*Leaves PvP*
[color=blue]Nooo! ... You going to consider PvPing again when i7 is out ? hopefully no one can be ONE-Shotted :P/color]
too late now gun, i'll prolly go into the new zone to get badges etc if they exist (excl. exploration) that'd be it
Noooo! , Well I hope you carry on enjoying PvE
heh, with the '0' content at 50, not lookin good...tiny chesty and commander tyl were designed for pvp, and i see no point in getting multiple 50's so teh future is lookin bleak; we'll see how long I7 keeps the interest flowing
heh, with the '0' content at 50, not lookin good...tiny chesty and commander tyl were designed for pvp, and i see no point in getting multiple 50's so teh future is lookin bleak; we'll see how long I7 keeps the interest flowing
[/ QUOTE ]
Going to get your stalker to 50 ? O_o
Stop fighting in Sirens. 1 hit killing isnt as common in Warburg.
Mezzes? Bring emps/sonics/kins... or simply bf's.
There are all sorts of counters, but they all require a team. Yes a team which is also why I love this game. Noone is powerfull on their own, but teams can own all.
A Paragon Defender
heh, with the '0' content at 50, not lookin good...tiny chesty and commander tyl were designed for pvp, and i see no point in getting multiple 50's so teh future is lookin bleak; we'll see how long I7 keeps the interest flowing
[/ QUOTE ]
Going to get your stalker to 50 ? O_o
[/ QUOTE ]
to gun : nah pointless and to night : you obviously dont know my track records for pvp teams (and teams in general) + the fact that i always get targeted regardless of teamed or not etc....etc...
Obviously one reason is lovely stalkers, not so much them as people (although a few i could murder...) its the fact that any char i make (exclusing my storm) is 1hitted, [...]
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You wouldn't believe how irritating Stalkers can be to non-Stalker Villains too. Having to fight for five minutes and expend all our endurance to get one Hero down to 10% health, and then (infailably) some non-teaming Stalker will jump in and insta-kill the target.
And that one-hitting thing happens to non-Stalker Villains all the time in Warburg also.
I simply utterly wholeheartedly passionatley *hate* the Stalker AT!
Generally feeling fed up in pvpv when constantly attacked by people who dont seem to realise they can take other people out without going after me all the tiiiime so boring, annoying etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
You should feel honoured. This happens because you as a Defender is a high-priority target. Controllers are secondary targets, and everyone else are tertiary targets.
Hope you change your mind so that we'll see you again in Siren's Call soon.
@Bananas (aka The Green Witch)
@Nanas (on Defiant)
I whole heartedly feel ya Tyl. I left due to similar reason. I did poke my head into warburg tonight though to see how things were these days (hadn't done any pvp in a months time) and it was ugly, same ol story
What happened to the old days eh ? Seems to me it went from a fun pastime to a serious pastime for a lot of people
Oh well, come sit next to me in the old pvp retirement home
lol, you happily 1-shotted me nearly every time you saw me with your stalker!!
Anyway, don't be quitting before I've had a chance for revenge, as soon as I get that I7 respec (pleeeeeeease!) I'll be back!!
Bloody hell, she means it; I didn't see any 'LOOOOOOZL XD XD' anywhere.
I'll mash up those nasty stalkers..
..not really. I think I can scrape Gandrel's kidneys out though.
Although i find stalkers the most annoying opponents on earth i do find that they tend to be the only villain Archtype that can take out omega since i can hold and push everything else away :3, so i find they kind of balance things out for me and give me somthing to call a rival . I also get the feeling things will change a lot after I7 comes out ill get to fight at full strength with my epics which is where my current build tends to shine and it will be interesting to see how the patron powers will effect things as well as those "pillbox's" in the new pvp area. So dont give up just yet on pvp Tylantia. Plus ive fought you hero's a few times with a few of my villains and you seemed to be doing fine (and in some ways annoying with that whirlwind of yours
very sick to hear about the same things: "boo stalker"
you can say taht for every thing!
