Thinking of Roleplaying more in Co*
Please feel free to come along to the nightly Galaxy Girl meets from 9pm onwards. We are not the only roleplay on the Union server, but we are perhaps the best known and easiest to find.
We have a global chat channel, GGOOC, which anyone is free to join. Feel free to do so and ask any questions you wish, we try to keep local chat to In Character (IC) as much as is possible.
Come along, observe, see what you think. Feel free to join in as you wish and ask as many questions as needed, we're a friendly bunch, honest!! /em Glares at Rebel
And if our style is not to your taste, there are plenty of other people who roleplay! I wish you luck in finding something to your tastes!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
what? im a nice bloke.
oh wait, no im not. keep staring.
We're not a group as such, and I think the GG crowd is probably the well-known face of roleplay on Union. However, we are defenately not the only ones.
We consist of a group of people, from various Supergroups, who come together to roleplay our characters at 9pm each day, if we so chose (we don't all show up every day).
We're mostly free style roleplayers, meaning there is no DM/GM figure. We run our own plots, which, again, are mostly free style, and free for all to join.
If you want more information, as FFM said, come have a look on the GGOOC channel, or contact any of us through PM or in game. :-)
If, however, you're playing CoV, for now you're probably better off trying to find a Roleplay-orientated supergroup and going from there. The GG community is pretty well established on the Hero side, but we don't seem to have anything like that for villains just yet (Although the revamped PDP has helped blend the two "cultures" to a certain degree).
If you advertise on the server forum - asking for a group that fits your criteria - you're likely to find one pretty quickly.
My main's in a Roleplay-heavy group, and I've been involved in so much plot lately it's negatively effecting my levelling speed.
and I've been involved in so much plot lately it's negatively effecting my levelling speed.
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Mine's ground to a halt. It's an addiction! *Crams characters into mouth*
Everyone's said the details, all that's left is welcome and hope you find what you're looking for! Luck!
Ah, plot, yes... My initial main on Union was started 23.03.05 ... and she's still level 37! *Cries*
*Ghostly voice* Beware, Syra, don't let the plot hammer hit you! (unless it's good plot, in which case; go for it. )
Freedom Flight have been a bit scattered recently but we're more than happy to RP with people...Hell when we find rpers we will resort to following them around zones to get some RP..well I will anyway
Personaly I have always ben put off by GG due to the fact every time I turn up there its to hard to try and talk to people. It my be just be me but I find it very hard to interact with with them I have tride with sevral differnt toons but there seem to be too many plot lines going on.
Also some of the post made by regualr GG attendents have put me off as there seems to be a bit of a l33t aatitude about the R.P. that gose on there as well (L33T in RP oxymorron I know). These are just my own oberservastion and you might enjoy it but I didnt also so far I still cant come up for a reason for any of my toons to spend half the night chatting under some statues skirts.
But on a good note I was in Pocket D and did have some fun RPing my villain in there as it made sense for him to be there in my mind and I did invole with some RP with other people heros and villains. not that it gonna become a huge part of my life but I did find it fun. I might even try and make a weekly party in Paragon Pocket on union if no one else wants to.
I'll mosley along and have a look-see around.
Also some of the post made by regualr GG attendents have put me off as there seems to be a bit of a l33t aatitude about the R.P. that gose on there as well (L33T in RP oxymorron I know). These are just my own oberservastion and you might enjoy it but I didnt also so far I still cant come up for a reason for any of my toons to spend half the night chatting under some statues skirts.
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A leet attitude? I'm very curious to see who, of the regular attendants, have posted in leet. Because I can tell you, all of the regulars who've been around for a long time (if not the start) dispise leet.
A leet attitude? I'm very curious to see who, of the regular attendants, have posted in leet. Because I can tell you, all of the regulars who've been around for a long time (if not the start) dispise leet.
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I suspect he means leet as "elite" in general, and not specifically as "elite hack0r d00dz."
In response to Rock Eagle's post, personal taste cannot be accounted for. Yes, there is often a lot happening at GG, and sometimes a bit of effort can be needed to both get into conversations with other characters, and to get involved with ongoing plots. Most of us play our characters in such a way that yes, at times, they are having private conversations and don't wish to be disturbed, but this is not meant as an OOC snub. Often, the chat in our OOC channel, GGOOC, is just as lively as the roleplaying, and is as important a part of our community as IC events.
