You know when you're a Kheldian when...



Posted get dwarf form and find it fun tanking for a team, telling them to keep up then suddenly run back the other way shouting "RUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!!!!CYST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as the rest of the team run round the corner straight into a rapidly spawning cyst crystal



Dwarfie's actually one of the better tanks to take on a Shadow cyst crystal with... lots of negative energy damage from all those Nictuses (Nicti?), just make sure you fire off Hasten or get Speed Boosted before you get too much -recharge on you.

Pulsar and a good attack chain in Light form usually also makes very quick work of them. It's hilarious to see a seasoned team panic at the sight of a Nictus crystal, only to have the Kheldian dive straight in and solo it.



you get accused of making a mess of the enemy mobs with your attacks.



... you see a Void in every mob you are blasting from the distance, and then after a second of pure terror you realize it's just your teammate with a purplish costume/aura.


Electro-Cute lvl 50 Elec/Elec Blaster | Dr. Sun lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tanker | StarLightning lvl 50 Peacebringer | Emerald Bolt lvl 21 TA/Arch Defender |
Grim Agony lvl 50 Bot/Dark Mastermind | EC-17 lvl 11 Widow |



... you see a Void in every mob you are blasting from the distance, and then after a second of pure terror you realize it's just your teammate with a purplish costume/aura.

[/ QUOTE ]

..or your mate who's actually a Warshade

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



... each time you see a Void you feel compelled to say something like "Oh, noes! We are dooooooomed!" on TS to make fun of other Kheldians´ run-like-a-scared-little-girl-routine.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.


Posted've been playing the game so long and have made so many friends, people start talking about wanting to meet you irl...

and then am greatful for a tri-form alt that can solo most missions xx lol xx



when you get your keld to around lv 30ish and all other AT's seem seriously overpowered in comparison, then you abandon it....



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
when you get your keld to around lv 30ish and all other AT's seem seriously overpowered in comparison, then you abandon it....

[/ QUOTE ]
... and then you realize that you had done everything to bork your poor Kheldian and that otherwise you would have been a powerhouse that most other players can´t even begin to understand.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



when you get your keld to around lv 30ish and all other AT's seem seriously overpowered in comparison, then you abandon it....

[/ QUOTE ]
... and then you realize that you had done everything to bork your poor Kheldian and that otherwise you would have been a powerhouse that most other players can´t even begin to understand.

[/ QUOTE ]

well you got a point, im waiting for the respec i will get in my rewards, because ive messed up my ws soooo much, i just cant play it im such a fool!



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
when you get your keld to around lv 30ish and all other AT's seem seriously overpowered in comparison, then you abandon it....

[/ QUOTE ]
... and then you realize that you had done everything to bork your poor Kheldian and that otherwise you would have been a powerhouse that most other players can´t even begin to understand.

[/ QUOTE ]

well you got a point, im waiting for the respec i will get in my rewards, because ive messed up my ws soooo much, i just cant play it im such a fool!

[/ QUOTE ]

When you respec your WS you will perhaps notice one oddity: If you choose Nova and/or Dwarf as powers (and you really should do that) you can slot the forms´ powers (not the form, just their powers) not from level 6 or 20 respectively but from level 3. (I guess the game regards them as being inherent like Rest etc.) I was quite delighted with my brutally slotted double-miring Dark Nova at level 27 (just after my respec) and my PB will soon be quite an awesome dwarf at that level.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.




When you respec your WS you will perhaps notice one oddity: If you choose Nova and/or Dwarf as powers (and you really should do that) you can slot the forms´ powers (not the form, just their powers) not from level 6 or 20 respectively but from level 3. (I guess the game regards them as being inherent like Rest etc.) I was quite delighted with my brutally slotted double-miring Dark Nova at level 27 (just after my respec) and my PB will soon be quite an awesome dwarf at that level.

[/ QUOTE ]

and WAI apparently. *shrug*

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



..or your mate who's actually a Warshade

[/ QUOTE ]

Could that be speaking from experience Steel?



