Storm/Rad, help and advice needed.
Iradiate is the only Rad blast worth slotting for defdebuffs. Cosmic Burst can be worth slotting for stun (I have 1 acc/Mez, 3 Dam/Range, 2 Recharge in mine, if I needed more acc would have had 3 Acc/Mez, 3 Dam/range, say for PvP or something)
Electron Haze is nicer in most situations than Neutron Bomb. but Aim would be better still.
I wouldn't slot Neutrino Bolt unless you're planning on using a set bonus for something.
Total Focus probably deserves 6 slots
I know nothing of storm so wont touch that, just that its end heavy, and snow storm is a high end use toggle, then again I dont know what you have planned to put in the slots
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
From my personal experience I would recommend the following:
Snow Storm = 2 x End Red, 2 x Slow
Steamy Mist = 2 x End Red, 3 x Damage Res
Freezing Rain = 3 x Rech Red, 1 x End Red
Hurricane = 2x End Red, 3 x Acc Debuff
Tornado = 3 x Dam, 2 x Rech Red, 1 x End Red
Lightning Storm = 3 x Dam, 2 x Rech Red, 1 x End Red
Hope this helps
That's the slotting I use too Disco_Freak
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
No Def Debuffs for Freezing Rain? Where did i get that sloting then???
No Def Debuffs for Freezing Rain? Where did i get that sloting then???
[/ QUOTE ]
Use them if you can afford the slots, but Rechg and EndRdx come first. -30% base is already quite good
CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>
No Def Debuffs for Freezing Rain? Where did i get that sloting then???
[/ QUOTE ]
Use them if you can afford the slots, but Rechg and EndRdx come first. -30% base is already quite good
[/ QUOTE ]
I tend to slot for it on my Illusion/Stormy but a Storm/Rad probably doesn't need even more defense debuffage in fairness.
Well, as one of my intentions was to go with 3 slotted Steamy Mist, CJ and Manouvers for +Def as it would, according to the planner, give about 17% of Def to myself along with about 13% for the team. So would it be wise to go that way or would the slots just be wasted and better used in other places maybe? Like in Total Focus or Tornado for an example?
For the Rad blasts, Neutrino Bolt i figured could benefit for an Acc SO/IO along with an RechRed one as though the damage is low, it does stack up with time. Cosmic Burst was taken for the stun i think, Neutron Bomb for some ranged AoE debuffing/damage and Atomic Blast for the hold/debuff/damage.
Now, why i left Aim out was that i couldn't really see a point to pick it up over some other powers, though again, as my experience is not too stellar in regards how to build a Defender, i might have made a mistake
Other than that, the suggested slotting for the Storm powers along with everything else looks good so thanks to all for the advice as it surely helps
Well, as one of my intentions was to go with 3 slotted Steamy Mist, CJ and Manouvers for +Def as it would, according to the planner, give about 17% of Def to myself along with about 13% for the team. So would it be wise to go that way or would the slots just be wasted and better used in other places maybe? Like in Total Focus or Tornado for an example?
For the Rad blasts, Neutrino Bolt i figured could benefit for an Acc SO/IO along with an RechRed one as though the damage is low, it does stack up with time. Cosmic Burst was taken for the stun i think, Neutron Bomb for some ranged AoE debuffing/damage and Atomic Blast for the hold/debuff/damage.
Now, why i left Aim out was that i couldn't really see a point to pick it up over some other powers, though again, as my experience is not too stellar in regards how to build a Defender, i might have made a mistake
Other than that, the suggested slotting for the Storm powers along with everything else looks good so thanks to all for the advice as it surely helps
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't bother. Hurricane gives a 37.5% accuracy debuff unslotted. That goes up to about 60% with 3 accuracy debuffs IOs in there.
Steamy Mist should be slotted for End and Resistance as the Resistance buff is better. You could get Maneuveurs too if you liked to add a bit more Teamie protection in there if you liked but its not a huge amount of a gain.
But the accu debuff of hurricane works differently then def buffs. It's a superb debuff, but works only up to short range and doesn't offer protection from ranged attacks anyway.
A lot of times you don't even want it activated unless you have the mobs nicely cornered/in a very controlled environment or to keep a stand protecting the support troops/squishies gathering around you (when swarmed)- as it scatters the mobs all over the place. And ofcourse herding the mobs with hurricane can be very effective, but also tricky as it get's you loads of agro and can cause annoying and dangerous scattering of the mobs instead of bunching them up (preferably in a corner with a freezing rain patch slit under them). It's hard to master, but very rewarding and fun!
But all in all it's indeed not worth using mist to ramp up def. As said mist is better slotted with +res, although when short on enhance slots imho those slots might even be spend better elsewhere and just stick to the 1 or 2 end redux.
AIM would be nice extra, but not as much needed as you don't really need the +tohit with all your def debuffs flying around, but the +dam is nice -your ligtning storm will be buffed by it too Although seeing your current build is pretty light on attacking potential it might be a bit wasted.
Personally i'd take hasten way earlier and go for SS as travel. mist+SS stack to lovely invis. You can use the fly and jump travel temps for vertical movement and thus freeing up 2 power picks... Now you can get neutron bomb earlier which is currently quite late at lvl 47. And maybe also look at taking the cool looking X-ray beam for some extra attack potential.
Also i'd swap gale for O2 boost (or take it as extra instead of the leaping pool) It's a decent heal and very valuable to protect team mates from stun/sleep and also from end drain (sappers? Pffft!)
Go go stormies! You are the undervalued rockers of Paragon city!
How about this one? Tweaked the build around a little..
