The Liberation Front - Anarchist Super Team




Yes. Very well written.

Eventhough I do share some of Krank's beliefs IRL, I can't/wont apply them "as is" in the game, but rather "translate" it to similar CoX groups/events/companies/etc.



Targets for Anarchist type people:

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Very good suggestions all in all, and you've managed to pinpoint more or less all the groups A-bom tends to focus his efforts on - plus a few he hasn't gotten around to yet.

But, my point is this:
* Imagine you believe that all organizations, in fact all forms of hierarchal systems are not only detrimental to the individual, but actively harmful. Imagine you believe every organization is essentially corrupt. You can limit youself to fighting superpowered menaces, or you can open up a broad front.
* Imagine you believe that supervillains, street thugs, and just ordinary corporation bosses are all symptoms of the same disease - the disease of capitalistic fascism and hierarchal systems. Sure, the symptoms must be kept in check - but some progress has to be made on the overall picture. Malta, for instance, are just another arm of the Government. It's blackest black ops, perhaps, but still just a symptom.

In short, A-bom doesn't sleep. At all. His small percentage of actual biomass (can't really pass it off as "human" anymore) makes him a 24/7 kind of guy. A large part of each day (as in, the part of the day I'm playing him) is spent chasing Creys, Council, Circles, and other superpowered threats. I imagine he spends a sizeable part of the rest of the day doing more or less the same thing (in addition to his own storylines - I'm working on several short stories involving his shadowy past, his twin brother, his creator, an army of evolved versions of him, and other such standard comicbook stuff. Think "Wolverine" and you're on the right track).

Somethimes, though, he occationally finds the time to blow up an officebuilding owned by some major credit card company (think "Fight Club" and you got his reasons), or destroy a sweatshop or five, or off a senator or two who are (in his opinion) working "in the wrong direction" (which would be more government control, or less education, more police, etc etc) and who wouldn't be bullied into changing his/her mind.

Why does he do this? Because I cannot justify having a violence-focused anarchist with superpowers simply combat what I, in real life, as an anarchist, ultimately see as more symptoms of the disease. I want my dear, dear anarchist to really BE an anarchist, not only by name. If all he's ever fighting are the same guys everyone's fighting, then the choice of philosophy and ideology feels like windowsdressing - and I don't want that. Then he'd be as latter-tyear Punisher, no trace left of the crazy survivalist mother-bleeper who wrote him the first few years. I don't want to make A-boms anarchistic ideals to be a sticker, a pink anarchist-A T-shirt, a show for the masses. I want it to mean something.

So i doubt there's a place to keep those who seek to 'destroy the american way of life' since pretty much every punk you fight is looking to do that, super-powered or not!

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Well, they keep claiming they "arrest" them... A-bom usually claims he's never "arrested" someone in his entire life... =)



let me make a guess and say..

A-bom isn't a licenced hero? (licencing would require going through the burocracy of "Hi government person" "hi, here's your licence")

No doubt people will notice and recognize him if he keeps fighting what ever he's fighting?

He'll be making a name for himself as a result, whether he wants to or not?

One link to a murder would make him a target for any hero who's inclined to uphold the law. - okay, so murdering gangmembers won't put him high on the priority list... offing politicians would.

What was your choice to make him a hero?
Clearly, in the views of Paragon, he's a vigilante and a villain. One is loosely tolerated, the other combatted.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I'd say that though true if he wa slinked to murders other heroes would go after him.

But as long as he doesn't get caught or 'cleans up' well how are they to know?

Unless he leaves a calling card or something? In fact he could leave a calling card that has nothing at all to do with A-bomb but is instead an alterego to draw attention away from him.

Or even simpler would to be take down a bunch of Freaks/Council/Skulls/Whatever but wait until after taking out his target and leaving a bunch of stuff from their hideout at the crimscene to officially arest them.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



There's plenty of characters around with flangesenses (Abilities beyond the actual game capabilities), that would root him out in VERY short order.

Take my main, Miss Ellie, for example. She's part cat, with a highly enhanced sense of smell; if she was ever at the crime scene, she'd get his scent. One meeting, and bam! Busted.

She knows the secret ID of many heroes she's met in costume and civilian garb thanks to this. She doesn't tell anyone though...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



What actual scent though? He's a chunk of flesh inside metal. A quick car wash before smashing the Skulls off to do the crime, and all she's got left to work with is the smells of the Skulls he's just busted up. The Skulls who somehow left a whole lot of evidence at the crime scene. Skulls who are later arrested by A-Bomb on a totally unrelated issue.

It'd end up A Murder She Wrote Situation, yeah A-Bomb is always in the area before the murder but all the evidence points to some gang members that A-Bomb just caught.

Psychics might be a problem for him but then without evidence there isn't anything they can do to him 'lawfuly'

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



A-bom isn't a licenced hero? (licencing would require going through the burocracy of "Hi government person" "hi, here's your licence")

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He's licensed, but he's doing a lot of "extracurricular activities"...

