One /TA signing up
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Oh yeah, I forgot to say:
Please try and form up in teams beforehand, and try to ensure that each team has at least ONE person with recall friend who is prepared to run out of the jelly when stuff starts going bad in order to TP people to a set position in order to allow for mass ressurection
I also need a Dark Miasma defender with Howling Twilight online in order to allow for mass ressurection. We will be using Cynics Oil Slick as a target for the defender to ressurect the entire raid off of, so please make sure you have a macro set up in order to target the Oil Slick for your HT to hit it.
(Oil slick)
"I know 653 ways to kill a man. Fist to the face is #56."
I should hopefully be able to make it. Can provide recalling, AoE heal spam and ST rezzes, as well as ST healing if we're using a tank.
(Oil slick)
[/ QUOTE ]
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Count me in with stupid amounts of mez'n and good old fashion team and single target healing
To make it easier with teams, starting Strike Force's could be an idea, because if anyone Disconnects they won't have to be reinvited. So no risk of losing team space or not getting invited fast enough to get the HO.
One dark defender at your service Count me in
One Scrapper ready to splat jelly on command.
If, and that should be a big IF, Virgin Media sort my broadband out tomorrow (8 days without being online - it hurts), I'll be there. Probably as Robo as he has recall friend.
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
I'll be along, got recall friend, and lot of Rad debuffness ready (mostly slotted with HO now, how's that for irony).
Because of the new Hamidon changes, this raid is going to be organized on a first-come first-served basis. I'm really sorry, but if you don't make it in before the zone caps at 50 there's nothing I can do about it. If this raid is a success, I'll probably run a few more so try again next time
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll pitch a tent in the hive on saturday night just incase .
I'll be there with a DM/SR Scrapper always glad to be of assistance for jelly business
Damn working Sat day till 8pm, hopefully will be able to join next one.
You can count me in for this, was there for last pre-i9 Hami raid so it would be nice to be there for the 1st i9 Hami raid.
Better log in & get to Eden tonight to reserve my spot
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
Damn working Sat day till 8pm, hopefully will be able to join next one.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, it's not nice to work on a Saturday, however, the Raid is scheduled for Sunday
I'll try to join you.
I hope that my english is good enough!
The orders given with TeamSpeak really scare me!
ill try...would like to come but im not sure.... too early at that time :/
May aswell give this a try, one energy blaster at your disposal Got teamspeak all set up too.
I'll try to make it too with Carni, I have PAs and TP, i'll install Teamspeak for the occasion.
ok, im in as FB
just a heads up for those who dont read the US boards.
'It's working as intended. He also can kill Phantom Army now.'
oh Boy
So what your saying is, that theres a very small chance he can't kill me.. I like it! ;-)
Scratch me from this. Broadband won't be repaired for another 2-3 days (a known issue brought about by Virgin Media's updating of the digital tv channels). No online activities at all over the bank holiday weekend, it had better be a sunny one!
[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)
This is it, boys and girls. Union beat us to be the first to beat the old hamidon, but we're sure as hell not going to let that happen again!

I've not typed out a formal raid guide yet, as I'm not ENTIRELY sure how this will work. It'll be as much a testing raid as it will be a proper raid, so don't expect the fastest raid in the world.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE TEAMSPEAK INSTALLED FROM HERE IN TIME FOR THE RAID. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK (and thus do NOT need a microphone), YOU JUST HAVE TO BE ABLE TO LISTEN. The server IP we will be using is "" and the server password is "paragon" - feel free to come on and test your connection in the next few days if you don't feel like it'll work. Follow the instructions in the default channel to be able to join the main room and talk. Orders will be given out on TS during the raid, so make sure you're all set. Even if your english isn't that great, there will be virtually no chatter during the raid so interpreting orders shouldn't be too hard.
Since we're using teamspeak to give out orders, we will be using the request channel for IMPORTANT information for the raid leaders. If something looks like it's going to go horribly wrong, yell about it in request. Otherwise, please keep the channel clear. Broadcast will be for spam like usual, so it might be a good idea to move request to another tab
So, for a quick chat/orders overview:
Teamspeak: Direct Orders
Request: Important information from non-leaders
Broadcast: General spam
This raid will be taking place on:
We will be meeting on Cowards Hill in Eden, as per usual, and starting earlier than usual to allow for the fact that we've never done this before and so it'll probably take a while.
Because of the new Hamidon changes, this raid is going to be organized on a first-come first-served basis. I'm really sorry, but if you don't make it in before the zone caps at 50 there's nothing I can do about it. If this raid is a success, I'll probably run a few more so try again next time
Hope to see you all there!
Edit: Just noticed the Villains are doing one on Saturday night. Good luck to you guys, maybe you'll have some tips for us for the Sunday if you aren't successful
Edit2: If you have time, or are really bored, it would be MEGA helpful if you could put together some teams to kill GMs which drop the Essence Of Earth enhancements to resist Hamidons damage. They drop from the Devouring Earth GMs in the hive, as well as the ones that spawn on Monster Island in PI. I'll try and put together some farming teams in the day on Sunday, and we'll be clearing GMs to get Hamidon to spawn before the raid, but the more EoEs we have, the easier the raid will be.