Mastermind Advice, Skills and Support Skills
Darkest Night and Tar Patch are amazingly handy. I wouldn't miss them. DN makes AVs and EBs much more managable and Tar Patch ups damage considerably
Shadowfall takes the need away from Stealth, its better than stealth but not full invis.
Pets having leadership would lead me to dropping it for the other powers and I wouldn't bother too much with Hover or TP foe either
Let your pets carry the buff and you debuff
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Drop stealth, Shadowfall is better in every way stealthwise.
Not to mention Invisibility is a bad choice for masterminds, your minions are not boosted by supremacy if they can't see you.
Vengeance cannot be used on your minions so you could probably get rid of that one.
I would probably skip the leadership pool altogether on a thugs/dark as there are so many better powers in both pools.
Tar Patch, Darkest Night, Petrifiying Gaze are all very useful powers by the way. I would get them myself.
Black hole can be skipped though, so can Howling twilight...
so can Howling twilight...
[/ QUOTE ]
Ignore this tidbit... Howling Twighlight is AWESOME. You can use it to turn a huge spawn to mushiness, especially on teams, and on tar patch. It's another control method to add to the pile
so can Howling twilight...
[/ QUOTE ]
Ignore this tidbit... Howling Twighlight is AWESOME. You can use it to turn a huge spawn to mushiness, especially on teams, and on tar patch. It's another control method to add to the pile
[/ QUOTE ]
Good point, I forgot about that
I'm Ninja/Dark and currently set out like this -
01) Call Genin -Dmg - Dmg - Dmg - Acc - Acc - Acc
01) Twilight Grasp -Heal - Heal - Heal - Acc - Rechg - Rechg
02) Tar Patch -Rechg - Rechg - Rechg - Slow
04) Darkest Night -TH_DeBuf - TH_DeBuf - TH_DeBuf - EndRdx
06) Train Ninjas -Rechg - Rechg
08) Combat Jumping
10) Howling Twilight -Rechg - Rechg - Range
12) Call Jounin -Dmg - Dmg - Dmg - Acc - Acc
14) SuperJump
16) Shadow Fall -DmgRes - DmgRes - DmgRes
18) Swift -Jump
20) Health -Heal
22) Stamina -EndMod - EndMod - EndMod
24) Fearsome Stare -Acc - Acc - Rechg - Rechg - Fear - TH_DeBuf
26) Oni -Dmg - Dmg - Dmg - Acc - Acc
28) Petrifying Gaze -Acc - Acc - Hold - Hold - Rechg - Rechg
You can see that i have only taken powers from the ninja set to do with the actual minions.
Personally i would advise you to do something similar, swap out the ninja for thugs. Let the minions do the killing whilst you concentrate on the debuffing.
As has been said, Darkest Night is one of the most useful powers in the Dark Miasma set and you should factor it in if you can. Tar Patch is a take it or leave it one for me, and Ive never found Black Hole worthwhile.
As for Leadership, Id perhaps go for Manoeuvres over Vengeance as the latter does not work on your pets (because theyre dead too).
Although the Mastermind is arguably one of the few archetypes not to demand stamina, you will be running between three and five toggles so endurance could be an issue. Perhaps swap the Concealment pool for Fitness.
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
Ok thanks for the help. Im going to have to be harsh with the skill points. I'm now thinking:
DARK MISAMA - All except Pertrifiying Gaze (I can posibliy drop somting else if anyone has a better idea)
Power Pool
TELE - Recal Friend, Teleport
FLIGHT - Hover
Patron Pool
Ghost Widow - four skills.
I would still have liked Teleport Foe, Or any number of other toys. With this build I should start off with guns and thugs then gradually get better dark magic. I notice that a lot of people say the black hole is one to skip, it sounds cool, but if it's no real use maybe I shouldn't use it.
Any ideas for slotting?
Phew... This second suggestion sounds a lot better than the first one. I was really shocked when I read the first post.
