Introducing: Suckerpunch!
I'd enter if it was at 50.
I7's been out for long enough to have level 50 villains pretty available, so I don't see an issue in that sense. PvP is just best at 50 for in my opinion.
Concept is sound, so I wish you luck.
i agree id join in if it was 50, whats the point of playing below the level cap? we work for ages to hit 50 we might as well make use of it.
S4 was capped at 46. I'm up for it what ever the level though.
I woud like lvl 50 too im busy right now look closer soon but looks a nice idea.
I'll join whatever, any PvP is good!
We are in need of more events, sounds cool
id prefer lvl 50 aswell
Ditto on the 50 thing.
I'll join whatever, any PvP is good!
We are in need of more events, sounds cool
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thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
well i kinda based this on 3vP with the level range, though if the real majority wants 50 i can cap it to 50, but prob is i think you kinda reduce the amount of people that can/want to join the higher you cap it. Dont really wanna make this event the same old with the same people. Could of course do one for diff weight classes like S4, but I reckon thatd be too much organizing for 1 person.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
50 gets my vote too. I find the EPP's and PPP's cover a much needed gap in any AT.
@Sweet Chilli
50 gets my vote too. I find the EPP's and PPP's cover a much needed gap in any AT.
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And thats the problem with lvl 50, they cover all the gaps. The normal AT weakness is somewhat removed, a squishie is no longer squishie. Buffs become somewhat overpowered with powerboost. But hey its up to you guys.
A Paragon Defender
50 gets my vote too. I find the EPP's and PPP's cover a much needed gap in any AT.
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And thats the problem with lvl 50, they cover all the gaps. The normal AT weakness is somewhat removed, a squishie is no longer squishie. Buffs become somewhat overpowered with powerboost. But hey its up to you guys.
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aye, that was the main reason I set it for 38-40, personally think PvP is fairer without the PPP and EPP covering all the gaps makin it kinda like teams of 5 GenericHero00123324
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
Ill join in sounds like fun regaurdless of lv
I would actually prefer lvl 40 cap, but I can play 50 if you want to. Epics twist some characters too much. Make it that I can fight at any lvl. And I do mean any..
Btw I think Kheldians could be added to the melee section.
50 gets my vote too. I find the EPP's and PPP's cover a much needed gap in any AT.
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And thats the problem with lvl 50, they cover all the gaps. The normal AT weakness is somewhat removed, a squishie is no longer squishie. Buffs become somewhat overpowered with powerboost. But hey its up to you guys.
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aye, that was the main reason I set it for 38-40, personally think PvP is fairer without the PPP and EPP covering all the gaps makin it kinda like teams of 5 GenericHero00123324
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I agree on the level 40 front. (Even though I would lose my precious FoN! )
But I will join regardless of any level.
retribution will be there with a team
The big problem here is that all the heroes are going to want it at 50 and all the villains are going to want it at 40.
Epics have too many powers that can transform a PvP build while Patrons don't.
While i'd love to see the debate rage on and on and hear everyone argue, if you allow that to happen people will get annoyed, fall out and the event end up in flame hell.
As organiser, I really would suggest you pick the level and if people don't want to fight at that level, they won't enter.
On a personal note, I like fighting at 40 regardless of if i'm on the hero or villain side as some of the epics are just too powerful in certain builds and even I feel ashamed when I toggle on FA and punch through someones 'uber' power like Elude on my scrapper.
Villain entries would also drop quite a bit if it was fought at 50 as well I think.
50 gets my vote too. I find the EPP's and PPP's cover a much needed gap in any AT.
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And thats the problem with lvl 50, they cover all the gaps. The normal AT weakness is somewhat removed, a squishie is no longer squishie. Buffs become somewhat overpowered with powerboost. But hey its up to you guys.
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It's not the AT weakness that is the issue with me, it's the fact that I think APP's and PPP's even out the powersets themselves. I know there's a few less builds I'd want at 40 than I would at 50, 50 gives builds a bit more room to maneuver.
50 gets my vote too. I find the EPP's and PPP's cover a much needed gap in any AT.
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And thats the problem with lvl 50, they cover all the gaps. The normal AT weakness is somewhat removed, a squishie is no longer squishie. Buffs become somewhat overpowered with powerboost. But hey its up to you guys.
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i have to agree completely, fighting at 50 is fine with me but i far more enjoy lvl 40 fights as there are more kills and its a much faster pace as every1 doesnt feel "uber"
If anyone would like me in their team, you can find me @Jum
[Edit] List of toons might help >.>
Emp/Rad Defender
Sonic/Energy Blaster
DM/Regen Scrapper
SS/EA Brute
All specced for PvP and willing to be used [/Edit]
right, to put this discussion to rest, I'll end up doin it 38-40 as somewhat of a test round, if its a success I might do weight classes later.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
So finally what lv will it be capped to? (if it's a vote system, i'd say lv50) and when is it going to take place?
read my above post, for the initial system ill put it on 38-40, if its big enough of a success, I'll prolly do a second version with multiple weight classes like S4, course presuming I got some more people helping me with organizing, as multiple weight classes over multiple servers is too much for 1 person as I also have RL stuff and cant devote all my time to a game.
