

    With that, regretably, he turned to wake up miss Lyn and the two of them would go see the doctor, and find out how to cause as much trouble as possible.
  24. Hey, because Cognito can't make it to Mondays or wednesdays and has (in effect) dropped out, mind if I steal his slot? I can most likely get a toon to 6 or 7 before the deadline.


    Seeing as he is a mastermind, I think I might be able to make it higher as I have two level 7 Masterminds H-041 and Wolf Spider Rika.

    Of course this is to your discression.