I would like to shake you until you voluntarily drop Black Hole for Petrifying Gaze. (This one gets really good when you get your second Hold from the PPP => two powers, one held boss ).
Also, you could still get two leadership powers by scrapping those weak blasts. But I could understand if you wanted them for style reasons.
However, you will be quite fine with your powersets.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
I'm with Sin on this one. On my thugs/dark (37) I skipped all the (crappy) blasts and Black Hole while taking the Fitness and Leadership pools as well as Hasten. Works like a charm!
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
My recommendation? Drop the first and third blast power from the Primary, Black Hole from the Secondary and the AoE Blast from the Patron.
Insert Petrifying Gaze and the Stamina line (Swift, Health, Stamina).
Reasoning? Well Pet Gaze, plus Patron Hold, plus Dark Servants Pet Gaze means you should be able to take care of bosses at will, or multiple lieuts/minions.
Additionally, in heavy fights like any Dark Miasma MM you'll be spamming Twilight Grasp for the healign and debuffing which means you'll run out of endurance PDQ.
Of course, then with all this secondary power use, you won't really have the time to use the Primary or Patron Blasts - though if you like them, always worth keeping one
Ok I'm convinced, I'll drop black hole and take Pet. Gaze.
Thugs = All
DM = All but black hole
Tele = Recal friend, Teleport
Flight = Flight
How many skill points would I have to sacrifice to get the extra endurance? 2 or 3?
Currently trying to work out the slotting. Dont have a guide handy at the moment so can remember how many I get.
Was thinking 6 slot all my pistol skills.
I know no one will agree on this....
Want 6 slots on all real minions and probably the DM one too
Teleport will probably need some too.
I assume I'll want some on my parton powers.
Twilight grasp 6. not sure on the other DM as I've only used
TG and HT before.
And finally is the dark sneaky thing, forget the name a toggle power or does it run out at an inopportune moment?
All in all you get 67 additional slots... and from the look of things you will be in serious shortage, especially since you will have to slot heavily for endurance taking (and using) all the blasts but not stamina.
Yes, Teleport needs some serious slotting if it is your only travel power or you will not even be able to cross Aeon City without taking a break... again, made worse by the fact that you don´t have stamina.
And the dark sneaky thing... it´s a toggle.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Just looking at this quickly I ran a quick build through the heo planner:
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Level: 50
Archetype: Mastermind
Primary: Thugs
Secondary: Dark Miasma
01) --> Call Thugs==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Acc(5) Dmg(19) Acc(23)
01) --> Twilight Grasp==> Acc(1) Heal(11) Heal(11) Acc(25) Heal(36) Acc(43)
02) --> Dual Wield==> Acc(2) Dmg(3) Dmg(40) Acc(42) Dmg(43) Acc(43)
04) --> Tar Patch==> Rechg(4) Rechg(7) Rechg(7)
06) --> Equip Thugs==> Rechg(6)
08) --> Darkest Night==> EndRdx(8) EndRdx(9) EndRdx(9)
10) --> Recall Friend==> EndRdx(10)
12) --> Call Enforcer==> Acc(12) Dmg(13) Dmg(13) Acc(17) Dmg(17) Acc(19)
14) --> Teleport==> EndRdx(14) EndRdx(15) EndRdx(15)
16) --> Shadow Fall==> EndRdx(16) EndRdx(23) EndRdx(25)
18) --> Gang War==> Rechg(18) Rechg(33) Rechg(33)
20) --> Fearsome Stare==> Acc(20) Fear(21) Acc(21) Fear(34) Acc(37)
22) --> Howling Twilight==> DisDur(22) Rechg(34) Rechg(36) DisDur(46)
24) --> Hover==> Fly(24) Fly(36) Fly(46)
26) --> Call Bruiser==> Acc(26) Acc(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(29) Dmg(31) Acc(31)
28) --> Petrifying Gaze==> Acc(28) Hold(29) Hold(31) Acc(34) Hold(37) Acc(37)
30) --> Swift==> Fly(30)
32) --> Upgrade Equipment==> Rechg(32) EndRdx(33) EndRdx(46)
35) --> Health==> Heal(35)
38) --> Dark Servant==> Acc(38) Acc(39) Hold(39) Hold(39) Heal(40) TH_DeBuf(40)
41) --> Stamina==> EndMod(41) EndMod(42) EndMod(42)
44) --> Dark Embrace==> EndRdx(44) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(45)
47) --> Soul Tentacles==> Acc(47) Dmg(48) Immob(48) Acc(48)
49) --> Soul Storm==> Acc(49) Hold(50) Hold(50) Acc(50)
01) --> Power Slide==> Empty(1)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Supremacy==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
Not 100% sure on some of the slotting but it gives a rough idea.
