Simple problems we all face at some point or other
I took acrobatics on my super reflex thinking she could do some flips and stuff but nah what it looks like to you and what it is could be 2 different things.
Its sometimes good to 'dig' what ya can out of ppl as its amazing what some ppl pick up that you could be blind to seeing or never really thought about.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Just be sure to remember that people will be giving you advice on how THEY do things.
I always hate giving people advice about powers etc as everyone will play differently (my main is a prime example, most Claws Scrappers love Shockwave to bits, while I detest it and refuse to take it as it knocks mobs out of Invincibility's radius for +Def sweetness)
Take ALL advice with a grain of salt (yes even this advice) and don't be afraid of making a few mistakes along the way. It's part of the learning process, and your toons will be all the better for it
(my main is a prime example, most Claws Scrappers love Shockwave to bits, while I detest it and refuse to take it as it knocks mobs out of Invincibility's radius for +Def sweetness)
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my claws is a dark armour scrapper so theres no way i want them out of my auras.
also is it wrong that i just spent a couple of minutes watching your icon?
Like the post but wouldnt it be better in another bit of the forum??
Like the post but wouldnt it be better in another bit of the forum??
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Why? It's a discussion of learning to be a scrapper, with advice that stretches across many AT's. Its main focus is scrapping, so it stays for me.
"Pride is all well and good but a sausage is a sausage"
For Lent I gave up...
I took acrobatics on my super reflex thinking she could do some flips and stuff but nah what it looks like to you and what it is could be 2 different things.
[/ QUOTE ]
haha thats funny, i also thought that when i first played!
When I first played the game I had a MA/Regen Scrapper, and he was Science and I gave him Hover. Then I had to go to The Hollows. I thought, ''Maybe my SG base will have a teleporter there.'' So went into Hollows and there I was 0.56 away from David Wincott. Did Hover and then SSSSSLLLLLOOOOOWWWWW. So I deleted him and went on with a new character.
Tip For The Newbies: Never go into zones which you have been told not to go into. I went to Founders' Fallsat level 1, and frainkly enough, the enemies had a killing spree on me.
Power levelling avoid it!! you wont learn anything and although its cool to have warshade/peacebringer available to you, half of the fun in this game is meeting people and learning
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Although i havnt been doing PL'ing for a long time i did quite a bit over double xp weekend with a few old friends on a new scrapper once i hit lvl 50.
When i first started power levelling with Lui, although i got a rep bad because i was being a jerk i learnt the most whilst in dreck from the tankers/empaths healing.
I had some of the best times ever in dreck, making new friends, playing rock paper scissors, jokes everything.
You do learn stuff in dreck, its where i learnt most of my info.
I, and the close net of people that do power lvl us and other people do not PL new people. We are against this.
This is the same with a lot of people that herd dreck missions etc, and its only mostly friends that get PL anyway so we can monitor them and make sure they dont miss out on the game.
Support for PL'ing for once. Its your choice.
I would say though you do miss out on a lot of the gameplay.
But if your like me where im just getting to lvl 50 so i can carry on helping people lvl then go nuts.
At the end of the day your paying for the game and unless your actually paying someone money to power level you there is nothing wrong with it.
Jealously turns people nasty.
You do learn stuff in dreck, its where i learnt most of my info.
[/ QUOTE ]
People seem to think that the tankers/empaths are machines and do not speak or store any other information other than how to herd kill n heal.
They are people, nice people, with helpful info =]
Yes, but no matter how much people tell you about the game nothing is the same as actually playing it.
I had some of the best times ever in dreck, making new friends, playing rock paper scissors, jokes everything.
You do learn stuff in dreck, its where i learnt most of my info.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is just....well i wont characterise it but you must feel grateful for learning 3 emotes and a bunch of jokes in dreck.
This is the same with a lot of people that herd dreck missions etc, and its only mostly friends that get PL anyway so we can monitor them and make sure they dont miss out on the game.
[/ QUOTE ]
I am rolling on the floor laughing. You PL in dreck only friends so THEY DONT MISS OUT ON THE GAME
Man oh man its getting better and better.
Excusing your inability to correctly read a few simple sentences i'll put it another way and hopefully you might be able to understand this time.
We only PL friends to monitor them, e.g if they need help just to get from lvl 12-16 for their mez protection.
Also we know how many alts, 50's game experience they have etc. So we dont just lvl them up way more than it would be helpful.
And about the learning in dreck, i think you meant, "i learnt 3 emotes in dreck". I learnt a lot of gameplay hunts/tips.
