P&P Role-Players
I do, both in real life and via IRC.
In real life, me, FloatingFatMan, Doctor_Temporis and Hikari_Hime have a Fading Suns game that Doc GM's, we play every few months or so when I can get down to visit.
Over MSN and webcam I used to play a Deadlands game run by former CoH player Wordmaker, which _Max_ played as well, and had 2 sessions when I went up to visit.
Over IRC, I've played Mutants and Masterminds, FUDGE and am currently in a BESM game.
I'm a huge D&D fan (since 1985/6 - Damn, I've been playing for 20 years), but I am also something of an RP hoarder - at last count I owned around twenty systems (Core books) with innumerable supplements.
I play a regular Wednesday night D&D game (possibly soon to be introducing Cambodian Dragon Ninjas... don't ask. Please.) and a completely non-regular weekend D&D game every couple of months.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

I'm the Secretary for the Committee of the Dundee University Roleplaying Society, so yeah, I'd say I still play P&P RPGS.
I'm currently involved in two games at the moment; Ex Machina, set in a cyberpunky future-world, where I'm playing a character who's basically Face from The A-Team, and Ars Magica, a game about wizards set in very-old times, not long after the fall of the Roman Empire., where I play a complete git of a Necromancer.
Well, as Z says we have a very irregular Fading Suns game. I also GM a BESM IRC game and play Exalted and Deadlands.
I own - Shadowrun 3rd and 4th, D&D 3 and 3.5, Deadlands, BESM, Birthright, Exalted (1st and 2nd) Call of Chuthlu, Fading Suns, Pendragon, Blue Rose, Mechwarrior, 7th Sea, Discworld Gurps, It came from the late late late show, and assorted others.
Now if only I could find a gaming group to actually play most of them with...
holy smeg you have a Mech Warrior PnP game? sweet...
Winner of 5 National Awards for Roleplaying, Ex-Presidente of two Uni RP societies, Writer of numerous systems, Ran Scenarios at major conventions, Voted most likely to win ANY "Weird and Wibbly" category, RP'd for 20 years, owns/read 75% of all RP products ever.
For PnP...
Horror : Call of Cthulu, Wraith
Fun : Toon, Ghostbusters
Mad : Macho Women With Guns, Paranoia
Hack and Slash : D&D, Hackmaster
Sick and Wrong : KULT, Whispering Vault
Mostly we play with Homebrew though, I've already wrote a Half-Life and a Blake's 7 adventure using Call of Cthulu.
Warhammer player here these days, playing a heavily modded "The Enemy Within" campaign. Moved to the system after our custom Ravenloft Campaign of some four years (one session each week, rain or shine) came to a close.
I used to play D&D quite a bit, but CoH has taken over
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Currently engaged in Callista's pen-n-paper games, which are the Heroes Unlimited and Rifts systems. SOme experience in Shadowrun and the old Warhammer RP.
And as for me personally - what is your security clearance citizen?
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
As for systems I have:
Deadlands Classic
Deadlands: Hell on Earth
Deadlands: Lost Colony
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
BESM Tristat 1st Ed
BESM Tristat 2nd Ed
BESM d20
D&D 2nd ED
D&D 3rd ED
D&D 3.5 ED
Mutants and Masterminds 1st ED
Mutants and Masterminds 2nd ED
Fading Suns
Several GURPS corebooks
Marvel Super Heroes
Currently been running a freeform game, might be running a M&M game or two.
Oh, Hiki, I discovered I can get down to London and back for £12, might make getting down for games easier.
Currently, I only own two systems:
-World of Darkness + Vampire:The Requiem sub-book
-WH40K: Inquisitor. Despite being primarily designed for tabletop miniatures, it's very easy to convert into a 'standard' P&P RPG.
I'm looking to expand my WoD collection, in the hope of running a game in the future, though it'll have the entry qualification of "No stupid goth-angst". If the CoH RPG ever gets released, I'll pick that up as well.
What I have at hand reach (in no particular order)
Star Trek, Chill, Nephilim, Nightbane, Palladium Fantasy, Mechwarrior, GURPS (Steampunk and Transhuman Space mostly), Mutants & Masterminds, Exalted, D&D, Heroquest, Runequest, Star Wars, Vampire, Ars Magica, Cyberpunk, Pendragon, Judge Dredd, Middle Earth RPG, Rolemaster, Amber, In Nomine, Fading Suns, Changeling, Mutant Chronicles, Conan, Guildes, Agone, Traveller, Mage, Talislanta, Warhammer FRP, Werewolf, Everquest, Demon, Wraith, Earthdawn, Infernum, Deus Ex, Spycraft, Universalis, Paranoia, Call of Cthulhu, Elric!, Stormbringer.
+ half a dozen of old games that I left in a relative basement.
Not mentionning editions and various variants from main lines (like Kindred of the East for example), nor the settings (Dragonlance, Birthright and so on)
My gaming group just finished playing Discworld (GURPS) and we are going to start a Star Wars (d20) campaign.
I never really manage to run anything by the book - almost every successful campaign in the past ten years has been more or less homebrewn.
Currently playing in a friend's political D&D-ish (using the rules of but not really doing things in the "spirit of D&D") campaign and another's Aberrant superhero campaign. On gamemastering side of things, I'm running a game set in the goth scene of mid-90's Coventry (sort of exploring what used to be cool about Vampire: The Masquerade's early editions without the burden of having to deal with Vampires) and starting one supernatural conspiracy game set in 2005. The first one's system is completely homebrew while the latter will be somewhat based on True20 with lots of self-made additions and alterations.