Missing two of the pistol attacks and one of the Ghost Widow powers.
More or less intended as a rough guide
In case anyones interested this is what it's looking like now:
Thugs: All. 1 slot each equip skill. 4 slot Gang War. Rest 6 slot.
Dark: NOT Tar patch, Darkest night, Black Hole.
Twilight grasp 6 slots, rest 4.
Fitness (Magical Augmentation)
Swift, Health (2), Stamina (3)
Teleportation: Recal and Teleport (2)
Flight: Hover
Soul Mastery: Dark Embrace (4) Soul Tentacles (4) Soul Storm (4)
Dark: NOT Tar patch, Darkest night
[/ QUOTE ]
Too bad you're missing the 2 best powers from your secondary
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
3 Acc's seem like overkill; especially with Thugs.
I'd put 2 Ac/3 Dam/1 Secondary effect; Knockback/Debuff/ToHit as appropriate.
It'll serve you better
Dark: NOT Tar patch, Darkest night
Too bad you're missing the 2 best powers from your secondary
[/ QUOTE ]
Like I say I'm still fairly new to CoX but as I recall from other games, slowing and debuffing your foe does not kill them. If I was only taking those two powers im sure someone would point out that Twilight Grasp is the best skill (I khnow I can't knot take it, but thats not my point)
The character is designed to be a Thugs MM with a bit of dark magic thrown in. So by neglecting the Thugs pool in favour of Dark Miasma is going to weaken the concept rather thatn strenghten it.
So and I'm sure my noobness will be pinted out when I say I plan to respec out Fearsome Gaze and Petrifying Gaze in order to get Assault and Tactics. I currently have Fearsome Gaze and can't help thinking that it doesn't do much. I'm sure it will get a little better with slotting and practice but I can't really justify a skill that makes people cower a little some of the time over an overall damage boost all the time. I will wait till I have chance to try Petrifying Gaze before I respec, although the sam e argument will probably win. At level 50 I will have a hold spell from Ghost Widow and my Dark Servant will be able to hold.
I would like some advice on slotting Assault and Tactics if anyone would be so kind.
So and I'm sure my noobness will be pinted out when I say I plan to respec out Fearsome Gaze and Petrifying Gaze in order to get Assault and Tactics.
[/ QUOTE ]Yup.
As a Thugs MM you don't need Assault and tactics... at all... ever... You have two pets that have it as a perminant ability. your pets on the other hand can not Fear and Hold.
Please, don't 'spec out of these two powers, they are the silver medalists of /Dark. Tar patch and Darkest night are the gold winners. I'm really shocked that you plan to gimp your build by so much.
Dark: NOT Tar patch, Darkest night
Too bad you're missing the 2 best powers from your secondary
[/ QUOTE ]
Like I say I'm still fairly new to CoX but as I recall from other games, slowing and debuffing your foe does not kill them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Tar Pit also reduces the damage resistance of enemies it effects this greatly increases the damage your troops will do. Far more than assault would.
Darkest Night makes it hard for enemies to hit you and reduces the damage they do if they do, as thugs are fairly squishy this can make all the difference.
I would like some advice on slotting Assault and Tactics if anyone would be so kind.
