GGOOC Global Channel Moderator Nominations
I'll place my interest in being nominated. Although I've been out of the game for a month or so due to single-player games needing doing, I am making a comeback, and I'm sure I can tone down my usual spamming in order to set a good example.
Why not all 3?
I have stated my vewis in the gg thread. so i stand by my choice of Inago, dark Rose and Prize for the reasons stated.
I agree with any of FFM's choices as well as Inny.
I get the feeling I'm going to lose this one
But on a more serious note, I'd also agree with the ones picked thus far by the others.
Doesn't affect me, since I don't go on the channel. For that reason, I abstain. And fairly obviously, nobody should nominate me, either, since I wouldn't actually be on the channel to do anything. :P
Doesn't affect me, since I don't go on the channel. For that reason, I abstain. And fairly obviously, nobody should nominate me, either, since I wouldn't actually be on the channel to do anything. :P
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So the point in that post WAS...?
Just one more thing.. what if the GGOOC members dont want FFM and Ghost to be mods anymore? Me? I don't mind i like them both, but it is an idea
I have stated my vewis in the gg thread. so i stand by my choice of Inago, dark Rose and Prize for the reasons stated.
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gathering here to keep things organized (You know how easily things get lost in the GG thread)
<ul type="square">[*]Prize.. Not on as much as we/he would like but always there for new players and happy to answer questions. Plus lets face it.. it is Prize's bat and ball we play with every night.
[*]Dark Rose. Often the last at the GG, A very nice guy, who most players get on well with. He has his head on his shoulders but will take no [censored].
[*]Inago.. often the first memeber of the GGOOC to wake up. spends most days online and knows almost all the ggooc to talk to.[/list]
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Just one more thing.. what if the GGOOC members dont want FFM and Ghost to be mods anymore? Me? I don't mind i like them both, but it is an idea
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Pesonally, I won't mind adding my name to the votes list, but I'll talk things over with the others.
First, we'll handle the nominations
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Just one more thing.. what if the GGOOC members dont want FFM and Ghost to be mods anymore? Me? I don't mind i like them both, but it is an idea
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I cannot speak for Ghost there, but for me, I'd be rather... upset? Dissapointed? If people didn't want me as a MOD... I think I've done a pretty good job for the community so far, and have been as even handed as I could be.
A few things have happened that I've been overruled on, and far more things have happened that I've resolved. I've also done a few things I'm not terribly proud of as well, but all in all I think I've done a good job.
If people don't want me then fine, but.. well... How would you guys feel if it were you?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Thanks Ghost, saved me some work there and im happy that you said that.. if it means anything, I would vote for you again.
FFM.. Mate.. im not saying anything about how things have gone down over the last few months just that well kinda who died and made you and ghost God? If that makes sense..
Now get over ya self you big ol heap of man love you!
I didn't think about Molok.. Got to admit, He dose bring a certan "bounce" with him when hey busts in with his "Hey Spud" Good choice.
The three you picked will work well, but will be intersting to see who else has ideas of there own?
FFM.. Mate.. im not saying anything about how things have gone down over the last few months just that well kinda who died and made you and ghost God? If that makes sense..
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No one made me god, I made myself, then I made Ghosty, and he made the GGOOC channel Then we made the rest of you and let you think you'd been around a lot longer!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
FFM.. Mate.. im not saying anything about how things have gone down over the last few months just that well kinda who died and made you and ghost God? If that makes sense..
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No one made me god, I made myself, then I made Ghosty, and he made the GGOOC channel Then we made the rest of you and let you think you'd been around a lot longer!
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No matter who wins, you all lose, because I'm still the Secret Ruler of GGOOC.
You just doubly lose if I get elected as a Mod
*hangs head in disbelief*
Why is it that people always have to boast about secrets and how powerful they are?
Have the movies taught us nothing?
/em lecture
When you start monolouging, you're lost!
Back when the earth was still young, CoH and CoV coexisted piecefully: Global Chat had only just been introduced to the EU servers. It was not long after that it was decided that GG could do with an OOC channel.
After debating various aspects (mostly the name) GGOOC the concept was born.
And because I was at home and already logged into the game, I created the channel.
There you have it: I was the first MOD (and member) of GGOOC.
I appointed other Moderators (whithout asking them if they even wanted to be one) among those that have discussed and I thought serious enough to do a good job at it. (FFM wasn't in the first sellection )
There was a second batch of Moderators, who were asked if they wanted to have the 'job'.
This time 'round we're letting you all chip in
Now, if I want to sound harsh, I could answer RM's question of
Who died and made you god?
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<ul type="square">[*]No one, I already was.[*]GGOOC is the creative product of several people. The current MODs are part of that group, and there for have 'ownership rights'[*]If you don't like it, bugger off[/list]But since I'm not fond of sounding hars, I'll say this instead:
<ul type="square">[*]GGOOC is for and especially by the people. Let the MODs reflect that.[/list]
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Why not all 3?
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Sorry for the late answer, Ironclad.
Maybe we will invite all three, we don't know yet.
We thought it only fair that the people who are to be moderated be able to cast a vote on who they trust to do the moderation.
(Plus, if one of those 3 reject, we'd have to go brainstorming again, so instead we leave that up to you )
And in the interest of overview:
The nominations so far are:
<ul type="square">[*]Red Commissar[*]Molok[*]Dark Rose.[*]Max[*]Prize[*]Inago[/list]
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
That'd mean i'd have to behave myself.
That'd mean i'd have to behave myself.
