AV Killer Competition!




<<Insert awesome poster here>>


So you want a challenge? Consider yourself to be one badmamajamma when it comes to gaming? Can you earn those bragging rights?

What? AV Killer Competition!
When? Satuday August 15,2009
Time? 9:00 pm EST

We will meet in Oroboros. There are one of 2 ways to compete. You may compete as a duo, team of 2. Either choose your own partner or show up solo and I will randomly pair up people. Or if you would like to solo the AV you may also do that. The fastest time wins. Anyone who runs solo will get a 50% credit on their time. So in other words if a team of 2 kill the av in 3 minutes, and it takes the solo person 6 minutes they are equal in time.


<ul type="square"> [*]Bragging rights! [*] 100,000,000 INFLUENCE to be split by a duo team or a soloist keeps the entire jackpot to themselves.[/list] Rules!

<ul type="square"> [*]No temp powers. Oroboros mission will be set that way so you won't be tempted. [*]No fortunes. [*]Whatever the first AV is Maria Jenkins gives is the AV that will be used. [*]Mish will be set to one extra person, me. I will be watching each fight personally. I will only do 2 things to help. I will find the av and tp team to it, and I will tp you if you die to a safe distance to rez yourself. I will not rez you or provide inspirations. You can die as many times as you want, but the clock will be ticking.[*] Realize this competitition could take a little while. Being I intend on watching each AV fight.[*] There will be a 10 minute limit for each AV fight from the time the first attack is taken (towards any NPC, not just the AV). Other people are waiting their chance and if you haven't done it in 10 minutes chances are you lose anyways.[*]Mission will be set to invincible at level 50.[*]Being this event could run long there will be zero tolerance for not being on time, and ready to go when its your turn. [*]I don't care what inspirations or sizes you bring. Everyone has access to buy or make the same stuff. [*]No base buffs.



OOOO now this sounds FUN!



Might need to change one thing. Number of team probably has to be 4+ to spawn an AV, so will have a filler on team as well.



Count me in, I have a partner in mind, I'll check back with you to see if I'm going to be soloing or will be doing this in a duo.



Aw yes! Seeing is believing! (should I bring a dark/dark defender to solo? I've heard they're AWESOME at soloing AV's!!!)

Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous



I am from Triumph but if your famous and all powerful "AV killer" is going to be doing this competion I might transfer a toon to help fill or anything. I could use the giggle.

The way it sounded though if she competed it wouldn't be fair to any of you.

Gavalin Kingsbury LVL 50 INV/SS Tank and 26 other LVL 50 heroes and villians (all Triumph)
Heroes of Justice and Liberty/Loved or Loathed
"NCSOFT doesn't fork for anyone but they might spoon you if they like you"



If you need a dead hero to serve as bait, that's the role most of my toons are best suited for, yep.



Less drama, more event stuff please. I am not expecting anyone in particular to compete in this. Most people that brag seldom back it up when the opportunity presents itself.

Please keep the trolling on the appropriate trolling thread , would be much appreciated.



I don't care what inspirations or sizes you bring. Everyone has access to buy or make the same stuff.

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Kinda would be better with no inspirations... anyone can solo an AV with insps, especially lol tier 3s, it would be much more interesting to see who can do it the fastest /without/ insps. Or at least only tier 1s.



I don't care what inspirations or sizes you bring. Everyone has access to buy or make the same stuff.

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Kinda would be better with no inspirations... anyone can solo an AV with insps, especially lol tier 3s, it would be much more interesting to see who can do it the fastest /without/ insps. Or at least only tier 1s.

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Agreed, to a point. However it makes me think about pvp where people say you are not a good pvpr if you use inspirations. I think utilizing what the game intends you to use to fight with is fair game. An inspiration tray comes with your toon.

The best thing to do would be to say only Tier 1's, but I dont feel like doing all those inspiration swaps. Even with all Tier 3's everyone can be on the same playing field and the best will still win.

*edited because I changed my opinion. I am a woman. Sue me.



*edited because I changed my opinion. I am a woman. Sue me.

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I hereby serve you with these papers. The community of Champion is suing you for changing your mind and being a woman and further propagating the idea that only women change their minds. This is obvious slander against men and we hereby will be presenting our case Saturday August 15th at 9:05pm EST. Failure to arrive will result in the case being found against you.

Thank you and have a nice day.




Everyone knows that there are no women on the interwebs, so by definition, you cannot be a woman, and therefore, have no right to changing your mind.

Aside from that loophole, sounds like a fun event, too bad I have nothing that can solo an AV.

You are quite the fountain of cool events, CriticalKat, well done!

My CoX characters



Might need to change one thing. Number of team probably has to be 4+ to spawn an AV, so will have a filler on team as well.

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Or just bump up the difficulty level a couple notches...

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



Rad/Elec Def lvl 50 LFT to Duo AV
No Blind Invites
Must have good DPS.
Punch and Pie?

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



**Date of event edited out of respect for UHB Anniversary event**



Thank you!



Sounds like fun but.....i must point out obvious flaws......
Not everyone has an uber-scrapper...............................
This means Temp Powers should be allowed!

As for spawning and having witnesses it should not matter if 8 ppl spawn the mission as long as each mission for it is the same size of ppl to start and the one fighting through it or just the AV does it without help from the other ppl on the team. The others are there just to watch the show.

I have no problem backing my words up......i just dont answer to ppl who insult and dont help others!



**Date of event edited out of respect for UHB Anniversary event**

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** Date of lawsuit edited out of respect for UHB Anniversary event **



wow, i posted and a whole page of ppl posted at the same time.



Yes listen to the AV Killer!!!



Hey Kat.... any bonus time for "SO" Only builds? Whoops, never mind.... 10 minutes won't cut it with SO's only.




lol Fel no temp powers this aint a contest to see who can get all the temp powers before the date!



Sounds like fun but.....i must point out obvious flaws......
Not everyone has an uber-scrapper...............................
This means Temp Powers should be allowed!

As for spawning and having witnesses it should not matter if 8 ppl spawn the mission as long as each mission for it is the same size of ppl to start and the one fighting through it or just the AV does it without help from the other ppl on the team. The others are there just to watch the show.

I have no problem backing my words up......i just dont answer to ppl who insult and dont help others!

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Her event . . . Her rules.

And since this is a solo/duo event it makes sense to remove Temps for at least 3 reasons

1. Not everyone has or has access to all the temp powers in the game.

2. It's not really much effort to take out an AV with temp powers.

3. It's a solo/duo event not a me and my 5 temp pets event.

On and please shut the [censored] up about the fact you "have no problem backing my words up......i just dont answer to ppl who insult and dont help others!"

If you are not going to compete don't post and move on. Until you prove you can do something it's all talk.


PS I can solo a MSTF.



Sounds like fun but.....i must point out obvious flaws......
Not everyone has an uber-scrapper...............................
This means Temp Powers should be allowed!

As for spawning and having witnesses it should not matter if 8 ppl spawn the mission as long as each mission for it is the same size of ppl to start and the one fighting through it or just the AV does it without help from the other ppl on the team. The others are there just to watch the show.

I have no problem backing my words up......i just dont answer to ppl who insult and dont help others!

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First of all I hope that "answer to ppl who insult or don't help others" was not aimed at me.

Secondly I am looking for a competition that actually challenges people. Having nukes and shivans etc is not a challenge. ANYONE can defeat an AV like that. I don't consider taking the easy way out a challenge. I don't play life like that and I don't play the video game like that.

It does not take a scrapper to do this. Killing Av's is not hard, maybe every build cannot do it solo but there is no reason why every build cannot participate as a duo.