One link to a murder would make him a target for any hero who's inclined to uphold the law. - okay, so murdering gangmembers won't put him high on the priority list... offing politicians would.

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*bling* teleport in, send a big bone arrow into chest, *bling* teleport out. Not much in the way of clues, no witnesses, no scent, no nothing. That's the beauty of teleportation. =)


What was your choice to make him a hero?

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I got several reasons:
1. because I only owned CoH at the time I created him.
2. If Punisher could be considered a hero, A-bom can too.
3. CoX is a bit too stereotypically "evil" for the character. I wanted a character who sould fight traditional "crime" as well as what I precieve as "crimes against humanity" (but aren't neccessarily illegal, and I wouldn't resort to A-boms methods).

Clearly, in the views of Paragon, he's a vigilante and a villain. One is loosely tolerated, the other combatted.

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The "Villain" part, at least the parts of that people would get upset about, he keeps very much under wraps. Noone's going to mourn some multinational company's sweatshop operations. Blowing up politicians and credit card companies - well, those operations are few, far apart, and always cleaned up nicely.



Psychics might be a problem for him but then without evidence there isn't anything they can do to him 'lawfuly'

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Military-grade pshychic shielding takes care of most psychics, actually. That's actually reflected i-game as well, as he's got powers that shield him from "confuse" and [censored] like that. Getting through to A-boms slightly deranged and very paranoid mind isn't a walk in the park =)



She has other methods too, scent is merely her primary one. She can also see peoples "aura's", the natural electrical field all living things posses. It's unique to everyone and as good as a photo to her; as well as being part cat, she's also part Kheldian too...

Plus, as you say; all the psychics, telepaths; precogs etc. He wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting away with it in the end. And evidence it not a huge problem either; a licensed hero's testimony is enough to convict (it has in the comics!).


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




*bling* teleport in, send a big bone arrow into chest, *bling* teleport out. Not much in the way of clues, no witnesses, no scent, no nothing. That's the beauty of teleportation. =)

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He was physically present in the room, therefore his scent WILL be present. Also, he used a bone arrow; which he had to touch. Therefore his scent is on the arrow.

There are also heroes that can manipulate time, so if you need to know who did a deed; pop back and look!

EDIT: BTW Krank, I'm not trying to put down your character or how you've designed him. Just trying to point out that characters such as him are hellishly difficult to get away with in RP because there's always some annoying smart alec that comes up with something to catch him that you've not covered.

Take Miss Ellie's various flangesenses. They can in some respects make her rather overpowered; but some of them are also her greatest weaknesses too; and in the past people HAVE realised that and taken advantage of it.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



There's plenty of characters around with flangesenses (Abilities beyond the actual game capabilities), that would root him out in VERY short order.

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Keep in mind A-bom was created by a secret government organization to serve as an 100% government-loyal, military-controlled, and 100% US of A owned alternative to traditional superheroes. In case they ever got out of hand. Remember, this was before the Rikti invasion. The government wanted security - and they got A-bom. They wanted a supersoldier capable of dealing with supers on their own levels, and budget wasn't a problem.

A ******* child of military-grade technology and genetic enhancement, A-bom could theoretically have more or less any protection imaginable.

Or, to put it simply - you make up that you have a superior sense of smell - I make up that I got no smell, or have military-grade scent-inhibitors (or whatever sounds cool).

A-bom hasn't yet been connected to the politician-killing or the blowing up of companies... So apparently he's been able to get away with it. If seen from a strictly in-game point of view.



Then he'll have to invest in some chamelion scent modifiers, a bio-eletrical disruption matrix, psyonic dampening fields, Telepathic blocking implants and a chronal disruptor.

These are just off the top of my head names for things to block detection or make it look like another was there.

Obviously ways around all the Heroes watching heroes exist since Arachnos has all those spies in Longbow and vice versa.
Edit'd he'll have to be quick on his feet yeah to counter anything other throw at him.
Might be fun to try and catch him out ;p

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



He was physically present in the room, therefore his scent WILL be present. Also, he used a bone arrow; which he had to touch. Therefore his scent is on the arrow.

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Not if he remembered to activate his scent-inhibitors, which mask what little smell a person who's around 85% metal gives off.

And the bone arrow wasn't touched - it grew out of chemically-enhanced biorobotic manufacturers scattered around A-bom's body. They were 100% devoid of identifiable DNA or any scent for that matter.

There are also heroes that can manipulate time, so if you need to know who did a deed; pop back and look!

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Well, that COULD be A-bom... or it could be one of his brothers. He was manufactured, ya know. There are more like him out there, only noone really knows what happened to them. And A-bom always has a good alibi.

Like I said - the police seem happy to work with him, so apparently noone has connected him to anything.



Cool, so you will Just god-mod your way out. nice.



