Increase Infamy Cap Pls
There's lots of tricks that let you surpass the cap.
You can hand it to alts.
You can place bids on items that don't exist (There's a lot of 1 bil bids on level 53 taunt and sleep sets, last I checked)
You can place stacks of low bids on things that you probably won't buy that low, and profit from if you do (someone recently posted that he used a stack of 55 mil bids on LotG +recharge to store a half billion - and ended up way ahead)
Or you could buy stuff that you need, or will need in the future (purples, PVP IOs, Uniques, etc) and stash them in the base.
Seriously, there's no need to have over 2 billion Inf. Use it, or give it to someone who needs it.
If you don't like it sitting there, bid 2 billion on a Luck Charm, then vendor it. :P
Edit: I hadn't looked at the picture, and assumed it was just a "I hit 2 bil" picture. I see now that you are storing inf. My other point still stands though: Spend it. It doesn't do you any good just sitting there.
You can place stacks of low bids on things that you probably won't buy that low, and profit from if you do (someone recently posted that he used a stack of 55 mil bids on LotG +recharge to store a half billion - and ended up way ahead)
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That was ME!!! I still have them and just watch the prices keep going up
If you don't like it sitting there, bid 2 billion on a Luck Charm, then vendor it. :P
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Do it.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
That made me laugh.
"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."
QR: Lavitae still raises valid points, and I still want the cap raised.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Some valid points.
A purple build will cost over two billion.
So, there are reasons to have more.
"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."
By the way, Bronx, you need to turn that excess influence into infamy or move it around. And I need to help.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
But if you increase the cap, you will in turn increase the prices.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Not necessarily. People have to keep their inf to get to the cap so spending it is counter productive to that goal.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
By the way, Bronx, you need to turn that excess influence into infamy or move it around. And I need to help.
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So, I'm a part of this global channel of people from Infinity and Virtue, right?
This guy asks a random question about Lion King, which I happen to [censored] love. So, I answer it .. incorrectly.
But, the guy thought it was funny and gave me 500M on Virtue.
So, now I don't know where I want the infamy as I sold a set of Apocalypse on Freedom, which should be enough to get me started. I only have babies on both.
Any suggestions?
"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."
Coming this September, I'll be trying out a new MMO. So, I'm pulling out of the market while I'll I'm away. I want my excess inventory to be in the form of infamy when I return. Moving stuff to alts is probably the best alternative. I'd hate to see my billion dollar bids on lvl 53s vanish due to some patch while I'm gone.
Given the general market inflation, and the prices on the chase PVP IO's, I don't see how they can keep such a low INF cap. Those suckers go for 300-600M Inf right now, and you can only hold 2,000M? Really, I'd like to see more effort put into reeling prices back, getting chase items around or under 100M each (and I realize the complexity of such a statement, so don't think that I don't), but barring that, raising the inf cap would at least allow a body to go shopping without having to bid/convert/mule INF around on alts all the time.
Given the general market inflation, and the prices on the chase PVP IO's, I don't see how they can keep such a low INF cap. Those suckers go for 300-600M Inf right now, and you can only hold 2,000M? Really, I'd like to see more effort put into reeling prices back, getting chase items around or under 100M each (and I realize the complexity of such a statement, so don't think that I don't), but barring that, raising the inf cap would at least allow a body to go shopping without having to bid/convert/mule INF around on alts all the time.
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Since they're nerfing the PvP IO drop rate, I don't think they really care about prices in the slightest. Considering how most MMO's do things, I'd expect them to take the ridiculous band-aid step of raising the inf cap.
hey phob, mind teaching me some tricks before you take a break? Seriously, i'm lowsy at the market and can use some advice. PM me
I wonder if there are people as equally inept at the market as the OP is at being adept at the market? This isn't kindergarten, we can't all get gold stars for trying.
Is there someone out there that's been rooked out of like 20 billion inf?
I wonder if there are people as equally inept at the market as the OP is at being adept at the market? This isn't kindergarten, we can't all get gold stars for trying.
Is there someone out there that's been rooked out of like 20 billion inf?
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What are you talking about.
Just say no.
There is a limit on what you can charge for something in game and there is a limit on how much one character can hold.
This is one way from keeping the game from being exploited even more by gold farmers.
If anything lower the caps on prices on the markets and the amount of inf that a character can hold.
Just say no.
There is a limit on what you can charge for something in game and there is a limit on how much one character can hold.
This is one way from keeping the game from being exploited even more by gold farmers.
If anything lower the caps on prices on the markets and the amount of inf that a character can hold.
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Economics is not your strong suit is it?
Just say no.
There is a limit on what you can charge for something in game and there is a limit on how much one character can hold.
This is one way from keeping the game from being exploited even more by gold farmers.
If anything lower the caps on prices on the markets and the amount of inf that a character can hold.
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Can you please point to 1 time in history that price caps helped? Remember gas in the 70s?
Can you please point to 1 time in history that price caps helped? Remember gas in the 70s?
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OMG!!! do I EVER!!! thanks for the bad
Just got my license,
just got my car,
just got a job at McD and then
had to park the car cus I could not wait 3 hours to get gas,
then lost the job cus the bus would not work on McD's schedule.
oh well
Yeah, the problem with price caps is that people would just sell offmarket.
If you want stuff to go down in price, provide more of it basically.
Pie in the sky stuff:
* Ask the Devs to seed the Market with tens of thousands of Purples, PvP IOs, Uniques at all levels, etc etc.
Heh, that's not going to happen of course. There really isn't an easy solution because of the system we have.
* Perhaps if you couldn't resell an item you just bought (throughout your account, to prevent alt swapping) for a period...which doesn't seem like it would work either.
* Purple Booster! - Obtain all Purples for 4.99 + applicable sales taxes! They'd simply set up a Purple merhcant, you hand them your tokens and cash them in for Purples. Hehe, even more pie in the sky.
Actually, the simpler solution might just be a higher game pop. More people playing = more production of items = more items in circulation etc. Or increasing the drop rate such that people can obtain X item in X time played. In this manner, you could add Purps to Merit tables (though they'd have to be pricey...) and even Tickets (likely unfeasible because of the rapdity of reaching Ticket cap).
Edit: Heh, some guy just self-destructed at the Mercy market here in front of my Therm, too busy selling Salvage to help out sadly.
I wouldn't mind them revisiting the Market 'soon', either a Merge or a revamp of the Market engine/display/info available or something...the Market's been pretty unchanged so far...
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
It all started with a single lotg +7.5% drop following issue 11. The amount seen in that picture is just a small glimpse of my wealth. (The rest are IOs in builds or vg bins located on Freedom)
All money generated is from Market Flipping. That's a market build only, I prefer using my Thugs/Darks over bots/Traps for missions. So my bots/traps has been perma-parked at BM for convenient 5m log in checks during the week when time permits. The only money that flows, is from that build to others.
Not that it matters much, playing habits: 6-10h/week.
Apprx 2h gaming sessions 3-5 nights/week.
Gaming 5 nights/week is not the norm.
Missions, TFs, PvP. Finally, single account holder.
Despite all my bragging, I'm an example that proves you don't need to farm or play endlessly to earn the expensive stuff.