Something Different...
/Ice because it's gimped, unlike /fire.
Well, not gimped, just differently-abled.
Try ice/ice/ice actually. Different as in opposite, yet also control and ST based, instead of wtfaoepwnz based like fire.
Any other 'full set' can be quite funny to do.
Elec/elec/elec, AR/dev/munition or ice/ice/ice.
Or do something not many have done before:
(it just will show you why nrg and ice are among the 'weaker')
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
AR/dev is the most different you can get from the other blaster sets, almost feels like a different AT. they're better at solo'ing if a bit slower (however you can just spam web nade and ignite and get through things quickly but gets kinda repetitive) and watching enemies running into your traps (or bouncing from one mine to the next) is always fun.
May I suggest you give Sonics a look.
Totally different play style to Fire as a main.
You will be looking at fewer AOE damage attacks replacing them a group sleep, a stun and a knockback. A number of people have said it is quite Controllerish in style.
Nice in teams, but with the sleep and stuns, also good to solo.
Yay someone else likes Sonics
My only Blaster is my Sonic/Ice and as Snoox says it has a controllerish feel with stuns and the great mini-ice slick.
Only at 33 and have had a great laugh getting there , really recomend the combo.
I play a sonic/energy combo but I would imagine sonic/ice would be a great combo as General panic suggests.
Another plus, on a personal level, is that there aren't many Sonics around, so your toon does feel really unique.
mmmm i played with you mate and have to say snoox was different, didnt feel like a damage dealer at all tbh
I always thought you were an empath
Try Archery/Dev, like AR/Dev only with good synergy. Still has that "natural" look and has a deffinate differet feel
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Try Archery/Dev, like AR/Dev only with good synergy. Still has that "natural" look and has a deffinate differet feel
[/ QUOTE ]This.
AR/Dev is an underpowered combo because you miss both aim and BU.
mmmm i played with you mate and have to say snoox was different
[/ QUOTE ]
Should I be flattered or insulted?
mmmm i played with you mate and have to say snoox was different
[/ QUOTE ]
Should I be flattered or insulted?
[/ QUOTE ]
I would check again, because sonic/nrg is the strongest ST hitter in the game (next to /elec). (due to -res, BU/aim and nrg having 1 of the higest ST dmg).
Sure fire/fire is all about aoe's, but once you get to single bosses, EB's and AV's, son/nrg-elec wins rather fast.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Sorry Sinergy,
Dipstars comments were his own little personal digs at me and are probably best ignored by anyone seeking serious advice.
I'm afraid you have been drawn into our verbal sparring, which is petty and inane but makes us laugh.
However, I do agree with what you say about sonics and ST. it is this that makes this power set totally different to fire which is why I suggested it in the first place.
No worries
At least now its cleared for all that might read it too ^^
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
yeh sorry about that should leave our banter out of the forums!!
personally i dont like playing blasters at all never got one past 20 but thats for a different thread
blasters ftw methinks, got an nrg/nrg lvl 50, and the dmg output's INSANE, love it I tell ya
Not wanting to overload the thread with Sonic lovers but it really is a beautiful little power set. The only other Blaster I've got to a serious level was a Fire/En and they couldn't be more different. Whereas Fire just deals damage and puts down its enemies fast, Sonic is very controllery and about the only Blaster I've been able to solo with on higher difficulty settings. Putting a spawn to sleep, stunning the mezzer and then taking them out one at a time is just beautiful. And yes, the difference against AVs and Elite Bosses is very noticeable.
Other alternatives are Archery for the sheer fun of shoving pointy sticks through people or Energy for sending people flying when you hit them.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

I had/have a fire/fire who is/was alot of fun however I then turned to an Ice/Device which not only rhymes but is also very effective, especially solo. Ice has strong attacks with good secondary effects and has a couple of really nice holds. Devices doesn't work too well on teams but Targeting Drone is a really useful power (that can and should be respecced one you are fully kitted out with SO/IOs), caltrops is a really useful and underrated power too.
caltrops is a really useful and underrated power too.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not sure if it is underrated or not, but with the 2 /device blasters I tried so far, I always took it, it felt really nice to be at the good side of the caltrops for a change.-
So, as some of you might know my main is a lvl50 Fire/Fire/Fire blaster, but now he's lvl50 and as much as I love to play as him I'd like to play something totally different, but still a blaster as theyre my favourite AT, I mean in terms of playstyle not say Ice just because its opposite to fire =D