[/ QUOTE ]
Assault only needs to be slotted for Endurance, 2 would be ideal.
Tactics would be best slotted 2xEnd,2xAcc pos 3xAcc later on.
Tactics is certainly the better power here as the damage boost from Assault is fairly low, it also gives a perception boost which is handy for spotting stealthed enemies.
Although the accuracy boost is still not that stunning. it gives about 12% when slotted up compared to 33% for a single Accuracy SO slotted in the summon power.
Like I say I'm still fairly new to CoX but as I recall from other games, slowing and debuffing your foe does not kill them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Tar Patch gives -30% dmg resistance to all the foes inside, while preventing them from running out, thus making it a lot easier for your henches to take them down. Darkest Night makes everything much safer by significantly reducing the damage that you take (-22%), and reducing their chances to hit you (around 17% -ToHit when fully slotted). You should pick the powers that you like, but these 2 will help you a lot.
So and I'm sure my noobness will be pinted out when I say I plan to respec out Fearsome Gaze and Petrifying Gaze in order to get Assault and Tactics. I currently have Fearsome Gaze and can't help thinking that it doesn't do much. I'm sure it will get a little better with slotting and practice but I can't really justify a skill that makes people cower a little some of the time over an overall damage boost all the time. I will wait till I have chance to try Petrifying Gaze before I respec, although the sam e argument will probably win. At level 50 I will have a hold spell from Ghost Widow and my Dark Servant will be able to hold.
[/ QUOTE ]
Despite what Nanolathe says, I actually dropped Petrifying Gaze in order to get the Leadership pool (Assault, Tactics & Vengeance). These are certainly not crucial, but they stack with the Enforcer buffs to make them hit harder and more accurately. I try to team as much as possible, so I do get to use Vengeance once in a while and it's just great on your henches. A few times I've teamed with a fellow thugster also running Leadership powers and the results are just amazing.
Fearsome Stare I find essential (along with TP and DN) and I slot heavily for -ThT (and not fear). Your main weakness as a Thugs/Dark is that your henches are quite squishy and have an iffy AI, so I focus on making sure they don't get hit much. Petrifying Gaze is nice, but I found it can be moved back to the 40s (good placement of Dark Servant and Gang War help me deal with bosses/Heroes).
I would like some advice on slotting Assault and Tactics if anyone would be so kind.
[/ QUOTE ]
I Have Stamina and slot Assault 2 EndRdx, and Tactics 3 Tht_Buf 2 EndRdx.
The most important thing of course is that you enjoy playing your MM. Each person has their own playstyle and goals (like following a concept). These tips might just help make things easier.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
This is the third time ive written this, assuming the cut and paste works.
Forgive me if I'm a little blunt.
Firstly I'm not trying to screw myself over.
I'm trying to create a thugs based build with a little dark magic thrown in.
The general concept is:
I use GUNS, GUNS Mr Spandex. Oh and as backup I have friends, with GUNS
I'm not plaaning on dropping the 3 gun attacks.
I would like the ghost widow (or maybe another) partron powers.
As I cannot find a guide to the power pools anywhere (and I have asked)
dont blame me if I'm a little out in my guess of whats effective.
I'm happy enough with RECAL, TELE, HOVER for getting around.
From what I hear I will want / need STAMINA I already get tired quickly with SHADOW FALL
So lets see if I take everything I'm stupid not to take..
Thugs 9, Dark 8, Fitness, 3, travel 3, Patron 3, Hmmm that takes me 2 points over doesn't it? Not to mention I would like tactics.
As I want this build to boost my thugs as much as possible and am not so bothered about the dark spooky side the tactics pool is almost a must. I'd planned to take it before I had to replan when I heard about patron powers.
So far thats a 26 point build. With the 3 tactics skills I want 29.
So I either need to do without some things or [censored] at the Devs to raise the level cap.
I actually like the sound of this. I plan on doing a necro with it sometime. I've not need to slow things down. They get shot.
Does it reduce DEF as well as RES?
