*Leaves PvP*




ye but who i am shouldnt get me killed so much in a plaec where there is a time limit between bounty kills/rep kills etc (sirens mainly talking), just cuz i know near enough the whole server dont mean 99% gankage should happen

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not? Take it as a compliment. People see you as the biggest threat in a team, so they take you out first. Surely this means that you're doing your job well?

[/ QUOTE ]

exactly the case which is why Freon, elerith, Xanthus, TG and others are big walking bullseyes.

Dont resign from it, just break for a month or so

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Try Blasters. Need to keep travel powers engaged, no defence against Holds/sleeps/Disorients. Can't target through Hide. Range is our only real bonus and Hide/TP shafts that so we're down to creating blappers...and then we get met with 'Nerf Toggle Dropping'.

Weasel's gonna have to be completely re-designed to work in PvP.



and then we get met with 'Nerf Toggle Dropping'.

[/ QUOTE ]
Toggle-dropping, as it currently stands, is completely overpowering - to the point where I don't play my En/En Blapper in Zonal PvP anymore because there's little challenge in doing so.

"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love



Agreed, but what chance do we have at range where SS can cover that before our animations finish? And most of our attacks will miss..using up three powers to do nothing?



Agreed, but what chance do we have at range where SS can cover that before our animations finish? And most of our attacks will miss..using up three powers to do nothing?

[/ QUOTE ]

WW eliminates animations

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Whirlwind I believe. And that particular bug is being corrected.

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!



Whirlwind I believe. And that particular bug is being corrected.

[/ QUOTE ]

no, they are thinking about the possibility of changing it, it was not a bug and was by design as backed up by statesman

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Whirlwind I believe. And that particular bug is being corrected.

[/ QUOTE ]

no, they are thinking about the possibility of changing it, it was not a bug and was by design as backed up by statesman

[/ QUOTE ]

They want to change it so you stay rooted when you use a power, as you do normally but since WW cancels animations I imagine this is where the technical difficulty arises.




Whirlwind I believe. And that particular bug is being corrected.

[/ QUOTE ]

no, they are thinking about the possibility of changing it, it was not a bug and was by design as backed up by statesman

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, I was working off the PMs from _Castle_ in THIS US forum thread which indicate that the dev team view the power's current unrooting functionality as not being intended.

EDIT: All I can find from Statesman about Whirlwind is this quote from back in April of last year:

Statesman, could you tell us then why anyone would want Super speed?

[/ QUOTE ]
One - to get around town VERY quickly.
Two - to get Hasten - one of the Best Pool Powers.
Three - to get Whirlwind - an attack that's very underrated

[/ QUOTE ] Source

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!



Whirlwind I believe. And that particular bug is being corrected.

[/ QUOTE ]

no, they are thinking about the possibility of changing it, it was not a bug and was by design as backed up by statesman

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, I was working off the PMs from _Castle_ in THIS US forum thread which indicate that the dev team view the power's current unrooting functionality as not being intended.

EDIT: All I can find from Statesman about Whirlwind is this quote from back in April of last year:

Statesman, could you tell us then why anyone would want Super speed?

[/ QUOTE ]
One - to get around town VERY quickly.
Two - to get Hasten - one of the Best Pool Powers.
Three - to get Whirlwind - an attack that's very underrated

[/ QUOTE ] Source

[/ QUOTE ]

that was what i was referring too, i find it hard to beleive he would recommend and bring attention to a "bugged" power. It just no longer fits in todays dynamics

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



Agreed. Funny how he didn't try and plug Flurry either...;-)



Botty is right, try and take a break from it and give it a go again later sometime. It's always worth a try



very sick to hear about the same things: "boo stalker"
you can say taht for every thing!

-boo blaster that shot from 1545187 miles
-boo contro you can't even approach without being sleeped/holded/feared/confusioned
-boo scrapper with regen
-boo tank they have too much life

if you are sick of stalker play in team , stalker use to hunt lone sheep, they have no life if they AS in a team of foe it mean they die too

group with "tactic" defendeur, with ice controlleur (arctic air got a -stealth), with a FF for the constant repel/knockback (AS can be interrupted)

by the way it not over powered taht an AT is the best in what he do.
controller rock for control, scrapper for scrapping tank for surviving, why stalekr taht are assassin should be bad at doing their job?

[/ QUOTE ]

ok you say to team lots, and since we've obviously not met u wouldnt know i constantly team in sirens, my def HAS tactics etc and i cna see stalkers to a certain extent, defiant has low pvp useage anywho, so where i'd get a ice troller n bubbler at my beckon call is beyond me

[/ QUOTE ]

You never asked me Tyl



Stop fighting in Sirens. 1 hit killing isnt as common in Warburg.

Mezzes? Bring emps/sonics/kins... or simply bf's.

There are all sorts of counters, but they all require a team. Yes a team which is also why I love this game. Noone is powerfull on their own, but teams can own all.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, I don't see what the big deal is, I mean PvPing heroes is for fun, no Xp debt for when you get killed, and you get big army battles between longbow and arachnos, I love PvP and for that I abandoned my lvl 21 MM to build up a dark corruptor, because siren's call is so fun.



Stop fighting in Sirens. 1 hit killing isnt as common in Warburg.

Mezzes? Bring emps/sonics/kins... or simply bf's.

There are all sorts of counters, but they all require a team. Yes a team which is also why I love this game. Noone is powerfull on their own, but teams can own all.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, I don't see what the big deal is, I mean PvPing heroes is for fun, no Xp debt for when you get killed, and you get big army battles between longbow and arachnos, I love PvP and for that I abandoned my lvl 21 MM to build up a dark corruptor, because siren's call is so fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

Certain people do have a habit of causing xp debt though. Either by sitting near foes or by pushing people into foes.

Personally i've got no problem if someone does it to me as its a risk of the zone, but meh some people dont like it.




OK, I don't see what the big deal is, I mean PvPing heroes is for fun, no Xp debt for when you get killed, and you get big army battles between longbow and arachnos, I love PvP and for that I abandoned my lvl 21 MM to build up a dark corruptor, because siren's call is so fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

The aforementioned longbow and arachnos cause debt if they kill you...