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,20
Rainfall: Level 50 Mutation Defender
Primary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Secondary Power Set: Radiation Blast
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Power Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: O2 Boost -- Empty(A), Empty(3), Empty(15), Empty(43), Empty(46)
Level 1: Neutrino Bolt -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Snow Storm -- Empty(A), Empty(3), Empty(7), Empty(25)
Level 4: Irradiate -- Empty(A), Empty(5), Empty(5), Empty(19), Empty(31), Empty(46)
Level 6: Steamy Mist -- Empty(A), Empty(7), Empty(11), Empty(19)
Level 8: Freezing Rain -- Empty(A), Empty(9), Empty(9), Empty(17)
Level 10: Hasten -- Empty(A), Empty(11), Empty(15)
Level 12: Hurricane -- Empty(A), Empty(13), Empty(13), Empty(17), Empty(46)
Level 14: Super Speed -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 18: Health -- Empty(A), Empty(36), Empty(37)
Level 20: Stamina -- Empty(A), Empty(21), Empty(21)
Level 22: Proton Volley -- Empty(A), Empty(23), Empty(23), Empty(25), Empty(39), Empty(43)
Level 24: Assault -- Empty(A), Empty(40)
Level 26: Tornado -- Empty(A), Empty(27), Empty(27), Empty(31), Empty(33), Empty(37)
Level 28: Cosmic Burst -- Empty(A), Empty(29), Empty(29), Empty(31), Empty(34)
Level 30: Tactics -- Empty(A), Empty(40)
Level 32: Lightning Storm -- Empty(A), Empty(33), Empty(33), Empty(34), Empty(34), Empty(37)
Level 35: Vengeance -- Empty(A), Empty(36), Empty(36), Empty(42)
Level 38: Atomic Blast -- Empty(A), Empty(39), Empty(39), Empty(40), Empty(43), Empty(45)
Level 41: Power Build up -- Empty(A), Empty(42), Empty(42)
Level 44: Temp Invulnerability -- Empty(A), Empty(45), Empty(45)
Level 47: Total Focus -- Empty(A), Empty(48), Empty(48), Empty(48), Empty(50)
Level 49: Conserve Power -- Empty(A), Empty(50), Empty(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Vigilance
Mainly swapped Gale to O2 Boost, took Proton Volley instead of Neutron Bomb and though i tried, i just couldn't fit Aim in. Also, is Aim that crucial anyways? I mean, how much use would i get from as it doesn't really last that long or anything..
About the Epics, how useful are they really? PBU's usefulness i get but would it be possible to skip maybe the rest or would i just end up suffering in the end game?
Again, thanks for all the advice
I'd personally think you'd get much more from AIm than from a snipe, but then I dont like snipes
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Take neutron bomb instead of the snipe. More AoE and not interruptable
Greetings all, as i haven't got much experience with Defenders, i found myself in a slight (well, not so slight really) pickle with my intended build and decided to bring my predicament here, to be poked and prodded by all the folks who lurk at the forums..

My main problem is that i have no idea how to slot the Storm/** side of the character. The **/Rad part is somewhat easier to do i think, but still, would it be worth to slot the blasts etc... with DefDebuffs or would it be considered useless?
Now, although i think have at least a semi-decent build worked out, tips, help and advice would be greatly appreciated as i'd hate to find out somewhere in the mid 20's or 30's that the build just ain't gonna work out in the long run.
So thanks to all in advance.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,20
Rainfall: Level 50 Mutation Defender
Primary Power Set: Storm Summoning
Secondary Power Set: Radiation Blast
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Power Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Gale -- Empty(A), Empty(17), Empty(34)
Level 1: Neutrino Bolt -- Empty(A), Empty(3), Empty(7)
Level 2: Snow Storm -- Empty(A), Empty(3), Empty(15), Empty(46)
Level 4: Irradiate -- Empty(A), Empty(5), Empty(5), Empty(11), Empty(23)
Level 6: Steamy Mist -- Empty(A), Empty(7), Empty(15), Empty(46)
Level 8: Freezing Rain -- Empty(A), Empty(9), Empty(9), Empty(11), Empty(19)
Level 10: Combat Jumping -- Empty(A), Empty(43), Empty(43)
Level 12: Hurricane -- Empty(A), Empty(13), Empty(13), Empty(17), Empty(19)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 18: Health -- Empty(A), Empty(31), Empty(36)
Level 20: Stamina -- Empty(A), Empty(21), Empty(21)
Level 22: Maneuvers -- Empty(A), Empty(23), Empty(33), Empty(40)
Level 24: Hasten -- Empty(A), Empty(25), Empty(25)
Level 26: Tornado -- Empty(A), Empty(27), Empty(27), Empty(31)
Level 28: Cosmic Burst -- Empty(A), Empty(29), Empty(29), Empty(31), Empty(34)
Level 30: Tactics -- Empty(A), Empty(37), Empty(39), Empty(40)
Level 32: Lightning Storm -- Empty(A), Empty(33), Empty(33), Empty(34), Empty(48), Empty(50)
Level 35: Vengeance -- Empty(A), Empty(36), Empty(36), Empty(37), Empty(37)
Level 38: Atomic Blast -- Empty(A), Empty(39), Empty(39), Empty(40), Empty(42), Empty(43)
Level 41: Power Build up -- Empty(A), Empty(42), Empty(42)
Level 44: Temp Invulnerability -- Empty(A), Empty(45), Empty(45), Empty(45), Empty(46)
Level 47: Neutron Bomb -- Empty(A), Empty(48), Empty(48)
Level 49: Total Focus -- Empty(A), Empty(50), Empty(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Vigilance