MYRS Press Conference - March 27th
"Sharon Jackson, Paragon Eye." The attractive, dark haired young woman peered over her glasses, notepad and pen in hand.
"Can you explain how the use of such a device is not in contravention of the subject's human rights and what measures are in place to ensure that the device cannot be overidden by an unscrupulous third party to force these young people into performing even more heinous acts against society?"
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

The balding man at the podium nods.
"Of course. The program is not forced on any of the individuals, it is offered to them based on their situation and they have the details fully explained to them, and plenty of time to think over whether they wish to be a part. If they do not wish to take part after joining, they will be decommissioned as an agent, and the chip removed."
He paused to have a sip of water, before continuing.
"As for the second part of your question, a great deal of effort in crytography and encryption has gone into the chips and the frequencies they are carried on, but as for the worries you had, it prevents me from disclosing more than that. As well as that, the Control Operator staff all undergo rigerous background checks, and we have many security measures and rules in place to protect both the agents, control operators and the general public. Yet again, I cannot disclose the nature of these due to security."
*One woman stands up* Anwen Jacobs, Paragon Online. You noted that this had been done before. There have been at least two super-powered people indentured as punishment, the first without the technological leash, the second, being the hero Alcatraz, being the reference individual for the original research. Aside from those two, have their been any more tests, and does this actually result in improved behaviour?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
"Indeed there has, both with first stage testing in animals, second stage testing in humans taken place in seven different countries, psychological research backing and supporting our findings and there is also the results we have seen from one of our first agents, who's behaviour has increased for the better already in just one week."
*the woman nods* "Granted. One more question, if I may. What level of oversight has been provided? The hero in the first example is still under indentured status, to this day, a good year after her sentence was due to be complete, seemingly because no legal apperatus was put in place to release the same. Her legal status is still in limbo. Can you guarantee that all paroles and discharges will be both fair and prompt, and subject to all proper judicial oversight?"
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
"We can indeed guarantee that to the agents. We've worked extensively with both Freedom Corps, the Paragon City Police Department, the DA and the other offices of law and justice in the city to ensure that the agents will be released when their sentance is finished and they are rehabilitated."
A.... A clockwork seemed to stand up, wearing a fedora hat with a slip of paper sat in the band stating 'press'. He had a tie also, along side a pen and a pad which had rough notes.
"Clocky Clocker, Robotic Times. What about technological young offenders. Will you reprogram them or introduce the chip in to their systems? And do THEY come under the sentient being rights?"
*A man in a dark red coat and hat stands up, he appears to be the only one not wearing press identity*
"Have you consulted existing supergroups regarding this? And if so what have been their reactions to this?"
Talos Island - Hotel Geneva. 2pm.
"Good afternoon everyone, and welcome." The balding middle aged man said at the podium in the conference room, shuffling some papers. Behind him sat a large view screen, and the various journalists and reporters were out in front.
"It's been just over a week since the launch of a brand new project to help this city, and help in the rehabilitation of young offenders that fill the city's Juvenile Hall. Many teenage metahumans fill the hallways, having gotten into the gang culture that pervades our streets and tries to lead people away from law, order and decency."
"The Paragon City Metahuman Youth Reforment Scheme." Flashes up on the viewscreen behind the man.
"Instead of confining metahuman young offenders, we have started a project based on the pioneering research of a team one and a quater years ago, whereby they are drafted into hero and community work, learning to use their powers and be taught how to be upstanding members of society."
"Lawrence Daniels, Paragon Press." A man stuck his hand up. "So, you're condoning the release of young offenders onto the streets? What is to stop them from reoffending again?"
"Indeed, and we have something to stop them." The man said with a slight smile. A diagram of some kind of cybernetic implant came up on the screen behind him.
"The BRMC - Behavioural Reinforcement Modifier Chip. Planted subdermally into the young offender, it allows monitoring and supervision of their activities, and is staffed remotely at all times by a Control Team, with three controllers assigned to each individual."
"Natasha Sheers, Freelance News Agency, what exactly does this chip do to control the person its implanted into?"
"The chip has several functions that help in the functions assigned to it. The first is the Sensory Transmission Relay. This allows the controller to see and hear what the implantee, or 'agent', is doing. The second is the Electrostimulus Behaviour Reinforcer. If the agent does something against the code of conditions assigned to them, a small electrical pulse will be issued to chastise them for their actions."
"Karl Marco, Paragon Times, isn't that somewhat inhumane?"
"No, the shock causes no physical damage, and the pain is very minimal. It has been successfully shown in trials to help cause aversion to negative behaviour and reinforce them not to reoffend. Continuing on, the third function of the chip is its Active Stream Chemical Monitoring Process. This allows us to see if the agent has used any narcotics or other illegal substances. Tied into this system is a Biosign Guardian. This monitors how the agent is doing physically, and if needed we can activate a Mediport to transport them to hospital, or teleport them to a form of incarceration such as the Zigursky Prison if necessary."
"Finally, there is a fourth, last resort function in the chips, which is the Subdermal Power Neutralizer. If the agent goes out of control or is about to harm a civillian, the Control Operator can activate a system that will deactivate the agents metahuman abilities."
"Ian St. John, Paragon Central News, it sounds like several of these systems compromise the agents human rights, what are your oppinions on that?"
"The agents are all briefed on the terms of becoming a part of this project, and sign a contract indicating that they are aware of all the terms and conditions. All Control Operators sigh confidentiality clauses."
"Henry McGregor, Paragon Standard, what would choose someone to undergo this instead of staying in a Youth Detention Centre? And leading on from that, is this just being offered to any offender with metahuman abilities?"
"There are benefits to the project, including having their own housing in the city provided, and an allowance in addition to their food and necessity allowance to spend on what they see fit within the conditions of their contract, based on performance and behaviour on and off the field. And no, it is being offered only to individuals who we feel would benefit and prosper from this project. Last question before we open up the floor to the other attendees of this conference?"
"Michael Roberts, Paragon Star, is there anything in addition to this project to help reform the offender?"
"Yes, we offer educational tuition, work experience placement in some cases, counsellors and psychiatrists, and classes to help reform the agents into valuble and productive members of society. Alright, we'll now open up the floor to questions, anyone?"
((Feel free to have a reporter ask a question.))
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