Would love to read your Character's Bio's
War Admirals Bio....
"Beware the pale horse, for the rider is Death! And Hell is coming with him."
Just finished revamping mine so I'll bite.
An enigmatic hero who is easily recognized by the iconic hammer he wields in battle. There is little evidence of his life before he appeared in Paragon City but in there will always be rumors...
They say that Ashcraft's great-grandfather gave food and drink to Hephaestus after the god fell from Olympus, giving him strength and companionship when all seemed lost. Centuries later, when the gods were fading away, Hephaestus visted the decendant of that man and gave to him the Meliorus Hammer. Saying, "I have never owed any man more than I owe your forefather. Take this hammer as my legacy and these words as my will. Never destroy when you can create, never stand idle when you can act and never, never lose faith in the men and women you protect."
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
Hey Si
Virtue ------>
My main character's bio says:
"I .. am .. BATMAN!"
"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."
*Hush you... Blondie
*Dinahs Bio is on our site too!
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
Thankyou Ash
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
"I .. am .. BATMAN!"
[/ QUOTE ]
not Tony ..Tony Stark ?
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
The story of Steve II is really the story of the Stupendous Steves so enjoy
The life of Steve I began in a Crey laboratory. The DNA of an unknown superhero was mutated and combined with the DNA of a mystic from the circle of thorns. He, like the other Steves to follow, was created by evil, for evil...
Steve II was a project of the Fifth Column. A vampyr adjutant was witness to a hero raid on the Crey facility where Steve I had been created. Seizing the opportunity, he snuck in and stole the original superhero DNA. The Fifth Column then cloned their own Steve - an exact duplicate of the original!
After the Fifth column made Steve II, they decided to experiment by implanting the next clone, Steve III, with nanno technology. Doing this made him less resistant to many forms of attacks, but made his damage output much greater than those before him.
The ultimate weapons had been created, but could they be contained...?
With fists of fury, tricks of the mind, and a sniper eye like no other, the Steves were a force to be feared. They did the bidding of their tyrant masters until one day they learned the truth about their origins...
They learned of the hero, Steve, who fought along side such greats as Statesman and Manticore. They learned how he died in battle during the Rikti invasion. How his blood was taken from his body by the mad scientists of the Crey. The same blood that now rushes through their veins. Blood that stood for honor and truth...
And that now was being used to fuel the evil empire of Lord Recluse!!!
Then and there the three Steves vowed to never use their powers for evil again. They started out by seeking out those who were in league with Lord Recluse...one by one. Their quest for justice is not over, and never will be, for evil will forever lurk around every corner.
Rest assured that the Stupendous Steves will continue to fight the good fight to make Paragon City a safe place to call home.
****Steve V came later****
The Circle of Thorns, having heard rumors about the acquisition of superhero DNA, planted a mole within the Fifth Column who was able to steal a sample of this DNA without their knowledge. This sample was infused into a human embryo and subjected to bizzare occult ceremonies, in the hopes of giving their new creation not only superhuman abilities, but the control of magical energies as well.
Their experiments turned out to be a success. Not only did this being possess superhuman abilities, but he also was able to control the forces of the earth and project magical energy fields.
Steve I, II, and III learned of this scheme via the Paragon City underground and liberated this new being from the clutches of the Circle of Thorns. He was told about his origins and agreed to join The Stupendous Steves to punish those who created him in evil intent. He was given the the title Steve V.
Unfortunately on May 30th 2005, Steve V was recaptured by the the Circle of Thorns after falling in battle and is being held in one of their numerous underground bases. It's suspected that he may be subject to brainwashing by the COT in order to revert him to evil. The Stupendous Steves have searched for this secret base for months with no success or even any leads, but they continue their search nonetheless.
****Update about Steve V****
Steve V recently reappeared in Paragon City. Unfortunately his memory of the last few years seems to be missing. The Steves hope that something can be done so they can uncover what happened to their brother.
"I .. am .. BATMAN!"
[/ QUOTE ]
not Tony ..Tony Stark ?
[/ QUOTE ]
No. That would be me.
Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*
Here's my Brute.
