War experiences




There's a lot of stories happening in the city and keeping track of them all is impossible. With the war raging there should be more than the usual amount things happening that could touch also other characters.

This thread is for things that happen and that you think are worth sharing Things that could touch, affect or enhance the experience of others. No one is of course required to take everything listed into account or be aware of it. Just choose what tickles your fancy.

I would personally be interested in who has died or injured badly. It makes the war more real if we can name a few casualties, for example. Also if some raid was more significant for some reason, etc.

Another thing I'd like to know if there have been prisoners released from Zig as per what was discussed in the Council of War thread, plus similar matters that should be known.

I'll see if I have anything interesting to share, but right now nothing springs to mind.



Deaths: Bowfire, of the Unity Vigil.
Cause of Death: Rikti plasma burns from holding off an attack patrol to let a mother and child run to safetly.

Officer Stewart Anderson, of the Paragon Police Department, Kings Row HQ.
Found in Kings Row, near the truck to Pocket D. Shot once in the head, Quantum Array Rifle found nearby, fired once. Upturned car with the doors ripped off and claw-prints on it, along with Kheldian energy signature.

Events and Injuries
Nene MacAllister and Dee Dee Diablo: The pair on thursday rescued a bus of children and two nuns from falling into the sea on the Argosy Highway bridge running from Skyway City and Founders falls to the small city area near the gate to Astoria. Dee Dee Diablo's arm was injured by flying debris, and Nene sustained damage after a fall and having a lump of bridge hit her on the head.

Was taken out of action for 4 days after sustaining a heavy wound to this waist from a Rikti War Blade, in the first Battle of Unity Tower.

Tessa Rolando dislocated both shoulders and badly damaged her suits power gloves while firing a blast to alter the course of a Rikti Dropship that was about to hit the side of Unity Tower.



Tsumiju Zero
Having redesigned his armor, for increased mobility and protection in recent months, Tsuimju used his influence to have Portal Corp take a look at the Portal Coil system used to store the Zero Saber, allowing the gloves of the armor to be streamlined.

In the opening days of the invasion, Tsumiju was on scene in Founders Falls organising the hero's that happened to be on the scene into small battlegroups before moving onto the assault on Atlas Park to support the numbers of Hero's gathering there. His other noted activity has been hit and run tactics alongside other hero's on the Rikti Mothership, using his skills as a Black Inkman to plant bombs and sabotage the Rikti's efforts.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide




Harrik Verrum, died after being cut in half at the waist from a Rikti sword.


Underthrow, last seen on Talos Island protecting a group of heroes from a Drop Ship's bombing run, presumed dead but no body found.

Lord Darvek, last seen attacking the Rikti Mothership in the Rikti War Zone, disappeared after being hit by an unknown Rikti weapon, presumed dead by disintegration.

None injured

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Ellie Stoneberg (Tiger White)
Transformed into a child (approx 12 yrs) after merging with a toddler as a last resort to save her life.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Big Game has captured a Rikti Commander, at the behest of EVIL colleague Dr. Helios, using a combination of sonic grenades, and a baseball bat.


Former Ultimate Soviet winged mutant hero Sturmovik was killed after being vaporised by Rikti destroyer fire.



The entire south wall of the KM-Tech factory in Port Oakes has been decorated in Rikti helmets, many with the heads still inside.
They started to smell a bit on Friday, and has since been sprayed with chemicals.




Mutant Speedster Fast Buck of the Paragon City Protectors was found dead, as the result of a bullet wound to the head. Though officially being treated as a friendly fire accident., there is suspicion of foul play among some officers.



Thunderbug - She has been doing her best to protect the citizens more than fight the Rikti. she plays her part in helping escort refugees to safe houses and carrying the wounded to hospital.



Mostly Skyway city (and mostly nearer the Unity Vigil Tower), some other zones occasionally:

Destroyers brought down by relatively few heroes. As the Grav Mistress' magic uses their own bombs to severely damage them before they get on.

The pink armoured woman has been spotted going from battle to battle to tip the scales in hero's favours with offensive but mostly defensive spells.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.




