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  1. Disco_Freak


    Dark is the obvious choice, but I have found that Sonic is great fun to play.
  2. I think that Mind has great control... plus the good thing about Sonic as a secondary is that you get to spam your holds, sleeps and confuses = mass carnage.
  3. I've had no problems with this set-up (although I'm built for PvE) -

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Afro Storm
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Defender
    Primary: Storm Summoning
    Secondary: Sonic Blast
    01) --> O2 Boost==> Heal(1) Heal(3) Heal(3) EndRdx(43)
    01) --> Shriek==> Acc(1) Dmg(37) Dmg(37) Dmg(37) EndRdx(43)
    02) --> Scream==> Acc(2) Dmg(25) Dmg(34) Dmg(36) EndRdx(43)
    04) --> Snow Storm==> EndRdx(4) EndRdx(5) Slow(5) Slow(50)
    06) --> Steamy Mist==> EndRdx(6) EndRdx(7) DmgRes(7) DmgRes(11) DmgRes(17)
    08) --> Freezing Rain==> Rechg(8) Rechg(9) Rechg(9) EndRdx(46)
    10) --> Hover==> Fly(10) Fly(11)
    12) --> Hurricane==> EndRdx(12) EndRdx(13) TH_DeBuf(13) TH_DeBuf(15) TH_DeBuf(17)
    14) --> Fly==> Fly(14) Fly(15)
    16) --> Swift==> Run(16)
    18) --> Thunder Clap==> Acc(18) Acc(19) Rechg(19) Rechg(21) DisDur(21) DisDur(25)
    20) --> Health==> Heal(20) Heal(40) Heal(42)
    22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22) EndMod(23) EndMod(23)
    24) --> Assault==> EndRdx(24) EndRdx(29)
    26) --> Tornado==> Dmg(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Rechg(29) Rechg(31) EndRdx(31)
    28) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(28) EndRdx(31) TH_Buf(36) TH_Buf(36) TH_Buf(46)
    30) --> Amplify==> Rechg(30) Rechg(48) Rechg(48)
    32) --> Lightning Storm==> Dmg(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(33) Rechg(34) EndRdx(34)
    35) --> Screech==> Acc(35) DisDur(48) DisDur(50) EndRdx(50)
    38) --> Dreadful Wail==> Acc(38) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) DisDur(40) DisDur(40)
    41) --> Power Build Up==> Rechg(41) Rechg(42) Rechg(42)
    44) --> Temp Invulnerability==> EndRdx(44) EndRdx(45) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(46)
    47) --> Vengeance==> DefBuf(47)
    49) --> Recall Friend==> Rechg(49)
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
  4. Try this configuaration:

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Afro Storm
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Defender
    Primary: Storm Summoning
    Secondary: Sonic Blast
    01) --> O2 Boost==> Heal(1)Heal(3)Heal(3)EndRdx(43)
    01) --> Shriek==> Acc(1)Dmg(37)Dmg(37)Dmg(37)EndRdx(43)
    02) --> Scream==> Acc(2)Dmg(25)Dmg(34)Dmg(36)EndRdx(43)
    04) --> Snow Storm==> EndRdx(4)EndRdx(5)Slow(5)Slow(50)
    06) --> Steamy Mist==> EndRdx(6)EndRdx(7)DmgRes(7)DmgRes(11)DmgRes(17)
    08) --> Freezing Rain==> Rechg(8)Rechg(9)Rechg(9)EndRdx(46)
    10) --> Hover==> Fly(10)Fly(11)
    12) --> Hurricane==> EndRdx(12)EndRdx(13)TH_DeBuf(13)TH_DeBuf(15)TH_DeBuf(17)
    14) --> Fly==> Fly(14)Fly(15)
    16) --> Swift==> Run(16)
    18) --> Thunder Clap==> Acc(18)Acc(19)Rechg(19)Rechg(21)DisDur(21)DisDur(25)
    20) --> Health==> Heal(20)Heal(40)Heal(42)
    22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22)EndMod(23)EndMod(23)
    24) --> Assault==> EndRdx(24)EndRdx(29)
    26) --> Tornado==> Dmg(26)Dmg(27)Dmg(27)Rechg(29)Rechg(31)EndRdx(31)
    28) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(28)EndRdx(31)TH_Buf(36)TH_Buf(36)TH_Buf(46)
    30) --> Amplify==> Rechg(30)Rechg(48)Rechg(48)
    32) --> Lightning Storm==> Dmg(32)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Rechg(33)Rechg(34)EndRdx(34)
    35) --> Screech==> Acc(35)DisDur(48)DisDur(50)EndRdx(50)
    38) --> Dreadful Wail==> Acc(38)Dmg(39)Dmg(39)Dmg(39)DisDur(40)DisDur(40)
    41) --> Power Build Up==> Rechg(41)Rechg(42)Rechg(42)
    44) --> Temp Invulnerability==> EndRdx(44)EndRdx(45)DmgRes(45)DmgRes(45)DmgRes(46)
    47) --> Vengeance==> DefBuf(47)
    49) --> Recall Friend==> Rechg(49)
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
  5. From my personal experience I would recommend the following:

