Picture This! Second Cappucino Maker Edition!
Oh makin' praetorians, awesome!
*scoots desk next to TremDei's*
I assume Praetorian swap means make an "Evil" version of your hero? ( or good if you have a villain )
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
I assume Praetorian swap means make an "Evil" version of your hero? ( or good if you have a villain )
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Hrm, "Animalistic" eh? I'm gonna love seeing a feral version of my main.
Glad I checked this. Now to decide who I want to use.
Oh Yogurttttt.....where art thou, Yogurt? /e binoculars
The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT
Cool. My main villie definitely needs a makeover.
Huh. Gender swap doesn't leave much to work with. Just recreate the costume with a body type of the opposite gender? Lame. :/
http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN
Huh. Gender swap doesn't leave much to work with. Just recreate the costume with a body type of the opposite gender? Lame. :/
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The only requirement in gender swap is exactly that: swap the gender. The rest of the costume is still fair game to re-imagine how you would like.
Huh. Gender swap doesn't leave much to work with. Just recreate the costume with a body type of the opposite gender? Lame. :/
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The only requirement in gender swap is exactly that: swap the gender. The rest of the costume is still fair game to re-imagine how you would like.
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Well you no my costume is already awesome so not much to change
Huh. Gender swap doesn't leave much to work with. Just recreate the costume with a body type of the opposite gender? Lame. :/
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I agree.
Finding something mystical and seductive like Witch Leather, isn't as easy on male characters.
After finding a mystical artifact in an underground cavern in South America, VexXxa transformed from a woman http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i1...aApril2009.jpg , to a man! The shocking transformation astonished her fans, leaving many to wonder how this happend?! It was magic, of course.
Ok, so its not a "man" man, but its still a man, pink coloring aside :P
ok I was paired with Electagonist and he gave me Shock Exchange to work with after reading her Bio I decided to go with a Dynasty Era Look I hope you all enjoy, as I had a blast designing this outfit !
My turn!
I got paired up with TremDei to re-make his Emp/Elec Defender Nezumi-Ko. This was the information on the hero I recieved via PM:
Once a forest mouse, Nezumi was chosen by the Archmage Sogo Takamichi to be his familiar. Gradually, he discovered she was no ordinary mouse, and transformed her into a more 'human' form, eventually adopting her as his daughter, teaching her how to wield magical healing spells and fling bolts of lightning.
One day, while Nezumi was cleaning house, a group of Circle mages attacked, and in order to make sure she was safe, Takamichi teleported her to Paragon City, where she could be safe. Over the course of three years, Nezumi grew from a frightened little country mouse, to a powerful mage in her own right, making friends along the way.
Nezumi is a happy-go-lucky type who has come to care for everyone she meets, giving them 'mousehugs' to make them feel welcome. She loves to cook, and has recently started work as a fashion model for Icon. Her biggest dream, however, is to become a powerful Archmage, like her Papa, using magic for the good of humankind.
She does have a temper, though, and if someone gets her angry, or hurts one of her friends, she will try her best to make sure that person regrets it.
We were to side-switch our characters so I made a mousey villainess!
I tried to keep a similar (but darker) color scheme and went with a more 'grown-up mage' look. I was thinking perhaps her Praetorian persona had actually been taken in league with the Circle of Thorns and worked for them as a powerful mage. Still wanted to keep some of the cuteness so went with the shorts and platforms.
Anyway, hope you like it TremDei!
I have no idea which of my characters to do yet, but if you're out there, Fukushu, go ahead and send me the details of your character (or, even better, email me the costume save file at agentfoo@gmail.com!). That'll probably encourage me to actually log in and look at my dudes.
I went through about 6 or 7 iterations with Bubbawheat's character before I found something I liked. I was sorely tempted to keep the costume for myself for a future character. Oh well.