Dr. Daniel Le Blanc (Phaser), Dr. Micheal Civil (the Ultimate Victorious Y.Freeza), Young Christopher Le Blanc (Vizen), Young Alexander Frost (Huricen) and Miss Emma Frost perished as their starship (the Victoria) was blown to splinters by Rikti dropships. It is believed the crew were set to cross the galaxies in search of help from known alien contacts. They were engaged in battle just under Earth's stratosphere.

[u]Missing in Action[u]

Sir Igor Noren-ko (Mer'de) was last seen with Vanguard, raiding the damaged Mothership in the Rikti War Zone.




Searches in Boomtown by Tower of Power and a group have lead them to be MAI from Saturday onward. They were looking for an calculated chance that there was a 'beach head' base being formed.

They were found on Monday evening by two non-combatants.

3 unconcious,
6 hurt,
17 dead.

Among the dead names like:
The White Bishop
Fiery Knight
Lightning Sabre
Arc Wielder
(Yes, I've just made those up...)

A big blow to the Chess Club supergroup... as even the intriped leader seems to be out of commission for a while.

They did how ever report there WAS a base being set up in an old Council base, it's been cleared of (life) Rikti, the entrance had collapsed during the attack, which lead them to be trapped there before rescued.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I admit to having researched poorly the background information so if there is an obvious source of information just color me silly and slap me with a link.

What facts are known of this current Rikti incursion?

Last time they opened portals all across the globe and poured their forces in. It was a one-shot. Later it was found out that they had a portal in their main base where they got reinforcements. Once it was shut down, the war was practically over.

How did they come here this time, and in what manner?

Last time magic wielders were effective, as well as heroes over all. The Rikti destroyed about all HQs of SGs when they realized how big a threat heroes were. They took out power and infrastructure. Regular armies got a right spanking.

Has there been any similar strategic thinking so far in the war? Are the Rikti doing anything else than bombing and teleporting in, and then teleporting out?

Simplified, last time there was order, logic ands structure to how the war was fought. Is there now?



This time i believe the Rikti abandoned here on earth made a portal to their homeworld larger than the normal ones so dropships and such could travel through (is what i think happened from reading).

Dead : Arc Bled
(Finally killed the bugger off, find a way to keep him dead aaaaand...people want him back >.< )



Three Russian Heroes out of the nine dead in the Paragon Russian Embassy have been listed:

Little Spark, Age 28, also known as Sasha Gregonko.
Steel Mountain AKA 'Big and Burly' Ivan Zyostov, age 34.
Steel Worker, AKA Gregori Tyushtin, Age 62.

The first two, caught in the blast of a Rikti Bomber laser slamming into the 3rd floor of the Embassy. Gregori Tyushtin died heroicly holding off 40 Rikti Soldiers as the rest of the Embassy heroes helped evacuate the civilian population.

Moscow has confirmed that Memorials for all three and many other Russian heroes will be indeed produced in the homeland after the War is over.



Rikti learnt magic threw stealing scrolls and dealing with the CoT.Since they now use magic, it could be assumed they can better defend against it (also the fact that magic origin heroes do no additional damage to rikti) The first time they were able to launch their devasting Motherships, this time because of the nature of the portal they used back they can only send their smaller less powerful destroyers through. The main invasion appears to be mostly a distraction to draw us away from the war zone where they attempt to re-establish a stable portal in order to send their entire attack force throught and over run us. Althought everywhere in the world is being attack, the two places with the largest concentration of heroes and villains are being targeted heavily suggesting they have learnt from their first attack.

This is from my own research/theories



The Intrepids Missing/Death list

Currently reported as missing:
William Black - Black Void - 16
Amy Summers - Liberty Wing - 19

Current reports
Catz - Day 4:
The Rikti forces are currently getting stronger and the push to force them back is getting greater. Although i'm worried about what the future holds as most heroes seem to be lacking what they used to have..I can't recall what it is because I myself am having troubles and like most heroes of a similar origin find that it is getting hard to control. I fear the end may be near...
[i]End Research Log[/bi]



Unity Vigil Commander Zortel lead a team into the Abandoned Sewer Network. The team consisted of herself, The Militia/Paragon City Protector's Britanic, Solar Blitz, Sancko, and the Guardian of Destiny's Hikari-Hime and Sara Aegis.

