402 -
Swarms of 1AT folks on brand new lowbie toons tearing up the Hollows oldschool style!
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Let's talk builds then boys and girls. What are you rolling and what are the toon names?
To guys who are browsing with a piqued interest: I can really recommend this bunch of crazy-[censored]-clowns to you. In the bunch, there is some of the wittiest, some of the friendliest and some of the most understanding people I have met throughtout my entire life. If you're looking for a new dimension to this game, or looking for people to show you the ropes, then I urge you to get involved, getand get face planting with the best of them!
P.S And we all know you should just all roll blasters 4 th3y R t3h Ub3R3ST! -
I take it that this won't be going ahead tomorrow
But I really hope the idea doesn't die a death.
Given the nature of the team I'd say explosive blast is droppable, from all of you preferably. It'll shoot those mobs left, right and centre and most likely out of the Stromie's snow storm. At least with Torrent it scoops them in a particular direction, so you can push them towards stormie carnage, same with Power Push.
I would suggest droping explosive blast, whirlwind and stimulant(although you do make a valid point for taking it, save it for one of the guys who's not using the boards to streamline their build), take boost range and Power Push for the reasons Standoff mentioned, and slot up the leadership powers a bit more for maximum effectiness. I'd recommend this for the whole team, especially the defender with it's bigger boosts. This will leave you room for stamina. If you want the leadership pool, you'll find end a HUGE problem without it. No stamina builds ARE workable, but you do have to be careful of your power choices, and it's about getting alot of bang for your end. With people flying all over the place, You're going to want as much end as possible, so you can take out strays that have been knocked away, or to knock stuff back to your stormy. SS is a good travel power for this, as is teleport.
Hope some of that helps you dude! -
Electric mastery works very well with the Ice primary as it gives you a second fast activating, fast recharging hold. This means you can lock down your bosses from a range and keep them locked down whilst still dealing with the rest of your foes. I have this on my Ice/En and this and the armour were my sole reasons for choosing the set.
The armour is arguably the most useful of the three as it provides energy resistance, another very common damage type, especially in PvP. Definitely a good bet.
I haven't experimented with the other two, for the following reasons. The cone didn't fit my single target build. I imagine it has potential with Ice/Ice as all the slows may well be good for keeping your foes inside Ice storm, and then you could unload with Frost Breath and the epic cone (it's name has slipped my mind). As for EM Pulse, although it seems pretty damn cool, the huge recahrge is enough of a turn off to make other powers seem worth while.
Hope some of that helps!
On my blaser, if I was to change epic, it would be to Ice for more a PvE build than I have currently. I mainly plan to get it for snowstrom to allow for more AoE potential, but I'm not completely sold on it yet. SO I will be watching this thread too! -
I'm really looking foward to this. Anyone got any ideas for their powersets yet?
Post saying my days edited to include times. Really looking foward to this actually as it's full of a mix of people I'm used to teaming with, plus new faces (well in regards to teamingwise from my point of you, certainly not from a forum point!)
By the way, which server are we planing to be on? I have slots on them all, but appreciate this is probably not the case for everyone else. -
If it helps, Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays will be a no-go for me.
Edit: As for times, my internet shuts off at 10:25, so the earlier the better for me really, thus 8 is a pretty good time but can do earliar since it's only one day a week. -
If me missing the first friday of every month is not a problem I will take the blaster if that's ok (feel free to dispute it with my Jummyboy) as I feel I'd lose interest in the tanker role too quickly and really fancy playing a different kind of blaster than FR. So, if you're ok with my complications (and feel free to say No as I miagine it may be a pain without one of the ATs) then I'd like to play the blaster. Atleast then if I did miss weeks you've got the PB, Scrapper and eventually the warshade who can dish formidable damage.
Can you expand on what you mean FG? It certainly sounds very interesting. Would be interested in learning to play a tank or playing another blaster, depending on what it is you mean. Would it be be just 7 toons, one of each AT, with no partiuclar restraint on powerset choices, or did you mean something more complicated to evaulate the effectiveness. Either way, I'd be up for it but unfortunately I couldn't do the first friday of every month so would understand if this is a problem.
Having not played the game for about 4 months, and my AT love being blasters (however hard I try to escape this!), I've been considering leveling a new one, using Double XP weekend for a boost, as well as all the other stuff that'll no doubt be going on. My question is, what's regarded as effective these days? What's popular and why? Any unorthodox combinations that people are loving?
Bear in mind I have a level 50 Ice/Energy which I was playing for over a year (It took me that long to level it with regular playing... go me). So yeah, any thoughts would be appreciated.
No word count in yet from Gideon, Landlubber, Frozen Rogue, Miss Blue Wind or Overfiend. Doing ok?
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Tonight begins the weekend and the beginning of my salvation. Disaster again sturck on day 3, when my parents decide to go off to london for the weekend leaving a 6 year old who wants to go to the fire works in the care of my 15 year old brother and myself. And once he's in bed, I've then got another commitment and won't be back until 9.30. Chances are, I'll then be on a high (Not literally)so plan to start then and write to about 12. Work in the morning, helping at a 13 year olds birthday until about 7ish (all arranged before I knew about nanowrimo.... curses!) but then, since I have no plans until 6.30PM sunday, I can write until I need to sleep or die. Then I will go to sleep, wake up and write some more. And thus I will achieve my target of 6250 words by 00.01AM monday morning.
That's the plan anyway. Now that I'm involved and have nothing planned for this week (bar a party on sat 11th and seeing the Queen on the 29th!) I can give my self enough writing time to fit in my coursework and homework. I think those priorities sound about write -
It's most of the way through day 2 and I still haven't written anything!