    Snow Storm = 2 x End Red, 2 x Slow
    Steamy Mist = 2 x End Red, 3 x Damage Res
    Freezing Rain = 3 x Rech Red, 1 x End Red
    Hurricane = 2x End Red, 3 x Acc Debuff
    Tornado = 3 x Dam, 2 x Rech Red, 1 x End Red
    Lightning Storm = 3 x Dam, 2 x Rech Red, 1 x End Red

    Hope this helps
  6. I can probably make this one and am in need of the badge, plus it'll be fun.
  7. Afro Storm - Storm/Sonic Defender... with Energy Epic ala Power Boost, with Vengeance.
  8. Disco_Freak


    Here's my Claws/SR build (I'm at level 35 at the mo)...

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
    Name: Desert Run
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary: Claws
    Secondary: Super Reflexes
    01) --> Strike==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(7) Dmg(9) EndRdx(45) Rechg(48)
    01) --> Focused Fighting==> EndRdx(1) EndRdx(5) DefBuf(13) DefBuf(15) DefBuf(17)
    02) --> Slash==> Acc(2) Dmg(3) Dmg(7) Dmg(9) EndRdx(43) Rechg(48)
    04) --> Focused Senses==> EndRdx(4) EndRdx(5) DefBuf(13) DefBuf(15) DefBuf(17)
    06) --> Swift==> Run(6)
    08) --> Follow Up==> Acc(8) Dmg(11) Dmg(23) Dmg(29) EndRdx(43) Rechg(50)
    10) --> Practiced Brawler==> Rechg(10) Rechg(11)
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> EndRdx(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14) Jump(46)
    16) --> Health==> Heal(16) Heal(34) Heal(34)
    18) --> Focus==> Acc(18) Dmg(19) Dmg(19) Dmg(23) EndRdx(40) Rechg(46)
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
    22) --> Quickness==> Run(22)
    24) --> Dodge==> DefBuf(24) DefBuf(25) DefBuf(25)
    26) --> Eviscerate==> Acc(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(29) EndRdx(37) Rechg(50)
    28) --> Lucky==> DefBuf(28) DefBuf(31) DefBuf(34)
    30) --> Agile==> DefBuf(30) DefBuf(31) DefBuf(31)
    32) --> Shockwave==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) EndRdx(37) Rechg(50)
    35) --> Evasion==> EndRdx(35) EndRdx(36) DefBuf(36) DefBuf(36) DefBuf(37)
    38) --> Elude==> Rechg(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) DefBuf(39) DefBuf(40) DefBuf(40)
    41) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(41) EndRdx(42) TH_Buf(42) TH_Buf(42) TH_Buf(43)
    44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44) Rechg(45) Rechg(45) EndRdx(46)
    47) --> Assault==> EndRdx(47) EndRdx(48)
    49) --> Hurdle==> Jump(49)
  9. I have a level 35 Claw/SR Scrapper and I can say it was definately hard in the lower levels (debt badges hehe), but now I'm slotted up with SOs and have more defensive powers I'm loving it!!!
  10. I can't guarantee it but I'll try my best to be there with Antibody (lvl 30 Empath)...
  11. Not sure about the Elec part, but Storm is godly in PvP... just watch getting mezzed...
  12. Here's Afro's long-hidden build:

