Regeneration Questions
My brute is at 19.5/hp sec with no powers active. Do you mean auto powers as well? Because I have a few of those going...
ETA: That's with no regen sets or anything yet.
My DM/EA's last recorded level (which was more than a year ago, admittedly) had him at 1.47%/second, or 29.67 HP/Second. The Final Build will be 34.6 HP/Second.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
54.76 is my highest with no powers other than autos.
What is the highest Regeneration rate in HP/sec, with no powers active, that you have gotten on one of your toons?
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you actually werent that far off.
edit* oh and yeah, about 50. Thats with health, fast healing and a couple set bonuses though.
My IO'd (with several +HP and +Regen bonuses) DB/WP Brute is at 42 and some change.
about 50.
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ETA: That's with no regen sets or anything yet.
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Uhm...not to derail, but what do you mean by "ETA"? I don't think you're using it in the right context.
ETA means: Estimated Time of Arrival, and that's a pretty standard abbreviation.
My Stone/Stone regens 51.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

ETA: That's with no regen sets or anything yet.
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Uhm...not to derail, but what do you mean by "ETA"? I don't think you're using it in the right context.
ETA means: Estimated Time of Arrival, and that's a pretty standard abbreviation.
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In this context it means Edited To Add.
In the world of the means Edited To Add. I'm in the aviation biz, I know what Estimated Time of Arrival is lol.
my WP's at 51.72 HP/Sec with minimal bonuses o.o
What is the % of that?
26.83hp/s before Dull Pain
43.95hp/s after Dull Pain
Super Strength / Invuln
Do you know the % as well? I should have asked about %'s as well when i posted but wasn't thinking.
What is the highest Regeneration rate, in HP/sec, with no powers active, just walking around regen rate, that you have gotten on one of your toons?
And yes, that was a huge run-on interrogative sentence.