All Defender team?
First of all, which server?
I've just rolled a FF/Psi Defender today. He's currently lvl 3 (ZOMG! lol), and I think I'll have a lot of fun with him. I already have my PvP toons, so this one will be a team guy.
Anyway, look for Virtual Adept on Defiant.
The later posts on this thread discuss an all Empath team..... Linky
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
Why do these teams always insist on everyone being mostly the same Powersets though? All anything is overkill. The game just isn't that hard. Like most of the "All one set" with the builds dictated flutter on for a few weeks (and clean up as they do normally) and then people get bored since they aren't unique. If I was to do this I'd want to pick my own defender sets & powers. Otherwise I may as well go play World of EveryoneIsTheSame-craft.
An 8 man Trick Arrow team would be an interesting challange though.
Why do these teams always insist on everyone being mostly the same Powersets though? All anything is overkill. The game just isn't that hard. Like most of the "All one set" with the builds dictated flutter on for a few weeks (and clean up as they do normally) and then people get bored since they aren't unique. If I was to do this I'd want to pick my own defender sets & powers. Otherwise I may as well go play World of EveryoneIsTheSame-craft.
An 8 man Trick Arrow team would be an interesting challange though.
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The All Dom team avoided this and the only requirement was that you had to be a dominator. Powersets were down to the player to decide. As a result we have had great fun and are continuing to meet on a weekly basis and this has been running since august. The mix of powersets really keeps things interesting for everyone IMO.
The All Dom team avoided this and the only requirement was that you had to be a dominator. Powersets were down to the player to decide. As a result we have had great fun and are continuing to meet on a weekly basis and this has been running since august. The mix of powersets really keeps things interesting for everyone IMO.
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Yeah, and although no restrictions were made, we ended up with at least one of every primary and secondary in our team of 8, which is really cool.
I recommend giving people as much leeway as you can while keeping within theme. I for one would never even consider joining a team where someone else dictated my power choices by level, no matter how über it would be.
The All Dom team avoided this and the only requirement was that you had to be a dominator. Powersets were down to the player to decide. As a result we have had great fun and are continuing to meet on a weekly basis and this has been running since august. The mix of powersets really keeps things interesting for everyone IMO.
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Yep, I was thinking how you guys sorta prove the point nicely by mixing it up. For me a lot of the fun in teaming in CoH is having relatively unqiue powers on a team, even if they do the same sorts of things they all have little nuances. Plus you can do fun combos like one person Wormholing a bunch onto an Earthquake (my Grav/TA teams with a Earth/Sonics a lot), or into a corner for a Mind to Telekinesis or Terrify em!
Try doing what the 1-AT Coalition did a year ago... have one of each primary in the team. It is great fun and pretty much unstoppable.
I was suggesting this thread to think of what we do, and I think that the mix Idea could work perfectly well. Anyone up for an all defender run? I myself might make a kin/psi, been a build I've wanted to try... but I might change my mind.
Id definetly be interested in this. Would depend which server it'll be run on though?
Id definetly be interested in this. Would depend which server it'll be run on though?
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I'm flexible.
If there's already someone making a kin/, I may choose a more creative primary
I have been tempted to make a sonic defender for a while now cause you never see any about.
i would like to play a kin/ defender. unfortunately my play times are not massively flexible. my only available times really are thursday evenings and sunday evenings.
I might be interested, provided it would be happening at times I can play was available. (I'm not available after 8 PM GMT on any days other than fridays and saturdays)
So is there enough interest in this? Its definetly a good idea.
I think so. Not sure when to do it though, As I have stuff coming up (School play in a couple days) and I'm a bit busy, thinking thursday coming would be a good time to start it up? Maybe about 7pm GMT ish? Just post up your proposed char build and I'll list 'em all. Starting with me, on a rad/psi.
Sounds good. Id like to be in With Sonic/Sonic.
Which server are you thinking of? I would prefer Union but really either would do.
I'm up for this. I haven't tried a defender yet because of problems getting teams early on but I would love to go for a storm/Archery if you have room for one. I'm kind of flexibe with time but I can't do VERY long stints as her indoors gets narky
Sounds fun though!
"Oh my God, they're coming right for us!"
Well, I told you I would be part of this team but... my Defender is level 17 already hehe
Good luck guys!
thursday at 7 sounds good for me - i'm not sure what has good synergy with kin though. energy or electricity for concept perhaps.. hmm!
Okay, sorry, but I completely forgot about this. My bad. Seriously. A bad organiser. But anyone still wanting to do this, friday at 6 is when I'll be making mine. Be there if ya want!
thursday at 7 sounds good for me - i'm not sure what has good synergy with kin though. energy or electricity for concept perhaps.. hmm!
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Electricity works well with Kinetics, you can get some pretty good endurance drain going on. Energy doesn't really, as ideally for Kinetics you want the bad guys to be grouped, and near you. Knockin' 'em all over the place will probably leave you swearing at yourself.
Try doing what the 1-AT Coalition did a year ago... have one of each primary in the team. It is great fun and pretty much unstoppable.
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Unstoppable meaning the Sister Psyche TF on max difficulty facing of multiple +7 Freak Tanks, the only problem they posed was the time it took to take them down
Having 1 of each primary gives you an insanely good defence & resist against everything, not to mention debuffing your enemies down to nothing.
Is this still going? and please what server? it might of been said but i missed it.
Never really started tbh :S
Righty-Oh, thinking of starting an all defender team. No idea what to do. Be it all empath/, a mix, all kin/, all /psi, WHATEVER. I just want peoples Ideas on this. Personally, I think an all empath team would be very very interesting, especially with everyone forted. That'd be good damage+acc+def bonuses all 'round.
Anyone else's ideas?
Btw, all rad/ HAS sorta been done to death lately...