122 -
Stuff's already gone
Glad someone asked though
Most of you may not know me. My play time has decreased more and more over the last few months, but I'd like to say it's been a great 2 and a half years playing City of Heroes... and yet all things come to an end.
I'm leaving Paragon City for other pastures. It was my first and for the best part, my only MMO I have played.
I've made friends, online and offline. I've met most of the regulars in some form or other, whether it was at a Comic Con getting my character sketches. Or at the infamous player meet at Omega Sektor.
My Supergroup, 'Ancient Legacy' and my first ever Supergroup, 'The Paragon City Protectors' are a fantastic group of people and to them I owe my most thanks. Cheers for the laughs.
I'd also like to wish all the best to Mother's Love who's just brilliant and a thoroughly good egg all round.
Thank you to every one of you that I've teamed up with, to the off duty heroes in Atlas that I've chatted to, or to those that have beaten me up in PvP. It's been fun!
I hope the game, the people at NC, and all of you many more years of joy.
AKA 'Mystie' AKA 'The Happy Buddha'. -
Well I've already said in game, but to make it official, put my name down for a Marshal spot Mum.
Fantastic original ideas. Great attention to detail.
Someone should be expecting a call from NCSoft Soon(tm)... -
I was playing with my Regen scrapper just before I came on here. MoG is now a great little power.
But back to the main question... No I shouldn't think Melee ATs are being phased out. Tweeks are always needed, but they shouldn't make a class redundant.
But Doooooooom mongers will always be shouting that something's now dead or broken and the game is now unplayable because of the tweeks. My favourites are pre ED Fire tank players.
I've learnt to live it with it. Embrace change -
Where are the patch notes? Why haven't we got patch notes?
<--------Look at my forum post count. I pay my fees on FIVE accounts. Amalgamate all my slots together into one account for free... and whilst we're at it merge the servers. It's YOUR fault we have unsatisfactory lag on the servers. I pay my fees I have rights.
My complaints on these subjects must be representative of the Co* players and forumites that post here. They present the majority opinion of the 160,000 players in the game... and whilst I'm on *that* subject, why haven't I been forwarded the recent questionnaire you've made? My opinions on the future of the game are important. I am a customer of yours, I pay my fees.
...and if you don't reply to me I'll write stylized, insulting, derogatory and, above all, sarcastic comments in this long long thread because 1.) My posts attract obvious attention from all, even half way down the 5th page 2.) Sarcasm is a potent form of expressing my wit and intelligence in a text based online conversation... and 3.) I pay my fees, remember.
/signed Mystie.
PS- WoW would never treat their players like this. -
Woah, just noticed the July's kittenz. Nice work Mum
Get yourselves on to the test servers...
(I'm guessing that this means for the Euro Test server as well)
Brilliant for those PvPers and people like me, who like to try out builds for fun.
Thanks NC guys -
Ice Patch - Makes them flip about like landed fish.
Oil Slick (with Flaming Arrow) - *ticktickticktick* Lots of red numbers.
Instant Healing - Feels like my regen scrapper's uber.
Phantom Army - Lovely invulnerable tanky pets.
Snow Storm - Just play 'Chariots of Fire' when activated.
Telekinetic Blast - So funny in PvP against an unprotected foe.
Zombie Horde - Being able to rename them 'Shaun' and 'Z word' Bbbbbbrrrrrraaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnssssss -
I haven't played the VEATs yet so can't comment, but I've had a WS and PB for a long time, leveling both into the 40s, and just find them a bit to vague as an archetype.
I love the stuff in this game so feel a bit guilty being negative about a subject as big as a whole class, but I agree with a comment on HEATs that I've heard many times - the power sets make them a jack of all trades, master of nowt. Which doesn't make them much fun to play in my experience.
Sorry! -
Bbbbbrrrrraaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn nsssssss...
Hey guys, I know there's another thread here about the IGN article for i13, there's also a story that's just come up on Massively.com.
These few sentences are the reason for me making a separate thread:
Most surprising is how it's described as the last free Issue for 2008. There's only been one issue so far this year, which was Issue 12: Midnight Hour, so by rights there ought to be one more - unless NCsoft are hinting at some sort of paid expansion? Or it could just be a communications blip.
[/ QUOTE ]
I leave it over to you... -
Damn. If these guys don't receive a call from NorCal's HR dept. soon, something's wrong.
Equally as brilliant as the last, thanks. -
Ah, cool. Had a picture in my mind of a bloke frantically scribbling, screwing up the paper, muttering to himself and hurling it into the bin time after time.
Cracking art though. For a long time I was umm-ing and ahh-ing on making inquiries.
Well, either way, hope it's all sorted soon, and good luck to them. -
The modern world is unfair to people who can't live in it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Anyways, hope everyone gets their refunds. Looks like the man has artistic talent, but needs a bod with a calculator to run things. I'll carry on getting my art at the UK Cons -
Just about to download it... Thanks guys
Poor Jamie Reyes. Still, if he can take on Brother Eye, Spidergirl's obviously the next natural test of his powers
Nice picture! -
Congratulations Assistent! Great work
I would've felt guilty if game time was awarded! I think we've already cost you a lot during the MiniCon
(PS- Altough a custom forum name would've been fantastic! *winkwinknudgenudgesaynomoresaynomore*)