I wonder.. does bridger even play himself? The name 'bridger' is taken as character name, but i've never seen him.. (only a GM once, as police drone ...)
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I wonder.. does bridger even play himself? The name 'bridger' is taken as character name, but i've never seen him.. (only a GM once, as police drone ...)
[/ QUOTE ]
O_o, GM as a drone :P ... Bridger was leading the heroes on defiant at the big raid in siren's.
ooooh i remember that screen, he was having like.. ALL powers of each AT or something.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I saw that piccy for the summer slam thing. I bumped into him at the raid & checked to see if he was pulling a cheeky trick , but in all honesty he had a fair set as an energy/invul' Tank.
Exploit not FTW .
Any news on this power set ? (im still at a loss to how people get I7 info :O)
Will it be a pvp or pve set ?
My fire/fire isnt that high yet, and i made her mainly because all the visuals are neat, but elec sounds even more visual (imagine running around inside a ball of lightning !) But if its a pvp set ill just continue with my fire/fire
elec/elec gonna be a allrounder, few cases stronger then other AT's, few cases weaker. I think its like a EM/fire stylish, moderate allround resist with peak in energy, possible defence vs ice/fire, resist to poison from a 40% health booster, s/l and (n)energy will go by resist (see epic elec armor blaster), usage of 2-3 armors (s/l/e-resist, fire/ice-def, e/ne-resist).
Damagewise pbaoe damage, handclap and the 2 big single target blows (like a bonesmasher/TF style), 1 or 2 aoe drain powers (possible 1 like elec discharge and 1 like consume from fire). Only new thing will be that 'aoe teleport' power, maybe as lvl38 attack power. I gues im 90% close to the set.
Regarding PvE/PvP, end drainers are always a massive pain in the ..., most probably this wont be an exception. High single target and i asume 2-3 armors max it will be good-going one. PvE based also the advantage of end-draining, possible weaker resist makes you have to handle with care.
Too bad CoH wont get a tanker elec style.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
That sounds quite fun, especially if combined with the visuals of lighting armors (the lvl 1 fire armor in lightning form would look awesome)
When is this stuff coming ?
When Issue7 is live (or you can pre-test it on the test-server, see testserver topic for info about that).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I wonder.. does bridger even play himself? The name 'bridger' is taken as character name, but i've never seen him.. (only a GM once, as police drone ...)
[/ QUOTE ]
O_o, GM as a drone :P ... Bridger was leading the heroes on defiant at the big raid in siren's.
[/ QUOTE ]Talking about Bridger.. What powersets does he have - is he a Scrapper?
And yes, I've seen GM_Chuck hovering around the Atlas Plaza as a police drone.
Talking about Bridger.. What powersets does he have - is he a Scrapper?
[/ QUOTE ]Tank, with ALL the primaries and secondaries.
With his normal chars he also plays mainly tank(s) AFAIK.
Talking about Bridger.. What powersets does he have - is he a Scrapper?
[/ QUOTE ]Tank, with ALL the primaries and secondaries.
With his normal chars he also plays mainly tank(s) AFAIK.
[/ QUOTE ]ooooo
so would you be able to see both Ice and Fire on?
Does his description have all of 'em in there?
Yup, all powers a tanker could get. There is a screenshot around of that info, i've seen it once.
I wonder how his powerbar(s) would look like...
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
When I peeked a Bridgies powers I just saw inv/en power set...did I miss something? Couldn't see anything else there <this was on the Sirens PVP bash>.
The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort zu::[/color]<hr />
Only new thing will be that 'aoe teleport' power, maybe as lvl38 attack power. I gues im 90% close to the set.
[/ QUOTE ]
A level 38 attack for brutes? Uhmmm, no, I can´t see that. I guess the level 38 power will be something like Overload.
But this "AoE Teleport" thing is quite interesting. I think (and hope) that it will replace the taunt in the primary powerset.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Sorry, i confused it with tanker (prim vs sec). Overload would be the 38 power secondairy, teleport the lvl32 of primairy. typo
I got a bet going with a friend about my 'possible elec/elec' set, each power i'm wrong he gets a free drink...
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Oooooh, what a nice bet!
So, if you got it all right you win.
If you got almost everything right he wins.
And if you completely messed up and guessed powers involving electrocuting bananas you win again... although in a more expensive way (and you might want to make sure that your friend gets home well after getting drunk beyond recognition).

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Once I7 becomes closer, around end of april i gues, we lift the bet even higher. I will state all powers on each lvl for the complete elec/elec set.
Each one right = drink for me, each one wrong = drink for him.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
That´s what I would call a classic win/win-situation.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Well, the "New Power sets" update is on the site - have you SEEN the elec/elec stuff? nice....
It looks very nice. The teleport isn't a group tp foe as we thought. Jacobs Ladder, melee cone sleep, very nice. I'm gonna get me one of these.
I really should do something about this signature.
Hmm i was thinking i would be blue, i was thinking in some cyber-brute, but it looks like Mu Electric powers, cool anyway
Am I the only person who thinks the elec/elec combo could make the perfect brute?
I cannot find a weakness in all honesty....if you look through the powersets.
1) Your attacks drain endurance and give it to you...
2) Your attacks have decent secondary effects to mitigate damage...disorient and knockback...
3) Armour has resistance to virtually everything including teleport and psionics...
4) Armour has a 'quickness power' that hastens your attack rate (passive!)
4) Armour has a conserve power to lower end usage...
5) Armour has an endurance recharge power to refill your bar....
6) Armour has an 'Oh [censored]' power at the end when it all goes Pete Tong..
Ok if I was writing a wish list of everything I could want in a Brute set, Elec/elec has it all. What is the issue or weakness with them to offset the fact they have made what looks like the perfect brute set?
All I can think of is the resists must be lower...or the damage slightly subpar...
In honesty it worries me a lot!
(However I still want one! :P)
It has not KB protection nor any heal. This means not overpowered
Must HAVE ONE!!!
Elec 99% sure will be resistance based, looking at all the epic-elec armors currently. Imho its gonna be a pot-of-soup of currently elec powers, 2 end-drainers and as maybe only new 1 the aoe teleport power.
So who will be first elec/elec brute to hit 50?
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Hmmm, Bridger? :P