AV Killer Competition!




There's going to be some major luck of the draw WRT which AVs you get- some being much easier or taking longer to defeat than others. I pity the team that has to chase Diabolique all over the graveyard. (Or is that Dominatrix? the one that runs all over the map...)

On the other hand, Neuron's team is probably going to win.

Good luck all!

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



I have never really done the flashback stuff too much. I assume by your post that infernal doesn't come first when you utilize Oroboros?



Infernal's always first in Maria's arc.

EDIT: Out of curiosity, how's the portal going to be handled?

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Ok just logged in game and started the arc 5 times in Oroboros and got Chimera first each time. Went on invincible to get an AV and solo'd him on my fire/rad with no temp powers. Editing rules slightly to reflect team size.



I'd log on with a different toon in an hour and see if you get the same result.

I'd then get some fillers 2-4 people and see if you get the same result.



I'd log on with a different toon in an hour and see if you get the same result.

I'd then get some fillers 2-4 people and see if you get the same result.

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I will test it again. If by chance the Av order is random then I will alter the rules to do an automatic reset on the following Av's.

<ul type="square"> [*]Infernal[*]Diablique[/list]
I think that would keep it on a more even playing field.

So I was so excited about this event that I didn't think a few things through. Will spend next day or 2 tweeking rules possiby. Sue me. :-)



Sue me. :-)

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I already am! I already am XD



Infernal's always first in Maria's arc.

EDIT: Out of curiosity, how's the portal going to be handled?

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Chimera is first, not Infernal. See here.

And I think me and Nibs are going to duo this. We'll see how that works out.



Infernal's always first in Maria's arc.

EDIT: Out of curiosity, how's the portal going to be handled?

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Chimera is first, not Infernal. See here.

And I think me and Nibs are going to duo this. We'll see how that works out.

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I apologize. The Infernal mission I'm thinking of isn't in her actual arc.

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Sounds like fun but.....i must point out obvious flaws......
Not everyone has an uber-scrapper...............................
This means Temp Powers should be allowed!

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I'd log on with a different toon in an hour and see if you get the same result.

I'd then get some fillers 2-4 people and see if you get the same result.

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I will test it again. If by chance the Av order is random then I will alter the rules to do an automatic reset on the following Av's.

<ul type="square"> [*]Infernal[*]Diablique[/list]
I think that would keep it on a more even playing field.

So I was so excited about this event that I didn't think a few things through. Will spend next day or 2 tweeking rules possiby. Sue me. :-)

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Why not just use AE to create a 1 mission, small map, arc with an AV in it? They're all in there. You could just put 1 in, or put in multiple and let the challenger choose which they want to fight.



I'd log on with a different toon in an hour and see if you get the same result.

I'd then get some fillers 2-4 people and see if you get the same result.

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I will test it again. If by chance the Av order is random then I will alter the rules to do an automatic reset on the following Av's.

<ul type="square"> [*]Infernal[*]Diablique[/list]
I think that would keep it on a more even playing field.

So I was so excited about this event that I didn't think a few things through. Will spend next day or 2 tweeking rules possiby. Sue me. :-)

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Why not just use AE to create a 1 mission, small map, arc with an AV in it? They're all in there. You could just put 1 in, or put in multiple and let the challenger choose which they want to fight.

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Ok I don't do AE much, can I set it to not allow temp powers like a tf?



Pretty sure you can't do anything like you can in Flashback. All you can do is tweak the mobs you put in, not help or hinder the players that come play it.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I have no problem backing my words up......i just dont answer to ppl who insult and dont help others!

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I think you have a different definition of "insult" and "helping others" than the rest of us.

You made a bold claim, offered no evidence that it was possible except the mysterious "PM me and I'll tell you", and then [censored] when folks who crunched numbers called you on your bluff. To me, the bigger insult was to the collective intelligence of the playerbase who knows that something is amiss in your claim, yet you'd rather dodge and weave and throw up a shoddy defense and hide behind some sense of moral authority. You could put all the controversy to rest by posting a video of you and your defender doing what you said you could do, but you won't, because you can't, cause then the truth would be revealed.