Is it much like caltrops?
Do you really think this will have a better overall effect than getting tactics?
Darkest Night
Skipped it because it says as long as power stays active.
Can I still fire guns and use DN? - I guessed not so skipped.
Basically originally I thought I'd go for the tactics pool instead. A 'passive' toggle skill thats constantly on seemed a better choice than having to target this.
Fearsome Gaze
People cower a bit, until I hit them. Then they fight and cower a bit more. I haven't slotted it yet. To say I'm dissapointed in this skill would be an understatement. Maybe for another charater.
Petrifying Gaze
Haven't tryed it yet. Will get it before doing a respec. The fact that ever since I got FG I've felt like I've wasted a skill make me sinical of this one. Besides I'll get the ghost widow hold and damage thing eventually. It's not like I'm getting rid of it, just upgrading it. I know the whole argument the more holds the better. I will create a nerco sometime but having played a lot of diablo2 recently I want to do the thugs thing.
My thinking is that I get DEF form SHADOW FALL, so with assault and tactics I more or less get all 3. Also an SG member who also uses thugs is thinking of gettin tactics so we could stack buff each other. Also it will boost my guns a little. With inventions on the horizon my mission is to make them usable.
Just reaqd Oktons post above and thanks for talking sense and I am listening, but in my mind the toggle tactics are a better overall boost. As I think I've said I don't know the numbers and can't find the info on power pools.
Please humour me, and I do listen and respect your veiws. Even if I don't agree
Thanks you
Like I say I'm still fairly new to CoX but as I recall from other games, slowing and debuffing your foe does not kill them.
[/ QUOTE ]And yet there are classes in CoX (Defenders, Corruptors, and surprise surprise Masterminds) that have less DMG output than other ATs but have the ability to Debuff. By doing so they make their DMG output, and any of those teamed with the Debuffer, increase. The whole point of a debuff is to make your time easier and make you seem more powerful (by making your enemies rubbish). Please understand that we are trying to help you. If you refuse our advise then you are welcome to the consequences
I actually like the sound of this. I plan on doing a necro with it sometime. I've not need to slow things down. They get shot.
Does it reduce DEF as well as RES?
Is it much like caltrops?
Do you really think this will have a better overall effect than getting tactics?
[/ QUOTE ]Ok at least we are getting somewhere. No it does not reduce DEF. Yes it is much like Caltrops in that it slows them to a crawl, but does not damage them directly. Lastly yes it will have a better effect than Assault as with 3 recharges it is made nigh on perma and instead of a 10% buff to DMG it is a 30% debuff to RES. Please please please try it out.
Darkest Night
Skipped it because it says as long as power stays active.
Can I still fire guns and use DN? - I guessed not so skipped.
[/ QUOTE ] Of course you can attack with it on, It's a toggle, not an attack (it just happens to be a toggle that is stuck on an enemy) you toggle it on and procede to fire your guns at anyone else you feel like, you don't have to only target that 1 MOB, when you've activated it you can switch targets and fire of rounds from your pistols if you like.
I'm sorry if I seem a bit blunt but in ***/Dark MM power reviews both Darkest night and Tar patch are 5 Powers. Most will tell you that you are mad if you skip either. you may not be trying to gimp your build but your doing a very good job anyway.
I'm all for concept, but you will be at one major disadvantage to any other ***/Dark MM if you refuse to take one or both of these powers.
In Dark I would have to say that Black Hole and Fearsome Gaze are the only 2 powers that I would Skip. most of the others are at least 5 star or 4 star powers.
I will close by saying: You do not need Tactics or Assault, the effect of both is nothing compared with just putting an SO into one on the summon slots. At a mediocre 10% DMG boost and a 12% ACC boost for both Tactics and Assault running you might as well put more slots into your Summoning powers. Because both of your Enforcers have Assault and Tactics you need not get any of the Leadership pool powers.
