Shimmery's Diary
((Yay Shimmer(ry)'s diary is back! I was hooked before, and I imagine I'm gonna be hooked again!))
((Yay Shimmer(ry)'s diary is back! I was hooked before, and I imagine I'm gonna be hooked again!))
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Dear Diary,
Well, Officer Flint refused to speak to me - he told me he was too busy, and that I needed to speak to Officer Parks. He was a bit friendlier, and told me to practise using my powers on the 'deactivated Rikta drones' or something. I asked him what he meant...
"My powers?"
He looked back at me oddly. "Yeah, your powers... It says here you're a blaster."
"Yeah I tried to ask Officer Flint, what is that?"
His jaw dropped open. "You.. don't know what a blaster is...?"
"No... Actually, I woke up to see someone pushing me out of a van... and all I had was this ID card and a notebook with this weird logo on it..."
His eyes widened as he looked down at the notebook. "Well, uhm, I think you should speak to Professor Hoffman..."
I looked back at him incredolously, to see if there was anything on his face to tell me why he was ignoring all this; but he had already turned away. I walked over to Professor Hoffman, still in shock.
He gruffly told me a few ways of distinguishing how powerful thugs are; then passed me on to Lietenant MacReady.
I was glad to see him! He actually greeted me by saying "So you're Shimmery, eh? Well I've been told you need to learn a think or two about combat."
Thank God.
"So you have no idea what your powers are, huh?" I nodded. "Hold out your arm." I did, and he smiled and leaned over and pressed a button at my right wrist. A bolt of ice suddenly shot out of my glove and hit one of the drones behind me.
I began to open my mouth to gasp, but before I could take another breath, he had reached over and lifted up my other hand; pointed it at the ground around another drone, and touched a button on my other glove. A bolt of ice shot out of my left hand, and formed blistering splinters around the bottom of the drone.
Before I could find some words to speak, he smiled and said "I think Officer Parks will want to see you again now."
Before I could even say Hello, he said "Go defeat two thugs." and sent me on my way.
Openmouthed, I walked slowly in the direction he pointed me too. The neighbourhood wasn't looking so good anymore; there were things on fire, and thugs fighting one another. It was a mess of tar, and cars ablaze. There were broken windows. I hoped noone was in those buildings.
I walked towards two thugs. One of them screamed. "I can't take it anymore!!!" He was clearly deranged. I watched him stand and fight the other.
Suddenly they turned and looked right at me. One of them picked up a stone and threw it at me. I flinched. What was I supposed to do? The other pulled out a gun from his back pocket. Oh my god, I thought. Without thinking, I hit the button on my right glove and shot a bolt of ice right into his chest. He clutched his chest, staring, then raised his gun. He thumbed the trigger, but before he could pull it back; I shot at the ground the way Lietenant MacReady had shown me. Icicles sprung from the ground and clung to his legs. He fell to the ground.
I had almost forgotten about the one who'd been throwing stones; until I realised he was just feet away from me, with a rusty crowbar raised above his head. He pulled it back, ready to swing; when a bolt of Ice seared into his skin. I sprang back; blasting him once more. (I was beginning to understand why my ID card referred to me as a blaster!) He too fell to the ground.
It was then I noticed the first thug had disappeared; I stared down at the spot where he'd fell for a moment; when I noticed the second thug had disappeared too.
I caught my breath.
This seems like a weird place.
Keep up the good work Shimmer.
Reminds me of my time in the tutorial.
/e applause
Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!
Dear Diary,
I finished helping the Paragon City Police Department with the Outbreak; and a hero called Coyote (who was involved in the investigation with the police) offered to take me to Atlas Park or Galaxy City. Of course, I had never heard of either of them... but I chose Galaxy City. I liked the way it sounded.
He took me to an apartment and told me it was mine.
"New Hero housing," he said, seeing the surprise upon my face, "there are Heroes living all over the City, but they tend to move onwards to different areas - where the trouble is."
"But... but... why are you giving me this... for nothing?"
"Oh it's not for nothing. When you become more familiar with Paragon City, you'll understand why we provide heroes with such 'benefits'"
I looked back at him blankly.