At the end of the day, me, and my mates are pay for CoH so we can PL if we wanted to till the earths end =]
i reckon you could also learn said tips by pratical attempts, ie doing it, you learn nothing useful PLing that you can't learn better actually playing.
We only PL friends to monitor them, e.g if they need help just to get from lvl 12-16 for their mez protection.
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Thats powerleveling them, no monitoring involved, as that would apply you watch, but if your the one PLing them then its the other way around surely?
and they read those sentences correctly, maybe you should explain it in full next time rather than getting annoyed when they come to the logical conclusion based on the evidence provided.
as for the PLing go for it, long as you dont drag people who want to play the game into it doesnt bother me, what happens when dreck drys up though
Dreck's already dried up, hasn't it? Untimed versions only exist on very old toons' "current missions" list.
I see powerlevelling as the pursuit of lazy skilless people and a complete waste of time. It's essentially a rush to gain levels without experiencing the normal content, and is especially pointless in CoX since there's not much actual endgame stuff to do.
I'd much rather get to know my character's limits by actually playing the game, rather than have someone farm my exp for me in one mission, over-and-over-and-over-and-over....
Thankfully in CoX there are instanced missions everywhere so the rest of us usually don't have to put up with any Powerleveller antics until we hit 46 and get pestered with "bridge plz?" requests.
And about the learning in dreck, i think you meant, "i learnt 3 emotes in dreck". I learnt a lot of gameplay hunts/tips.
[/ QUOTE ]
Based on your posthistory (regged recently isit? amusing to read empty air), there is still too much too learn for you.
You can PL as long and often as you want, but dont breg or show off with it, most of all, dont bother us with it.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Based on your posthistory (regged recently isit? amusing to read empty air), there is still too much too learn for you.
You can PL as long and often as you want, but dont breg or show off with it, most of all, dont bother us with it.
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or he could have been a long time player who only just registered on the boards.
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
Jealously turns people nasty.
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It´s funny how many pro-PL posts obviously just have to include words like "jealousy" (or "jealously" in this case ) without ever telling what others would be jealous about. The ability to have a lvl 50 toon in three days without knowing squat about the game is not too awe-inspiring and I almost feel pity for people in the 40ies who ask me about powers they should have 20 levels of experience with.
Granted, they mainly inflict damage to themselves and this would be perfectly fine with me if they wouldn´t show up in "normal" teams once in a while and display levels of fatal stupidity unachievable by someone who has actually played their toon... like that lvl 41 stalker who seriously thought he could kill Mynx with his AS and caused a near-total team-wipe. (The few survivors had not entered the mission yet.)
So, why should people be jealous about PL? It is a safer bet to assume that people say negative things about PL because it is a known source of bad players who would possibly be better if they actually had any experience with their toons, teams and other things in the game outside of Dreck.
To clarify things: I am not insinuating that everyone who had a toon PLed for some levels is a bad player (although I am proud about having several 50ies and other high-level toons without having been PLed for even a single level), but I do think that it is not a good idea for new players (or players unfamiliar with their new toon´s AT) to go anywhere near PL-teams. And since the OP has addressed new scrappers with his hints he is completely right to advise against PL.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
but I do think that it is not a good idea for new players (or players unfamiliar with their new toon´s AT) to go anywhere near PL-teams.
[/ QUOTE ]
completly agreed here. i'f i'm rolling a controller leave me to learn how to play it properly. i'f i'm rolling yet another scrapper then PL MEH PLS!
or he could have been a long time player who only just registered on the boards.
[/ QUOTE ]
No worry, he really isnt, the majority knows who he is...
/points at Tainted, hiya big bro!
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I like how he says he got PL'd a lot in Dreck.
Makes me laugh, because it's such a bad powerlevelling mission.
No, really, it is. And using Tanks is all wrong, too.
Your hilarious...
Nostalgic story inbound
avoid it!! you wont learn anything and although its cool to have warshade/peacebringer available to you, half of the fun in this game is meeting people and learning. If you power level you are cheating yourself out of what you actually paid for.
I bought COH about a year ago now, but due to my old PC being Bare minimum Spec, i didnt give the game any real time. Since then new PC new account etc. When i first started playing i didnt have a clue. I'd never looked at the forums, i'd never talked to anyone who had played it before. So i started out completely blind. All i could remember was the AT definitions during the install screens.
