how many Active Villian VG are there today?
Well my vg Murders Unlimited is very active and so are the vg we are in coalition with, but id have to say this could be a rose tinted glasses view as the only time i team up these days is with my own vg or with one of the many coaliton ones, so it could be there are less active ones around but i just dont see um within are coaltion we are very active.
can i join lol lvl 35 fire/traps cor.
can i join lol lvl 35 fire/traps cor.
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Well we could look at it but you sig says union and we are on defiant
Well my vg Murders Unlimited is very active and so are the vg we are in coalition with, but id have to say this could be a rose tinted glasses view as the only time i team up these days is with my own vg or with one of the many coaliton ones, so it could be there are less active ones around but i just dont see um within are coaltion we are very active.
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Murders Unlimited i though it was Blue Popa Smurf Unlimited
Well, my VG, Night Stalkers, is pretty active. Everytime I log there are a bunch of people people online and from all lvl ranges, but mainly lvl 35+. That includes our coalitions.
BTW Murders Unlimited is part of the same coalition.
Murders Unlimited i though it was Blue Popa Smurf Unlimited
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We take Smurfing very seriously here at Murders Unlimited ....but we also have non Smurfs!
Ive seen lot of Night Stalkers going about in SC as of late.
The Fallen Femmes , evil version of Femme Fatales is still ticking away in the background. I think alot are playing hero alts tho within the Femmes.
The Evil Echelon im sure is also still on the go as well.
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
Of course if your inclinations are more towards the PvP, The Gathering might suit better
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
The Seventh Cabal will never surrender! We are still hanging in there even though our membercount seem to fluctuate a bit.
i bumped into a person the other day, and his VG was at the top at one time he said the last time someone jump online was 21 days ago, so i guess i can say it was dead due to limited activative inside the vg.
so im just woundering if the villain VG are droping like flys or there are some that are growning strong still?
i know there are new VG made on a daily basie, some stay other join up into another Vg or forgot about.
I can personal say my Vg Forsaken Empire is still running around, slowly but surely
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I use to be in the VSG Dagger Boys, who were top at one point till for loads of differant reasons members left, the leader included. A few old members are still raoming around and we all hope to get it as active as it was at one point. I'm sure when I spoke to the only member left in it yesterday he said the leader had not been on for 21 days. (KrisKnife, where are you?!!)
At the moment I run my own VSG, The Legion of Darkness. Which I have worked hard for in the past few months, and I would merge with the Dagger Boys, if my time spent on my own SG would be wasted. Its a bit selfish I know, but every SG leader out there knows how hard it is to run an SG.
I'll always be a Dagger Boy at heart no matter what though.
VGs i see alot of are The Gathering,Night Stalkers,Murders Unlimited sometimes Sisterhood of Hades and lots of little VGs.The average numbers i see on the Villain side when i do a search is normally 60+ at peak time sometimes 80+.
And 5 months ago it was twice this number maybe 3 times.So people are definately losing interest and turning to other games.I gave up hero side of this game as they are very picky on what they bring into a team,which puts alot of people off.
Soon they will have to change there way of thinking as the player base is definetly shrinking.
my cor is on defiant they are just my union toons
Yeah, I'm with Night Stalkers, and with me, we are the most sexiest VG of them all. OH YEAH BABY! YEAH!
Yeah, I'm with Night Stalkers, and with me, we are the most sexiest VG of them all. OH YEAH BABY! YEAH!
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Smurfs are very sexy too
Yeah, I'm with Night Stalkers, and with me, we are the most sexiest VG of them all. OH YEAH BABY! YEAH!
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Smurfs are very sexy too
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Only if you got a blue midget fetish, LOL
Only if you got a blue midget fetish, LOL
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Smurfs are not midgets, they are lower to the ground thats all
MM here since Beta and still kicking and will probably still be here when the game closes
The House of Counted Shadows is still going .... just but it wont die, I wont let it.
@Rhi @Rhi.
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs

So to sum up we only got
Forsaken Empire
Murders Unlimited AKA a blue midget fetish (it a joke)
Night Stalkers
The Gathering
Sisterhood of Hades (seen in my coalition chat)
The Legion of Darkness
Dagger Boys (in the VOID of unknown true stats)
The House of Counted Shadows
The Seventh Cabal
The Fallen Femmes
The Evil Echelon
D.O.A (seen a few player)
No Mercy (Seen a few players)
Anti-spandex corp (seen in my coalition chat)
Forgotten Warriors (seen in my coalition chat)
So we got 15 Active VG, i guess we are the only the big fish as villain VG on the Defiant as we can be all be found on the top 100 SG/VG list
Some fine, fine names I see before me..and yes, the Sisterhood of Hades is as active as ever with many new and interesting players. What a fine coalition we have as well, with no shortage of teaming at all levels. The Sisterhood are currently 8th in the top100 after losing 2 places to the Evil Echelon and also to a PL-ing hero SG.
Good point though, whatever happened to the Dagger Boys? Riding high for so long and then took a mighty plummet.
Long may our coalition continue. :-)
Well the order of the crucified swords is still going despite a few members going awol for a while (hopefully they will return once i9 is back up) But we are still chugging along nicely despite most our members playing with heroes lately, We would most likely have started recruiting again if it wasnt for the 75 characters rather then globals thing since a lot of us have several characters each. Anyway the swords are still alive and kicking
So to sum up we only got
Forsaken Empire
Murders Unlimited AKA a blue midget fetish (it a joke)
Night Stalkers
The Gathering
Sisterhood of Hades (seen in my coalition chat)
The Legion of Darkness
Dagger Boys (in the VOID of unknown true stats)
The House of Counted Shadows
The Seventh Cabal
The Fallen Femmes
The Evil Echelon
D.O.A (seen a few player)
No Mercy (Seen a few players)
Anti-spandex corp (seen in my coalition chat)
Forgotten Warriors (seen in my coalition chat)
So we got 15 Active VG, i guess we are the only the big fish as villain VG on the Defiant as we can be all be found on the top 100 SG/VG list
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Wouldn't say the forgotten Warriors (or the Warriors Forgotten which is the VG) is very active. Never really more than 2 or 3 of us on together recently. Stupid LOTRO
I'd like to add in that the Evil Echelon is still going strong and we have a number of active players across all of our SG's and we see regualr evil doings and Heroic deeds.
With the run up to I9 and alot of Hero new content I imagine that the Villian side across the board is slowing down but sure inventions will kick start after everyone bashes states TF a bit
Would say DOA (Dead On Arrival) is quite dead. Only me and 3 others playing. Most of us play heroes mostly nowadays, only entering villains to grind a bit or do LRSF. I9 might bring back a few tho'...
Anyone know what happened to El Manticore? Red Moon Evil?
i bumped into a person the other day, and his VG was at the top at one time he said the last time someone jump online was 21 days ago, so i guess i can say it was dead due to limited activative inside the vg.
so im just woundering if the villain VG are droping like flys or there are some that are growning strong still?
i know there are new VG made on a daily basie, some stay other join up into another Vg or forgot about.
I can personal say my Vg Forsaken Empire is still running around, slowly but surely