Best scrapper builds
I just got back into CoH, I played from issue 1-6 or so, been playing WoW for 3-4 years. Anyhoo I'm looking for a bit of advice getting my scrapper back up to snuff, Im currently Claws/Invuln which I understand has been nerfed back to the stone age from the guides Ive looked at. Just looking for a point in the right direction to whats the top dps build right now, thanks.
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Top DPS at the moment is either Fire/Shield or DM/Shield. The nice thing about them is that they're also capable of remarkable survival because it's not particularly difficult to softcap their defenses. Claws/Invuln is still a perfectly viable build. In fact, with the I13 changes to Invuln, it's actually remarkably good.
Yeah, you'll be fine with Claws/Invuln. The scrapper combinations are very nicely balanced in PvE these days. There are better and worse choices for various objectives, but there are no clear winners and losers.
I have a theory that Katana/Shield can achieve the highest DPS with billions of influence spent, but I haven't worked it all out yet.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
The 'best' scrapper build seems to change every five minutes. Claws/Invuln is rarely used, but that doesn't at all mean its bad, it probably just isn't a common thematic pairing. Invuln has recently got some buffs to make it quite viable without being overpowered.
Yeah, you'll be fine with Claws/Invuln. The scrapper combinations are very nicely balanced in PvE these days. There are better and worse choices for various objectives, but there are no clear winners and losers.
I have a theory that Katana/Shield can achieve the highest DPS with billions of influence spent, but I haven't worked it all out yet.
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Let us know when you make that Katana/Shield... I'll be right behind you with a Spines/Shield.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

