Latest art at
Hehe, i've actually been reading your mmoart thread on US forums its fantastic, i also loved your work for the cartoon for a players son.
Great job once again
Well, firt of all, welcome to the boards, noticed it was only your 8th post and secondly, thanks for your coments about our site.
Finally, I'm really pleased you're posting here. I've always loved your work and at the same time have always missed it because it was on the US boards. Great to see you here, and I look forward to your posts in the future
Very nice piece
very nice art work
My jaw simply hits the ground at the quality of your work Gill... If only I could afford a piece myself!!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Well, firt of all, welcome to the boards, noticed it was only your 8th post and secondly, thanks for your coments about our site.
Finally, I'm really pleased you're posting here. I've always loved your work and at the same time have always missed it because it was on the US boards. Great to see you here, and I look forward to your posts in the future
[/ QUOTE ]What he said.
Wow!, Very Nice!
Very nice piece Gill.
Your work reminds me a bit of Jim Lee, although to be honest, he hasn't impressed me as much in the last years. Your stuff still seems to be improving with every piece. Can't wait until I can commission something finally .
ps. I don't really like the way Jim Lee draws Superman. Too bulky and mean looking. I prefer a more graceful looking Supes.
I have to say, I'm not sure how I feel about people using these boards to advertise the stuff they have for sale, no matter how relevant.
"I know 653 ways to kill a man. Fist to the face is #56."
Hehe, nice.
Now to shamelessly plug that I teamed with Gill_Bates.
FIRST! On the EU servers.
I think.
I have to say, I'm not sure how I feel about people using these boards to advertise the stuff they have for sale, no matter how relevant.
[/ QUOTE ]I'd say most people here already know of the site, it gets linked every now and then, and seeing as the gallery is free to view, I don't have any problem with it.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone, and the warm welcome!
Mesmer, thanks thats a huge compliment and I do agree with you on JL's Superman. I must say I love the way he illustrates Batman.
War Engine, I am simply sharing my fan art with the community. You dont have to pay to view my gallery, its available to everyone. My site also isn't loaded with advertisements and BUY NOW! buttons that pressure people to spend money. As a matter of fact I'm not currently taking orders right now due to the size of my current queue, and other projects in production. I hope this puts you at ease in regard to me wanting to share my art.
Frazzle, Yup you were the first
Max, we obviously were postin at the same!
Have to agree that it's great to see you posting over here. I regularly check your site to see all the changes - love seeing the work in progress.
Like plenty of others, I only wish I could afford a piece myself!
Welcome from me as well
I'll join the choir of praises, great work! I think it's cool you are posting here, I love to see the pictures and whatever you share about the process (as wanna-be artist myself).
Are you playing on Union or Defiant?
Are you playing on Union or Defiant?
[/ QUOTE ]I'm betting one imaginary MMOART commission token on defiant
Man, ur sketches are awsome, love them, i like to draw too, but wish i had ya hand, like the colouring, shading, blend.... excellent work...
How much does ur hand cost??? :P
Welcome on the other side Gill_Bates .
I've been following your thread(s) and website for a while now and it's good to see you posting here. I absolutly love your work, keep us updated.
Your work is simply the best Gill, my man i salute you..
Retired - For Now
@Infernius - 50 Fire/Fire Tanker
AeoniX - 50 MA/Regen Scrapper
Syinf - 36 Katana/SR Scrapper
Proud Member Of The FORUMITES
Loving your work like everyone else
regularly look at ur site, i think is i awsome, i only wish i could afford one *thinks to self* i better get a job
This is the most recent piece I'm working on for Countess Ivy of CoV. It will be in full color at the end, but for now here is the completed pencil stage:
Countess Ivy
[/ QUOTE ]
Looking pretty impressive, as always.
ah antigravity cleavage....what?!
you gotta love their artwork at mmoart, tis a shame that it gets quite expensive
tis a shame that it gets quite expensive
[/ QUOTE ]
See, I really don't think of it as being that expensive. When I was first thinking about ordering from MMOArt, I did a check against the exchange rate, and I was pleasantly surprised. So, I checked again today, for this post, and here's what I found. (Please bear in mind that I am in no way connected with Gill_Bates or, beyond my admiration and appreciation for his skills)
Single piece:
Pencil Single Character: £27.04
Ink Single Character: £67.61
Color Single Character: £108.18
Digital Paint Single Character: £216.36
Pencil Character in Environment: £94.66
Ink Character in Environment: £135.23
Color Character in Environment: £189.32
Digital Paint Character in Environment: £324.55
Duo Piece:
Pencil Duo: £40.56
Ink Duo: £94.66
Color Duo: £162.27
Digital Paint Duo: £432.73
Pencil Duo in Environment: £108.18
Ink Duo in Environment: £162.27
Color Duo in Environment: £216.36
Digital Paint Duo in Environment: £540.92
Combat Piece:
Pencil Character in Combat: £40.56
Ink Character in Combat: £94.66
Color Character in Combat: £162.27
Digital Paint Character in Combat: £432.73
Pencil Character in Combat w/ Environment: £108.18
Ink Character in Combat w/ Environment: £162.27
Color Character in Combat w/ Environment: £216.36
Digital Paint Character in Combat w/ Environment: £540.92
Add-On Options:
Additional Character:
Pencil Piece: £13.52
Ink Piece: £27.04
Color Piece: £54.09
Digital Paint: £216.36
Additional Enemy:
Pencil Piece: £5.40
Ink Piece: £10.81
Color Piece: £18.93
Digital Paint Piece: £40.56
Pet / Minion
Pencil Piece: £5.40
Ink Piece: £10.81
Color Piece: £18.93
Digital Paint Piece: £40.56
Pencil Piece: £13.52
Ink Piece: £21.63
Color Piece: £29.75
Digital Paint Piece: £54.09
Pencil Piece: £13.52
Ink Piece: £21.63
Color Piece: £29.75
Digital Paint Piece: £54.09
And, with a flatrate international shipping charge of $12.50 (or £6.76) you could, in theory, purchase a single character pencil sketch for £33.80. Does it really still seem too expensive?
The numbers don't mean a thing, you can't put a price on that stuff
Seeing as how EU players can't post on US forums and vice versa, I figured I'd start a new thread for my art here as well. I will post updates on works in progress and completed pieces as regularly as I can! And if you have any questions at any time, please don't hesitate to ask
This is the most recent piece I'm working on for Countess Ivy of CoV. It will be in full color at the end, but for now here is the completed pencil stage:
Countess Ivy