Of course there are ways around things, but as I put in an edit a few moments ago, there's ALWAYS some annoying smart alec that'll catch you out; especially in RP. Tends to make being an anti-hero like A-bom rather testing at times...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



EDIT: BTW Krank, I'm not trying to put down your character or how you've designed him. Just trying to point out that characters such as him are hellishly difficult to get away with in RP because there's always some annoying smart alec that comes up with something to catch him that you've not covered.

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Well, since we're talking about stuff that aren't manifest in-game, I can always block any smart-alec claiming A-bom has one power or the other.

I'm heckishly good at... Gah, the name eludes me... the game played in Sandman etc, where you create/turn yourself into/verbally describe stuff and the point is to make up something the other can't top... (You know, my snake eats your puppy - well, my elephant stept on your snake).

Thet's the point of the exercise. I can get away with more or less anything, as long as I have imagination enough to counter any objections. And I got a lot of free time and a rather huge imagination.



Edit'd he'll have to be quick on his feet yeah to counter anything other throw at him.
Might be fun to try and catch him out ;p

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Indeed. Of course, I would NEVER use OOC knowledge from the forum in roleplay; that would not be fair. So any chars of mine would have to become involved in any investigations as a part of their normal heroing...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Yeah I say he has to put all his counters up on some sort of Spec thing on his website.
Not that I'd use it to come up with ways of detecting him that he hasn't thought up counters to.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Thet's the point of the exercise. I can get away with more or less anything, as long as I have imagination enough to counter any objections. And I got a lot of free time and a rather huge imagination.

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But can you do it whilst avoiding godmodding, or avoiding frustrating the other player so that, OOC, they just go "Bugger this, it's boring", and wander off? There's the hard bit.

Personally, I'd rather have my character caught and deal with the IC consequences, than come up with some implausible reason why they get away with it. YMMV of course.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I have to wonder unless your group RPing a murder investigation what Hero is going to go out of their way to examine A-bomb indepth anyway?
I mean the police have their Registered Hero telling them it was the Skulls they have a bunch of arrested Skulls and a bunch of evidence saying it was the Skulls.

Now unless your playing some sort of Columbo character (MUST RESIST NEW RP CHAR OLD TV DETECTIVE STYLE TOO MANY TO PLAY RIGHT NOW) why would you be investigating the closed case of John 'Dollars' McGee?
And as long as his Bio/description states he has protection against telepathy (And why you going around reading peoples minds like that? Eh your just lucky Cactus brawler ain't there he'd upside your head with a table for that!) you can't really just go up and go 'You've done some bad things Hombre and i'm a fitting to bring you in!'

Likewise as long as he's not to obvious about it he can pull a Jessica Flethcer and 'catch' those 'responsible' for the crime.

'Yes officers it seems the Skulls had heard that 'dollars' McGee had a wallet that was always full. they thought that it was a magic wallet and during the robbery killed him. See the Bone Daddy of the group is still holding the wallet in his hand'

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



But can you do it whilst avoiding godmodding, or avoiding frustrating the other player so that, OOC, they just go "Bugger this, it's boring", and wander off? There's the hard bit.

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The thing is, though, that this is just background noise. Stuff that happens way, way offscreen. No reader of this fictional comicbook would ever see it. It doesn't come up in conversation.

Of course, if some player seriously wanted to make A-bom go away from Paragon city for a few months, they could, of course, confront him, or spread the word in-game, or make up a story where they get on A-boms trail. But that would be seriously un-nice.

Personally, I'd rather have my character caught and deal with the IC consequences, than come up with some implausible reason why they get away with it. YMMV of course.

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Personally, I have no intention of making any of this overt in-game. At least not the serious [censored], like offing politicians etc. Like I said, casual remarks about shutting down third world sweatshops aren't likely to make things annoying (since more or less everyone agrees sweatshops, while not strictly illegal, are Bad Stuff). The rest of it - well, I plan to never, ever make it overt in-game. And I'd appreciate it if it was kept that way. I'd seriously hate it if people began using this kind of forum-information in-game.




The thing is, though, that this is just background noise. Stuff that happens way, way offscreen. No reader of this fictional comicbook would ever see it. It doesn't come up in conversation.

Of course, if some player seriously wanted to make A-bom go away from Paragon city for a few months, they could, of course, confront him, or spread the word in-game, or make up a story where they get on A-boms trail. But that would be seriously un-nice.

[/ QUOTE ]

Difference between normal and MAX Punisher?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



I plan to never, ever make it overt in-game. And I'd appreciate it if it was kept that way. I'd seriously hate it if people began using this kind of forum-information in-game.

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I, and I'm pretty sure ANY decent roleplayer, would NEVER use OOC information IC.

One question I'd like to ask though. If it's not something you ever want to bring up IC, why mention it? I understand you want some backstory there and of course that's perfectly fine, but with things like this, generally people mention it because they DO want to do something with it in-game.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



poor Krank

posting details about his SG. I doubt he expected this kind of Spanish inquisition.

*waits for the inevitable respone*

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



NO one expects!... A small Yorkshire terrier!