Anyway, here are a couple screenshots from Bubbawheat's gallery and the bio provided:
Time Shifter started out his current life cycle as an experiment in temporal transference. He was able to more or less syphon time from those around him. From their perspective, they would repeat a few minutes, or a day, and Time Shifter would repeat that time as well, speeding his learning software and upgrading his hardware. The more people around him, the more quickly he would evolve as it were, although the further along in the process, the more power he needed. Now he is at a point where people are of no use for him, he needs to seek out other temporal anomalies to further his advancement. He is now collecting artifacts and travelling to time anomalies everywhere he hears about them.
My version (Praetorian):
Like our world's Timeshifter, Timeripper began as an experiment. Unlike Timeshifter, he went somewhat insane, and his goal is to use his powers to rip apart time and create chaos. His ultimate goal - to rip apart all time streams in ALL dimensions, break down all dimensional barriers, and essentially create Armageddon. His archenemies are the Oroborans, who are continually undoing all of his hard work.
Time Ripper Photo 1
Time Ripper Photo 2
Time Ripper Photo 3
Time Ripper Photo 4
Time Ripper Photo 5
Time Ripper Photo 6
Time Ripper Photo 7
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
Everyone looks great so far! But if I do say so myself, GlameEnchantress' Praetorian costume looks the best.
But still, everything looks great!
Everyone looks great so far! But if I do say so myself, GlameEnchantress' Praetorian costume looks the best.
But still, everything looks great!
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Thank you! I enchant glames quite nicely also!
Nice! Now I just have to get that half a level to my second costume slot.
But first, I went into the MA to return the favor for your Pratorian version of Hercules.
I drew my inspiration from the part of the myth where he wears the lion's pelt that he defeated when he was a baby. Here's Heracles
second view
side view
I have no idea which of my characters to do yet, but if you're out there, Fukushu, go ahead and send me the details of your character (or, even better, email me the costume save file at agentfoo@gmail.com!). That'll probably encourage me to actually log in and look at my dudes.
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Sorry for holding you up Foo, I didn't realize I was in the contest but cool . Here is mine for you to do your take on.
Shimoyaka, my ice/ice tanker...the Japanes Frankenstein. I like his main (and only costume) but could never get anything else I liked so this will help alot.
Okay here we go for my thingy. So i was paired up with Suichiro. My theme was to change the gender of 'Massacre' Melanie. This was her costume close and far. Her bio is: A once amiable and kind faerie, Mel was forcefully summoned into our world and bound to an assassin as his servant. She was to be a magical weapon for him to use in his scheme to gain power, but she was too kind to obey the orders to hurt people. So she was systematically broken and remade into a living tool that he could use. In the process, her mind fractured and created a new dominant personality to perform the tasks as well as protect her from further harm.
The new personality rebelled and sought freedom through destruction. In her desperate and broken thought process, she became obsessed with the idea that if she could burn everything down, she'd be able to escape this world and return to her own. Melanie now roams the landscape of the Rogue Isles, seeking the power she needs to end it all. Woe be it to anyone who gets in her way.
Now to start off with I'll just tell you I'm not to great with bios so i just didn't mess with it most likely i just would make all the "she" to "he" but now for the costume i did this:
I stuck with the bicker look but changed well the gender. One thing i always see is that females have smaller horns and males will have big horns in the wild so i made it so that the male had the bigger horns. I also put some fire action going on to make him look evil and i went for an old look so i gave him a beard and made him bald. I changed the pants because the tights just did not look good on the guys and gave him vanguard boots because i thought they looked cool. I got rid of the spiked shoulders and gave him a chain instead and finally i gave him a little cape.
I have no idea which of my characters to do yet, but if you're out there, Fukushu, go ahead and send me the details of your character (or, even better, email me the costume save file at agentfoo@gmail.com!). That'll probably encourage me to actually log in and look at my dudes.
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Sorry for holding you up Foo, I didn't realize I was in the contest but cool . Here is mine for you to do your take on.
Shimoyaka, my ice/ice tanker...the Japanes Frankenstein. I like his main (and only costume) but could never get anything else I liked so this will help alot.