Published stuff that I've really enjoyed in the past few years include (these are the ones that come to mind at this hour) Mutants & Masterminds, Buffy/Angel, Shab-al-Hiri Roach, Serenity and True20.
/ Go. Play.
// Damn, 5 am, should sleep.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
PnP has been veeeery scarce in my life lately. We did run an SWRPG campaign some three years ago but even trying to figure out the next game session time proved to be a hassle so it dropped.
I've played RPGs about since the West End Games pushed Star Wars to market, and that's the most played system with me, hands down. Hundreds of hours.
I got Star Trek (the first of them, cyan covered rulebooks by... FASA?) but that wasn't played much. Similar fate fell on Marvel Superheroes. The only other game that we played to a degree was Cyberpunk 2013 and its new edition 2020. (All in my shelf.)
I have gathered a few other games too, like Stormbringer (Elric rpg), Call of Ctulhu, Babylon 5... a few others, but they never kicked off as far as me reading the rules. Oh, I have to look up the Pokethulhu game that I got a while back...
We played with just a few guys for years until I got into a crowd that founded a roleplaying association around here and then it got a bit more diverse as we experimented with lots of systems and games. The association celebrated its ten full years just two months back and they still had some of the practices going that me and my friend envisioned back in the day. It was nice to notice that we did leave a mark.
Battletech RPG I have too but we only played the boardgame with maps and custom mechs (I made the Matchbox model, even worse than a Locust). Hmm, I have a creeping feeling that I have other games too and they do occupy a visible shelf in our living room. If I have forgotten what's in there maybe I'm better off putting those into boxes, hiding them away and releasing the shelf space for something more relevant, like comics.
I haven't played P&P for quite a few months, and not what I would call regularly for probably three years now.. and boy, do I miss it! Used to have a great group in London, but moving Wolverhampton has pretty much killed any decent campaigning for me.
I've got more rulesbooks, suppliments and ideas for scenarios than I'd care to list (in both printed & PDF formats), although I do miss playing Call of Cthulhu and Cyberpunk If anyone is local to Wolverhampton, and wants another player or GM then please let me know (campaign geared groups only, no 2 month rotation nonsense!).
Started playing CoH as an alternative and love it, but miss the face-to-face interaction sometimes...
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
Sadly, my RP experience on P'n'P comes from a post-by-post Demon: The Fallen game I played a while back.
Which I never finished. Because I am pathetic.
My knowledge of P'n'P systems is sadly [censored] as well. I have Demon: The Fallen, the Demon: The Fallen player's guide and the Highlander: The Gathering web supliment.
*feels pathetic*
on tuesday nights i got to a PnP club called Knights of Trinity in a pub in aberdeen.
So far i have played:
Dnd - ravenloft, ebberron, generic
D20 random adventures
Iron Kingdoms
Vampire (old)
Werewolf (new and old)
Call of Cthulu (old)
Tales from the Floating Vagabond
Macho Women with Guns (a stoof-run game)
Paranoia XP
Golden Heroes
Dogs in the Vineyard
BESM (Cold hands dark heart)
Various Misc games made up on the spot including one based on a random minitures game with vegitables fighting a fruit army.
as for books and suppliments i have a grand total of.. Deamon - player's handbook and Necroscope - players handbook.
7th sea, white-wolf systems (numerous), D&D if i can get it, Deadlands when I can get it, Fading Suns, Earthdawn, waiting for WH40Krp, play 40 tabletop, Cyberpunk, and i'm sure i have forgoteen a few also..
The games that I played (obssessed about) included;
AD&D and D&D (second or third edition, although we all started on D&D first edition!)
Judge Dredd
Cyberpunk 2020
Marvel Superheroes
Warhammer RP
-in addtion there were hundreds which we played but not in any great depth. Anyone remember Tunnels & Trolls, Maelstrom, Pendragon and Palladium?
Glad to see that there is a fair balance of old skool games and not just all White Wolf in there. Gimme tables, gotta have tables, lots and lots of tables!
I don't think I've ever played a White Wolf game. Or if I have, I haven't known it!
Ooh, if we're listing them... I'll post again.
Ones I own and have played.
D&D (ALL versions, from the old Red, Green, Blue, Black and Gold booklets through to 3.5 currently)
Spacemaster (which just plain rocks)/Rolemaster (never actually played RM as such, but have used the books in the odd amusing Spacemaster game)
Star Wars RPG, 1st and 2nd Editions, as well as d20
D20 Modern
Shadowrun 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Vampire: The Masquerade (never played other WW stuff, oddly)
Palladium Fantasy RPG
Mechwarrior 2nd and 3rd.
Ones I own but have never got round to playing... Too many to list, and my memory's not that good in the office, I'd have to go home to work it all out.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

I forgot to mention a few games in my list that came back to me just now;
*Reptile Isles (living game)
the last two on that list are from a group up in aberdeen called NuMediaJunk, if anyone's ever played with Puppy on villains he's one of the co-creators. heh wish him luck on his rise to RPG creation fame if you see him ^_-
Hello All,
I am a stranger to this particular section of the forums but I used to be a keen P&P rp'er in my late teens and it without a doubt still affects aspects of my adult life.
How many of you out there still play P&P RPG's? If so, whats popular at the moment and if your an old timer like me, what did you used to play and what do you remember most fondly?
I don't think one exists but it would be nice to have a regular old time P&P RPG thread to dip in and out of, from time to time.