Got me a claws/inv, works real good. One thing that I played with was the benefit of having mobs in range of Invincibility vs. the benefit of having mobs on their butts against a wall via Shockwave. Best of all is having them on their butts in range of Invincibility
Yeah, you'll be fine with Claws/Invuln. The scrapper combinations are very nicely balanced in PvE these days. There are better and worse choices for various objectives, but there are no clear winners and losers.
I have a theory that Katana/Shield can achieve the highest DPS with billions of influence spent, but I haven't worked it all out yet.
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Let us know when you make that Katana/Shield... I'll be right behind you with a Spines/Shield.
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Oh. I AM retarded. Never mind. Nothing to see here. *chuckle*
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
<3 Fire/Regain
Yeah, you'll be fine with Claws/Invuln. The scrapper combinations are very nicely balanced in PvE these days. There are better and worse choices for various objectives, but there are no clear winners and losers.
I have a theory that Katana/Shield can achieve the highest DPS with billions of influence spent, but I haven't worked it all out yet.
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Let us know when you make that Katana/Shield... I'll be right behind you with a Spines/Shield.
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Oh. I AM retarded. Never mind. Nothing to see here. *chuckle*
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hee hee. <adds page to favorites for reference of a good Werner newb moment in history>
j/k Werner.
Yeah, you'll be fine with Claws/Invuln. The scrapper combinations are very nicely balanced in PvE these days. There are better and worse choices for various objectives, but there are no clear winners and losers.
I have a theory that Katana/Shield can achieve the highest DPS with billions of influence spent, but I haven't worked it all out yet.
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Let us know when you make that Katana/Shield... I'll be right behind you with a Spines/Shield.
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Oh. I AM retarded. Never mind. Nothing to see here. *chuckle*
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Just think how nasty it would be if scrappers had the current version of super strength, you'd be looking at sub 4 minute pylon killing.
The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.
Yeah, you'll be fine with Claws/Invuln. The scrapper combinations are very nicely balanced in PvE these days. There are better and worse choices for various objectives, but there are no clear winners and losers.
I have a theory that Katana/Shield can achieve the highest DPS with billions of influence spent, but I haven't worked it all out yet.
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Let us know when you make that Katana/Shield... I'll be right behind you with a Spines/Shield.
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Oh. I AM retarded. Never mind. Nothing to see here. *chuckle*
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Katana will still be up on top of the heap in terms of DPS in quite a few situations, at least according to the number's I've come up with, although it's never that far in front of or behind Dark Melee. I think the problem, which was rather ineloquently brought to light by BillzBubba's comparison threads recently, is that people take the calculated DPS or the tested in-game DPS to define some Scrapper primaries in their entirety, and this is simply not the case - the rest of your build and the situation at hand can make all the difference in the world.
the rest of your build and the situation at hand can make all the difference in the world.
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This is true. How often are you beating on a single target for more than a minute while surrounded by a large number of other targets? It's not a particularly common situation to be found in, even on TFs.
<3 Fire/Regain
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My main hero is a 50 Fire/Regen Scrapper and I absolutely LOVE playing him. Fire Melee hits very hard (and against a single target, that DoT really adds up) and it had quick activations. Also, there is no weapon so when you use any power from Regen, you don't cause redraw. Which is very nice.
Yeah, you'll be fine with Claws/Invuln. The scrapper combinations are very nicely balanced in PvE these days. There are better and worse choices for various objectives, but there are no clear winners and losers.
I have a theory that Katana/Shield can achieve the highest DPS with billions of influence spent, but I haven't worked it all out yet.
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Let us know when you make that Katana/Shield... I'll be right behind you with a Spines/Shield.
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Oh. I AM retarded. Never mind. Nothing to see here. *chuckle*
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Just think how nasty it would be if scrappers had the current version of super strength, you'd be looking at sub 4 minute pylon killing.
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Maybe Energy Melee too =P for PvPers.
If you like Invulnerability, check out Willpower, which is another concept friendly set that occupies territory between Invuln and Regen. I made a Spines/WP scrapper a couple months ago, and that character was my fastest levelling ever.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
If you like Invulnerability, check out Willpower, which is another concept friendly set that occupies territory between Invuln and Regen. I made a Spines/WP scrapper a couple months ago, and that character was my fastest levelling ever.
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Mine too.
And fun fun fun every step of the way.
Thanks for the input, Ill prolly stick to the current build till I can build up enough inf to re enhance everything.... damn when I left 13 mil influence was alot, friggin economy.
It would be nice, but I don't think we'll ever see it for just that reason. KB is, I think, the single biggest melee hit in the game, so it would be sweet to see it boosted by the scrapper's base melee multiplier.
Speaking of which, a SS tanker (willpower or regen, I forget) makes an excellent scrapper thanks to the fury.
I have a 44 SS tanker and she runs and fights like a scrapper. The DPS is feels very scrapper-like, and the KB is just lovely (tanker base damage multiplier is higher than brute base. Brutes rely on rage. Or fury. I forget which is which ).
"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"
ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"
It would be nice, but I don't think we'll ever see it for just that reason. KB is, I think, the single biggest melee hit in the game, so it would be sweet to see it boosted by the scrapper's base melee multiplier.
Speaking of which, a SS tanker (willpower or regen, I forget) makes an excellent scrapper thanks to the fury.
I have a 44 SS tanker and she runs and fights like a scrapper. The DPS is feels very scrapper-like, and the KB is just lovely (tanker base damage multiplier is higher than brute base. Brutes rely on rage. Or fury. I forget which is which ).
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You might have just triggered another "Super Strength Tanker vs. [Insert Scrapper Primary Here]" debate, but in short, SS doesn't really stack up numerically to most of the better STDPS Scrapper sets by quite a margin (at least, that was the conclusion of the last one of these debates). The secondary control effects are what make Super Strength shine IMHO, much like Stone Melee.
Speaking of which, a SS tanker (willpower or regen, I forget) makes an excellent scrapper thanks to the fury.
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Tankers have Gauntlet not Fury, would be willpower as tankers do not have regen.
I have a 44 SS tanker and she runs and fights like a scrapper. The DPS is feels very scrapper-like, and the KB is just lovely (tanker base damage multiplier is higher than brute base. Brutes rely on rage. Or fury. I forget which is which ).
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Tankers do have a higher base damage than Brutes. But it doesn't take much to build fury high enough to negate the difference. Plus Brutes damage bonus caps at 750% more than double tanker bonus.
I'd love to have a ss on scappers. It would give that badass superman fists of steel feel.
Well.. basically, same here xP
for the OP,
you'll be fine with /Inv, more than fine, it's recently got a little love and is incredibly survivable, my /Inv is honestly the first scrapper I've had where I've gone "hmm, maybe I should pick-up Taunt?" - it's that good.
So having a Katana/Inv wouldn't be a bad idea?
I know this may seem to be off topic of the OP, but hey, gotta get my advice somewhere, right?
Member of Operation Unlimited Justice!
You only wish you were this epic.

10 Drop Ships taken down.

I'd love to have a ss on scappers. It would give that badass superman fists of steel feel.
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I want elec melee first. Having far too much fun on the elec/inv brute.
I just got back into CoH, I played from issue 1-6 or so, been playing WoW for 3-4 years. Anyhoo I'm looking for a bit of advice getting my scrapper back up to snuff, Im currently Claws/Invuln which I understand has been nerfed back to the stone age from the guides Ive looked at. Just looking for a point in the right direction to whats the top dps build right now, thanks.