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  1. Yeah, it's been a day or two since I hit 20 and I've relogged in as the character a few times. Apparently it doesn't unlock since I started him in preatoria.
    That seems kindof lame, I guess I'll have to reroll him starting in the isles. Especially lame since it told me I unlocked them.
  2. I have a level 38 blaster and 20 brute in the rogue isles and a 22 mastermind in paragon. When I hit level 20 with my brute, it said I unlocked the villain epics, but I am unable to actually create any.
  3. The only difference is in the type. LR will do a little bit more sometimes because of the energy damage being less resisted.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    I wouldn't turn exp off just once you hit 50 oura the rest GL.
    Not every mission is in ouroboros.
  5. I don't have the martial arts pack yet.

    Also, I'm thinking about picking up stealth+ss so I can ghost some missions.
  6. Awesome.

    I will do up to the bank for each level range I think. I don't think you can ever run out of radio missions. The temporary travel powers will be really nice to have though.
  7. So, I just created a scrapper with the intention of soloing every mission in the game. I have done this because I want to play through all the content. And with the new(for me) difficulty options, I can use power combos that would usually be more suited for a team. I'll probably have to team up for TFs and stuff though.

    I have a few questions though,
    What level should I turn XP off on? 4,9,14,19,etc; or 5,10,15,20,etc?
    I went with Electric/Willpower, are there any powers that are bad? I was originally thinking of skipping the clap one, but it seems like a great mitigation tool, especially since WP is set and forget.

    Any other tips would be greatly appreciated.

    I was going to just orobouros my way through old missions on a higher leveled toon, but orobouros doesn't have every mission, also losing all those powers is sad ;_;
  8. I love the animation for EC though.
    The best way to go for me would be 3 second animation time, 240 damage.
    Jump, float, kaPOW.
  9. Oh, I totally misread that. I thought it lowered damage resistance. So what would be the most usefull ammo? Maybe cold, since it lasts longer?
  10. Well, also it's a lot of fun. Get up to a high level, slot up the kb and run into mobs of Hellions.
  11. I've been playing weapons/regen scrappers a lot, so the redraw isn't too big a deal. Also, The plan, I think, was to use Chemical rounds and the AoEs in DP to debuff the resistance of the enemies and make my team do even more crazy damage.
  12. I rolled a Kin/DP because it seemed like a good idea at the time. I've never really played a defender before. Could I get some tips on what to expect in the long run?
  13. Tanker + Blaster/Scrapper duos are usually pretty fun. One time a friend and I made did a tank/balster duo where we were both fire/fire. It was a lot of fun.
  14. Ohi.
    I've got a DM/Shield that hit 50 this weekend, and she looks like a good choice to try out an IO setup with.
    I have about 100 million inf from selling one of those 7%recharge lotgs on a lucky drop.
    What kind of sets should I be looking at? I would like to softcap, but I'm only at 32% with my SOs and basic inventions.
    Recently I've been using tough, weave, combat jumping, and everything from shields that +defs.
    I'm not looking to solo AVs or anything ... yet, just looking for a budget build from wise people that know what they're doing a lot more than me.

  15. War_Hero_NA

    Def or Res vs AV

    Defense. A scrapper can softcap defense, which decreases damage by 90%, but a scrapper can only reach 75% resistance.
  16. Energy sled is very similar to throw spines in damage and range. It does a little less damage, but does knockdown.
  17. Has anyone else noticed that you can walk from Peregrine Island to Talos Island? If you just keep going southwest in the ocean, a loading screen flashes up and you are teleported to the ferry entrance in Talos.
  18. War_Hero_NA

    Dual Pistols....

    Smashing/lethal resists aren't a big deal. All of my characters 40+ do lethal damage. Blasters don't suit the equalibrium/jason bourne concepts. The characters that many of us fantasize about are very sturdy. An ma/sr/dp would fit the concept nicely, especially considering the new punch animations.
  19. War_Hero_NA

    Dual Pistols....

    Whats with all the doomsaying and parade raining? Spines has a huge cone and a ranged attack. It works fine. Stop bawing about ranged scrappers. If done correctly it isn't game breaking.
    I can see DP as focusing on short range cones and pistolwhips. A pistol uppercut where you fire at contact would be badass.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    Grant Cover only gives defense to your teammates, not to you. It gives you defense debuff resistance.
    Originally Posted by Deathbeforedisco View Post
    I am also tempted to make a second build and instead of taking Confront, Grant Cover, Shield Charge and Against all odds, I just take all four leadership powers for group play instead.
    The small defense buff to yourself and the team from maneuvers pales in comparison to the buff to the team from grant cover. 13.4% is much better than 3.61%

    Solo, I could see picking maneuvers, but if you are centered on teams, grant cover is more useful.
  21. War_Hero_NA

    Swift + Hover

    with 3 flys in swift and 3 flys + 3 winters gifts in hover, I'm getting 25.9 mph. That is not very fast though. You'd do better with a script that switches from hover to fly as you move.
  22. I got kicked of a farm once for killing stuff. The f/kin farmer was pissed that my spines/regen was killing stuff at a decent pace, I guess.

    Its pretty much the same thing, if you go off and do their job, they get insecure. Even though you are benefiting everyone. Its the only problem with scrappers, we step on people's toes.
  23. He mentioned dropping grant cover for manuvers. That seems kindof silly to me. GC gives more +def for less endurance.
  24. War_Hero_NA

    MA - DPS Chain

    Just export it with the vbulletin option
  25. ( 38343.75 / time ) + 127.8125 = DPS