Anti Rad/Psi - A dueller's nightmare
You could try a MA / Regen, they will kick the rad psi [censored] unless he is quite good at dueling him.
Else just roll the ubah ice rad controller and slow cap him.
controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr
got no evidence for it but i reckon an ice/cold corr wud destroy a rad/psi. to a lesser extent i reckon a ice/thermal cud win too but it wud be close imo
Slows are generally more effective against rad/sonic because of the need to stack the -res whereas a rad/psi needs less attack chains. I've seen Rad/Psi's destroy ice/colds and ice/rads but there may have been other factors at work (player skill, HOs etc).
Accoladed Ice/Energy tanks, Ma/Regen (as mentioned), Rad/Sonic are all good against Rad/Psi.
I would imagine Ice/Energy or Ice/elec blasters would do pretty well but I've never seen them fight. Also Kin/Elec or Kin/Sonic would take advantage of the high endurance use.
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
would like to fight an rad/psi with hazel after respeccing into the psi epic...
Best bet would be a ice/nrg tank which is almost impossible to kill especially ones who are fully IO'ed out by most toons or other options would be fire/ice rads trollers with the psi epic.
Villain side i guess a therm with heat exhaustion might be worth a try otherwise a stalker might work if they get 1 kill and hide for the rest of the match
@Neo Arc
@Neon Arc
Member of the 1AT
DA might stand a chance against a rad/psi with IO's you can get some silly PSI res out of them and if paired with MA for the toggle dropping stuns could work well ? Not tried it and i'm sure some one can pick holes in my way of thinking but its a thought
As Imag said, MA/Regen can be pretty good for fighting Rad/Psi, the combination of the Stuns from MA and Focused Accuracy means that the Rad/Psi has to really work for it.
Ice/Rad troller is the easy way.
Em/ nin/sr /regen stalker
Ice/energy tanker
Fire/energy tanker
Tricked out spines/srs have been used to beat up on rad/psis
Slow res, 8mins+ of elude(theoretically possible to get 9mins of elude out of every 10), debuff res, silly levels of +tohit, ranged attacks, immob, slows etc etc
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Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Some trollers can do it easily. Just remeber to pick the psi epic.
@Sweet Chilli
A good rad/psi will NEVER lose. He might not win, but he'll never lose since it's so easy to force a draw.
Even with the rad/psi being at the slowcap, the ice/cold only realistically has a chance to make a kill when Aim is up - all other times the rad debuffs will mean that he misses the defender. If he's being hit by PBU'd LR at the same time, he's not really going to have aim up often enough to secure kills and the lack of a self heal is REALLY going to hurt him against psi.
MA/regen probably has a pretty good chance, but again, if I was playing my rad/psi I'd just force a draw unless I thought the MA/regen was dumb. Same with all other ATs, really.
I might be missing something here, but... surely a */Elec or */Dark Brute could contend them somewhat, with the Psi Res.
Anything with a Hold/Disorient/Sleep could potentially keep the Rad DeBuffs off of themselves for a period.
I'd like to see a Necro/Poison MM try - with superior DeBuffs in Poison and masses of ToHit and Defense DeBuffs from the pets the Rad/Psi would have trouble hitting anything itself while being easy to hit even with the toggle DeBuffs active. Throw in all the tasty Holds and I'd say we have a winner.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
A good rad/psi will NEVER lose. He might not win, but he'll never lose since it's so easy to force a draw.
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depends on the map
skill being equal an ice/cold has no chance, an ice/em/ice blaster would do MUCH better, quite suprised no ones mentioned that especially as they can slowcap easily with PB, pretty much hit at will, go into hibern00b with alarming frequency and 3 shot defenders.
MA has less chance than spines due to the disturbing amount of resistence defenders get to s/l in epic sheilds (47%), I know pvp defenders who take tough too and end up with an inv tank levels of 70% res to s/l that remaining 30% is easily healed off.
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Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
I think MA might have been mentioned because of the stuns for toggle dropping, including any shields.
I think MA might have been mentioned because of the stuns for toggle dropping, including any shields.
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It's very hard to beat a good MA/Regen now when you have to balance Red's for damage and Break Frees for Mez Prot.
I think MA might have been mentioned because of the stuns for toggle dropping, including any shields.
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It's very hard to beat a good MA/Regen now when you have to balance Red's for damage and Break Frees for Mez Prot.
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not with 70% res to s/l, a heal thats up all the damn time in a real build and strength of wills, sorry but I dont see MA doing it.
Mind/psi dom could do it with the right build
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
A good rad psi wont loose to a ma regen, but a normal player with a rad psi will loose to a ma regen.
The strategy for beating ma regen is simply PB LR and webbies. And remember to use BFs so stuns wont get ya.
Mind psi dom wont be a hard fight for the rad psi, RI and the dom wont hit enough to be a problem.
Most rad controllers can beat the [censored] out of rad psi.
Ice em(blaster) vs rad psi, odds are on rad psi, cause you simply wont hit unless aim + bu is up. It should be easy for the rad psi to run like hell every time aim bu is triggered.
Ice em tank, draw they wont kill eachother.
I think an ice ice dom can also beat rad psi. The slows should be good enough.
Rad psi vs thermals, my bet is on rad psi.
I think an IOed storm troller can also win.
controllers: Ill rad , grav rad, fire kin, ice kin
blaster: ice em
scrapper: spines sr
Knight Stalker (Spines/Regen) Kicked Psydock's Rad/Psi/Mind behind the other week.
I also think a MM could beat Rad/Psi
I am not an expert (heh actually i know little about it due to what i read) on duels but a sapper (Kin/Elec) does have a chance? If there's no endurance also no powers.
I am not an expert (heh actually i know little about it due to what i read) on duels but a sapper (Kin/Elec) does have a chance? If there's no endurance also no powers.
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Less chance of hittin the -End with little Acc as a Rad does major Acc Debuffs.
Knight Stalker (Spines/Regen) Kicked Psydock's Rad/Psi/Mind behind the other week.
I also think a MM could beat Rad/Psi
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Was with my team build lol that has telkineses :P
But i was no near of being able to kill him though. SO i'd say a rad/psi will never kill a IO'd up good regen
I am not an expert (heh actually i know little about it due to what i read) on duels but a sapper (Kin/Elec) does have a chance? If there's no endurance also no powers.
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Less chance of hittin the -End with little Acc as a Rad does major Acc Debuffs.
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Hmm got it. As i have so many toons to lvl up i will make a Kin/Elec with IOs + Leadership try to make it a PvP toon as soon as possible. (maybe another defender like Storm, Dark or FF. Since someone said defenders sucks (other than rad/psi i see) in PvP i try to change it if i can)
I tried duelling a rad/psi on Enervator and the accuracy debuffs really do mess you up. You'd need a tray of large yellow insp. I haven't tried duelling since IOs came out so it may be easier with the increased accuracy. The slows will then mess up the recharge on your powers lol.
So I'd like to make a toon specifically for duelling. Is there any AT powerset combo that can stand up to the might of the Rad/Psi defender (and to a lesser extent Rad/Son)?
Does such a toon exist or should I adopt the "if you can't beat them, join them" mantra and just roll a Rad/Psi?