Date is to be determined as I first want to gauge interest a bit so I can also set a timespan over which the event will take place.
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright
[Edit] List of toons might help >.>
Emp/Rad Defender
Sonic/Energy Blaster
DM/Regen Scrapper
SS/EA Brute
All specced for PvP and willing to be used [/Edit]
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Jum, wheres youre fire/energy blaster?
Step right up, step right up! Presenting a tale of wonderful mysteries, glory and eh.. well.. heroes and villains beating the living daylights outta each other.
. The matches will be a 10 min team duel.
. However, if there are enough defianteers that show interest, I can either do the following:
Seeing I think it's time to have a S4-like event again, I'm gonna try to put my hand on organizing one myself. However, seeing we now also got those dastardly villains rearing their ugly mugs again, I'd like to try a different approach. Hence I present to you: Suckerpunch!
I hear you say "wow thats so cool, tell me more!".. well that or "yeahyeah, cut the [censored], what you tryin to say?". Either way, this post is to gauge interest and defining the exact rules for the tournament. So here I am posting the general setup I had in mind after talking to some people out there (you know who you are
Team setup:
Right, I believe it's general consensus that pentad teams almost always equal fun. However, I'm gonna try a tad bit different approach. While all-hero pentads are fun, I'd like villains to enter the tourney as well, and I think most of you agree that all-vill pentad teams can be relatively weak compared to hero pentad teams. Of course this may also be the lack of experience as heroes has been around for a longer time, but still the case remains.
Therefore, I'm allowing mixed pentads. This mean you can setup a team of 5 characters that are either hero or villain, but of course no two of the same AT. However, to prevent a team of say a brute, stalker, scrapper, tanker and MM for instance, there are some confining rules.
The team of five must consist of 2 of the following:
<ul type="square">[*]Brute[*]Stalker[*]Tanker[*]Scrapper[/list]
and 3 of the following:
<ul type="square">[*]Dominator[*]Corrupter[*]Mastermind[*]Blaster[*]Defender[*]Controller[/list]
For now I will exclude khelds cause I dont know what category to put them in, but if someone got some convincing arguments where they could fit in I might reconsider
Tournament Setup
Right, so now we know how the teams will be set up, now for the general setup of the tournament. The tournament will be set in the 38-40 level range, as personally I think PvP is at its fairest at that level. Course all you crazy level 50s can join and be put down to 40
The ranking system will be a mix of a ladder and a league. As I think if there is enough participation, it will be hard to have complete teams show up at regular times and also not contradict with the already existing regular arena events, I decided to start it as a ladder. This means all teams will be put in a ladder where they can challenge the other teams.
Each team is allowed to challenge another team once, of course the challenged team is allowed to counterchallenge, making a total of 2 matches between the teams. Also, a challenged team cannot refuse the challenge, however both teams must agree on a time to fight. Thanks to the ladder system, matches can be held throughout the whole tournament, with teams being responsible for matches themselves.
However, in addition to the challenge and set date system, I also would like to hold regular evenings where teams that want a fight can show up and have a match on that evening to save the hassle of finding a team to challenge, set date, etc etc. Depending on the interest these will be daily or weekly.
Now, as I feel it pretty anticlimactic to have a tournament end by saying after a month or so "ok, so team wtfpwnz0rzz! has won cause they had most points, grats", the final phase of the tournament will be a league. After the ladder period, the top 4, or 8 or whatever will have to fight in a final league to determine who is the winner. This is also to give strong teams but with a lower activity schedule a chance to win, and also prevent active teams to score easy points by only picking on weak teams.
The points on the ladder will prolly be given just like on most sports tournaments by giving 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a lose.
Hope the whole ladder/league system is clear, if not I'll just give a brief summary of how the tourney is SUPPOSED to work.
At the start of the tournament say, 20 teams, join. These 20 teams are put in the ladder and are given say a month the time to challenge each other and rack up as many points as they can. After this month, the top 4 teams will be put in a league, where I will schedule the matches instead of the challenge system. The winner of this little league in the end will be the winner of the tournament.
Ok, at first I plan to run this on Union as thats my home server after all
1) Like on S4, host 2 seperate tournaments on either server and let the 2 best teams clash together in a final battle on test
2) Combine both tourneys in 1 big tourney on test.
Personally when it has to be cross server I'd prefer the first, but it all depends on interest of course.
Right, so this is the general overview, no exact rules yet as I let those depend on the overall interest. The rules are still open to change if people can probe some very vital weakspots or have other comments. Anyway, if you people are up for such an event, post here and if there is enough interest I'll host it
"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"
Total Cat @Stagefright