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1) Don't blame me, blame Ringmaster for nominating you
2) if you don't want it, you won't get it
3) there's also a voting round (Hmmm, must ask Bridger about spamming the board with polls)
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Well I trust everyone on that list to be fair so....
I say make them ALL Mods bwahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah *ahem*
I fully support Prize and Inago.
Prize especially deserves that position, I'ld also like to nominate though I doubt he would be interested Leif Roar.
Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito
as long as me and ringy and doc t don't get any noms then we won't have to rename the channel ggoocsmutty ^_^
I be supporting red commissar and Inago. Haven't given thought to a third person.
Actually if it was a coice for just one person it would have to be red, he's been nothing but polite and helpful to absolutely everyone, i've never seen an ill word from him about some people who've **really** made a bad impression on the rest of unless that was truely mean and not fair. (but then again i ain't around so much anymore so he may have ^_-)
Oooh. Approval is nice.
My nominations are:
Red Commissar - from what I've seen someone who firmly upholds the GG ethos, and from what I've seen is the keystone of the current meets.
Leif Roar - my old mucker, is as far as I can tell one of onyl four of the originals left. (For trivia, the others are Brighteyes, Max, and myself)
I would personally like a greater importance added to the role of moderator of the GGOOC channel in that a moderator's conduct on the boards should be taken into account as well.
A vital part of the role should be the inclusion of new players, and not misrepresenting the community on the boards.
Just my two-penneth
Naturally Red gets my vote (special privileges - rubs hands with evil glee ... )
Dark Rose, yay
Inny, yay
Molok, yay
Prize, yay
Heck, I'm in a yay-saying mood but if I have to pick 3 then:
RC / Inny / Dark Rose
I would personally like a greater importance added to the role of moderator of the GGOOC channel in that a moderator's conduct on the boards should be taken into account as well.
A vital part of the role should be the inclusion of new players, and not misrepresenting the community on the boards.
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Yeah.. im with ya on that one!
Ghost, If i don't like it sod off?
..Nice touch from a mod there..
Ghost, If i don't like it sod off?
..Nice touch from a mod there..
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Someone needs a sense of humour implant, or did you just not see the part where he said:
Now, if I want to sound harsh, I could answer RM's question of
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Emphasis mine.
We've decided to do this as we want to be fair to the community; we don't HAVE too. If you don't like the fact that we ARE opening it to public nominations and votes, then yes, you CAN sod off.
Christ, there's no pleasing some people... Give them what they ask for, and the STILL complain.
Prize especially deserves that position
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Sorry, but though Prize may have been the founder, that does not, and should not, give him consideration over and above anyone else, nor any of the other founders still playing. Such would not be fair to others, including those who have been attending GG far longer than the founding members.
Reminder the criteria, one of which is MUST be a regular in GGOOC.
I would personally like a greater importance added to the role of moderator of the GGOOC channel in that a moderator's conduct on the boards should be taken into account as well.
A vital part of the role should be the inclusion of new players, and not misrepresenting the community on the boards.
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No. Sorry Prize, but you seem to misunderstand the purpose of GGOOC, and the job of it's MODS.
GGOOC is an out of character chat channel for those who frequent the GG roleplay, to assist on reducing the OOC disruptions to roleplay. The job of it's moderators is to PURELY see that the channel stays a friendly place and that all disagreements are kept out of the channel.
A mods coduct anywhere else, either at GG in RP, the forums, or anywhere else, has NOTHING to do with GGOOC, and never will. We will not ask anyone serving as a MOD to have their free opinions restricted; nobody has the right to force that on them. In fact, we won't even restrict a mods opinion of something IN the channel, as that too restricts their right to a personal opinion. If a mod is causing a problem, the other mods will deal with it the same as anyone else. Repeated disruption could even cause loss of MODhood.
So no, I'm sorry, but a MODs job should not and will not be extended beyond trying to keep the channel a friendly place to chat OOC. Anyone not liking that, well I'm sorry but that's the way it stays; I will not let the channel become a dictatorship or restrict anyone's free speach within the game.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Hey all,
As has been noted, most of the moderators for the GGOOC global channel have left or don't play as much. As such, ShadowGhost and I have been talking (with input from Zortel) and have decided the best way is to open the floor to nominations from the rest of the community. However, we also have some nominations of our own.
We would ask that you use this thread to post nominations and reasons why if you can.
We must stress though, that moderating the channel isn't all fun and games. We try to be as lax as possible and only step in when arguments start really, but any moderator should be prepared to suspend their RP if necessary to deal with any problems. Once we have a list of nominee's, we will contact each and ask them if they'd like to serve, and then open to voting. We are looking for 3 mods, to add to us too, as an odd number of mods is essential for votes etc.
Please consider the following when making nominations:
<ul type="square"> [*]Availability - They MUST be regulars on GGOOC [*]Fairness - They need to be able to NOT take sides in any issue [*]Personality - Being helpfull and friendly is a must[/list]
So, our nominations are:
Red Commissar - A steady, regular player; often there to greet new people. Vocal and not too rash
Molok - A steady player who's always been pretty fair and reliable as far as I've seen
Dark Rose - Mature player, knows where lines are/should be drawn, on till late, not afraid to speak his mind
Each of these players are fairly popular in the community as far as we can tell!
We will take nominations until midnight (BST) at the end of Monday, 10th July 2006. Once all nominations are in, we will contact each via PM or game email and ask if they'd be interested; then list those that are will be put up for a public vote.
This, we feel, is the fairest possible way to do it.
FloatingFatMan,ShadowGhost and Zortel
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.