My first toon was claws regen, No thought went into it really it was a case of Claws.. Cooool, Regen Cooool. Having played only one other MMORPG before which shall of course remain nameless, and team play in this MMORPG being very tricky and more hassle then its worth, i assumed the same was likely n this game. so every time i got blind invited or sent tells asking if i wanted to team it got a damn good ignoring too. it took me a month to get him to lvl 14. It was actually my missus who convinced me to give team play a try, and i was amazed at how easy it was to acomplish and how fast i was levelling. So for the next few weeks i wouldnt play that toon unless i was teaming.
However, having the attention span of a hamster in a new cage, i left him rotting in the top of my toon list while i levelled my empath Thundorn Jr.
During my time playing as Jr i learned so much about other AT's and their drawbacks, weaknesses and strengths. Goin back to my scrapper afterwards i realised what i had created. And although most of my power choices werent too bad there were a couple of creases that needed ironing out.
I took recall friend, always nice to have but for a scrapper, i could have put that pool choice to much better use. Looking at the choices i nearly made makes me cringe too, i nearly went for the medicine pool, as the descriptions on the power selection screen of the self heals sounded a bit naff. I chose air superiority AND hover, again a waste of a power.
Point of this rambling is, that although i didnt do too bad a job of building this toon, and although i have now respecced out hover and recall friend, The dilemma as a newbie of what power to choose is hard to avoid. Sooooo, my advice to newbies who actually check the forum before they play unlike me is>>>>>
Dont be affraid to ask someone for advice. Atlas park is full of lvl 50's and you might as well give them something to do.
Dont be afraid of teaming with other people newbies or old hands. Its better to learn this way then doing it the hard way.
Do listen to other players when they give you advice. You dont have to take it but theres always a chance they will tell you something you didnt know or offer a new perspective on a topic you do know about.
Take a Supergroup Early on, there are numerous benefits aside from base TP, they are always a good resource and knowledge base.
Dont get dragged into disputes over silly issues and dont listen if you come across on of the games more anti social player.
More related to scrappers.
Try to remember that a scrapper is a close range damage dealer. And the best defence is often a good offence. If you are invited to a team, they will be expecting exactly that, a damage dealer. if you have heals or teleports then thats groovy but if the team desperately wanted those powers, they wouldnt invite a scrapper, so although handy to have those powers are not essential.
Avoid taking too many power pools early on. Its awesome looking at the power pools for the first time. oo which one to pick. I wanna fly like you know who or i wanna be invisible. but before lvl 14, i would suggest taking one travel pool and if needed one of the fitness pool powers. we all did the hover autorun go for a cup of tea whilst i fly over the hollows to get to that mission thing when we were newbies so dont let anyone tell you otherwise. so what if it takes you ten minutes to get there, its not like a team of lvl 10's is gonna have gotten very far anyways.
Power levelling
Know your limits, you can never predict what another player will do. you might be able to stand in a mob of four badguys and kill them all, but what iff your slightly crazy teammate gets him/her self in trouble with another mob and needs your help, youve run out of endurance and the hp bar dont look to great either. (This is something that i see scrappers do even at lvl 45 so you arent alone)
Debt occurs from level 10 onwards, and does slow your levelling, but not by a huge amount. If you have to die so that the others in the team get a chance of making it out alive, then theres nothing more heroic. I'd prefer to be remembered as the guy who took one for the team then the guy who legged it and left the team in the poo. And you do get a sense of gratification from it, however irritating it is to see that dark purple climing up the xp bar.
Try and remember that people of all ages play this game, and although there is a certain level of control, you generally have the freedom to do what you like, and alothough you might be having fun, you might be spoiling someone elses experience. I remember the first time my missus played. she didnt know where any of the keys were and had real problems keeping up, and having to type sorry every two minutes for making a mistake, or running the wrong way just slowed her down even more. Most people she teamed with were very understanding but she did encounter a few rotten eggs who gave her grief for not doing something right. And you will encounter a few people who prioritise the game over Real life and cannot understand it when you have to go away from keyboard for a few minutes.
A few things you may hear through the game....
n00b: if someone calls you this in a malicious way then my advice is to type /ignore (their name) its a derogatory term which is used by people with no patience, manners, imagination or vocabulary.
OMW: On My Way
TYVM: Thank you very much
ROFL: Rolls on floor laughing
PMSL: (wet) myself laughing
TF: task force, this is a team which has a set schedule of missions which result in a badge / accolade. You are bound to the team, although you can quit its generally considered bad manners to exit a TF until it is completed.
SG: Supergroup
Anyway, i know that there are probably better places i could have made this thread but i did start out as tips for scrappers but evolved into general tips for newbies. I hope these tips help you out and prevent you making time consuming mistakes that slowed my initial progress.
Good luck and Most importantly ENJOY