..or your mate who's actually a Warshade

[/ QUOTE ]

Could that be speaking from experience Steel?

[/ QUOTE ]

Heheh funny you should mention that m8, yeah

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



when you get your keld to around lv 30ish and all other AT's seem seriously overpowered in comparison, then you abandon it....

[/ QUOTE ]
... and then you realize that you had done everything to bork your poor Kheldian and that otherwise you would have been a powerhouse that most other players can´t even begin to understand.

[/ QUOTE ]

well you got a point, im waiting for the respec i will get in my rewards, because ive messed up my ws soooo much, i just cant play it im such a fool!

[/ QUOTE ]

When you respec your WS you will perhaps notice one oddity: If you choose Nova and/or Dwarf as powers (and you really should do that) you can slot the forms´ powers (not the form, just their powers) not from level 6 or 20 respectively but from level 3. (I guess the game regards them as being inherent like Rest etc.) I was quite delighted with my brutally slotted double-miring Dark Nova at level 27 (just after my respec) and my PB will soon be quite an awesome dwarf at that level.

[/ QUOTE ]

ok i played on my full human ws today and, um its actually pretty damn good...... just thought id share that with you, so i may not need the respecs lol, im just looking forward to eclipse now



... you see conversations like the one above (or actually take part in it) and think it is perfectly normal to abandon a "gimped" toon just to love it the other day.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



[ QUOTE ] didn't realise you had Shadow Recall for ages until another WS points it out to you when you're level 16. Then you realise you could have TPed all those slow team members over the Gulch for all that time...

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahaha...I did exactly the same thing!...and in the hollows no less! Mine was even worse cause when I finally found out I spent a long time wondering why that new shiny button I just placed on my tray was greyed out and went
-"Hmmm...range is really short on the kheld team member tp"
Spent some time with it and even flew closer to the guy I was trying to tp when a team mate asked...
-"Are you sure it works in squid form?"
Ended up tp:ing the LAST team member the staggering distance of the last 100 yards :S

They'll never let me forget it either



They'll never let me forget it either

[/ QUOTE ]

No chance



..You start consider any teammate who spots and takes out a void/quantum to help you as 'killstealers' because you want to defeat them yourself... :P

Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender

Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz

"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.



Oh my god Yeah I just got my 1st lvl 50 13/12/2006 at 11.40am then rolled out my PB currently lvl 8, so there I was outside Talos Green line with my Sg leader "arcangel" and me my newly hatched Pb and i'd just got Bright nova.
So we were just chatting when this lvl 9 Blaster literally came running over to the 2 nova's "showing off/posing" and was in what can only be described in "awe" and had lots of quetsions "are we aliens" oh my god what's that"
Don't know if it's just me, but getting your 1st lvl 50 "Captain Lightspeed" then your Pb or Ws, I must admit its like a privelage to have one and I amdit I stand by yellow line in Atlas "posing and when a new player passes or is drawn to look or approach me constantly changing to Nova form. DO we all do this????



Uuuuuhm, no... definitely not.
Honestly, it´s even worse for tri-form-warshades. You take useless (for you) powers like Inky Aspect and Orbiting Death just because they look cool. If on top of that you also have a shiny yellow title floating over your head you can be sure most people will give you a second look (and ask for inf ).

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



You know when you're a Peacebringer when... you get hired to do a fireworks show.

You know when you're a Warshade when... you think you're a necrophiliac.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



When the bad guys are as interesting dead as they are alive.

Oh a PB comment? Okay..

"Ooooh... shiny!"

The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson



You join a team and the lead is instantly transferred to you. You're the best one to lead the team because you have a lvl 50, right?

FWIW - I hate it when that happens!



....When the team leader decides on a hunt mission and charges a gang of eleven +4 warriors with a team of 3 and says "PB's are powerful enough yeah?"

... erm no, PB's just aren't stupid enough mate.

"Pride is all well and good but a sausage is a sausage"

For Lent I gave up...