-boo blaster that shot from 1545187 miles
-boo contro you can't even approach without being sleeped/holded/feared/confusioned
-boo scrapper with regen
-boo tank they have too much life
if you are sick of stalker play in team , stalker use to hunt lone sheep, they have no life if they AS in a team of foe it mean they die too
group with "tactic" defendeur, with ice controlleur (arctic air got a -stealth), with a FF for the constant repel/knockback (AS can be interrupted)
by the way it not over powered taht an AT is the best in what he do.
controller rock for control, scrapper for scrapping tank for surviving, why stalekr taht are assassin should be bad at doing their job?
lol, you happily 1-shotted me nearly every time you saw me with your stalker!!
Anyway, don't be quitting before I've had a chance for revenge, as soon as I get that I7 respec (pleeeeeeease!) I'll be back!!
[/ QUOTE ]
hehe XD i ahvent played my stalker fora good few months in pvp really, had a brief bit with salazzar, but that was to get some inf, other than that, i hate that AT too much to use it now; its not the only biggest reason, my main evil concern is damned SR, not only heroes but on villains, i'll explain...
Take my DM/SR scrap, took her into sirens fully SO's (35's) and char is at lvl 32 so all green n lovely, got all defence cept for the aoe ones ALL 3 slotted etc to max def, (DM same) So stalkers using BU + AS as per usual 9/10 chance of hitting....as you'd expect. Now without BU this goes down to about 7-8/10 still very high and I'd imagine this shouldn't happen...now comes the me being annoyed bit. Stalkers with ninjitsu/SR seem to have VERY VERY VERY VERY high def, i've tested n checked with a few of em and they only have 3 slots also with def in etc, so why do I hit like 1-2/10 and they hit as i said 7-8/10 hardly seems like thats balanced >.> (all my DM attacks have 3 acc btw + even using the +acc+dmg power i STILL miss) see why I am rather peeved? ;D And as usual sent a petition explaining this, and as usual email " working as intended" so its intended to be bloomin cack??!? ............ >.< [/rant]
very sick to hear about the same things: "boo stalker"
you can say taht for every thing!
-boo blaster that shot from 1545187 miles
-boo contro you can't even approach without being sleeped/holded/feared/confusioned
-boo scrapper with regen
-boo tank they have too much life
if you are sick of stalker play in team , stalker use to hunt lone sheep, they have no life if they AS in a team of foe it mean they die too
group with "tactic" defendeur, with ice controlleur (arctic air got a -stealth), with a FF for the constant repel/knockback (AS can be interrupted)
by the way it not over powered taht an AT is the best in what he do.
controller rock for control, scrapper for scrapping tank for surviving, why stalekr taht are assassin should be bad at doing their job?
[/ QUOTE ]
ok you say to team lots, and since we've obviously not met u wouldnt know i constantly team in sirens, my def HAS tactics etc and i cna see stalkers to a certain extent, defiant has low pvp useage anywho, so where i'd get a ice troller n bubbler at my beckon call is beyond me
they have no life if they AS in a team of foe it mean they die too
[/ QUOTE ]
That's half the fun - I just LOVE popping up and ASing someone right in the middle of their comfortable group! Sure, I take a ferocious pounding afterwards, but it's more than worth it!
I whole heartedly feel ya Tyl. I left due to similar reason. I did poke my head into warburg tonight though to see how things were these days (hadn't done any pvp in a months time) and it was ugly, same ol story
What happened to the old days eh ? Seems to me it went from a fun pastime to a serious pastime for a lot of people
Oh well, come sit next to me in the old pvp retirement home
[/ QUOTE ]
*pulls upa chair near gan and sip's cold tea*
Assasin strikes
Assassin strikes are easy to negate in teams. There are lots of counters.
Bubblers, clearmind/clarity, stacked tactics (1 is enough in Warburg), Stormies, Ice slick, Chilling embrace, Artic Air and lots more.
Some stalkers (Martial Arts, Ninja blade are the worst) are very dependent upon AS to do damage. Min/max'ers tend to choose spines or nrg to negate this. Still none of these can 1 hit kill you, and since only 50% of the attack is unresisted, you can use sonics to make sure, you arent even 2 hit killed. This means the only type of damage thats really mean is the spikeing kind. Multible assists from different AT's on the same target.
Buffing as protection
Villans have a [censored] load of shields to stop these spikes.
Ice shield, Glacial shield, sonic barrier, sonic haven, fire shield, plasma shield, increased density, deflection shield, Insulation shield.
With stacked shields villains are very hard to kill, and if they have healers (therm. Rad.), it gets even worse.