"Anyway, get a good's night sleep - and I'll take you to see Back Alley Brawler tomorrow - he's the trainer in Galaxy City"
So, at 8am this morning I was woken by the sun streaming through my windows; and a few seconds later, a sharp knock at the door. I was still in my suit... I hadn't thought to take it off.
I rolled out of bed, and brushed my hair back from my eyes.
"Hello! You awake?"
I walked over and opened the door.
"Time to go see Back Alley Brawler, and Caitlin Murray asked for you to stop by."
"Uhh... okay..."
We arrived at the bottom of the steps to the Freedom Corps headquarters 15 minutes later. I stepped out of the car and he smiled as he drove off.
I walked up the steps, and Back Alley Brawler smiled as I approached.
"Hi, what can I do for you? I'm the trainer for Galaxy City, Michael White."
He chatted to me a bit more, and gave me a note to show to Caitlin Murray.
"She's the expert in technology, she'll know exactly how to modify your suit. I hope this helps."
I saw a few heroes milling around behind me, and knew it was time to leave. I thanked him, and saw him smile at them too as they approached.
I walked down the main stairs into the basement of the Freedom Corps Headquarters; and wandered up to an office. D.A.T.A, read the sign. Department of Advanced Technology Application. It seemed like I was in the right place.
A woman looked up as I walked in.
"Are you Caitlin Murray?"
"Hi, I'm Shimmery..." Her face bore no signs of recognition. "Uhh.. Back Alley Brawler sent me.."
"Ah!" Her face lit up and she took the piece of paper that hung limply from my hand. "What do we have here then?" She stared at it and nodded. "Okay, firstly, do you know how your suit works?"
I shook my head.
"Well, it draws in moisture from the air; which is chilled inside the gloves. The chilled water is then rapidly frozen as it is propelled out of the gloves. I know you've been using the buttons on the outside of the gloves, however I'm certain there will be triggers on the inside of them... Can you take off your gloves please?"
I took them off and passed them to her, and she pointed one of them into a waste-basket and slipped one of her hands into it. Suddenly a bolt of ice shot against the rim of the bin.
"As I suspected, the bolt is activated by a simple finger combination." She showed me how to activate the bolts from within the gloves, and showed me how to blast a wide cone of ice with both by using both my gloves at once. "I'll deactivate the buttons on the outside..." She picked up a pair of pliers and snipped some wires beneath the two buttons. "And I assume you're powerless, aside from the suit?" I nodded. "Well, here's a little something; but I'll need it when you're a bit more powerful." She handed me a tazer. "Okay, we're done here! I'll let you explore the neighbourhood a bit!"
*sticks his nose in*
I like this. Gives a whole new look on the starting hero thing. Cool.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
looking forward to the future exploits of the noob, er... i mean hero Shimmer
looking forward to the future exploits of the noob, er... i mean hero Shimmer
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Pfff - I'll find something to kick your [censored] at
Dear Diary,
After I left Freedom Corps, I wandered the city for hours; hopelessly lost; until it began to get dark. I saw thugs dressed in red and black start to fill the alleys and the streetcorners.
I saw a group of them walking towards me; laughing and pushing each other - a little too violently for playfighting. I turned and ran, and, seeing me running, they gave chase.
I sped down the street, their yells following me like vengeful ghosts as I got some distance between us. I tripped over a root between two paving slabs, and I heard the slap of their boots against the pavement getting louder as I tried to pick myself up from the pavement. I turned, seeing them just feet away from me, with the burning glow of the streetlight reflected in their eyes. One of them swung his baseball bat up behind his head. I closed my eyes and covered my head with my hands, ready for the blow.
It didn't come.
There was a deafening explosion, and I opened my eyes to see them scattered across the pavement, clutching their hands to their chests.
I turned, but the hero who'd obviously caused the explosion was already running away.
"Wait!" I called after him. "Where are you goi-" I turned the corner and my jaw dropped in amazement. There were dozens of heroes sitting beneath a huge statue, talking and laughing.
I walked softly up to them and turned to a guy dressed in blue and red.
"Hi! My name's Shimmery" I smiled.
"I'm Solar Flare" He replied.
We chatted a little, until a man dressed all in black with two robotic hands stepped over to us. One of the hands only extended to his elbow, while the other was affixed at his shoulder. Solar greeted him and asked about his 'accident' I smiled awkwardly, and asked if he was alright.