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Cool. You can do my character, Wander. He's an immortal who was born at the dawn of man.
OK, this is a bit of a rush job because I leave for vacation tomorrow, so I hope RideFireFox isn't too disappointed.
I give you the discoqueen, Hubba Bubbles:
Original version: http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j8...ubblespost.png
Bio: Hubba Bubbles was once a normal disco queen, she spent her nights at the grooviest clubs in town; until one night. . . . . . .
One club offered a magical bubbly experience; there was an unfortunate accident though. One of the bubble maker machines malfunctioned, there was an explosion and Hubba Bubbles was caught in it. After she recovered she found she was able to project bubbles at will.
With the help of Hero Corps she learned how to make her bubbles stronger, strong enough to shield others. She soon hit the streets to help other heroes defend the city.
Unfortunately due to the common problems Portal Corporation cause in their many exploration projects, she was pulled into our time stream, and has been stranded here ever since.
Ever nostalgic for her own era, Hubba Bubbles decided to use one of the Time Menders' Pillars of Ice and Flame to try to return home. But Murphy's Law intervened again, and instead of returning to her own time and time stream, she slipped into an alternate future that looked vaguely familiar to her.
On Earth 4391, a global thermonuclear war wreaked havoc on civilization in 1988. Few records of the prewar era survived, but then, in 2027 explorers discovered a cache of pristine old videos in a vault in what used to be California. As the only link to the past, the videos became very popular and soon everyone who had means to watch them had a copy. Their popularity dictated everything from fashion to the names of newborn babies to the direction of technological research.
Unfortunately, the videos were all from the vault of an uber-rich sci-fi fan and collector, so the fashions and future of Earth 4391 came to resemble reruns of Logan's Run, Battlestar Galactica, and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.
In this future, silver and gold lamé were traded like precious metals, and if your hair wasn't feathered, you were a social pariah. Hubba Bubbles, ever the fashion-conscious superhero made the most of what was available in this era when putting together a new costume. And while she wouldn't give in to her hairdresser, Twiki's insistance on the "Farrah" cut, she did agree to something a little more practical.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
my pair up partner: Cauda, theme: ancient
Character and Bio: Eventide
Original Costume
My take on her for the theme, starting with her bio:
Naomi "The Fox" Hills. At least that's how she's known to those who have have been fortunate enough to survive a run-in with her. Not much is known of her or of any certainty. Those who have claimed to run into her mostly mention the fabled Tombstone as where fate crossed their paths, and moreso Boothill Cemetary. Rumors circulate the town widely, but aren't limited to it.
Her criminal and merciless deeds span to Douglas and Bisbee too. Travelers to the area are most certainly warned to steer clear of an encounter with her. Once a woman of the law, she was quick a draw as any in the land. That made the town residents feel safe. But their safety would not last long. Naomi soon became apathetic, not caring about her fellow man, and soon did what she pleased regardless if they fell within the laws or not. The other lawmen tried to round her up, but they fatally found just how much she was one of the deadliest guns of the West.
She dropped the deputies and sheriffs without breaking a sweat and then left Tombstone, last being seen riding past Boothill. Many say half of the unmarked graves were bodies that she put there. Many don't disagree, many have heard that while her time as deputy she struck up a friendship with some Apache in the area, and after leaving the law she continued relations. They say that's how she learned to be so quick on the draw, and why she's known as "the Fox."
Even her last name gives chills to those who know of her reputation. Known early in life as Naomi Isley, after the incident in Tombstone and her legendary ride past Boothill Cemetary, many people started calling her Naomi Hills. Unconfirmed tales from strangers at bars say that they've heard a woman matching her description use the name when pressed to identify herself. It's never been confirmed as they say, many that confront Naomi rarely live past the tell of their experience.
So if your journey takes you to OK Corral and Tombstone, one might heed warning to keep to the main roads and watch for any ominous characters. If you run into her, play your cards right, you might just live to tell your kin of Naomi "the Fox" Hills.