The team entered via the Steel Canyon section of the ASN, and after Zortel bought safe passage and information from the Circle, the six headed into the Subsystem to fight the Rikti. Further in, they found a sight of carnage, the walls cold and covered with a thin film of ice. Moving around that section, they then proceeded to use Plasma Diffusal Bombs to take out 30 Rikti Weapons stockpiles.

The group found Rikti writing on tablets, which were sent to former DATA Rikti Translator Nene MacAllister, as well as cases of personal possesions and a locket. These items were given over to the PPD to be identified. Data can be requested from those on the team with authority from the PPD.

It had been discovered that the majority of the Rikti had left the upper levels of the ASN, leaving the Circle free to capatilze. The Rikti had recieved weapons and logistics from the secondary invasion force, and on the way out, the group began to be persued by teleporting Rikti, and had to fight their way out, emerging in Kings Row tired, with some injuries mostly on Zortel, and covered in effluent.

For some reason in the report made to the Council of War, those who were present on the mission have been given a coupon for ice cream at Unity Tower.




Spruk, the villain was killed by being shot out of the sky by a Dropship then impaled by a Rikti sword somewhere on Sharkhead.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc




Spruk, killed by being shot out of the sky by a Dropship then impaled by a Rikti sword.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hero? Villain? ... random name to have something to say?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.




Spruk, killed by being shot out of the sky by a Dropship then impaled by a Rikti sword.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hero? Villain? ... random name to have something to say?

[/ QUOTE ]


I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Doctor Helios, working using known Rikti data, the Rikti Commander captured by Big Game, a hodgepodge of random technologies, and something known only as 'Icarus' has created a weapon he believes instrumental in defeating the Rikti. Known only as 'the MK VII', its true nature is a secret to all but a select few...

@Shadow Phoenix - Union roleplayer and number-cruncher



Spruk, the villain was killed by being shot out of the sky by a Dropship then impaled by a Rikti sword.

[/ QUOTE ]

((Oh god, no! You killed Spruk off?!))

Mission Report by Anna

After being unmasked and exposed, Alicia Barzini better known as the notorious Pistol, chose to exploit the Rikti Invasion for her own gains. Trading valuable information from the Pocket D Council of War meetings for Rikti technology, Pistol has essentially broken several laws of treason.

The technology she purchased allowed her to build a dimensional portal from which she escaped our world and fled to another. Militia team leader Pious Hunter, who had been assigned to liaise with the FBI concerning the investigation into Pistol and the Gang, was quick to organise a raid into the Mafia mansion, Le Sisarose in Nerva Archipelago and learnt of her escape.

Just last week, Pious Hunter and former FBI agent Sabrina San (Dragonfly) were tasked to cross the dimensions in search of Alicia Barzini. This team was named Task Force Upsilon, accompanied by three high-ranking Longbow Officers and Sabrina's close friend, Altair Stevens (Barbwire).

Yesterday, August 1st, the task force returned with a full report and some extra information concerning their mission.

Professor Nittleman's Report (Read from page 661 and onwards. It was some very good forum roleplaying and I hope you enjoy)



Report found from the War Zone's Main Base

Five Vanguard Guards have been found knocked unconscious by the entrance of a restricted tunnel system. Possibly engaged by ''Sancko''. They were found by other members after several security codes were missing from the main base.

The heavy fortified barrier has clearly been opened and new security codes must be made to unlock them. The intentions of the hero ''Sancko'' are still unknown.

Due the large Rikti activity it will be quite possible that he has locked himself into his own death-bed. A team will be brought in as soon as possible to lead him out and he will be getting a penalty for his actions if he is still alive.

Side Note: The room where ''Sancko'' has been resting in was found in a most unusual state. Etches and carvings from unknown meaning, possibly none, been inflicted all over the walls.



Edward Johnson aka Dr Mechano. Lost his right arm while helping to fight off an invasion with EVIL compatriot Blue Serpent. At the time he'd been using morphine extensively to stop the pain from his badly burnt chest and only noticed it after the invasion had been fought off.

While now active again, having replaced his right arm with a cybernetic one, he's staying out of the war and generally relaxing and spending more time with his 'family' (as he calls his robots).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!