Kral-Raiden is wanted in several galactic systems as a petty brute. It was ill fortune that had turned against him and stranded him on Earth, but Kral-Raiden is determined to make the best of his circumstances and as fate would have it he has fallen in with the "wrong" crowd. He intends to take these earthlings for every thing they have then leave the planet for a more pleasurable retirement.
Brute - Fractal Joule
Longbow threat report AX-1289W-EM/EA Classification: Experimental Energy Entity Abilities: Energy manipulation *Warning* Villain is able to manipulate energy fields to deflect attacks. Is considered extremely dangerous. If spotted please report to nearest Freedom Corps Precinct. Heroes of low security levels are NOT to engage. Previously known as Julia Eve, she was entered into a newly funded Arachnos program to have her brain physically integrated with electronic components. Her body is almost completely mechanized; only her brain and a segment of her spinal cord are organic. It is suggested that she underwent cyberization at very early age (appox. age 9). Do not be fooled, she looks very much human. She answers to no one. Not even Lord Recluse. Neither to his "most powerful" lieutenant, Black Scorpion. Specifics are sketchy at best, but it is known that his battle suit was severly damaged and he was almost killed when he was "visiting" her at one of her many safe houses in the Rogue Isles.
From Infernal Jester
I'm on your team griefing your tanks and kins and blasters and ........ well you get the point
Ver. 13
[u]PPD Detective Frietag, Suspect Interview # 2301, Case # 2300[u]
/e start playback
"Klathus said that we would be revered as his trusted associates, his...inner circle. He, of course, would be called only 'Master' for being the main cause of the demon's return to this world."
*muffled chuckling*
"He said that the demon would be more powerful than Infernal, that he could beat him and make a real name for our chapter of the Circle. He promised us that we would change the fate of Paragon forever with our new ally. Klathus...was wrong."
*delayed silence*
"We performed the ritual as instructed, opening a portal to his world. I can only imagine the type of place that would produce such a horrible creature. When the portal was opened, Klathus began to command the creature to come forth. 'Step through the gateway I have provided for you, Damien Mephisto, and bow to your master!'. The demon stepped forth, but he did not bow."
*more anxious chuckling*
"'I, Klathus, brought you to this world and you will heed my commands. You're existence is hereby bound to mine, your power an extension of my own. I command you to bow, demon!' Klathus, I was realizing, had no idea of what he was dealing with. I looked briefly up at the Spawn of Satan's face to see a smile that made my heart stop and black, soulless eyes. Those eyes will haunt me even in the afterlife, I am sure of it. Damien Mephisto had no intention of reciprocating his summoner's gesture. He spoke, then, the last words that Klathus would ever hear: 'What a joke.' That's when the room seemed to darken around him as he produced an axe and cut Klathus in half. So much for big dreams. The rest of everyone attacked immediately, but I ran away. The demon had no interest in me, so I was able to sneak away quickly."
*Silence again*
I don't even feel safe in here. I didn't know where else to turn, Detective Frietag. I feel like death himself is stalking me."
/e end recording.
My main isnt here on Champ, its an old bio, a bit cheesy, but since Si is the one asking
Night Mission
Dark/Dark Scrapper
Three college friends built a triangular lantern as part of class project. The panes were stained glass showing a stylized midnight sky and the frame was decorated with arcane symbols they collected out of various books dealing with the occult. Unknowingly, they had created a magical conduit that bestowed each of them with supernatural abilities the first time they lit it. Each of the members of the triad now embodies an aspect of the three faced god: The Youth, The Warrior, and The Wise Man. They are now the champions of the Night Sky Lantern. The Arcane Night Mission embodies the Warriors aspect. Born under a bad sign and marked with the second sight, he has been infused with an enchanted shadow that empowers and protects him. Over time, his powers have increased. Night Mission now possesses the ability to make himself nearly invisible and can project fear. He was twice gifted by the heroine Moon Crescent and is the founder of the Cold Brotherhood.
I've been told that sometimes my lucidity is frightening.
Your logic is no match for concentrated stupid. - Organica
Current MAs:
Stop the catgirl rampage! #66361
That is actually pretty cool, Nightmission.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
"I .. am .. BATMAN!"
[/ QUOTE ]
not Tony ..Tony Stark ?
[/ QUOTE ]
No. That would be me.
