1AT Coalition




Hi All,
Just wondering what the individual SGs which make up the 1AT Coalition actually are, and who the best person/s in each is to contact for info?

I've a non-healing TA/Archery Defender that I'd be interested in getting in, but don't know who to approach!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Precision Rangers are the Blasters. Many people with invite capabilities, Leaders are Frozen Rogue, Amazing Shnyet and Disco King Jr. (away).
Armoured Core are the Tankers, I'm afraid I don't know who the leaders are.
Team GBH are the Scrappers, again, not sure who the leaders are.
Union Overlords are the Controllers, I think Jiaozy is a Leader, but not sure about anyone else.
SNHS are the Defenders, Tufty is a leader, as is Electrify. I think there are some more.



SNHS: Defenders
Precision Rangers: Blasters
Team GBH: Scrappers
Armored Core: Tankers
Union Overlords: Controllers
Cosmic Justice: Kheldians

For the SNHS look for Raylin (me), Tufty, Electrify. The Precision Rangers are currently full, I don't know about the other supergroups.

They'll reply here soon enough




Enjoy your stay

Explaining a bit about the 1AT-coalition...

As they are all SG's of 1-AT, with every SG having about 10 active members online each day on average...There's always a good change of finding some good players for your team in the coalition. And make diverse, full and all AT teams.

Some, not all, but probably most of the coalition-members have alts in the coalition SG's. So one moment your teamed with a blaster, the next moment the blaster is gone but a scrapper took it's place...it could still be the same player.
I for one, have a lvl 50 blaster with the Precision Rangers, a lvl 31 and a lvl 23 controller with Union Overlords, and a lvl 6 defender in SNHS.

In time people get to know each other and their alts. Most of the members know each other already and team on regular basis.
Shouting regularly on the Coalition channel will keep people alert on your presence and wishes, as well as it provides for some nice and humorous conversations.

Teaming with coalition members usually means you got some experienced players in the team. So getting a 8 men pick-up team together with 2 other coalition members can be a pretty strong team.

The thing i like the most about the 1AT-coalition is the fact that everybody knows everybody and we're all good friends...at least, that's my experience.
If i need any help on a game-related subject i can ask in-game or on the forums and i'm sure at least 2 or 3 coalition members will respond to my questions.

Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more



If you want in AC im the man to speack to.



Armoured Core are the Tankers, I'm afraid I don't know who the leaders are.

[/ QUOTE ]
There are a fair few leaders of the Armoured Core. From memory some of the current leaders are
Jiaozy's tank J.Brute.
My tank Golden Golem.
Rock Eagle.
Disco King ( one of his incarnations ).

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



Armoured Core are the Tankers, I'm afraid I don't know who the leaders are.

[/ QUOTE ]
There are a fair few leaders of the Armoured Core. From memory some of the current leaders are
Jiaozy's tank J.Brute.
My tank Golden Golem.
Rock Eagle.
Disco King ( one of his incarnations ).

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah but im the boss and dont forget it sucker.



As the founder of armoured core, I need to stamp out this shameless egotism being exibited by rock eagle.

I am therefore demoting him to the lowest level member.



Flitz can invite to Team GBH as I somehow managed to get myself promoted.

Dark Neo and Seeing Red are leaders, IIRC.

UNION @Flitz 50, Lead Hose 50, Red Rag 50
DEFIANT Rose Bloodthorn 34
VIGILANCE Captain Caledonia 20 - Yeah, I made toons on the French server coz we only had 4 back then (might have to transfer/recreate them on one of the US servers)
..and many more!



Note that the first 3 replies are within 3 minutes from each other. The 1 AT Coalition is quite active on the forums

I myself have Genergy in the Precision Rangers, Raylin and Doctor G in the SNHS, Aggro Magnet in the Armored Core, Arctic Rogue in the Union Overlords and Gyron in Team GBH. Besides that I also run the Precision Ranger website, am a member of the SNHS all-defender-team and lead the ALT Rangers.

I should get that kheldian sorted...




As the founder of armoured core, I need to stamp out this shameless egotism being exibited by rock eagle.

I am therefore demoting him to the lowest level member.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can shut if before I come over there and give you a dry slap.



As the founder of armoured core, I need to stamp out this shameless egotism being exibited by rock eagle.

