Transferring Influence.
Nope, you need to have a 3rd party, whether that 3rd party is another person or a second account or the market (which is VERY risky).
Nope, nothing like that. The only way to do it yourself is through the Auction Houses, ParagonWiki has information on how to do it.
Note that you will lose some inf in the process and there is no recourse should someone manage to steal your transfer, so be careful.
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
Thanks for the replies. Sounds like I need to just find someone I trust ...
I guess I could setup a trial account, but aren't they limited on the amount of inf they can hold?
It is not risky to use the market if you half half a functioning brain cell.
All of the markets hero-side and villain-side are cross-server, so it doesn't matter if your hero is on Freedom and you want to transfer to a hero on Virtue, but it does matter if you are trying a hero to villain transfer, which won't work using Wentworth's.
So, the easy way (for me) was to find a low level, unused crafted IO enhancement, like a level 12 Cacophony, and find one that has only one for sale (or if many are available, buy them all up). Buy it with the character you want to send Infl. to, not the one with all the money.
That is absolutely critical, that you buy up all of them, and I suggest to make it even easier, buy it for a funky amount like 4567 Influence. Note that the sale will indicate the amount and date purchased. If another goes for sale and is bought and relisted to try and gank you, you'll see it.
You then place it for sale for an amount that is essentially "gank" proof, like 199,999. If someone wants to buy it and relist it, you'll see the 4567 sale and a sale for at least 199,999. You just made money off of a thief!
The only other real "risk" is that someone will scroll through all the low level crafted IO's, see that the one at the level you picked was bought, have one handy and place it for sale and you will buy it and lose all that influence. This won't happen.
In the dozens of transfers I've done, not once has this happened.
The simplest security is not to tell anyone you are doing it, and to place all of your toons involved in the transfer at WW's.
Logging off takes 30 seconds, logging in another 30 or so, and it is not likely that anyone will gank you.
So then its simple. Log off the toon who needs the money, log on with the toon who has the money, buy the IO for whatever you want to pay and minus the fees you have successfully "transferred" the Infl. The toon who listed the IO will have sold the IO and pocketed the Infl from your toon, who bought a level 12 Cacophony for $50 million.
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Transfering influence is very easy and risk free. You will lose a little in fees. I have transfered infl to other characters many times.
Go to the WW/BM with your poor character and find something that has zero for sale. lvl 20 DOs are best, a belt or an amulet often have none for sale. Go buy one in the store (mutation or whatever). Put it up for sale at the WW/BM for one infl more than you paid. Log off. Log on the rich character. Buy the item for much much more than its worth.
Thanks for the help guys
makes me wonder about the more insane things people have tried to use in the ww/bm to transfer influence.
personal best was doing it with inspirations, and i was sweating it the whole time. i have no idea what the next person, who tried to buy a medium green, thought of the multiple 90,000,000 inf sales.
anyone else have a radical vector they've used to transfer through?
Kittens give Morbo gas.
Worked like a charm.
Hard part was finding something that was 0 or 1 that I could buy out for cheap... Only took about 10 mins though. Was my first time to try, so it worked out well enough and didn't take too long.
Thanks again for the advice.
Worked like a charm.
Hard part was finding something that was 0 or 1 that I could buy out for cheap... Only took about 10 mins though. Was my first time to try, so it worked out well enough and didn't take too long.
Thanks again for the advice.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was sweating like a pig in heat the first time I did it.
After that, I realized the odds of someone knowing what I was doing was zero. The only real way to get ripped is to either tell someone or to be sloppy and not notice a sale after yours.
Level 4 Taunt IO, Redside.
They always work.
Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:
It is not risky to use the market if you half half a functioning brain cell.
[/ QUOTE ]
Opening with an insult. Way to go!
The only other real "risk" is that someone will scroll through all the low level crafted IO's, see that the one at the level you picked was bought, have one handy and place it for sale and you will buy it and lose all that influence. This won't happen.
[/ QUOTE ]
....It has happened before, it will happen again. It's not -likely-, but to say it -won't happen- is a flat-out lie.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
It is not risky to use the market if you half half a functioning brain cell.
[/ QUOTE ]
Opening with an insult. Way to go!
The only other real "risk" is that someone will scroll through all the low level crafted IO's, see that the one at the level you picked was bought, have one handy and place it for sale and you will buy it and lose all that influence. This won't happen.
[/ QUOTE ]
....It has happened before, it will happen again. It's not -likely-, but to say it -won't happen- is a flat-out lie.
[/ QUOTE ]
What were the conditions?
That is key.
As for opening with an insult, its only an insult if you take it as such. If you are that touchy, perhaps a kinder, gentler message board is for you.
I'm sure there are plenty out there.
It won't happen if you take the simple precaution of using half of a functioning brain cell.
If it does happen, the person was sloppy. It is very easy to see that someone purchased your item for sale, or has listed another since my advice was to look for something with only one for sale, or to buy up all available whatevers.
No need to make a mountain out of a molehill without giving the conditions and specifics of how someone got ripped off.
Otherwise, it won't happen.
I tried this a long time ago. Every single item I looked at had at least one listed, and each time I bought it, another appeared instantly, so there was ALWAYS one listed. Couldn't get it to change.
It didn't seem likely that dozens of slots were being watched by players who instantly threw new DOs and TOs into the slots I'd bought every time I boguht one, so I decided either someone was using bots or the system was bugged.
From what I read here, other people have not had this experience. Good for them.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
What were the conditions?
That is key.
As for opening with an insult, its only an insult if you take it as such.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sorry, but how can stating that people who've lost money through BM/WW transfers that they don't have half a brain sell *NOT* an insult?
Point is, this transfer is NOT 100% safe, and if someone loses money from this it's not necessarily because they did it wrong. So do take your attitude and return it to the place you pulled it from.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
What were the conditions?
That is key.
As for opening with an insult, its only an insult if you take it as such.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sorry, but how can stating that people who've lost money through BM/WW transfers.. that they don't have half a brain cell *NOT* an insult?
Point is, this transfer is NOT 100% safe, and if someone loses money from this it's not necessarily because they did it wrong. So do take your attitude and return it to the place you pulled it from.
[/ QUOTE ] Fixed. (couldn't resist. lol)
well its not a safe way to do it thiers risk and i wish the world was a nice place but im sure thiers some1 right now at a ww/bm watching the low lvl ench trying to gank ur cash use this method at your own risk or find a real good freind on anther server and have him help you or just 1 for 1 trade give it to him on 1 server and then he logs on other server with a rich toon and gives u the same amount. GL
Step 1: Make friends.
Step 2:
I think if you want to transfer influence, you're better off doing it with solid assets rather than raw Inf itself. Rare salvage or recipes, or even some high-level enhancement drops, can all sell for a lot of money to a lowbie.
It is not risky to use the market if you half half a functioning brain cell.
[/ QUOTE ]
I dunno....most are gonna have a bit of trouble if they half half a brain cell. I've halfed half my brain cells in the past, and I hardly remember a thing!
Step 1: Make friends.
Step 2:
[/ QUOTE ]
yes this seems the best method
Step 1: Make friends.
Step 2:
[/ QUOTE ]
Step 3: Profit!
Step 1: Make friends.
Step 2:
[/ QUOTE ]
Step 3: Profit!
[/ QUOTE ]
That's what popped in my head too. lol, what is that from?
Is there some way to transfer influence from one character on your account to another without having to trade it to a 3rd party then have them trade it to another character? Like a shared bank or something?