Please stop helping others. Your advice is negligibly good, and that's being kind.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Don't forget she got my thread deleted.

Looking for some advice, here, what would be better for duo'ing an AV?

Sonic/em blaster

Spines/WP scrapper.

Do both those toons suck at AV killing? The closest thing I've done to this is trio'ing the energy melee AV from one of the PI arcs with 2 scrappers and my dark/dark defender.

Would the dark/dark be any good either?



Yeah well go create another one please so this thread doesn't get taken over with [censored] drama.

Less drama moar event stuff please.






I have never really done the flashback stuff too much. I assume by your post that infernal doesn't come first when you utilize Oroboros?

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I misunderstood your rules- thought you were going to run through her arc with different teams fighting each AV that comes up.

Chimera it is. Carry on... nothing to see here.

*Walks away whistling innocently*

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



Ok, i misunderstood i was thinking Arachnos AV's....nasty.... i can see doing Praetorians without Temp Powers.

I agree on the AE approach then CriticalKat can surprise us with any AV she deems appropriate.

Also Kat can set the AV to drop a password as he/she is defeated to let Kat know the person actually completed the mission, so there does not need to be a witness.

This will make a true race we can all run at the same time making the event take a lot less time!

Small map, 1 AV located in the Front section, with appropriate guards. I recommend Heroic so no one can cheat since we are all on the lowest setting, have the AV set at lvl 54 with a surrounding bodyguard.

First person through and gives Kat the password from the AV Wins!



Fel, there is no "no temp powers" option in AE missions as far aw I am aware.



Although the rest of the ideas weren't so bad.



Ummmmmm, if this was held in RWZ in the AE building you could expand to include redside, but the problem becomes getting the prize money.

These are just suggestions, this is Kat's Event, her rules.

As for temp powers, Sonic is correct, i am not aware of any no powers option in AE. But on the opposite end of that is the probability of people showing they have knowledge on what temp powers to use and when to speed things up.

For a real test to wear out the person from using temp powers is the option Kat can just make a Guantlet.....Small map, appropriate guards and an AV in the back end to get to. Fastest mission time wins!

Hmmm thinking about it now Kat can make her own custom AV - CRITICAL KAT, and her hordes of Sonic henchmen (yes, i am poking fun at Sonic or her horde of KATZ! AE has so many possibilities!



problem with putting an AV in an AE at heroic is that if someone enters solo.. it becomes an EB.

also the idea of the password, well it's too easy to simply ask someone else to defeat the AV for you and give you the password. While if Kat is watching it's kinda hard to cheat.



Oops, your right about the AV if it is custom made but if the AV is a preset at lvl 54 such as Lord Recluse it would still work.

As for cheating since we all enter at the same time it would be kind of hard for someone to give another person the password and who would want to lose and give the password to someone else anyways? Yes, someone could try to add a teammate to cheat but Kat can just use Find and see if the person is solo'ing. The persons name turns grey if they are on a team.

Kat would have to choose the AV and Password just before we start because ppl could test her story in advance to get ahead of the others. But she could make the story early.



The whole point is that it's done with witnesses and the exclusion of temporary powers. The contest as stated by Kat is a blueside contest with certain restrictions.
Felecia's alternative seems designed to allow cheating and completely avoiding the limits specified in the original contest rules.
Going into an AE mission "solo" makes it impossible to verify the time to defeat the AV, and, as already pointed out, the contestant could just have a friend do it for them and provide the code. And there's no way to prevent the use of temporary powers.

While i think Felletia should feel free to organize her own contest using her suggestions, it in no way resembles or allows enforcing the conditions that are the basis of Kat's contest.
While i can see a few ways to enforce some of the rules i still don't see any way to enforce the no temp powers rule that Kat specified. i still say Fellecia should feel free to set up her own contest with her preferred rules.
"We're going to have a hot dogs with hot sauce eating contest and the referee will time how long it takes you to eat 30 without drinking any water or other liquids."
"Cool, how about i take the hot dogs home and come back and tell you how long it took me to eat them?"
"Uhmm... Well, that's kind of not... What?!"

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...