I am therefore demoting him to the lowest level member.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can shut if before I come over there and give you a dry slap.

[/ QUOTE ]

As opposed to a wet one?




I should get that kheldian sorted...

[/ QUOTE ]

I think Void Jiaozy can invite coalition now, and Double, and White aswell as myself.



As the founder of armoured core, I need to stamp out this shameless egotism being exibited by rock eagle.

I am therefore demoting him to the lowest level member.

[/ QUOTE ]

Myself (as Pyrius) and Mr Cuddles were the joint leaders of the Armoured Core.

Cuddles came up with the idea and asked me to join him to have a link into the Precision Rangers.

Cuddles hit 50 and went off to CoV to try some new chars and promoted some members to help run the SG (he occasionally changes the SG colours to really random ones to annoy me )

I went into semi-retirement then came back and hit 50 with Pyrius and went back to CoV then back to my PB then back to CoV then my PC went kaput over the new year.

Main (current) leaders are J Brute and Golden Golem, Disco left us for the Paragon somethings (allstars?)

Rocky got really drunk with his cousins over X-Mas and we've only just heard back from him as you can see above Deluge occasionally gets Sulphur out for big Coalition events.



Just to remind the members of the 1 AT Coalition, we have our own page on Myspace.com:

Coalition Myspace page

It seems to be mainly populated of Rangers



Rocky got really drunk with his cousins over X-Mas and we've only just heard back from him as you can see above Deluge occasionally gets Sulphur out for big Coalition events.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got really drunk with my brothers over Xmas acctually and I was the 1st to join AC after you. Thing is its really boring playing Rock at the mo I hope the deff changes in Iss 7 means I can stop being in granite all the time and use my other Armours and just use Granite as panic button. Aslo at the mo I am alting it a lot and having loads of fun doing it. Also I tought its about time I started showing them rangers how you really play a blaster.




I should get that kheldian sorted...

[/ QUOTE ]

I think Void Jiaozy can invite coalition now, and Double, and White aswell as myself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lampshade can invite as well to Cosmic Justice.

Invites also possible to Armoured Core with MajikMan, SNHS with Radiotherapy and to Union Overlords with Cartomancer v2.



MagikMan, otherwise known as... well, Mr Everyone, is the key guy to speak to. His alt-itis is immense and although he is not the capo-di-tutti-capi, he certainly ranks highest amongs teh consiglieri, since he knows everyone and all their alts. And their villains. And their shoe sizes.

If you want in AC im the man to speack to.

[/ QUOTE ]

In fact, despite what dear Rocky claims, it can be argued that he is not in fact the man to speack to (or speak to), EVER. He's loud, boistrous and aggressive, and after meeting him at the Brightone comic convention, I can trythfully say he actually scares the living [censored] outta me. Probably would more now he's quit smoking
To be fair, though (and to avoid him killing me to death a couple of times), if you can listen past the frequent profanities, the man knows his stuff - the ego's just the staple of the tanker mindset!

Hmm... ego=tanker... must write that into a story...




P.S. The EGO comes from being the best dam blaster you will ever meet.



Heh... matches my "Love me, love my knockback" bind

And a healthy ego is good in a tank - even wrote JB into a story in progress in such a light...

But blasting? You? I'll believe it when I see it...



Mate my first toon to 50 was a Assusalt Rifle/Device's blaster if any one has done it the hard way it is me.

I rolled Rocky after 50 lvs of hard graft. I can out blast most people I know and still be standing after the lesser blasters have eaten dirt. I can even make my Sharp Shot a force to be feared in the PvP zones as I know him so well.

I am the blasters blaster mate as I know what I am doing if you ever need lessons on how to blast properly I will be willing to give you some but you know what they say you cant polish a [censored] and all that.



I gotta say mate, I didn't know that. I thought you were just a brainless tank.

A darn GOOD brainless tank, but not a blaster.

I take it all back, eat humble pie etc...

But I still don't want lessons from you blasting with knockback has its own style... I challenge you to make an En/Dev blaster - not to compete with me/commander beet, but rather to experience the joys of the powerset choice!



Yeah Sharpshot was Blasting when your characters were in diapers.



Probably before that, actually...



Not a big fan of energy blasters as I see too many of them about but I have never seen and energy devices before deluge and that makes you the seconed one.