Every time I hear some that says, I cant buff you all cause of ..., I get sick. Of cause you can, you just need to play faster, and slot shields with range enhancements!
note on stalkers and defending
Most stalkers dont know how non squishy they are. They should learn to protect the corrs better. You always see stalkers running away, and never sticking to protect your core of corruptors. Thats a big mistake IMO.
Movement is very, very important. Its very, very hard for melee type classes to do damage, if people are always moving. All PvP toons should have slotted combat jump (2-3 jumps) and slotted hurdle (3 jumps) - unsuppressed movement. And add in superspeed too, it really helps. If the devs arent changing whirlwind, get that too.
Moving arround untill your team can assist, is a good idea. This goes for attacking, and defending.
Know what powers do!
If you see a dark defender, know that tarpatch will stop you from jumping, and slow your superspeed. When you attack a group with this power either kill the dark first, or take the fight away from the tarpatch.
Know how often powers stun, and how much damage they do. It helps surving.
There are lots of tricks if you know when and how to fight. So study powersets.
If you follow these rules, you shouldnt get 1 hit killed every time, you enter a zone.
A Paragon Defender
Personally I love fighting against stalkers in Sirens - it's actually the reason I've started to play more PvP with my spines/inv scrapper. Nothing beats the feeling of being assassin striked by a stalker and then defeating them before they can finish me off. I enjoy the challenge of running around trying to spot the stalkers and keeping mobile so they don't take me down easily (I don't have tactics so I have to rely on the IR goggles). If there are 2 or 3 stalkers working together as a team then it's even more fun. Sure, I may be defeated a lot in certain circumstances but the occasional victory keeps me coming back for more.
Edited to add - I always go solo in Sirens so it's not necessary to team to have fun in the PvP zones
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
Personally I love fighting against stalkers in Sirens - it's actually the reason I've started to play more PvP with my Claws/SR scrapper. Nothing beats the feeling of stalkers repeatedly missing with assassin strikes, and then knocking them on their [censored] with Focus. Plus, Stalkers are one of the few things Claws can actually kill quickly without having to be buffed to high heaven. \o/
[/ QUOTE ]
Fixed to reflect personal experience.
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
Personally I love fighting against stalkers in Sirens - it's actually the reason I've started to play more PvP with my Claws/SR scrapper. Nothing beats the feeling of stalkers repeatedly missing with assassin strikes, and then knocking them on their [censored] with Focus. Plus, Stalkers are one of the few things Claws can actually kill quickly without having to be buffed to high heaven. \o/
[/ QUOTE ]
Fixed to reflect personal experience.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like fun
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
Plus, SR has +perception in Focused Senses - so Stalkers don't get away that easily either.
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
is a shame you wont be pvping tyla... i hope you change your mind around a bit...
Doh! I made my scrapper a spines/sr first day but re-rolled him to /inv because I was afraid he'd get squished. I wasn't planning to PvP with him when I made him so I wasn't thinking about the advantages of +perception Oh well...
<end thread derailment>
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
Ye thats right, i'm totally fed up with PvP as of now......why you ask? well....
Obviously one reason is lovely stalkers, not so much them as people (although a few i could murder...) its the fact that any char i make (exclusing my storm) is 1hitted, yes i know its part of they're build yes i know they near enough ALL ahve to be spines/claws/nin..... >.> *yawn boring* Its just very annoying to be 1/2 hitted constanly...anywho nxt..
Defenders in pvp should get hold/immo res as inherent, the point u say? well mine are constantly getting held, not that its a major prob, but defender--defending--defence? can help others but not themselves, hardly any use now is it >.>
Generally feeling fed up in pvpv when constantly attacked by people who dont seem to realise they can take other people out without going after me all the tiiiime so boring, annoying etc.
And ye i know what your thinking, just annoyed getting ganked, make something that cant be...well i shouldny bloomin av to...
anywho made this so i wouldnt have to explain over and over IG to everyone..and if your thinking of flaming it etc, i reallllllly couldnt care, i wont bite, and to the mods here, this isnt a mega moan on cryptics side, your side etc, just general feelings and an explanation etc etc
p.s. on a lighter note i 'did' enjoy pvp to the most part, just over time all that above going on makes u enjoy stoof ALOT less, also having SR on heroes that doesnt do squat to anything doesnt help.....
anywho there u go