"Yes I'm FINE" He replied, sarcastically; before walking off.
"Will he be alright?" I turned to Solar.
"I don't know..." He began to tell me about the accident, I listened intently; then jumped back.
"Wha-what's that??" I said, as I saw shadow's moving behind him.
"Damn it! How can you see me?" A disembodied voice said.
"Ah Devi, I can tell it's you from your cologne" Solar laughed. The shadows moved some more, then settled into a solid shape.
"Hi, I'm Shimmery" I said, smiling.
"I'm Devidose" he replied, noticing me staring at him, openmouthed.
"You.. you're on fire!"
"Yeah" He explained that he was always on fire; and that his brother and his friend Genergy had built some suits to contain it. We sat and talked for a while, and he told me how he'd been sent here for testing after incinerating his room. All of a sudden, he disappeared.
I sat by myself, awkwardly. A girl walked up to me. "Are you alright?"
"Uhm, I don't know where Devidose went..."
She smiled. "He'll probably be back soon, I'm Alpha Stryke. Oh, there he is." She waved at a man clad in blue, white and red with a lion on his chest. "That's Brit-man, my ex."
"Oh, uh.. isn't that awkward..."
They laughed. "No we fight crime together all the time." I smiled and heard a noise just behind me. I turned to see Devidose.
"Woah, sorry! The mediport system recalled me to the base! I'm not sure why - it seems to be working fine!"
Alpha Stryke and Brit-man left; and I spoke more with Devidose for a while. "Uhh.. Devidose.." I asked softly. "Uhm, uhh.. do you think you could show me my apartment..? I don't know where it is..." He looked at my ID.
"Is that all you had when you woke up?"
"Uhm, no.. I had this notebook.." I handed it to him.
"Mind if I run a scan on it?" He asked, staring at the logo curiously. I nodded, and he passed some gadget over the front of the notebook. A few seconds later, his eyes widened.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, nervously.
"No.. no.. It's fine.. just something I heard over the comm, it's nothing...Really..." He smiled unconvincingly. "I'll show you to your apartment now."
He ran off, a little ahead of me. I struggled to keep pace with him. He kept having to pause so I could catch up. "I'm sorry, it's a side-effect of my fast metabolism..." He explained.
He ran through an alley, and as I tried to catch up I didn't see which way he turned. I looked around, then saw a dark shape in the shadows.
"There you are." My smile melted away as I saw the glint in the thugs eye, as three of his buddies also walked out from the shadows. I screamed. They all pulled out their guns. Devidose came speeding round the corner. "Shimmery! Get back!" He cried. I edged back, covering my face with my hands. He crouched, and the alley exploded in flames.
"Are you.. okay..?" He panted, breathlessly.
"Yeah.. I'm.. I'm sorry." I apologised tearfully. He crouched, with his hands on his knees; breathing heavily. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah.." He said, hyperventilating. "When I do that.. I just.." I patted him on the back. "I'll be alright. I just need to rest for a second." He kneeled down on the alley floor for a minute.
"That's better. Okay, your apartment should be just around the corner." He showed me to a tall building.
"Uhm.. Devidose.. this isn't the apartment I was picked up from this morning... Are you sure you read the address right?" He looked at it again. "I recognise that street down there!" I said, as he pored over it.
"You're right, it is over there." He walked me to my front door.
I kissed him on the cheek shyly. "Thankyou for showing me to my apartment Devidose."
He blushed awkwardly. "Uhmm.. I wouldn't want to be doing that if I were you.. I mean, if I didn't have this mask on.."
I stared at my feet, blushing "Oh.. I'm sorry.. I.."
He interrupted "No, it's okay.." he replied awkwardly "I guess.. I'm just not used to human contact is all.."
I sighed sadly. "I don't know what I'm used to. Goodnight Devidose"
BTW, according to a story in the last CoH comic, Coyote is a bit of a horn-dog. It's that animal shaman thing he's got going. Shimmery might want to be careful he doesn't come round to check on her and offer a bit of 1-on-1 training...
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
its going well, altho u forgot to mention u aggroing everything btw GG and where ur apartment ended up being.