Old West look
Hanging out at Boothill
Quickest and Deadliest in the West
This look took me a while to work on, as I had both the wide open "ancient" look to play around with. Ancient could mean any era or culture. And second, Eventide was the character to reimagine. Being a Virtue char, Eventide already had a pretty intense and detailed background and personality. I wanted to give the reimagined Eventide as much detail as I could, but still sticking to the game rules and theme.
The Old West probably isn't really ancient, compared to say the Romans or Egyptians, and it tends be considered more historic, but after reading Eventide's adventures, she seemed natural to fit into the Old West. I'll admit I went for the usual spaghetti Western motifs and usual stereotypes to a mild degree, but that was kinda part of the fun. I started on her bio, as I couldn't really use "Eventide" for her character name, so I took her current name, Naomi Voss-Illsley and adapted it to her historic self. The first name I obviously kept. To give her a nickname, something common of old west names, I took the last name Voss, and literally turned it into its meaning, Fox. Bingo. nickname. And the last name I just shifted phonetically a little bit and tied it to her setting. I generally took real historic locations and put a fictional legend onto it, as well as tried to parallel Eventide's past. Naomi's stint as a deputy to Eventide's time in the Legacy Chain. The Apache as either Arachnos or the Sisterhood.
From there I started on the costume. Again, pretty typical outlaw look, while still trying to keep the pattern of Eventide's color to tie Naomi back to her. The star on her trench jacket is supposed to be an old worn sheriff's star. Not too precise but it fits. The only part of the costume I wasn't really happy was the shirt under the trench. There wasn't anything that seemed like it would seem like clothing back in the West, so I just used the dress shirt, and just made it plain black. The rest I'm pretty satisfied how it all fit together.
I definitely had fun with this, seeing how creative I could get and having the freedom of an open theme to stick to. I hope Cauda is happy with it as much as I had fun on it.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Ladies & Gentlemen. And Foo. Welcome to the Second Cappucino Maker Edition of Picture This, the forum game where you get to re-imagine a fellow players character! This edition comes with random themes. I tried to have the themes be as vague as possible so as to not be limiting too much. Pair ups and themes generated through random.org. Heres how it works.
1) Prepare 1-3 Screenshots of your character and a short biography of your character.
2) Exchange these screenshots and description with the player you have been matched up with. Lets try to keep this thread clear; exchange information through PMs.
3) Reimagine your buddys character using your randomly picked theme as loose guidance. Like Ancient could mean medieval or ancient alien race, Futuristic could be sleek sci-fi or neo steampunk, the only one that's pretty cut and dry is Swap gender. Your final creation should be recognizable as the original character.
4) Post the original reference shots and the screenshots of your creation one this thread along with a concise biography. Feel free to include commentary too about your process, especially how your creation relates to the theme you were given.
Here's what it looked like last time.
And now on to the pair-ups!
Electagonist + EnnVee = Ancient
VexXxa + Yogurt = Swap Gender
Turkey Lurkey + Mariner = Ancient
TremDei + Flame Enchantress = Praetorian/alignment swap
Larissa Rasputin + Gray Huntress = Praetorian/alignment swap
Bayani + Clobbertime = Classic
Hericane + Cauda = Ancient
Juggertha + Nightmyst = Parody
Suichiro + tuter king = Swap Gender
Bubbawheat + Hercules = Praetorian/alignment swap
PeteyCat + Red Valkyrja = Modern
ddgryphon + BlackJackDavy = No theme
Xzero45 + Barron = Animalistic
mousedroid + RedFirefox = Futuristic
Fukushu + The Foo = Ancient
Blackberry Thorn + Johnnykat = Futuristic
Power Stream + The Masked Shrike = No theme
General Knowledge + John Printemps = Modern
Edit: Forgot to add a deadline. Let's put it for two weeks from now, which would be July 20.