Villain Hunters




Although I will be buying Cov and creating a villain or two and I was curious who will be staying as a hero for the main reason to pvp villains, as a sg or otherwise.

The Smoking Demon
Ash/Tar Corruptor

@The Smoking Demon



ill be a part-time hero after city of villains is properly released, coz i like the game. i got friends that i dont think are getting cov (which i know is hard to believe) which are good friends. plus im in a good supergroup which i like to try to catch up with (not many people that are my level, i want to catch up with them) so yah, i will be staying with city of heroes and be playing city of villains too.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



as for me am turning to the dark side and i will destroy you muahahah



I'll still be on CoH as I prefer being the Hero



i wont b gettin CoV until xmas so ur stuck with me



I got my copy of COV sat on my desk as I type.

I did however mainly buy it for the addtional COH content and to team with my SG buddies who will have the bases etc also.

I think i will play a mixture of both but at the moment prefer being a hero.

'Luke, beware the dark side of the force, Luke'



I will be mainly in my heroe's boots working hard for my SG, but saying that I have my copy of cov on the way which means I will slip on my evil gear get my evil is good guide book and will be making those unprepared heros wish they never stepped into the rouge islands.



I will be mainly playing CoV(at least until I have a lvl 40 toon) after I get my copy on monday, but I will still be a hero just not as often..

I will also have a lot of works on my hands with each and everyone of my heroes now that they all need to be respected.



Both for me - being a long term sufferer of alt-itis, my leveling will just slow down even more as I cycle through all the various hero and villan options



I'll be mainly a hero,being a villain doesn't really appeal to me,tho all the new content looks really good.

PvP is where it's at now for me,and hunting villains is my main aim



Hero, most deffinatly

I'm hoping most of the content that CoV, except for being able to play a villain, is available to me without buying the game... Not sure though ?

I've just created an SG with some friends I've made since I started playing, and it's turning out great... I'm hoping we won't loose too many members to the dark side, although it is tempting !



Dark side holds no temptation for me. I'm with DK, I'm going to be a Scum Hunter for a lot of time now, my build is designed entirely for trapping/hunting villains (it will work well in PvE, but I can't wait to test it in the PvP zones) I need to hit 50 to get it as good as it can be, but even at 38 I will still cause most villains considerable problems. Happy hunting...



I'll be checking out the Villians i reckon. For a short while. Got a really nice blaster build idea and want to get it to 50 before i decide to turn nasty!



After playing the beta the only thing that appeals to me is the new content. I love FR to much to want to be anything else. Ice/energy for teh win!!11!1eleven!!111!!!!

So villains, look foward to suffering with frosty man-parts!



Although I will be buying Cov and creating a villain or two and I was curious who will be staying as a hero for the main reason to pvp villains, as a sg or otherwise.

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Monster Hunters Inc tbh..

The name works for villains too.

(Hi btw)




Monster Hunters Inc is no more by way
Still not gonna stop me though

The Smoking Demon
Ash/Tar Corruptor

@The Smoking Demon



I'll be doing both, snuggly-wuggly heroes are more my cup of tea anyways. ^^




Monster Hunters Inc is no more by way
Still not gonna stop me though

[/ QUOTE ]

So poor Hyperwolf is abandoned on the street without an owner?




Paging any Deviants in the area.....



Reporting for duty (only to for the amusement of seeing Doctor Ego loosing endurance and having a ninja chase him )

Hey Doc. Look me up in Cov - character's name below - will be on Green Fingers mostly.

The Smoking Demon
Ash/Tar Corruptor

@The Smoking Demon