[/ QUOTE ]
You are missing the necessary avatar for that claim.
Surrounded, my DM/SD brute.
Running off in the direction of the scream, I abandoned the rest of my team as we oversaw the evacuation of Dark Astoria. They didn't have the manpower to send anyone after me. I saw them tear apart her mother and father, vampires. Not Council abominations of science, not the mysterious and sexy creatures of teenage fantasy, but ancient, sinewy, eternally hungry demons from some fairy tale someone forgot to write the happy ending to. They shredded my flak jacket like paper, flaying my skin with their teeth and claws as I crouched to cover the girl, her silvery blue eyes fixed on mine. I didn't hear them leave, my ragged breathing deafening to me. She was leaning over me, her eyes shining like melting silver as the sound of her blood rushing through her veins crashed around me like a waterfall. Glittering like sad jewels as the sound of her heartbeat thundered in my skull mercilessly. Frozen in hope and fear as I looked into them a final time before giving into the hunger that surrounded me.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
"I .. am .. BATMAN!"
[/ QUOTE ]
not Tony ..Tony Stark ?
[/ QUOTE ]
No. That would be me.
[/ QUOTE ]
You are missing the necessary avatar for that claim.
[/ QUOTE ]
I had it for over a year.
Just changed it.
Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*
All of my heroes and villains have bios. I have some heroes on Champion. Most notably Hot Koko, Scion Sable and Captain Atomic. But you asked for my main character, and that is the one and only Bruthaman. Being the paragon of virtue that he is... Where else would he hang his baret, but on the Virtue server! In any case, although I could very easily expand on it, both in and out of the game his brief bio is as follows:
They say that you can tell a Texan from a mile away. But thats only because you cant tell them a darned thing from up close. Lucien Thibideau was born in Galveston Texas in 1974, to Henry and Ida Mae Thibideau, a pair of low level mutants. They hadnt known that they themselves were mutants. They just knew that there was a lil sumthin special bout the two of them. Although seven years in the Texas State Pen, for involuntary manslaughter ended a very promising boxing career. Henry is still both big and fast. Ida Mae is a sweet little chocolate woman, with a real knack for cooking and doctorin on a body. She runs a boarding house for the less fortunate roun Offatts Bayou. Lucien is bigger, stronger and faster than his Dad. And instead of a knack for doctorin, hes got what he calls real Fire-power. Well, hes all grown up now and moved to Paragon City. Folks say hes a real good brutha. And hell help you if he can. Hes got a sense of purpose. Hes a surefire Bruthaman.
I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep
My Roster
Some of my favorite Bios, in no particular order:
Oswaldo, fire/rad controller
Oswaldo's powers appeared at puberty. He was always a tall gangly kid, but devilishly handsome. In his thirteenth year hormonal changes triggered spontaneous flames to erupt in his vicinity. It was one of these uncontrolable outbusts of flame that burned down his childhood home, killing his parents and little dog Scruffy. Oswaldo lost most of the skin off his face and body, but managed to flee the burning wreckage of the house before it collapsed. Fearing the authorities, and the prospect of being "disappeared" into the depths of a Crey laboratory, Oswaldo escaped the city and lived for ten years in the Badlands of North Dakota. The rocky terrain, with scattered flammable bushes proved the perfect place to hone his skills. He lived off shrubbery and rabbits, cooked on the fly. What he didn't know that the radioactive waste buried beneath his campsite was mutating him further....
[/ QUOTE ]
Entropy Kid, rad/rad defender:
There was a huge public outcry when it was discovered that Crey Industries was manufacturing toy animals stuffed with spent plutonium. Countess Crey denied all knowledge of the "mistake" and issued an immediate recall of the GlowPals line of toys. Unfortunately, the recall came too late for some children, and The Entropy Kid was created.
[/ QUOTE ]
Benny the Nose, grav/kin controller
Benny was a made man with The Family, and in training to become one of the most powerful bosses Paragon had every seen. His overdeveloped pineal gland, so large it deformed his nose, is the source of his powers. However, one day while shaking down some helpless citizens he developed a conscience. He left the Family, but nobody quits The Family with impunity. He now uses his training for the forces of good, but he will spend the rest of his life on the run from his former masters- at least until he gains enough strength to take the fight back to them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Stark Fist, kat/sr Scrap:
A former short-order cook, Stark Fist accidentally attained enlightenment whilst scrambling eggs for the world's largest western omlette. Ever since then he's been using his new powers and Magic Ginsu knife to slice up villians and serve up justice.