I was struggeling to think of a reasonable start, walked the dog, thought of one, got back, was about to write, then my best friend's recently dumped girlfriend rang up. YOu can pretty much workt he rest out. Surfice to say, my day of writing has been brutally murdered! However, I will not sleep until I have written stuff.
Oh man! Stop scaring me with your daunting counts!
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Read the Dare threads. Perfect. Or Adopt a plot.
In fact : Write a story about a Villain that gets wrongly arrested. What is spending time in the Zig really like? What colour are the pillows? WHo are his room-mates? How does he buck the system? What is he actually guilty of?
What strange song is whistled late at night when everyone else is asleep?
[/ QUOTE ]
It's alright - I have a huge story planned. I just couldn't get started! There WILL be an excerpt up this evening. Then I will wirte the Scrull thing.... Doh... -
It's most of the way through day 2 and I still haven't written anything!
I was struggeling to think of a reasonable start, walked the dog, thought of one, got back, was about to write, then my best friend's recently dumped girlfriend rang up. YOu can pretty much workt he rest out. Surfice to say, my day of writing has been brutally murdered! However, I will not sleep until I have written stuff.
Oh man! Stop scaring me with your daunting counts! -
I still need convincing.
As your loyal and trusted friend, I will always support your endeavours. But how can I be sure that power won't go to your head and you won't have me murdered for a minor infringements on your privacy? -
Meep. Still on three thousand three hundred! MEEEP!
*flees and starts frantically writing*
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Dude, I'm on zero! But it's ok, because an extra lesson was cancelled. ANd I spent the other two planning this anyway!
Question is though, do I start with a battle,a brief glimpse at the history, or a cryptic saying that will alter become clear and then go into the battle? The problem I'm facing is that I need people to be unwaveringly on the side of my main characters, so when a certain situation comes to light, they'll be inclined to stay with them... if that makes any sense! I'm trying not to reveal the plotline! -
Unfortunately Cap, you've missed the sign up dates. Doesn't mean you can't do it independantly I guess!
On another note, I wrote nothing yesterday! Disaster! I started feeling UNBELIEVABLY rough, so decided (perhaps not in my greatest moment of wisdom) tha I'd lie down ot let my stomach settle, then bash some words out... And I fell asleep! I'm just glad I've got the afternoon off today! -
Argh! It would have to start this wednesday! I've had a full day of 6th form, an apoointment at the bank, work from 5-8 and straight after I had to do a churchy thing that I expected to take half an hour, but no, 2 HOURS!!! And the lethal combination of curry and coco pops has made feel quite ill. But I NEED to start!
Frogue is my buddy name by the way. I hope to have atleast some kind of excerpt up by tomorrow morning... Not looking promising though... *Yawns* -
Joined roughly five mins ago. Oh GOD, I'm doomed! ALL I have is an idea for an English occultist inspired by my signiture character, a deep-rooted desire to see it all done out nicely in a film-noir/fairy-tale form, and a thought that perhaps it should have an evil force that REALLY SEEMS EVIL!!!
Oh, wait.... that's not too bad!
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Same issue - joined up on a whim and am now uber excited! But the problem is, I'm SO unprepared... but I can;'t wait to see what actually gets churned out! This may actually be a good way to do it... then again...!!!! -
NoooOOo00OOoooOOo000OOo0OOOO000ooo... the 1at boards appear to be down!
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I was just about to make a similar post. And G's not online on MSN so I can't prod him to fix it! Dang and Blast. -
Nice one bro! Just behind me, where you belong
But seriously, thanks for waiting and well earnt for catching up with all those extended breaks! -
HOW THE HELL AM I MEANT TO GO TO SLEEP AFTER THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all all who came. That was truly a very amazing, special and emotional experience.
Ubergratz to my brothers (and gender-benders) in arms! -
ice epic is a lot better now with toggledrop nerf before it wasn't as good because you could just toggle drop the snowstorm on you now you can't. I would slot hibernate with more heals and boostrange is quite an end drain so consider slotting it with 1 end reduce. if you want to drop acrobatics with just freezeray you're going to have to power boost it or use hasten. i used to play with elec epic and have both holds that allowed me to drop acroabtics from range which is usefull. i could even hold scrappers with ice hold and elec hold. which was a very pleasent surprise seeing as most of the scrappers dont bring as many breakfrees to the arena vs blasters any more.
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I have no problem with power boosting or using Hasten. I guess the question is, will I have more chance against non-squishies with snowstorm or two holds? I'm guessing it's with snowstorm if they bring BFs. Hmmmm... -
Hey dude, hope you have fun with your new blaster!
Blizzard is now alot of fun in PvE - the sheer size of it's area is awesome, and with powerboost, aim and build up I've found I can usually get away without using Icestorm.
When it comes to ancillary pools, for PvE, I'd recommend elec or fire. Having two fast holds is really nice for soloing. RotP is pretty awesome if you die and EMP ca be a handy panic button,, although it's recharge is huge. However, Elec defeintly has the better shield, seeing as energy damage is just so common. I currently have elec, but am probably about to resepc into Ice for PvP purposes as detailed in the thread currently just below yours
Boost range certainly has it's uses to help you out range stuffl but will be less useful with leaping. Its awesome with fly as your out of melee range, and boost range allows you to sometimes stay out of range of all damage, whilst still dishing it out. However, this certainly isn't the case against every foe
Hope some of that helped a little dude! -
Haha, shows how out of touch I am with PvP: I thought Ice Epic would be something new and original!