1AT Coalition





P.S. The EGO comes from being the best dam blaster you will ever meet.

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Rocky man, I love you... but I hate to break it to you that I am the king of blasters....



Mate my first toon to 50 was a Assusalt Rifle/Device's blaster if any one has done it the hard way it is me.

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Erm... my AR/Dev was WAY HARDER due to ED for the last 15 levels or so (although I had some help from some of THE GREAT TANKS)... hate to break it to you rock but sharpie was a doddle next to Dou "was nerfed to hell" los...



Have to say this to you but my crown is still safe. I can say that you where mianly teamed with Doulos and good teams at that. As with Sharp Shot after about lv 30 I was having to solo due to must of my friends out leveling me or leaving the game it also didnt help that at the time there seemed to be some sort of campign agianst having blasters in your team so if any thing I would say you had it easy mate due to blasters like my self trail blazing for you young whipper snappers.

P.S. I wouldnt be so stupid to try blapping in a misson full of caltrap throwing bad guy unless I had fly.



P.S. I wouldnt be so stupid to try blapping in a misson full of caltrap throwing bad guy unless I had fly.

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shhhh.... I gave up after the first time... shhhh.... it was only once... currently 95 levels of blasting (on 2 toons) under my belt will be 250 eventually, blapper is in his full pvp build now so getting killed by trops is a minor annoyance...

Sharp and D need to have a little get together soon anyway... I think we should settle it later today... then when you're elec get a bit better he and blaps can ding it out.

so if anyone wants to watch 2 of the great AR/Dev blasters taking it to eachother... it will be broadcast over the coalition channel, maybe we should get syn involved too...



I need to respec Sharp Shot for PvP as the last time I really buggerd his build up. Its good in PvE but a bit [censored] in PvP but I will be willing to have that fight with you and then when I fianly get a respec for him I will fight you agian.



D ain't exatly PvP built either...



what time at and its the arena as Im not going to War Burg with this more than likey got interuppted.



Yeah Sharpshot was Blasting when your characters were in diapers.

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heh yep he was quite big on these boards a looooong time ago as Sharp Shot, I tried to get him into the Rangers on several occasions but the [censored] Paragon Allstars had a firm grip on him. Used to team with him alot as Pyrius.

He also had a funny avatar with the location as "on my back" (i think)