Nice story Shimmery. And BTW its Solar Blitz
its going well, altho u forgot to mention u aggroing everything btw GG and where ur apartment ended up being.
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Yes but I did that four times (purely for RP purposes - honest ) and it was getting a little repetitive (oh and I'm lazy
One thing I wish I'd remembered though was when you said 'Hey, do you own a dark yellow car?' '' 'Just a second' *Devidose blasts Hellions smashing up a car to smithereens*
P.S. SO sorry Solar
EDIT: Also, sorry for the made-up ending Devidose (In actuality, my PC crashed - but I needed a way to end the story
Dear Diary,
I woke up the next day feeling a little lost. Noone was coming for me, noone was there to show me around, noone really cared... I was just a number in hundreds, maybe thousands of other heroes. I had a shower, had breakfast, then climbed into my suit listlessly. I'd better get going to Freedom Corps - after all, there were only another dozen or so heroes who could do the exact same job... I sighed.
I slowly retraced my steps back to the Freedom Corps headquarters (being a little more wary of figures in the shadows, after learning my lesson walking home with Devidose) and by the time I arrived it was around 10am.
"Morning Shimmery" Caitlin smiled. "Have a good nights sleep?" I smiled unenthusiastically. She didn't seem to notice. "Okay then, I need you to get a Clockwork piece from a man called Kip Cantorum. D.A.T.A needs to study them more so we're in need of a sample... Oh! By the way, I forgot to give you this." She handed me what looked like a tiny TV screen. "This is an all-in-one system. It contains a GPS feed, your ID - you won't be needing your card anymore now - and data on your achievements; virtual 'badges', if you will." I accessed a few menus.
"Uhh.. it says I already have a badge... 'Isolator'" I told her, quizzically.
"Ah yes! Well, the Police were so pleased at the extra thugs you put away in that outbreak, that they decided to award you with this badge. You really helped them with their investigation." She smiled. Her phone rang. "Anyway, we both have to get to work! Bye!" She retreated into her office.
I hadn't had the chance to ask her what a clockwork was... Oh well, I'm sure I would soon find out. I saw she'd marked Kip Cantorum's location on my map, so I walked about a kilometre until I saw him waiting for me at the agreed spot.
"Hi, you must be Shimmery" He extended his hand warmly. "It's nice to meet you." I shook his hand shyly. "I'm afraid I gave that Clockwork piece to another Hero, but there's an office they've taken over nearby - you'll probably find a piece or two kicking around there."
I went to the office he marked on my map (still oblivious to what Clockwork actually were), until I walked in, only to have a blast of electricity hit me in the eye. I blinked painfully - and shot blindly ahead of me. "WHO'S THERE??" I yelled. All I heard was the dull rattle of machinery. I blinked again, my sight returning; and I looked down to see a tiny bronze machine with a key sticking out of it's back just as another bolt of electricity hit me in the chest. 'Ah so that's why they're called clockwork' I thought, as I freezed it until it's parts were all jammed and it's circuits were ruined.
Two more waited round the corner. They didn't put up much of a fight either, and I picked up a few cogs and gears from them as I walked towards the door.
Just as I got outside, a message flashed up on my screen. 'You have been invited to join a team. Do you accept?' I accepted.
'Hi!' Flashed up on my screen. 'We're in Atlas park - we need to find a crate. We'll see you at the warehouse (it's marked on your map)'
Coyote had mentioned the monorail to me. Guess now was the time to be using it! I ran the half-kilometre or so to the monorail; and it was mere seconds before it stopped in Atlas Park.
"Wow!" I uttered in awe, as I stepped out to the balcony of the station. I gazed around me. Atlas Park was lush and green, with statues of heroes gone by - and a beautiful marble city hall surrounded by a park. To the other side was a lake, with a statue in it's centre. "Wow..." I repeated. "Maybe I should've picked Atlas Park after all..."
I arrived at the warehouse 5 minutes later, only to see a mere 2 soldiers left to arrest. With a few blasts they were down, and we found the crate we were looking for - and left.