[/ QUOTE ]
"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett

Thankyou everyone
P.S. Less talking Tony,I believe you and Batman have a bio to post
Benny the Nose is possibly Si's fave thus far
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett

My first 50 is Sunbeam, which I still consider my "main" even though I do not play the character as often. This character originated in a Champions RPG campaign in 1992, and reprised in a Champions campaign a few years later.
Kelly Ann Powers grew up wanting to be a fighter pilot like her father, but her admission application to the USAF Academy was rejected. After graduating high school she was taking flying lessons and her fiery crash landing was caught on video. The flight instructor was sent to the hospital with severe burns while Kelly was unhurt. The video caught the attention of a fashion magazine editor which started Kelly's career as a fashion model. Her swimsuit calender was a big hit and put her on the verge of supermodel status. But her manifesting mutant powers convinced her of her true destiny to help fight the rising evil. She joined a superhero team in Miami and after they disbanded came to Paragon City.
Notes: 1) Her father's name is Corwin Anthony Powers, whose initials are C.A.P., or Combat Air Patrol. Notice Kelly's initials? Why not Cheryl or Carol? Back in 1992 I was hot on the Cheers' character Kelly (Woody's girlfriend).
2) The name of our hero group in the Sunbeam's first RPG campaign was Force Five, which is what I named my SG when I formed it. And the name originated BEFORE that movie came out (Pulp Fiction). Also, that campaign ended when Hurricane Andrew came through a few months later, which many say was a force five level hurricane.
This is my current actively-played character, on Virtue although cloned on Champion as well.
Sweltri (Sweltry on Champion, and Virtue redside)
Hi! My name is Sweltrisameera, shortened by an arrogant city official to Sweltri. I am a Djinn, or genie to most of you, forever living, forever young, but forever bound to a master or else confined to a tiny prison. I used to have great powers; but my previous master, whose name of Senesim I shall never forget, stole them and cast me adrift upon the oceans over a century ago. A master long before then had trained me in the art of the sword. With that knowledge my current master, very kind and wise but without powers of his own, has given me permission to help this good city.
Wonderfully, some of my powers have been returning slowly. I have my power of flight again, and the highly recuperative powers of the Djinn are slowing returning as well. Only time shall tell if I gain more of my powers that were stolen from me. My age is unknown as I was born quite long ago in a rich and marvelous city that has been long destroyed. I have spent years serving many masters, and ages waiting to be released from my tiny prisons.
Notes: 1) The second paragraph is not in her in-game bio (no room), but can be found on her page on the Virtueverse.com website (wish Champion had something similar). A lot more details can be found about the character and origin on that page: Sweltri
2) Senesim is an anagram of Nemesis.
3) It's not mentioned by name in the bio (there's a listing for birthplace on the webpage) but the ruined city, Ma'rib, actually is ruins in the real world.
Just because...
Twitchy McBlink's Bio
You seriously don't want to know.
Really. Stop Reading, like now.
Ok, fine! Twitchy was once just an annoying 13 year old boy with ADD when the Rikti invasion started. Despite the best efforts by heroes, a few citizen were still abducted by the aliens. One of those abducted was Twitchy.
After almost a year, Twitchy returned with green skin covered with hard pink scabs from which bones would emerge on twitchy's command. When Twitchy was found he was curled up in a little ball with a potato in his hand. He refers to his potato as George and gets very upset if someone tries to take George away from him. He speaks in a strange mix of stuttering, third person reference and unintelligible giberish. Few can understand him but everyone can tell he wished to bring back the "Spikey Spanky" on the "Wrinkly big head uglies."
Oh, and doctors also think he has Space Ebola virus.
[/ QUOTE ]
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
Please take the time to post your main character's *ongame Bio in this thread.
(Si has a long Bio which can be found on the PoM site.)
Her ongame is short and to the point:
*Your Greatest fear shall become your Strongest weapon*
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..