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
    Name: Afro Storm
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Defender
    Primary: Storm Summoning
    Secondary: Sonic Blast
    01) --> O2 Boost==> Heal(1) Heal(3) Heal(3) EndRdx(43)
    01) --> Shriek==> Acc(1) Dmg(40) Dmg(42) Dmg(43) EndRdx(48)
    02) --> Scream==> Acc(2) Dmg(37) Dmg(37) Dmg(37) EndRdx(48)
    04) --> Snow Storm==> EndRdx(4) EndRdx(5) Slow(5) Slow(48)
    06) --> Steamy Mist==> EndRdx(6) EndRdx(7) DmgRes(7) DmgRes(11) DmgRes(17)
    08) --> Freezing Rain==> Rechg(8) Rechg(9) Rechg(9) EndRdx(43)
    10) --> Hover==> Fly(10) Fly(11)
    12) --> Hurricane==> EndRdx(12) EndRdx(13) TH_DeBuf(13) TH_DeBuf(15) TH_DeBuf(15)
    14) --> Fly==> Fly(14) Fly(17)
    16) --> Swift==> Run(16)
    18) --> Thunder Clap==> Acc(18) Acc(19) Rechg(19) Rechg(21) DisDur(21) DisDur(25)
    20) --> Health==> Heal(20) Heal(46) Heal(46)
    22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22) EndMod(23) EndMod(23)
    24) --> Assault==> EndRdx(24) EndRdx(25)
    26) --> Tornado==> Dmg(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Rechg(36) Rechg(36) EndRdx(36)
    28) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(28) EndRdx(29) TH_Buf(29) TH_Buf(31) TH_Buf(31)
    30) --> Amplify==> Rechg(30) Rechg(31) Rechg(33)
    32) --> Lightning Storm==> Dmg(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(34) Rechg(34) EndRdx(34)
    35) --> Screech==> Acc(35) DisDur(50) DisDur(50) EndRdx(50)
    38) --> Dreadful Wail==> Acc(38) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) DisDur(40) DisDur(40)
    41) --> Power Build Up==> Rechg(41) Rechg(42) Rechg(42)
    44) --> Temp Invulnerability==> EndRdx(44) EndRdx(45) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(46)
    47) --> Vengeance==> DefBuf(47)
    49) --> Recall Friend==> Rechg(49)
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
  13. Get Stealth? Are you crazy? Steamy Mist is a much better power (stealth and 30% res to energy, cold and fire damage plus it's a pAOE TEAM stealth).

    And Cap, I really wouldn't recommend getting O2 Boost and Heal Other.
  14. Disco_Freak

    Duckdee's 50!

    Congratulations Duckdee... it's been a long time coming!!!
  15. I luuuuuuuuuuuv thunderclap.

    It looks great and stacks well with my Screech and Tornado
  16. Good advice from Psygon.
    Here are a few things I wanted to add:

    [ QUOTE ]
    01) --> O2 Boost==> Rechg(1) Rechg(3) Rechg(3) Heal(5) Heal(5) Heal(7)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You don't really need 3 recharges in this power. It recharges quite quickly and those slots can be used elsewhere (like in Thunderclap).

    [ QUOTE ]
    18) --> Thunder Clap==> Acc(18) Acc(23) EndRdx(29)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To get the best out of this power it really needs to be fully slotted. 2 x acc, 2 x recharge and 2 x disorientates. I love the animation on this power and contrary to many people who say don't take it ups your survivability/control (I use it all the time ).

    [ QUOTE ]
    28) --> Aim==> Rechg(28) Rechg(36) Rechg(42) TH_Buf(43)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    TBH, I don't think the to-hit buff will make a lot of difference (as it gives you +100% acc anyway).

    Hope this helps. I've been on this game since the EU release, trying loads of combinations of heroes, and I have to admit that Storm is my favourite of all of them.
  17. Try doing what the 1-AT Coalition did a year ago... have one of each primary in the team. It is great fun and pretty much unstoppable.
  18. I say go for Storm/Sonic-or-Archery for something different and fun, or Storm/Dark-or-Electric like all the 10 million others out there.
  19. STORMMMMM!!!!!

    It's the most fun I've had on a computer.

    Plus, being the only Defender in a team of 7 other Blasters on Invincible missions and keeping them all pretty much alive is where Storm's chaos comes into it's own.
  20. Disco_Freak

    Best solo Def?

    Storm is the hidden jewel of the Defender sets...
  21. Disco_Freak

    Best solo Def?

    Go Sonic Blast, I've found the stacking -res to be really useful.