Once we got outside, we saw a few of the same gang I had encountered on my walk home last night with Devidose. (Apparently called 'Hellions', one of my team told me.) They looked a good bit stronger than me, but they were trying to steal a woman's handbag - so I charged in. Unfortunately, they were a lot stronger than me; so it was lucky for me that Ion-Storm stepped in and healed me! (Or I could've had my first test of the Mediport patch!)
After all the fights, I felt a lot stronger; so my team told me I should see Miss Liberty, the trainer for Atlas Park. I thanked them, and headed off on my own to City Hall.
I saw her from afar, a group of heroes clustered around her; while she quickly dispelled advice. I eventually got my turn, and she showed me how to fire ice more rapidly. It did a little less damage, but it allowed me to draw water from the air more quickly. She also told me that I could probably improve my old attacks with some advancements to the suit, now that I was used to them. I smiled and thanked her; and returned to my apartment in Galaxy City for the night.
Said I'd have a look in, glad I did
My old friend Shimmer(y)is back in style.
I really enjoyed the start of this new diary, cant wait for more
Hey, jst saw ya thread from your Sig, im loving your story! Can't wait till the next installment
Like Jumanjimon I found this threw your sig. I really like it .
Reminds me alittle of the very first hero I made, maybe I should take abit more time to look around if I'm trying out another alt
Dear Diary,
I woke up to see a message determinedly flashing on the screen of my console.
Devidose: Hi! Hope you're doing okay! I wondered if you maybe wanted to join the Precision Rangers, since you don't know anyone here yet?
Devidose has invited you to join the Precision Rangers.
Devidose has gone offline.
I rolled over and smiled to myself. At least I have one friend in Paragon City.
I arrived at Caitlin Murrays office at 10am sharp; and soon I was on my way to investigate more Clockwork activities. She sent me round a few warehouses, and a community centre where they'd captured members of mensa...
I finished at about 3pm; and she told me she had no more work for me; so I was to go and see her friend Paula Dempsey, in a place called Kings Row.
I stepped off the monorail into a zone part industrial district, part old New York style brownstones. Sand and coal was piled high; and vast warehouses stretched into the distance beneath rusting water-towers.
I walked a few miles to where Paula Dempsey was waiting for me; and she instantly sent me away. Someone in a place called 'The Hollows' urgently needed my help.
I wandered back to the monorail as the sun was setting.
It would have to wait til tomorrow.
Devidose: Hi! Hope you're doing okay! I wondered if you maybe wanted to join the Precision Rangers, since you don't know anyone here yet?
Devidose has invited you to join the Precision Rangers.
Devidose has gone offline.
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Clever, a nice little touch.
Gooing good, looking forward to more
Just like to post a brief update...
My apologies for not posting in this in a while; but I've been very busy with stuff in THE REAL WORLD!
I'll try to be back and update soon Just got a lot of work/evenings out on atm.
This is the first time I've been into the Roleplaying pages. I too got here through Shimmery's link in her sig.
This is great! Love to be reminded of the first few levels, it brings it all back .
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from
EU, Union mostly.
Dear Diary,
I woke up this morning when I was tossed out of a white van... I don't remember anything. All I have are the clothes on my back (or rather, some sort of costume thing...), a notebook and pen, and an ID card which says my name is Shimmery, that my 'origin' is Technology, and that I'm a blaster... whatever that is...
I got up, and saw a few other people in weird costumes... dressed like vikings, or warriors, or in spandex... like superheroes or something.
I saw a police officer standing around, busy writing in a notebook; so I walked up to him to tell him what had happened... but before I could get a word out of my mouth he was telling me that some thugs had accidentally taken an experimental drug, and that he was glad to have me there to help out! Before I could interrupt he'd given me a sample of the drug and told me to take it to Doctor Miller outside the hospital!
He hurried me off, so I figured I should just do what he asked, then mention it when I came back. It seemed a safe enough neighbourhood, and I couldn't see any of these thugs that he was talking about; so I ran over to the hospital and dropped it off.
Doctor Miller thanked me, and told me to read the placard outside the hospital. It mentioned this thing called the 'Medicom patch', apparently it can teleport heroes to hospital if it senses they are very badly hurt. I asked him what he meant by 'heroes' and he just laughed and told me he had to analyse the sample.
I don't understand any of this! Anyway, I'd better go back to Officer Flint and see if I can find out what's going on...