Unless you are going for concept above functionality skip the leadership powers for a Thug MM
Unless you are going for concept above functionality skip the leadership powers for a Thug MM
[/ QUOTE ]
Well the way my (lvl 40) MM can solo, I think it's fair to say that my build is functional AND it still includes Leadership . It really depends what you skip to fit them in: I sacrificed Petrifying Gaze and Howling Twilight for now (I plan to take the latter, and maybe both later in the 40s) and skipped all the attacks from the primary (as well as Black Hole). So I have to disagree with the statement above (having respecced into Leadership in the mid-30s). Now if you had said "Unless you are going for concept above functionality skip the blasts for a Thug MM", then sure
Concerning the OP, I (and others) have argued why some of the /Dark powers are so useful. As far as I'm concerned, it's up to him now to decide what to do with that and how to build his toon.
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
Fearsome Gaze
People cower a bit, until I hit them. Then they fight and cower a bit more. I haven't slotted it yet. To say I'm dissapointed in this skill would be an understatement. Maybe for another charater.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mystic, it's your game and your villain, do what you like with it as long as you're having fun!
I'm making this reply to try to explain how Fearsome Stare works as from your paragraph above it occurs to me that you might not have had a chance to find all the wrinkles in the power, and the instruction book is not very useful in it's description (in general).
I'm taking my experience from a defender's point of view so some of the finer details about the mastermind power might be a little off...
It's a long, fairly wide cone attack. This means that it's pretty easy to catch every mob in a spawn with it.
It causes fear in the mobs it hits (generally only minions and lieutenants - bosses need two applications).
Fear causes the mobs to quake in terror and hide behind their hands.
They will only stop quaking in terror when the power runs out, or someone hits them. If they're quaking in terror they won't be attacking you.
If they are hit by something they have a small opportunity to either attack you back or try to run away. Then they will start quaking in terror again.
In addition to this quaking in terror there is also a to hit debuff (quite a good one) on every mob that is terrorised and bosses that have been hit but are not quaking. This means that if they do try to attack you or your thugs then there is a bigger chance of them missing.
With the right slotting at later levels you can effectively make terror permanent. You can also increase the to hit debuff.
All this means that if you use Fearsome Stare as your first attack you can stop almost every mob attacking you. If you then control your thugs to all attack the same mob at the same time then you can work your way through the whole mob without being in any danger.
Fearsome Stare is the best power in the Dark Miasma set for stopping damage to you or your team if used right. If used wrong then it doesn't seem to do much.
If you don't think it's right for your Thugs mastermind concept make sure you give it a try on your Necro mastermind.
I've just online with CoV after having played a little on a friends account.
I am not in the process of creating the greatest, most villainous criminal mastermind known to to history. (arn't we all)
I've used one of the hero planner programs to attempt to get everything planned. However, I only yesterday found out about patron powers. So I need to re plan a little.
Plan at the moment:
All except gang war.
All except: Tar Patch, Darkest Night, Petrifiying Gaze
TELE: Friend, Foe, Tele
STEALTH: Self, Friend, Phase Shift
LEADERSHIP: Assault, Tactics, Vengeance
24 powers in all.
I'm thinking that ill want Ghost Widows power set at the end
would like all four powers, assuming their any good.
I've also heard that Gang War is a lot of fun too so I'd like to add it to the build.
I'm thinking that I'll have to drop leadership.
Might have to drop stealth too. I like the sound of Phase Shift though, and invisibility is almost a must have for mystical characters.
I'm planning on having Teleport as my primary travel power but would like hover for versitility and also I assume I can then tele from place to place in the air.
Oh and I know a lot of people on the boards say not to bother with the guns, but the twin pistols are one of the reasons I choose this character. Otherwise I would have done the smart thing and made him a Corrrupter.
So by my maths I want to add 5 new skills Ghost Widows' four
plus Gang War.
Any ideas? What to drop, Any Miasma skills that suck or ones I'm missing that are really good? Or even any tips on how to get the most out of the character.
I leave it to the forum. Thank you in advance