As to why we gather under a statue so often, there is actually a reason for it. Last year, a character called Prize, who has recently returned to GG, rallied a force of heroes to go to Striga and storm the Council Base there. She chose the statue of Galaxy Girl as the rallying point because it was a well-known location where everyone would be able to meet, and had a meaningful purpose because of who Galaxy Girl was. After that, it simply became tradition that heroes would gather under the satue to meet when they wanted to seek help or share information.
If you drop by GG and think you might enjoy it, join the GGOOC channel, chat to us, ask any questions you like. Several of us who run plots will help new players get involved b seeting up encounters for them if they ask, or make the effort by roleplaying with us.
Also, remember that if you have problems getting your character involved IC, you can always just ask nicely in an OOC comment.
It can be hard enough keeping track of the people who're talking at a GG meet, so it's often very easy to miss the silent ones.
So before committing to doing something with a certain group that I may not enjoy I would like to observe and maybe try out a bit of roleplay on Co* would anyone be willing to take me in and look after me?
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We'd be happy to take you in to E.V.I.L. and if you just want to visit that would be fine too (assuming you are Villainous). Look me up in game as Whirlmeister or Dark Impetus, alternatively look for our other officers: Big Lunk, Echo Hammer or Screamin Skull.
Alternatively you could try Pocket-Ds which over the last week has had a surprisingly large number of Roleplayers in it.
I am friendly to most new people at GG. You have to get to know these people like knowing a person in real life.
That kinda hits the nail on the head there for GG you know. As much as possible, our characters are people, not just heroes! You don't just walk into a bunch of strangers and natter to them as if you'd known them years... They're strangers to you, so get to know them like you would strangers at any other social gathering...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Yeah but just like in real life if people are rude or act like they are better than you then I wont make the effort to get to know them simple really. And as I was treated like this with 2 differnt toons when they whent to Galaxy Girl I have my reasons for not likeing it Role Playing or not I find there is no excusse for rudeness to strangers.
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See kinda proves my piont really and its n00b and as insults go its very low on the offensive list.
You really lack a sense of humour, you know that?
Can't say I can recollect incidences of people being rude to new characters at GG, but if it's happened twice to you, no wonder it soured you...
Might I ask what your toon names were?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
We have to respect your opinion Rock Eagle, and I for one will do so happily. I would like to through this into the arena of discussion though.
I roleplay a infamous vile old man at GG RP sessions, and many of the GG regulars create alts every nanosecond (not naming, names <coughs> Zortel <cough>.
Once I logged on as Eddie to scream abuse at people, and there was a character there with a reptilian motif. Well I started to harangue said character thinking it was one of Zortel's alts... alas it was a potential new roleplayer who took my IC verbal baiting as OOC, and got (quite rightly) very upset. Luckily, he was a reasonable chap and when we all realised we all explained to him, and he was fine.
My thought it could the same have happened to you? And if that did happen did you make it known?
When conversations are limited to the written word, and character emotes confusions can arise.
I'm a bit helter skelter this week, but if you fancy giving GG another go, send me a PM on the boards or contact me in-game @Prize (goes for anyone who wants to attend GG, and I'll do my best - as will all the other attendees to make you feel welcome, and ease you into the community.)
Personally, I think you should look more into RP. It's not easy. You think of COH RP as campy Batman series god moding like I expect many people do.
Which it is not.
I currently have a dilema in Co* as I would like to start to roleplay more however I am not sure about the best way to go about it and whether the styles of roleplay here are ones I can cope with and if so which one would suit me best. As a result I am wondering about rolling a couple of alts on union now I have my second game account (24 chars per server for me
What would be the best way to get into roleplaying and can different groups with different styles let me hang around at one of their meets to observe? I have done a bit of tabletop roleplay as well as some roleplay on everquest but I wasnt keen on the everquest stuff so it put me off slightly when I first joined the game.
So before committing to doing something with a certain group that I may not enjoy I would like to observe and maybe try out a bit of roleplay on Co* would anyone be willing to take me in and look after me?